Back To The Mines! 1

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Back To The Mines! 1

#1 Post by Tamerlaine »

After a change in personnel and some hasty construction, the party arrives at the mouth of the entrance to the mines.

OOC: I'm ruling that it will take two people to carry the thick oak iron-banded tower door and at least two to carry the trestle turned improvised bridge.

I will need a marching order that reflects the above. Also what is the light source for the party?

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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#2 Post by VonAlric »


"Let me look ahead before we start bringing things into the mine. Keep the light back as well so I can see. If they are waiting on the other side of this pit that the others fell into, it's probably best if we know that before we drag that bridge in."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#3 Post by Antman9 »

Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Ready for Action!

Hefting his half of the door/shield with Sister Parthenope, Raynor eyes the dark maw of the mine entrance and the Dwarven stone statue casting its foreboding shadow. “Ganeg may be at peace in there, but my spine says otherwise. Once the fray has begun I’ll feel better, but nary shall I feel good until the warmth of sunlight touches my face, he whispered. “If fortune is to be had in this pit of darkness, I shall do my best to find it.

As Ganeg moved ahead to scout, Raynor called out a word of warning, "Use caution my friend of the cold dark stone. She is not always kind.

Raynor hefts the shield when needed to allow the bridge/table to be put in place, then shuffles forward, but on the ready to drop and take up iron should Kobold blood need spilled.
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#4 Post by alver »

Cedric does not object to Ganeg scouting ahead. As the dwarf's back disappears from sight, he collects some 3-4 halfling fist-sized rocks for throwing.

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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#5 Post by Tamerlaine »

Ganeg enters the darkness of the entrance. Working his way around the bend, he can feel the familiar musty cool air against his face as his dark vision takes effect. The walls are chiseled rough, lacking the usual smoothness dwarves are known for. This tunnel was not high on their list, Ganeg muses as he slowly and quietly makes his way forward. Soon he comes to an opening in the ground. The kobolds did a good job of camouflaging the opening, he notes while peering down into the shaft. There, at the bottom, Ganesh can discern the remains of what was once human among the detritus.

Looking ahead, Ganesh sees nothing beyond the limits of his dark vision save a straight tunnel corridor. He also hears nothing as well.

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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#6 Post by VonAlric »


Straining for a moment and hearing nothing, the dwarf nods. He moves back with the same pace and stealth as he did moving in. Upon reaching the group, he informs them of the situation.

"Pit is still open. I didn't hear and sound from the other side of the pit. For about sixty foot, there was nothing that I could see. And if I can't see the rotten beggars, they can't see me." His right hand moves up with fingers spread and waves it in front of his face as he says the last sentence. Seeing blank stares, he continues. "It's a dwarf thing. Let's go in as quietly as we can. If we put the bridge on the right side close to the ledge, it helps us using shields. Let's kill the little beggars."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#7 Post by Antman9 »

Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Let the Kobold Games Begin!

Raynor pays close attention to Ganeg's report. "Good call Ganeg. I'm with you. Sister Parthenope, let's hoist this door, er shield, and provide safe passage for the rest. Keep a sharp eye, those rat dog men ma be lying in wait to spring on us. Crafty little vermin they are." Raynor hefts his half of the door/shield and moves forward down the tunnel when Sister Parthenope is ready.

OOC: Is Ganeg carrying a torch while the rest of us heft our door/table burdens along? He can use one of mine. If I'm not mistaken, Ganeg is the only one who can see in the dark.
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

Ganeg is also on hoisting duty, Fastolf, our NPC guide will carry the torch.
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#9 Post by alver »


"You can put a magic light on a rock so it shines, right? And then I will put it in my pocket so it doesn't shine. And when the kobolds shoot at us, bam! I will throw the rock to where they are hiding."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#10 Post by Tamerlaine »

Steeling themselves after Ganeg's short reconnaissance, both the improvised door shield and bridge are hoisted and brought into the tunnel. As they approach the lip of the pit (marked as 3 on the map), the 'bridge' is slid across. Fastolf lights another torch, holding one in each hand as the group carefully cross one side of the pit.

Nothing happens thus far. No black arrows come flying from the darkness to the north. The party press on. Some are sweating, some have dry mouths as the tunnels runs straight north.

At last the tunnel walls fall away west and east as the party finds themselves entering a wide chamber. The sound of rushing water can be heard while Fastolf tosses one of his torches ahead. It bounces, sparks flying as it skitters ahead, stopping just shy of a slightly curving narrow bridge. At the mouth of the south side of the bridge, on other side are grisly totems adorned with skulls and bones, including the bloody and torn head of one barely recognizeble as Aldredus. To the left and right of the party is an alcove set with a closed door within.

Shadows can be seen on the other side of the bridge. A phalanx of four kneeling kobolds with spears out and ready blocking the north end of the bridge while six more holding knocked bows stand behind their mates.


A barking shout in broken common carries across the chamber. This Gut-Ripper territory! You trespass! You get warning, one warning, only warning! You leave, you live! You stay, you die! You be food for rats, beeg rats! Run away now!

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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#11 Post by alver »

Cedric steps to the left side alcove and tries to open the door, pushing and pulling.

If this is an ambush, better to know early. If this is a trap, nice knowing you guys :)
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#12 Post by Pulpatoon »

From behind the door-shield, Sister Parthenope lets forth a a full-throated reply: "Wicked creatures! This territory is not yours, be you gut-rippers, skull-strippers, skinny dippers , or panty-sniffers! This is the territory of the Immortal Gods! Your pitiful trophies and weak-kneed bravado will not prevent the Light of Judgement from shining upon its every nook and hidey-hole! Drop to the ground and abase yourselves before the Right and Proper Gods On High, or be prepared for our Furious Rebuke and Glorious Vengeance!"
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#13 Post by Antman9 »

Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Let the Kobold Games Begin!

Raynor chuckles a little to himself at both the Kobolds and Sister Parthenope. Then pokes his hear around the side of the shield/door..."Yeah, what she said you dirty rat herders! The only running will be your skinny tails fleeing our wrath! Yep."

Leaning toward Sister Parthenope he says in a matter of fact tone, "I don't think they're scared. Shall we take a few steps forward to show them we mean business?"

Raynor will move forward 3-4 steps, as space allows, with Sister Parthenope if she agrees to the action.
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#14 Post by Pulpatoon »

Sister Parthenope says out of the side of her mouth to Raynor, "Let the little one investigate the door, first. We should make sure the kobold's attention is on us, not him."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#15 Post by Antman9 »

Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Let the Kobold Games Begin!

"Good plan Sister." Raynor says to Sister Parthenope. "I'll keep an eye on those rat herders while Cedric hassles those doors."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#16 Post by VonAlric »


Hearing the kobold's barking about trespassing raises the hackles on the back of Ganeg's neck. He only hears conversation behind him but isn't listening as he take a step forward. He bangs the side of his shield with his hand axe several times to get his opponents' attention. He yells back to them in kobold.

"Gut-Ripper territory? Probably only because someone else let you stay here. These mines were dug by my ancestors, a great race of Dwarves. It was lost after a fierce battle between the dwarves and intruders. The Gut-Rippers were not that intruder. You did nothing to lay fair claim to this area, you cowards, you easy opportunity whelps."

"So, if you want to prove your claim, I give you this chance. Two of you, come across this bridge and face me. If you can beat me, put my head on a pike. If I defeat you, the rest of you scatter and never return here and leave this party be. Don't worry about the big ones, they will stay out of this for now. Come on, come prove your claim."

Ganeg straightens himself up to his full height, which still doesn't crest four foot with the helmet, and yells in dwarvish. "I am Ganeg Chainsunder and I will fight to my last breath!" When finished, he hunkers down awaiting his adversaries, keeping his shield up to prevent surprise arrows from hitting him. Using a low voice, he turns his head slightly back, keeping eyes forward, to speak to the party. "Hey Ray, did I do that right? Isn't that how you do that sort of thing? I don't quite remember what you said."
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#17 Post by Antman9 »

Raynor Kjarr: Human Fighter (HP: 8) (AC: 3/4/4 - Banded Mail, Shield)
Action/Status: Chuckling at Ganeg's Passion

Raynor chuckles a little to himself, somewhat quietly, so as not to arouse the dander of the Kobolds, but more importantly that of Sister Parthenope. She takes the religious fervor thing very seriously, not necessarily a bad thing either, especially in light of the dirty rotten stinking Kobold rat herders. A man, er Dwarf, of my own mind.

Peeking his head around the shield/door, Raynor replies, "Aye, my friend. Close enough for Human standards. Tell'em how it is!
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#18 Post by Tamerlaine »

After Ganeg’s words, there is much yipping, barking and hissing from among the kobolds, eliciting many an insult directed at the dwarf. Some are downright profane and thankfully the humans, especially the good sister, cannot understand their words.

The stalemate is suddenly and irrevocably sundered when at a shrill barking command, the party is welcomed by the twang of bowstrings! There is no surprise, so the party can respond after the missile attack by the kobolds.

OOC: Rusty doesn’t seem to be with us anymore, so Parson Paul is not there. That makes Parthenope and Raynorr directly behind the shield with Ganeg and Fastolf behind them while Cedric is off testing the doors to either side. Parthenope and Raynorr receive the benefit of the shield’s total cover and cannot be hit. Ganeg and Fastolf receive -2 and Cedric is out of cover and receives no benefit.

Cedric 1-2, Parthenope 3-4, Raynorr 5-6, Ganeg 7-8, Fastolf 9-10

Kobold 1 Attk: [1d10] = 8 To Hit [1d20] = 5 Damage [1d6] = 5
kobold 2 Attk: [1d10] = 8 To Hit [1d20] = 15 Damage [1d6] = 6
kobold 3 Attk: [1d10] = 2 To Hit [1d20] = 19 Damage [1d6] = 5
kobold 4 Attk: [1d10] = 6 To Hit [1d20] = 13 Damage [1d6] = 5
kobold 5 Attk: [1d10] = 8 To Hit [1d20] = 16 Damage [1d6] = 5
kobold 6 Attk: [1d10] = 4 To Hit [1d20] = 1 Damage [1d6] = 5

Interesting (and funny enough) how the majority of random rolls went to the dwarf after a moment of trash-talking!

Ganeg! Three times you feel the stirred-up wrath of the kobolds as arrows thunk against your shield, one caroming off your helm.
Cedric! A lone flier finds it's mark and you feel the gasping pain of an arrow slamming into you! You are still alive, but barely.
Pathenope and Raynorr!, you both feel arrows thunking into the improvised 'shield.' None of you feel the sting of the kobolds' wrath.


Cedric AC 6 HP 2
Parthenope AC 5 HP 6
Raynorr AC 3/4 HP 8
Ganeg AC 2 HP 9
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#19 Post by Tamerlaine »


The old warden, having an arrow knocked back and ready, fires off at Kobold Archer 6!

Fastolf Arrow Attk: To Hit [1d20+1] = 15+1 = 16 Damage: [1d6] = 4

The arrow hits the kobold in the throat and it falls back gurgling on its own blood as it dies.
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Re: Back To The Mines! 1

#20 Post by Tamerlaine »

OOC: For the new guys. The Campaign Number is 709. When posting your attack rolls using the US Dice Roller and put in both To Hit and Damage rolls at the same time, even if you miss.
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