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Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 11:29 pm
by drpete
For general discussion & socializing...

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:03 pm
by ctcharger
Let’s see.. how much to share without getting my ID stolen or looking desperate and sad..…

52 years old…
Live in Akron, OH
Electrical Engineer working in Finance now

First roleplay game was Moldvay Basic in the summer of 1981….blew me away….
Play boardgames too, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Wargames not abstract, prefer that it have a map at least, cards OK
Play exclusively now PBEM using VASSAL or PBF on RPG Geek where I found this forum which has a lot going on!
I have solitaire and PC games but playing solo doesn’t interest me anymore… co-op is fun though…
Almost always the GM in the past but now enjoy being a player too
Last PBF game was as a GM of an investigation using Pathfinder, was my best PBF experience so far, hit or miss before that, mostly miss (people dropping out) although we had fun playing a FFG Star Wars adventure
Prefer the older versions of D&D, bummed out that Paizo decided they need a new version…
Can’t believe Paizo didn’t provide rules to play their Pathfinder Card game as a GM’d roleplaying game.

Working on finding a way to use my old MTG cards to assist in roleplaying. I love the artwork, interesting cards, and the older cards can be bought cheap now.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:45 pm
by drpete
Nice to meet ya, Craig :)

It sounds like we have a lot in common.

I'm 47 years old, a physicist turned teacher, in New York City.

I first got into D&D in... 79-80 with the Monster Manual & Holmes (I remember having chits and dice you had to crayon).

I took a long break from d&d in the 90s, and never really got deep into 3e, 4e or Pathfinder, but have enjoyed various old school games. I've been doing various types of online roleplaying since the 90s, including muds, pbem, pbf, etc.

I enjoy board games, but don't find much time for them these days. Maybe online is the answer to that, as well :)

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:40 pm
by shaidar
hi guys

well I'm 46 and a software engineer.

I started on the mid-80's at school with 1E, and then been playing 1E/2E on an off since then. Last few years I haven't had much change of a face to face game, but recently I do have a semi-regular online game.

involved in quite a few pbf, here and elsewhere.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:03 pm
by ctcharger
New York City?!?!


I travel there for work from time to time, cool place.

I dropped out of RPGs from the 90s to 2006 . I only recently learned Tom Moldvay was from the Akron area, I have been here since 2000 so I could have met him before passed. :(

I did buy Omegakron which I plan to run one day.

I still have my 1E books from Christmas 1981...good stuff..

A guy on BGG wanted to play MiddleEarth Quest which I had just bought. He showed me how to use VASSAL and we played that game for several years. One of my favorite games. We played Mage Knight and a Co-op Star Trek game too.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:22 am
by drpete
I had never heard of Omegakron... wow.

I have a pile of old modules and books. Definitely not all that I've ever owned, but a few strange old judges guild things, a Fez module, etc.

I've tried out Vassal, but just at the level of seeing what it was. I haven't actually played anyone with it.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:24 am
by drpete
So I'm hoping to get this game started in the next day or two, folks! Finish up any loose ends (the are a few background type things, a little shopping here and there, etc) and we should be good to go.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:55 am
by ctcharger
Vassal is very handy especially for monster games or limited space. PBEM goes faster than you think and it makes for a different game when you have a lot of time to strategize. Some games like GMT’s Elusive Victory are only playable in PBEM imho. Huge map , tons of SAM sites, air units everywhere, etc. Our cat has since passed but he was not above going Godzilla on my guys and chewed up my HMS Lion at one point. VASSAL saves you from that. Can be played in real time also using their server.

Gameplay wise... theater of the mind or maps? Or both?

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:47 pm
by drpete
I'm currently thinking mostly theater of the mind. I'll try to make things clear, but I mostly play on my phone, so I'm without great map making software :)

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:43 pm
by ctcharger
Sounds good.

I can’t seem to fire off the dice roller in my phone..maybe I am doing so
something wrong ? iPhone SE

Can't do it from either, just saw a note that it was offline..

will try again later

I have Fantasy Grounds which is pretty good, I bought it before someone mentioned that the great automation was pretty much limited to 5E. Oops...

I use RPTools Map Tool the most, very flexible and you can even add some macros to track wounds and the like.

Have not quite figured out Roll20...


Turns out the site was down... looks like I was able to roll the dice in the proper manner

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 9:24 pm
by ctcharger
Looking at running a basic D&D game down the road (will not interfere with this one) but I also like my OSRIC rules, either of them more popular than any others here?

Basic wise I am considering:
Basic Fantasy : great tools online
Holme's Basic
Moldvay Basic
Metzer Basic

I suppose I could do 1E also

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:56 am
by drpete
I'd say that 1e and LL are probably the most popular games here, though there are definitely lots of different games represented.

If you scan through the names of the various games (as well as the completed/archived forums, you can get a sense of what people play. There are a lot of really great people on here, though some of them are in a lot of games already.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:00 am
by ctcharger
Just did what said, 1E is well represented so maybe I will run something like that down the road.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:01 pm
by ctcharger
When I click on our threads, it takes me to the first page. Is there a way to have it take me to the latest post?

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:55 pm
by drpete
Below the link there's a "go to page" set of links. I think there's a forum setting to make them go in reverse order (newest first) also...

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:34 pm
by ctcharger
I will give it a try

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:47 pm
by drpete
Guys, before you try to free him, I'm going to rule that Ilyrios is not in the cell with you.

Should things move along with this character, we'll find a way to introduce him.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:04 pm
by ctcharger
Sounds good..

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:58 am
by drpete
Ctcharger.... here's a system for what you are trying to do...

Roll an intelligence check (d20-2) when you start to say something. You can correctly say one syllable for every point above 15 (for now). So 18-2=16 will give you as single correct syllable.

For this adventure, at least, you can't really chat with Dunulk. Point and mime, so that you can communicate your (simple) ideas to Dunulk, or talk to Shaidar, but don't just ask Shaidar to translate everything.

Re: Silver Eel Tavern (OOC Discussion)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:54 am
by ctcharger
I will give that a try. I can ask as much as I want, when he gives me donkey ears, maybe i’ll stop... :lol: