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Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:26 pm
by Marullus
Having accepted Dvalen's hospitality and camped for the night at his modest hovel, the party then spent the better part of a day returning to the caravan, moving at an achingly-slow pace down the west side of the River Running - currently stalled in a muddy campsite a half-day from the forest's edge. The boredom and irritation remains clear on the faces of dwarves as you come back among them: clan, family, class, and allegiance strife deepens the longer they loiter without a positive vision of the future, and the elders do little to fix the problem, arguing amongst themselves.

Who do you seek first? (Relationships can be sought automatically, others require a Circles test.) You can split up or stick together.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:29 pm
by ffilz
Here's to hoping a Quartermaster is among the camp... I will try to circle up such in hopes of talking to someone friendlier than Gorya...

Durgar and Thrim could help. I don't know if my reputation as a dwarven noble will help.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:37 pm
by Marullus
Khûdrarn greets soldiers as he works his way through the outskirts of the camp - the place where the real work of moving an army (and its civilian baggage) happens. His reputation as a Graybeard of noble stock (+1 Dvergar) helps grease some wheels among the footsoldiers to find out who is really making things happen in the encampment and its supplies.

Since you're a Graybeard and a quartermaster is more likely from an educated background as well, you're Dvergar trait is fine. A Quartermaster is within the scope of a Host lifepath so both Thrim and Durgar can help. You didn't buy any reputation as a Graybeard or affiliation with the Host, so you're not aided in any way there. So... you are looking in the encampments (proper place, no change) for someone frustrated by the caravan's lack of movement (normal condition for circumstance, no change) to find a fellow noble (+1D) who is a quartermaster (outranks you, +1ob) and is capable of helping your argument to Gorya (specific knowledge +1Ob). You have 3D circles +1D Dvergar +2D Help for 6D.

6D vs Ob3 (Routine test for Circles attribute. If you refuse help, you can roll 4D v Ob3 for a Difficult test). Roleplay and roll. Thrim and Durgar should add their help narrative to flesh it out.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:06 pm
by ffilz
I’ll accept help so will wait a bit for response before rolling.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:40 pm
by Marullus
Please send them a PM to let them know. :) We can (hopefully) kickstart this.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 2:27 am
by Craigers07
Thrim joins Khûdrarn in searching for an influencer. He keeps an eye out for any familiar faces among those in the caravan.

Re: Chapter Two: Convincing the Caravan

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 2:32 pm
by Marullus