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Action Thread 5

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:42 pm
by rredmond

Day 1 – 12:01p


The party enters into the cavern. By the light of the newly burning torch the party can see that this cavern is bigger than the torch casts light but irregularly shaped. What get's everyone's eyes drawn right away is above. The ceiling's are 15', but hanging down from them, are white pod-like shaped things. These are 6' long, 4' in circumference and there are about 20 of them. They hang long ways up and down.

Most of them seemed to be split open along a seem that seems to go from top to bottom, revealing a slimely interior that is likely the source of the smell of rotting fish that assails your noses as you enter.

Updating the map and stopping you just inside the entrance to the cavern.
Map is here: viewtopic.php?p=15581#p15581 .

HPs: Malak - 15/15; Varkos - 22/22; Ilhalevar - 8/8; Al'Zur- 7/7; SoT - 25/25; Wulfgard - 12/12; Zafalia - 11/11; Odo - 17/17; Rake - 6/6
WIH: Malak: short sword; Varkos: long sword; Ilhalevar: quarterstaff; Al'Zur: long sword; SoT: Spear, shield; Wulfgard: staff; Zafalia: spear, shield; Odo: short sword; Rake: long sword
MO (10’): 1- Odo and Malak; 2- Varkos and Rake; 3- SoT; 4- Ilhalevar and Al'Zur; 5- Zafalia and Wulfgard; 6- Rake
Consumables: Hooded lamp (Zafalia) - 4 hours left (off), 30' radius; Torch, 60 minutes (Malak), 40' radius; Torch, 60 minutes (off), 40’ radius.
--------Spells: Ilhalevar: 1-1/2; Al'Zur: 1-1/1; Wulfgard: 1-4/4, 2-2/2; Zafalia: 1-3/4, 2-3/3


Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:08 pm
by dmw71
rredmond wrote:What get's everyone's eyes drawn right away is above. The ceiling's are 15', but hanging down from them, are white pod-like shaped things. These are 6' long, 4' in circumference and there are about 20 of them. They hang long ways up and down.

Most of them seemed to be split open along a seem that seems to go from top to bottom, revealing a slimely interior that is likely the source of the smell of rotting fish that assails your noses as you enter.
"Bleck!" Malak groans, almost dropping his torch to cover his nose. "What are those... things?" he wonders aloud.

He attempts to answer his own question: "A cocoon of some sort, maybe?"

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 10:26 pm
by tkrexx
Cocoons are as good a guess as any, the Ranger mutters as he takes in the sights.

How high off the floor are the pods? And how many are split/not split?

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:04 am
by Vargr1105
"Why do I have the feeling we'll be needin' fire in short order?" Rake mutters aloud to no one in particular as he gazes at the structures on the ceiling.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:08 am
by Argennian
Vargr1105 wrote:"Why do I have the feeling we'll be needin' fire in short order?" Rake mutters aloud to no one in particular as he gazes at the structures on the ceiling.
"Because these might be what the plant-men are...grown in, perhaps? Regardless, I have never seen anything like it..."

Zafalia's visage screws up tight as she mutters an oath to the Earth Mother under her breath and creeps forward to inspect one of the cocoons. She is mindful not to step on anything that might have come out of them but wants to get a closer look to learn what she can and see if it resembles or is similar to anything she might have a natural knowledge of.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:11 am
by Vargr1105
Rake nods silently at Zafalia's words and makes a decision. Searching on his pack he produces one of his own torches and begins lighting it with his flint and steel.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:10 am
by Alethan
Ilhalevar quickly scans the pods to see if any are still sealed...

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:17 am
by dmw71
Argennian wrote:Zafalia's visage screws up tight as she mutters an oath to the Earth Mother under her breath and creeps forward to inspect one of the cocoons. She is mindful not to step on anything that might have come out of them but wants to get a closer look to learn what she can and see if it resembles or is similar to anything she might have a natural knowledge of.
Malak trails Zafalia like a little lapdog an overprotective bodyguard.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:29 am
by Nuke66
Al'Zur steps into the cavern and slides toward the back by the door. He watches to see how it plays out.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:26 am
by saalaria
The big man also stays close to the druidess in case of pod activity.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:38 pm
by Distorted Humor
Odo mutters

"I am not a religious man, but we need to cleanse this with fire..."

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:13 pm
by Vargr1105
"Here." says Rake as he passes a lit torch to Odo, "Got a feel we'll be doin' some religiosity pretty soon."

He then proceeds to light a second torch for himself.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:54 pm
by rredmond

Day 1 – 12:02p


As Son of Thunder and Ilhalevar look closer they can count that there are 20 pods, placed irregularly throughout this cavern. All but two of them are split open. They are suspended from 2 or 3 3-foot long stem-like things that attach them to the ceiling. Then they are all pretty uniformly about 6 feet long (and 4 feet around), which means that they are suspended about 6' off of the floor (the bottom part of the pod is 6' from the floor). The open one that is furthest south, is about a foot higher off of the ground than the one's up close. It's hard to tell whether it's a due to the stem things being shorter or the ceiling being higher.

Rake and Odo ready torches while the druidess squints to get a closer look. They are split from top to bottom on a seam, that you can see on one side of the unopened pods. It's not completely foreign to you, but in your experience pods are for coccooning or growing. And coccooning can be for transformation or sustenance.

Now that you've entered the room, the entire place smells unpleasantly of rotting fish. Underneath each pod is a puddle of what looks (and smells) like fish mush. The insides of the open pods also seem to smell as such.

Going to assume that the first two ranks of the MO are just inside, with Al'Zur just to the side, and the Cleric just on the outside of the entrance.
Map is here: viewtopic.php?p=15581#p15581 .

HPs: Malak - 15/15; Varkos - 22/22; Ilhalevar - 8/8; Al'Zur- 7/7; SoT - 25/25; Wulfgard - 12/12; Zafalia - 11/11; Odo - 17/17; Rake - 6/6
WIH: Malak: short sword; Varkos: long sword; Ilhalevar: quarterstaff; Al'Zur: long sword; SoT: Spear, shield; Wulfgard: staff; Zafalia: spear, shield; Odo: short sword; Rake: long sword
MO (10’): 1- Zafalia and Varkos and Malak; 2- Odo and Rake and SoT and Ilhalevar; 3- ; 4- Al'Zur (back to one side of the cavern opening); 5- Wulfgard; 6-
Consumables: Hooded lamp (Zafalia) - 4 hours left (off), 30' radius; Torch, 59 minutes (Malak), 40' radius; Torch, 60 minutes (off), 40’ radius.
--------Spells: Ilhalevar: 1-1/2; Al'Zur: 1-1/1; Wulfgard: 1-4/4, 2-2/2; Zafalia: 1-3/4, 2-3/3


Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:57 pm
by tkrexx
Finishing his studying of the cocoon-like pods, Son of Thunder spits a foul taste from his mouth and shakes his head. I see only one way to either confirm or reject our suspicions here, my friends. We must slice open one of these ... eggs, to see what waits within. Could be more scarecrows, but could also be some poor townsfolk being used as host-food for some other dark reason. He looks to the others for their thoughts.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:43 am
by saalaria
"agreed - let's see what's inside. If someone cuts I will be ready to engage whatever comes out"
Varkos takes up a combat stance just to the side of one of the unopened pods.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:25 pm
by rredmond
The two that are unsplit, are the two closest to you.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:52 pm
by Alethan
Ilhalevar stands aside to let the fighter types cut down the pods and split them open. She watches they tunnel from which they came to make sure nothing comes up on them unexpectedly...

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:55 pm
by Distorted Humor
odo has sword in one hand, Cleansing with fire torch in the other...

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:17 pm
by Argennian
Zafalia steps back away from the pod she was scrutinizing and readies herself for action. She will keep her senses mostly focused further down the tunnel past this area as her companions prepare to do some exploratory surgery on the enclosed pod.

Re: Action Thread 5

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:22 pm
by dmw71
Malak continues to stand with Zafalia, but make sure to keep a safe distance between himself and the unopened pods.