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Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:48 pm
by Marullus
Companions setting out to Guhra's Tower to deal with Guhra's goblin band, investigate the dungeon, and recover the remains of fallen adventurers who tried to do the same.

Earc - MU
Bianca - elf
Winnie - MU
Olaf Olafsonson - dwarf
Isaachar - Cleric
Halfpint - hobbit
Casper White- cleric
Funil - dwarf
Drunil - dwarf

Pony the Mule
Mrs. Dash the Guard dog

Adventure begins here.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:20 pm
by Zhym
Olaf looks at the group: a cleric, an elf, two mages, and himself. "Aye, another fighter be good."

OTOH, if all the arcane spell casters know sleep, what'll we need fighters for? ;)

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:07 am
by Alethan
OOC: Because I'm opposed to the method by which every mate memorizes sleep as much as they can and every battle starts off by putting as many enemies to sleep as possible and then killing them, rinse and repeat until out of sleep spells, then rest to recover and start all over.

But also because undead can't be put to sleep. And neither can creatures over certain number of HD., or creatures with magical resistance. And sometimes the dice gods give you low numbers when you roll to see how many HD are affected by the spell.

Earc won't memorize it more than twice as a general rule. But especially now that his magic missile spell is for three of the bolts, he might have that spell available more so than sleep.

And I'm not sure what spells the virgin sacrifices... er... the new girls have. Earc isn't likely to freely share knowledge with anyone without first knowing them pretty well. I think most casters would hold their cards close for a while.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 11:35 am
by Rusty Tincanne
As OOC knowledge, Winnie can memorize 3 spells/day. It will likely be charm person (x2), and comprehend languages (x1).

I was going to recruit Gord, but only have 5 gp to outfit him - which will buy a backpack, bed roll and some food. Is it worth having a level 1 fighter with us?

I assume there are no Rangers available to hire. Marullus?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:41 pm
by Marullus
No rangers available. Halfpint added to the expedition. Grizzly Woman unavailable. Post IC when you're ready to depart.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:06 pm
by onlyme
Halfpint needs to reload her gear, but needs the coinage (how little there is) from Foxy trip squared away to do so...

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:35 pm
by Alethan
onlyme wrote:Halfpint needs to reload her gear, but needs the coinage (how little there is) from Foxy trip squared away to do so...
No worries; not in a fantastically huge rush. Can easily wait for HP to get her money.

Should we post pre-adventure tasks here, as well, Maurullus? Like the buying of any supplies?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:36 pm
by Marullus
Yes, that's fine.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:55 pm
by Zhym
Olaf is ready to go.

Are we bringing mounts and pack animals? Basically, should Olaf bring Pony the mule, or keep it stabled again?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:27 pm
by Alethan
OOC: I'd say it's up to you. Keeping in mind if mounts are brought, they need to be hobbled or cared for if we go down into dungeons where they can't go. Earc doesn't have a mount. But he won't tell anyone they can't bring theirs.

I'm going to try and do an update post tomorrow, but... I'm going to be out of town starting Friday. And I will literally be on the other side of the planet for about 10 days. I can't be certain about how much time I will devote to posting on the forum. Likely my forum activity will be close to nil for much of that time.

With that in mind... I'm not sure it's fair to have Earc lead an expedition out when I'm not able to make decisions and party lead for most of the next two weeks. We can either delay the start until the 15th or... someone else can take the role of party leader.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:38 pm
by Zhym
It can be a real pain to drag loot back to town if we don't have any beasts of burden, though.

Could we hire someone to look after mounts? Mules can enter dungeons, right?

How about appointing a "deputy leader" to get us to the 15th?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:59 pm
by onlyme
Halfpint is still mourning her lost pony and would not be ready for another one yet. Plus she has little money to replenish supplies lost in that pony as it is.

Agreed that appointing an assistant to the party leader sounds good for 2 weeks. What's the worst that could happen in your absence?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:51 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
We find a portal to hell, or sells their souls to a demon, or releases a dragon, or a TPK, or gives a goblin the ability to raise the dead, or leaves a pair of baby dragons blind, thereby pissing of their mommy dragon, or...

Damn. This sandbox is treacherous.

Caper or Halfpint as interim leader?

Are there any supplies the group should have in particular?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:41 am
by Alethan
Well, the objective is to clear the tower of goblins. But there is also a dungeon. I suspect the task of clearing out goblins will be fairly difficult and we might not get to the dungeon right away.

Like I said, I've nothing against taking mounts or pack animals. If we want to do that, we should bring along a second animal to make it worth the effort, and Earc will chip in towards hiring two fighters to guard them and a stable boy to care for them. Straight fees, no shares.

I'm fine with a second taking leader roll for two weeks. I can try to chime in when possible, in any case, just don't expect any Bandy-length posts.

Earc plans on picking up a healing potion or two for emergencies. If you have spare coins for it, I'd recommend everyone have at least one healing potion in their pack.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:43 am
by Alethan
Hedgeknight, is Casper up for backup leader to head off the expedition while Earc is lost in his thoughts?

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:07 pm
by Zhym
Pony is a mule, so he can come into a dungeon with the rest of the group. I think I'll just plan on Olaf bringing him along. If we want to get another pack animal, Olaf will also chip in on some hirelings to take care of them.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:17 pm
by Alethan
OOC: Not if the dungeon entrance is a trapdoor with a 30' drop down a rope to get to it... that's a bit of META, but is how the lost party entered the dungeon, from what I remember.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 2:28 pm
by Zhym
So we rig up a pulley and winch system and lower Pony down the—

—yeah, that'd be a problem. But Olaf's still grumpy about having to drag stuff back at a crawl from his last expedition. He'll really want pony with him this time.

If we ever get as far as the dungeon, it'll mean we've cleared out the goblin tower, so it should be reasonably safe for a stable boy and a couple of fighters to watch the pack animals.

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:07 pm
by Alethan
Zhym wrote:If we ever get as far as the dungeon, it'll mean we've cleared out the goblin tower, so it should be reasonably safe for a stable boy and a couple of fighters to watch the pack animals.

I suppose I should mention that Earc does have a levitate spell, but... there's always a chance you get Pony down and then something happens to Earc and you can't get Pony back up.

Then you have to have some sad parting words with your mule when you have to leave him down in the dungeon to die.

"Stay gold, Pony..."

Re: Expedition: Earc/Guhra's Tower - 15 July 2021

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:19 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Alethan wrote:Stay gold, Pony