Session I: Summons

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Session I: Summons

#1 Post by dmw71 »

Your group has been in Waterdeep for only a short time, and have been doing your best to avoid drawing too much undue attention to yourselves, so it came as quite the surprise when you were approached one mid-morning by members of the City Watch.

Residents scatter and clear the way as you're being lead through the streets en route to what the Watchmen will only refer to as a "meeting."
Waterdeep City Streets (Resized).jpg
Waterdeep City Streets (Resized).jpg (221.75 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
After a couple of twists and turns through the city streets and you enter what appears to be a small town square, with a statue of a knight at attention standing in its center. On the opposite end of this square is a series of nondescript, multi-level buildings:
Town Square with Statue (Resized).jpg
Town Square with Statue (Resized).jpg (191.37 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
You're escorted through the front door of a building in the middle of the row and are not expecting the interior of the entire first floors of the building to feature an open floor plan... of an inn.
Concealed Inn (Resized).jpg
Concealed Inn (Resized).jpg (209.55 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
Your escorts fall back into the streets after you've safely entered, leaving you just inside the entrance of the concealed inn. Also in this space are two occupants.

You're promptly greeted by a raven-haired female introducing herself as Arvene Morrow, a Swordcaptain with the City Watch. Arvene is dressed in formal attire, including a darker cyan-blue dress coat over plum-colored breeches and many ornamental pieces, including a dagger at her hip.
Arvene Morrow.jpg
Arvene Morrow.jpg (67.4 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
If it wasn't for the flame being produced from his hand, Bogarte Locks may not have been immediately noticed. The tiefling stands further into the inn, in the corner, leaning against his staff and peering out the window and talking quietly, or perhaps muttering to himself.
Bogarte Locks.jpg
Bogarte Locks.jpg (98.25 KiB) Viewed 1685 times
"Never mind my assistant," Arvene starts. "Please, take a seat," she says, directing the group to accompany her at a long, rectangular table that can easily seat a dozen people. Platters of fresh smelling breads and meats; and pitchers of water, ale, and wine already occupy the surface of this table, as if this were a scheduled event.

After everyone has been seated, and while you fill your plates and tankards, Arvene resumes in a soft, measured tone. "You must be wondering why you've been summoned," she starts. "So, I will get right to the point,"

"You may or may not know by now that the docks been quarantined."
When she senses this may be the first you've heard of this, she goes on to explain that a mysterious disease -- which goes by many names, including Rat Pox -- is rampaging through the Dock Ward. "While we don't know much about it yet, it is believed to be magical in nature, and thus can’t easily be cured."

She allows this news to settle before continuing.

"Symptoms begin with a simple cough, but,..." she pauses briefly. "But, some of those afflicted have begun to grow rat-like features; including sprouting whiskers and hairy ears, growing fur and claws, and even tails."

She draws a deep breath, then resumes in a no-nonsense manner.

"Rest assured, the entire City Watch is focused on discovering the root of the outbreak and, hopefully, its cure."

"So, you must be wondering how this affects you. Two nights ago, in the cover of darkness, a courier arrived at our door bearing the seal of Jerald Brisby, a retired sea captain. In the message, Jerald claims he has top secret information about the truth behind Rat Pox... but the truth was too dangerous to share in writing, so he insisted upon meeting in person."

"He didn't show... and I fear the worst."

Arvene shares that Watchman Locks, a fledgling detective, has been able to track down the sea captain’s address, but it’s inside the quarantine zone. "Locks has already offered to venture inside, but it's too dangerous for him to go alone."

she says with a bit of emphasis. "That is where you come in. I need you to accompany Locks to Brisby's residence and hopefully locate the sea captain with the secret."

"Can I count on you?"
she asks.


Okay, we're off. This setup did require a wall of words, but hopefully that won't be the case throughout the game... but, with there being a lot of social interactions, and a lot of details to share, maybe?

Also, I did not have a chance to go through all the characters, or create the "footer" information that I include at the bottom of each of my action posts, but hopefully I will have this in place before my next update.

Well, have at it, folks. ;)
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Re: Session I: Summons

#2 Post by Rex »

Asmundr of Silverymoon: Male Human; Sorcerer Lvl 1; 9/9 HP; AC: 10

When Arvene finishes speaking Asmundr speaks in his best public voice "My Lady, I am certainly willing to aid in this endeavor. It seems that we will be taking significant risk, is there no aid you can give us to protect us from this Pox?"
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Re: Session I: Summons

#3 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl peers at the Lady to see if she has a tail protruding but finds only a view. A small relief. His mind is on the town. He thinks peering down at his full plate,"A fine spread, but the confines of this place here make me nervous. stifling almost." He sighs and focuses on enjoying the meal. It is a welcome change, practically speaking, from his usual fair of what he can find and forage. He shrugs. Thinking further, "A strange bit of magic to want to turn people to rats? why do that? why do that to the innocent?" He decides to help these innocents with a nod. "I'll help"
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Re: Session I: Summons

#4 Post by dmw71 »

"My Lady, I am certainly willing to aid in this endeavor," Asmundr says in his best public voice once the request had been issued. "But, it seems that we will be taking significant risk. Is there no aid you can give us to protect us from this Pox?"

"But, of course" Arvene replies without hesitation, releasing a barely perceptible sigh of relief as the indications that the group will lend its assistance begin to swell. "I expected that very question." she says, reaching for a shoebox sized wooden box resting on the table near where she's sitting. She rises to her feet and gently slides the lid off the box releasing a peppery scent. Tipping the box down to expose its contents to those seated at the table, the Swordcaptain shares that the flowers everyone now sees are freesia blossoms. "The fragrant peppery scent is said to ward disease," she adds, carefully returning the lid to the box. "Everyone agreeing to accompany Locks will receive one."

"Now, please, enjoy your meals, but are there any other questions?"




Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 08:17 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
Temp: 65 F
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Re: Session I: Summons

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Mysterious Firbolg Giantess Priestess

The huge female sits, eats, drinks, and listens intently to the facts about her groups newest mission, finding herself staring at the tiefling in the corner more often than she should be. Never being a big fan of that particular race, she has already formed some misguided opinions about their new employers.

"What's he got to do with all of this?" she grumbles, with a head nod towards the flame handed Bogarte.

When she catches Garl staring at Arvene's backside, she just smirks and shakes her head. "She's too big for you little fella", she thinks to herself.

"And I agree that there must be some means for us to be protected from catching this dreaded disease, ere the risk involved will simply not be worth our while! I don't think I would look very good with a long, skinny tail."

She reaches for one of the small flowers with her huge hand and frowns once the box is closed again. "Wadda ya mean said to help ward it off? Does it really work or not?"
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Re: Session I: Summons

#6 Post by BearSiren817 »

Azalea makes a plate of food. Sitting in silence listening to the conversation. She is shocked to hear of the dock quarantine, mainly because she hadn’t heard of it yet. She thinks to herself, “I really need to set up a better information network”.

She takes a pitcher of wine for herself and takes a long sip. “I’m willing to help. We can’t have this spread any further. Think of all the innocent children.” She really is more concerned how the docks being closed will affect some of the ongoing schemes she has set in motion.

Azalea makes a mental note to be wary of anyone coughing.
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Re: Session I: Summons

#7 Post by prospero »

Zeb barely gets his gloved hand to his face to cover a heavy cough as he passes the others.
"I have to ask......." pauses looking for something on his pouch " is there a bounty on this captain? should be expect trouble from him/her? will they be expecting us?" "we always must be aware of all ingress and egress routes.......last time I had no egress route I ended up falling off a building during a rooftop...." looks around to see he is most likely boring any who may be listening.....

"yes yes.. I have not been through the dock ward in a interesting to see any developments.." lights a piece of plant for a smoke......
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Re: Session I: Summons

#8 Post by Scott308 »


Ooooh, man! I never would have guessed there was a bar in here! That's a pretty bodacious trick, although you won't get a lot of customers if nobody knows it's here! The monk helps himself to a huge plate of food before he weighs in, not bothering to stop eating while he speaks. Dude...sorry...dudette! I'll totally help! A disease that turns people into rats is bogus, man. Everybody wants to just chill and do their thing, but they can't really do that if they turn into a rat. Unless being a rat is your thing. But then I guess you wouldn't really have to worry about turning into a rat at that point.

Getting up to get another plate of food, he continues his rambling response. I'm totally stoked that you asked us for help, your ladyness. I do have one question, though. If those flowers are supposed to ward off disease, wouldn't it be gnarly if you gave one to everyone in town? That's not being very neighborly if you hoard them all. I'm still going to go on this excellent mission, but you might want to think about it. Oh, man, this food is most tasty, by the way. Now that I know it's here, I'm gonna make sure to come back.

Looking at Locke as if he just noticed him for the first time, he comments, Oh, by the way, dude- just so you know, your hand is on fire. Might want to get that looked at.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session I: Summons

#9 Post by ravenn4544 »

Garl considers the offer of the flowers and wonders how to use them. Do you eat them? Do you smell it every five seconds? Holding his up, "How do use these?"
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Re: Session I: Summons

#10 Post by dmw71 »

"What's he got to do with all of this?" Louchi, the giant firbolg grumbles, nodding with her head in the direction of Bogarte. "Well, he is my detective, and he knows the way to the sea captain's house, so you, in a way, will be his escorts and protection. Plus, with the docks on quarantine, Locks knows a way to sneak into the area that is otherwise off-limits."

"As for the freesia blossoms, they're said to ward off the affliction... but, it's still too new to know for sure. I'm entrusting Locks with it, if that means anything... and you'll wear them, not eat them,"
she says, casting a glance a Garl.

Lady Morrow nods at Azalea in appreciation for her concern over the welfare of the children.

"As for a bounty, no,"she says in response to Zeb, "I was wondering when one of you entrepreneurial types would inquire about financials. I am prepared to offer 200 gold pieces to any group willing to escort Watchman Locks, investigate what happened to the captain, and uncover the 'truth.'"

"And no, captain Brisby should not pose a threat to anyone working under my command."

Lady Morrow excuses herself from the table to consult with Locks and share the good news of your involvement. Before leaving, however, she shares one final detail:

"The civilians inside the quarantine zone are planning a prayer march -- the Salvation Parade -- this afternoon. I expect you to complete you investigation before the march concludes."




Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 08:18 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
Temp: 65 F
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Re: Session I: Summons

#11 Post by Scott308 »


Unleashing a very loud, very long belch as he finishes his third plate of food, the monk asks, So, your ladyship, do we need to go right now, or is there time for a nap? A quick nap after a big meal is one of life's more simple pleasures, brah.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Session I: Summons

#12 Post by Rex »


Looking at Sandro. "Although you are correct about naps my friend, I think we should be going. Much is on the line and little time."
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Re: Session I: Summons

#13 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Louchi gives Sandro “the look” next, unaccustomed to such manners, even though she is a giant. Never being very fond of hurrying, she sighs and speaks her mind.

“We will need to make haste! No screwing around on this one! If Locks knows the way around any trouble, we should be off directly!”

She looks down at the box again.

”Maybe I should take two of the flowers, you know, being a giant and all.”
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Re: Session I: Summons

#14 Post by BearSiren817 »

Looking around at the group, “I am definitely ready to go now”. Azalea asks for a flower and thinks to herself, “this ragtag group is going to need all the help they can get trying to sneak their way into the quarantine zone”. She sighs and glares at Zeb.
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Re: Session I: Summons

#15 Post by dmw71 »

"I'm afraid your friends are right," Lady Morrow says to Sandro, eyeing the giant turtle suspiciously. "I really must insist that naptime wait at least until you learn of Captain Brisby's whereabouts."

She nods after Azalea indicates her readiness to leave now.

"So, then if there's nothing else, Locks will lead the way."


Moving the game here: Session 2: Quarantine Zone.



Date: 19 Quintilis, Year 7102
Time: 08:19 (Sunrise: 06:58, Sunset: 18:43)
Temp: 65 F
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