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Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:00 am
by Inferno
Chapter 5: Nameless Things

"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things. Even Sauron knows them not. They are older than he." -Gandalf, The Two Towers

The Lost Halls of the First ElvenKing, The Mountains of Mirkwood, Rhovanion, Middle Earth
March 23, Year One of the Fourth Age
Day Five. Morning. Cloudy, gloomy, damp, cold

Charged with a desperate quest by Gandalf the White to avert the dark fate of Middle Earth, the noble Company has reached the Lost Halls of the First ElvenKing, a stronghold of the ancient world fallen to Shadow two thousand years ago.

None knew what nameless things lurked there now. It must be some dread evil, powerful enough to both draw all wicked things... and to terrify them.

The riven gates hangs open like a broken jaw. A chill wind emanates from the pitch darkness within, carrying upon it the stench of death.


Ravine Map:

The white X marks Folco. The Company trails behind him.
M marks where movement was spied by the elves.

PC Status:
  • Elbenarin: Male Dunedain Ranger 2: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 25/30
    Elbenwin: Male Dunedain Ranger 2: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 25/30
    Folco Boffin: Male Hobbit Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 11/21
    Gilda 'Gilly' Ironfoot: Female Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 26/41
    Glasik Ironfoot: Male Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 20/34
    Gilwennen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 13/13, Spells: 0/1 1st lvl
    Naruthirdor Nowe: Male Elvish Magic-User 2: Move: 12", AC: 10, HP: 7/8, Spells: 2/4 1st lvl
    Rumil: Male Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 11/12, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl
    Therone: Female Elvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 16/31
    Tinuwen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 12/12, Spells: 1/3 1st lvl
    Vindoboduoc: Male Man Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 19/19
    Red: Guard Dog: Move: 12", AC: 6, HD: 2+2, HP: 9/11, AT: 1, D: 1-4, THAC0: 16
PC Magic:
  • None currently.
Player Resources:

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:02 am
by wolfpack
Elbenwin will light his lantern and draw his sword and lead the way in

Evil has fallen this once sacred place, we must find our charge and return as soon as possible.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:20 am
by Scott308
Glasik Ironfoot

Be ready for anything. Who knows what we will find in here.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:30 am
by Starbeard
Vindo keeps his sling ready and falls into position beside Folco. He remains utterly silent as the company passes through into the underworld.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 4:48 am
by Rex

Rumil switches to his sword and shield and leads the way in. "Ever vigilant."

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 12:44 pm
by ravenn4544
Elbenarin follows. He examines the entrance for any indication of what evil may have passed the unholy gate.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:14 pm
by SocraticLawyer
Tinuwen remains alert, ready to fire Baudhring at any threat.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 3:35 pm
Folco checks this cave opening for recent action as well, looking around for anything that might be set up to injure them when they enter.

The once sheltered hobbit speaks out loud while he works. "I dont understand. I thought the old elves hated being under ground. Why did they built an entire hall here inside this mountain?"

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 5:00 pm
by Urson
Therone continues in rearguard, watching the brush and the clearings for at least a minute or two before joining the others.
She looks around, taking in whatever she can see of the interior. She says nothing, but her eyes are wet.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 6:09 pm
by rredmond
Naruthirdor follows along quietly with the others, he grasps his magic dagger in his hand as they go.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 9:11 pm
by wolfpack
OGRE MAGE wrote:Folco checks this cave opening for recent action as well, looking around for anything that might be set up to injure them when they enter.

The once sheltered hobbit speaks out loud while he works. "I dont understand. I thought the old elves hated being under ground. Why did they built an entire hall here inside this mountain?"

In the first age the halls served as a stronghold, treasury, and dungeon but the elven people did not dwell in the halls, they would dwell in the forest surrounding the halls.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 5:24 am
by Scott308
Glasik Ironfoot

Even though they didn't live there, the elves knew enough that being underground makes for the most defensible stronghold possible. They had millions of tons of stone they used to protect their most valuable posessions. Were they smarter, they would have lived inside the hall. Then, maybe their line would still be around, instead of leaving their hall abandoned all these many centuries.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:03 pm
by hedgeknight
Gilda Ironfoot

Gilly exhales and breathes in the damp air of the hall, relieved to be under ground once again.
Marveling at the ruins, she adds to her brother's words.
"Aye, there ain't no place like stone...fer a home. Me mind just don't understand why anybody would choose to live out in the open. Exposed! Nekkid! Who knows what could come and snatch ya up!
"Nah, give me a home of stone and dirt and I be happy. Ain't that right, Folco?"

Gilly takes a torch and lights it off of Elbenwin's lantern. Holding the blazing brand as high as she can, she walks deeper into the hall.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 4:36 pm
by Urson
Therone lets out a very angry grunt at the Ironfoot's insults to her ancestors, but says nothing.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:43 am
by Inferno
The Lost Halls of the First ElvenKing, The Mountains of Mirkwood, Rhovanion, Middle Earth
March 23, Year One of the Fourth Age
Day Five. Morning. Cloudy, damp, cold

Elbenarin and Folco find neither footprints nor traps at the severed gate of the ancient elvish fortress.

Therone's eyes blaze as she scans the wretched vale behind them. Suddenly, through the misshapen trees, the elf warrior spies fresh movement, closer than before! With a whispered warning, the Company quickly enters the lost Halls of the First ElvenKing!

Elbenwin and Gilly get lantern and torch alight, and the heroes are soon dwarfed and humbled by the vast immensity of the bastion of the ancient world.


Their footfalls echo alarmingly. All around them looms the enduring darkness, empty and fathomless. The Company feels acutely the lost glory and grandeur of the elves, here dimmed and forgotten forever.

The towering hall spreads northward and southward. All is deathly still. The eerie sense of unease is palpable and chilling.



One square = 20 feet. Lighter areas are visible. All else is from memory.

Ravine Map:

The white X marks the Company. M marks where movement was spied by the elves.

PC Status:
  • Elbenarin: Male Dunedain Ranger 2: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 25/30
    Elbenwin: Male Dunedain Ranger 2: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 25/30
    Folco Boffin: Male Hobbit Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 11/21
    Gilda 'Gilly' Ironfoot: Female Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 26/41
    Glasik Ironfoot: Male Dwarvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 20/34
    Gilwennen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 13/13, Spells: 0/1 1st lvl
    Naruthirdor Nowe: Male Elvish Magic-User 2: Move: 12", AC: 10, HP: 7/8, Spells: 2/4 1st lvl
    Rumil: Male Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 12", AC: 4, HP: 11/12, Spells: 2/3 1st lvl
    Therone: Female Elvish Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 16/31
    Tinuwen: Female Elvish Fighter/Magic-User 2/1: Move: 9", AC: -1, HP: 12/12, Spells: 1/3 1st lvl
    Vindoboduoc: Male Man Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 19/19
    Red: Guard Dog: Move: 12", AC: 6, HD: 2+2, HP: 9/11, AT: 1, D: 1-4, THAC0: 16
PC Magic:
  • None currently.
Player Resources:

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:00 am
by wolfpack
With no tracks to follow with Gilzimor in hand Elbenwin heads north

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 2:34 am
by hedgeknight
Gilda Ironfoot

Awestruck by the towering columns and stonework, Gilly gawks and gapes slowly turning in a circle, trying to take it all in. "A girl like me, why, she could live out the rest of her days right here! Therone! Yer folk...just...just look at this!"

After Gilly finishes geeking out about the entry hall, she follows the Dunedain north.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:08 am
by Scott308
Glasik Ironfoot

I don't know if the elves built this themselves or had it commissioned, but...grand. That's the word for it. This place is awe-inspiring. I would love to have seen somewhere this majestic filled with...elves, dwarves, hobbits, humans...activity! This must have been really something, a place truly fit for one of the great kings of old. I know the elven people prefer to live outside, but they had what is easily the greatest place i have seen, even after all these years of disuse. To see it in its day... The dwarf allows himself a few moments to take in the expert stonecrafting done in antiquity. That it has not crumbled to dust is testament to the skill of the unknown builders of this magnificent underground stronghold.

Come on, Glasik, back to the present. We need to pay attention. Something scares the orcs enough they won't enter, so we need to be alert for whatever that something is. Axe at the ready, he follows north.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:41 pm
by Starbeard

Whatever that something is echoes through Vindo's mind, causing him to doubt the utility of his meager sling and dull sword. He finds himself clutching a pouch of wolfsbane to his chest superstitiously as they move north.

Re: Chapter 5: Nameless Things

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 2:27 pm
by wolfpack
Listening to the dwarfs.

perhaps one day if we are successful and can drive the dark lord out of middle earth we will see these halls full again.