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Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:51 pm
by Zhym
You rest in Outpost for a while until everyone is healthy and ready to set out again. Without the constant threat of danger—the wonder of what might be behind the next door, the balancing of odds between riches and death—life in Outpost is safe, but awfully dull. Days pass like weeks.

Or maybe it's just that the DM slacked on the game for that long.

Eventually, however, you set out again for Big Stone Mountain. Your trek back is conveniently unmolested, and you arrive at the entrance of the mountain fresh, ready, and raring to go. You hope that nothing bad has happened to Penelope while you were away. Maybe today you will find out.

Please post actions, including any last supplies you purchase before leaving Outpost. As of my next update (which I hope will come sooner than three weeks from now), if it's not on your sheet, you don't have it.


First level:
ZRDC L1 (Current).png
ZRDC L1 (Current).png (40.51 KiB) Viewed 6708 times
Upper level:
ZRDC UL (Current).png
ZRDC UL (Current).png (19.69 KiB) Viewed 6708 times
Status: Grond (F1): 7/7; Twiddle (½1): 4/4; Molly (½1): 3/3; Cy (C1): 5/5; Iliro (E1): 6/6; Dax (D1): 9/9; Tanta (½1): 5/5
Effects: None
Light sources: None

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:31 pm
by VonAlric

"Well, we're back. I would prefer to investigate down here first. Let's start with the room we first explored here. There were a few doors in there that we can start with."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:44 pm
by Rex

"OK, sounds good. How about the double doors?"

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 10:50 am
by GreyWolfVT
Dax shrugs ready to attack something "Lead on whate'er way ya wanna go I'll follow."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:37 pm
by The_Wanderer

Cy lowers his wineskin just enough to say, "Yes, we're back. First floor is fine. Hopefully he girl is fine too."

A slight quiver in his hand is evident.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:08 pm
by VonAlric

"The double doors on the left between the stairs? Okay. Since we have lost two different thieves, let's have two different people listen at the door, double the chance we may hear something if it is behind the door. I'll listen, so someone else can also do the same. When we go in, Grond and Tanta should lead the way since they are fairly well protected. Everyone else file in behind."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:11 am
by Rex

"Sounds like a good plan." Tanta gets ready to move in once the doors open.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:11 pm
by Zhym
You decide to investigate the double doors between the stairs. Illiro listens at the doors and hears nothing. Someone else—it doesn't really matter who, this time—also listens, with the same result. Grond puts his shoulder into the left door, which opens with a protesting groan. Grond and Tanta lead the way in.

You are in a large chapel, about 60' long and 50' wide, with double doors set in the middle of the eastern wall. No other exits are apparent. At the far end of the room, a granite altar stands in the center of an apse on a raised dais. Dusty shafts of light filter into the chapel from narrow openings high in the 20'-tall stone walls. Dax marvels at the workmanship. The system of tunnels and crystals needed to direct natural light into a room this deep in the mountain must be magnificent.

Faded tapestries to dwarven dieties line the walls on either side of the apse. The walls are likewise decorated with dwarven religious scenes carved into the stone. Dax names some of them for you: Moradin forging the dwarves out of earth and stone; Clanggeddin Silverbeard, leading a mighty battle, dual battleaxes in his hands, a huge smile on his face; Dumathoin, laying veins of gold, silver, and mithril into the earth; Abbathor, greedily eying the precious metals his brother Dumathoin is laying down. Other scenes depict Barrownar Truesilver and Vergadain. Each of the carved scenes has sockets where gems—long since looted—must once have been set.

The strongest shaft of light shines directly on the altar. Atop the altar, sparking in the light, is an anvil with a silvery hammer resting on top of it.


ZRDC L1 (Current).png
ZRDC L1 (Current).png (35.21 KiB) Viewed 6519 times
Status: Grond (F1): 7/7; Twiddle (½1): 4/4; Molly (½1): 3/3; Cy (C1): 5/5; Iliro (E1): 6/6; Dax (D1): 9/9; Tanta (½1): 5/5
Effects: None
Light sources: None

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:34 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Dax looks upset to see the gems looted from the scenes depicting Barrownar Truesilver and Vergadain. "Durned thieves. No respect fer tha gods." he looks at the anvil and hammer in awe, wondering what what secrets and histories it might hold if only it could talk. "The anvil an hammer be a wonder ta behold." the dwarf walks towards it then stops and wonders if it is safe.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:24 am
by Rex

Tanta moves in and looks at the altar in wonder. Then she moves to the middle of the room and takes a defensive stance. "I will stand watch as others search for secret doors."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 1:38 pm
by The_Wanderer

Approaching the altar, Cy crosses one arm across his chest, bows his head and bows his head saying a silent prayer to the Gods of Law. "I'm not an expert but if this room has been pilfered and that hammer is still here, I would recommend not touching it unless you are absolutely certain. While the Gods usually want us to use Their weapons in Their battles against Chaos, they also tend to guard them close...especially the Dwarves. No offense intended.

For his part, he approaches the altar inspecting it closely, mostly out of reverence and curiosity. He does not touch anything, however.
Sorry, did we go up either of those stairwells previously?

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:25 pm
by VonAlric

"Let me take a quick look for any secret doors here first. Dax, you look for anything that a dwarf would be more inclined to find. Then we decide about that hammer."

Iliro will look for any secret doors in the room.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 8:05 pm
by Zhym
Dax is upset to see the gems looted from the scenes depicting Barrownar Truesilver and Vergadain. "Durned thieves. No respect fer tha gods," he says. He looks at the anvil and hammer, wondering what secrets they hold, and walks toward it—then stops, not sure if it is safe.

Cy agrees that the silver hammer, just lying there in a room that has otherwise been pilfered, is not something to be touched. But he approaches the altar and inspects it as closely as he can without touching it. It's truly marvelous. It seems to be part of the mountain, as if the rest of the room were carved away, leaving this altar.

Tanta stands in the middle of the room and takes a defensive stance as she waits for others to look for secret doors. Illiro obliges, giving the room a once-over. He finds nothing, however.

Status: Grond (F1): 7/7; Twiddle (½1): 4/4; Molly (½1): 3/3; Cy (C1): 5/5; Iliro (E1): 6/6; Dax (D1): 9/9; Tanta (½1): 5/5
Effects: None
Light sources: None

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 8:39 pm
by VonAlric

"Don't see any secret doors. If you don't think there is a trap, I'd pray before touching the hammer. Out loud. While I'm over at the open door."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 9:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Dax shrugs and bows his head uttering silent prayers to all the dwarven gods then looks at the anvil and hammer again. But waits to see if a "more nimble of hands" comes over to check for any trappings.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:25 am
by Rex

With Iliro on watch now, Tanta searches the perimeter of the room for secret or concealed stuff.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:05 pm
by Zhym
While Tanta takes a turn looking for secret doors, Dax continues to contemplate the silver hammer. Iliro stands way over by the open door, just in case.

Tanta doesn't find anything.

Status: Grond (F1): 7/7; Twiddle (½1): 4/4; Molly (½1): 3/3; Cy (C1): 5/5; Iliro (E1): 6/6; Dax (D1): 9/9; Tanta (½1): 5/5
Effects: None
Light sources: None

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:00 am
by Rex

"Looks like the hammer or we continue on."

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:16 am
by GreyWolfVT
Dax irritated at waiting finally just breaks and grabs the hammer. "Useless rogues." he mutters just before reaching for the hammer.

Re: Ch. 2: Return to Big Stone Mountain!

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:04 pm
by The_Wanderer

Startled by Dax's quick movement Cy hops back and shields his face with his arm.