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The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:20 pm
by ravenn4544
Greetings - I'm about 200 pages away from finishing book 14 of the Wheel of Time series. Finally :). Made if half way years ago, but got distracted. Started up again recently and have been happily enjoying it. A few books in the middle where a little slower but the final few books have been pretty good.

So what's next? Any recommendations for a good epic series?

I've read Malazan Book of the Fallen a while ago and enjoyed that (i'll have to re-do that one again for sure), The Black Company, Game of Thrones, of course, and have a few others on hand but they aren't finished yet (I hate starting series that aren't complete :)).


Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:36 pm
by GreyWolfVT
ravenn4544 wrote:Greetings - I'm about 200 pages away from finishing book 14 of the Wheel of Time series. Finally :). Made if half way years ago, but got distracted. Started up again recently and have been happily enjoying it. A few books in the middle where a little slower but the final few books have been pretty good.

So what's next? Any recommendations for a good epic series?

I've read Malazan Book of the Fallen a while ago and enjoyed that (i'll have to re-do that one again for sure), The Black Company, Game of Thrones, of course, and have a few others on hand but they aren't finished yet (I hate starting series that aren't complete :)).

Well question I have would be have you read any of the old school D&D novels? Like the ravenloft series (open ended so really no specific order to worry about reading them in.) OR Dragonlance novels? Anything forgotten realms novel wise.

Only asking that as all I've been reading for the past 10+ years are old D&D novels. Currently reading Dragonlance Preludes book 1 about half way through and only started it a week or two back. I like to take my time.

I would recommend if you have not read them the Elminster series of books. Thats where this started for me when i was younger ready the first book part way through. Never completed it until maybe 2006 I think when i decided to buy a copy since I lost the one i had as a kid. That fueled the fire and I started buying older D&D novels and new ones too. I've read all that the Drizzt multiple series had at the time. Probably missing some new stuff since I haven't read a Salvatore book in probably 2 years now.

I really enjoyed most all the books I've read so far for D&D stuff. I would also say anything from Paul S. Kemp or Ed Greenwood is worth a read.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:30 pm
by tibbius
I'll go a little off the wall here and say that Hemingway and Hammett are good reads if you want to mimic their style in play by post. They're both good storytellers and write solid prose without a lot of embellishment.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:32 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I could also suggest H.G. Wells books. The Time Machine and War of the Worlds. Granted these are the only books of his I have read I really liked The Time Machine.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:42 pm
by Quonundrum
Highly recommend War of the Worlds!

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:46 pm
by Rex
Have you ever read Fred Saberhagen's Empire of the East and Books of Swords? Classics and great RPG inspiration.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:59 pm
by rredmond
Quonundrum wrote:Highly recommend War of the Worlds!

If you don't mind digital formats, right here is a good D&D place to start:


Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:33 pm
by tarlyn
Discoworld novels by Terry Pratchett.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 9:40 pm
by tibbius
tarlyn wrote:Discoworld novels by Terry Pratchett.
There is a scene in which dice actually fall from the sky, if I remember correctly. The gods run the game.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:01 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Terry Pratchett and Terry Brooks books are in my "to read list" as well so I couldn't suggest what I haven't read yet. :)

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:34 pm
by rredmond
tibbius wrote:
tarlyn wrote:Discoworld novels by Terry Pratchett.
There is a scene in which dice actually fall from the sky, if I remember correctly. The gods run the game.
Hah hah! For real? That’s great.
I don’t think I’ve read any Discworld books. I’ve heard of them, not sure why I haven’t read any.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:39 am
by tibbius
rredmond wrote:I don’t think I’ve read any Discworld books. I’ve heard of them, not sure why I haven’t read any.
They're a really humane and humorous version of swords and sorcery. The characters generally are likable people, although some behave in horrifying ways if you stop to think about what they're doing. Heroism is accidental in the earlier books, and tends toward "just doing my job" in the later ones. My favorite characters are Granny Weatherwax (a witch), Carrot (a six foot tall "dwarf" watchman), and of course Rincewind (a mostly-failed but graduated wizard with a knack for languages and surviving terrible decisions).

I should add that many of the books are available to borrow from

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:33 pm
by ravenn4544
Thanks for the suggestions. Much appreciated! I like the unique ideas.

Terry brooks was good - the first three (sword, elf stones, and wish song of shannarra).

Have read a lot of the forgotten realms and dragon lance series (the first dragon lance trilogy was great). The Avatar series in the forgotten realms was my favorite. I have Elminster in Hell but never read it - maybe dust that one off between epic series readings :). Enjoyed the Drizzt series too.

Started on a new series from Brandon Sanderson (stormlight or stormbringer series - i forget the name) and i like that - but that's 10 books and only 4 out so far so that's gonna have to wait. I ordered the mistborn series as reviews were good but never read it.

Katherine Kerr's deverry series was really good - characters were good.

Maybe i'll re-read Stephen Kings 'the stand' - that's apropos for the times :)

I'll have to browse my library and see what jumps out.

Any ideas welcome!

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:28 pm
by Inferno
Cormac McCarthy's The Road!

Another vote for Gary Gygax's list in Appendix N from the AD&D DMG:

And I'd add Tom Moldvay's list from D&D Basic as well:

They really speak to the game's roots in pulp horror and sword and sorcery vs the high fantasy of Tolkien that came to dominate the genre and the game (through no fault of Tolkien).

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:12 pm
by tibbius
I see C.J. Cherryh mentioned in the D&D Basic list, so I'll amp that up by specifically mentioning the Morgaine Chronicles. A strong and complicated female paladin and her ronin sidekick, written by an extremely learned woman. They travel between worlds through faery gates. The gates make them immortal. Something I'd like to re-read if I ever have sufficient time.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:25 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I realized I forgot to mention one of my favorites Douglas Adams. If you're into that type of thing I'd recommend it. :)

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 6:57 pm
by ravenn4544
douglas adams is just a work of art.

that list from Tom from the basic set is brining back memories. the first one on the list - the Book of Three - was the first fantasy book i ever read. Loved the artwork on that cover as a kid :) Still on the bookshelf!
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Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:16 am
by cybersavant
ANYTHING by Poul Anderson - i have all of Anderson' Asimov's, Bradbury's and Tolkien's wrtiings

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:14 pm
by Hadarai
If you enjoyed The Black Company Glen Cook has another series called "The Instrumentalities of the Night" that I've been enjoying immensely! It's got an entirely different feel, a bit more like a spy novel I guess but I really love the world building and dense cast.

Re: The Role of Books...

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:29 pm
by dmw71
rredmond wrote:If you don't mind digital formats, right here is a good D&D place to start:
This is awesome!