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Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:18 pm
by Distorted Humor
As the party approaches, you see ripples in the water,and your weary eyes widen as five giant frogs hop out to the party. There is one large frog, and 4 smaller frogs. They the party was ready, and not surprised, however the sight of five giant frogs heading to the green party does cause some nervousness.

Everyone roll for Initiative. Also for time sake, roll to hit and damage rolls while your at it ;)

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:54 pm
by max_vale
Vax was suddenly interrupted from his questions to the newcomers by the sight of 5 giant frogs leaping out to attack the party.

Letting out a quick; "May Rudd protect us!"; he took a couple of steps back and away from the other party members to give himself some room and wound his sling around and attempted to launch a bullet at the biggest frog...

Initiative: [1d10] = 1

Attack Roll (1d20 + 1 due to DEX 16): : [1d20 + 1] = 12+1 = 13

Damage Roll (1d4+1 per Sling Bullet damage): [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:10 pm
by Xaxyx
Initiative: [1d10] = 4

Cerun is aghast that the group has been assaulted by giant frogs. Clearly, they must be starving and desperate, no doubt due to the human presence in this area driving away their natural prey. Hoping to help prevent an unnecessary carnage, he attempts to soothe some of the creatures, bringing them under his own sway.

OOC: Animal Friendship on the nearest frog(s), as many as the spell will permit. I believe it's currently limited to two HD worth of targets, though how my character makes this determination has always been a bit foggy to me. ;)

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:21 pm
by tkrexx
[1d6] = 3

EDIT: Scratch that.

[1d10] = 5

Arrow already nocked, Vicroar lets fly at the largest amphibian.
[1d20] = 5 +2 dex = 7

EDIT: Thx for the reminder, Bloodymage!

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:49 am
by bloodymage
DH's house rules specify a d10 for initiative.

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:04 pm
by Greywolf
Fendor moves steadily and warily towards the larger frog while striking at it.


Initiative: [1d10] = 7

Hit rolls:
[1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21
[1d20-2] = 8-2 = 6

Large damage:
[1d12] = 7
Medium damage:
[1d8] = 5

Natural 20 with longsword!!! Is that a critical hit?

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:29 pm
by acererak
Eichar, not wishing to expend his only magic so early will position himself between his two fighter companions and the frogs while holding his quarterstaff.

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:40 am
by Distorted Humor
Round one

Vax Stone hits home, Leaving small frog 1 somewhat hurt.

The frogs jump forward as Cerun begins to his spell.

The large frog attacks Gyles Stone, and he is badly bitten. (6 points of damage.)

Small Frog 1 Hits Fendor for 1hp
Small Frog 2 Misses
Small Frog 3 Hits Gyles Stone for 1hp
Small Frog 4 Misses

A arrow flies, and misses

Fendor strikes the large frog, is is badly wounded.
Asold The Boarkiller Misses
The badly wounded Gyles Stone puts his sword though the Large frogs head, killing it.

(note to Xaxyx - Animal Friendship takes six TURNS, I will let you stop it if want without penalty).

End of Round 1

One large Frog Dead
Gyles Stone, Hireling lost 7 hp, he has three left.
Fendor has taken one hit point damage.

4 small frogs remain.

No state your actions for round 2 :mrgreen:

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:39 am
by Greywolf
Seeing the big frog croak [hehe], the elven ranger/cleric directs his attention to the little frog who just put a lick on him.


Initiative: [1d10] = 2

Hit rolls:
[1d20+1] = 20+1 = 21
[1d20-2] = 20-2 = 18

Assuming medium or small size:
[1d8] = 2
[1d6] = 4

Wow, unbelievable! 2 Natural 20s! Expect some misses in the near future. [edited from except]

Did Vicroar miss a second bow shot last round?

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:54 am
by tkrexx
Vicroar will also switch targets, to a smaller frog.

[1d10] = 4
[1d20] = 14 +2 Dex, +1 Elf (Neglected last round) =17
[1d6] = 2
2nd bow TH (If allowed) same frog
[1d20] = 18 +2 Dex, +1 Elf = 21
[1d6] = 4

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:46 pm
by bloodymage
1d10 → [7] = (7)

1d20→ [7] = (7)
1d4 → [3] = (3)

Using Invisible Castle. Unseen Servant took to long to come up. Btw, Nalin attacked last round as well, but missed there too.

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:24 pm
by max_vale
Vax slipped another bullet into the sling; wound it around and let fly at the small frog attacking the badly bitten Gyles...

Initiative: [1d10] = 2

Attack roll against Frog #3; +1 due to DEX 16:
[1d20+1] = 6+1 = 7

Damage (if target hit): [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5

(Wow....I beat the HELL out of some poor bird gawking at the battle!)

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:48 pm
by Xaxyx
With a deep sigh of regret, Cerun abandons his attempts at using magic to intervene. Clearly, this was going to be a fight to the death. Rather than see any further harm come to his fellow humanoids, he stepped into the fray, hoping to end the lives of the frogs quickly and mercifully.

Attack with scimitar: [1d20] = 16 to-hit, [1d8] = 7 damage

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:55 pm
by Distorted Humor
Round 2

The Boarkiller is quick on his feet, but just misses a small frog with a "Stop hopping and let me kill you"
Gyles Stone is more lucky, striking the frog that bit him, Small frog 3 Croaks the final croak.
Fendor strikes down the small frog who bit him, and it goes to the great pond in the sky with two massive blows.
A stone goes flying, but misses everyone.
The remaining frogs attack,
Frog 2 and 4 miss, badly.
Vicroar kills frog 2 with well aimed arrows. one of them though its beady little giant eyes.
Cerun sighs as he kills frog 4 with a heavy heart blow. Both in his heart, and the frogs heart which is now non functional.

CONGRATS - the party has defeated the frogs.

We will keep this as a action thread.

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:30 pm
by acererak
Eichar grins sincerely Well met. I am Eichar, quite an impressive feat of arms. I would join your august body if you would permit a humble wielder magicks such as myself to do so. With that he bows.

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:23 pm
by max_vale
Vax nods to the Mage and replies; "It is nice to meet you Eichar; I will not speak for the others; but I certainly would welcome you to our party."

Making his way over to the badly biten Gyles; Vax asks him; "If you permit me warrior; I will invoke the blessings of Rudd and attempt to heal your wounds."

OOC: If he says "yes"; I'll cast CLW (1d8 hps restored) on him for: [1d8] = 7

Re: Ribbit (action thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:08 am
by Distorted Humor
Gyles smiles, "I feel like new again mate"

Gyles opens up the large frog, and smiles, and tosses to the party a Amethyst found in the gut of the frog "Look what this frog had."

(OOC: the party now has a very loyal hireling in Gyles.