A calling to Triel

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A calling to Triel

#1 Post by spanningtree »

You all read the message:

Lord Cranton, the current overseer of the lands east of Baulders Gate, has put forth an invitation for experienced men and women-at-arms. Farming villages and communities near the Trielta Hills have come under the systematic siege of giants! Only battle hardened individuals need apply. Please find your way to Triel on the eve of the mid-summer solstice and find a representative of the lord in The Reaching Woods Inn. The compensation will be worth your time!

Who the hell is Lord Cranton? Was your first question but then after a moments thought you didn't care. Checking with local tradesmen or possibly a local map maker or maybe from a new drinking friend around a tavern table you all came to know where Triel is. Just east of Baulders Gate is a small farming community out in the middle of nothing. Sure, there is some lumber trade also and a bit of gold and silver being pulled in from the local hills but this is pretty small. There are not even rumors of long ago battles or ruins of once great fortresses that would have made the place of interest. Nope, just farm land and forest.

Either way, for you own reasons you decided to make your way to Triel. There is the sound of good money to some. To others there is the justice of helping a cry for help against a menacing enemy that crushes the innocent without mercy. Maybe it was a racial thing, giants are not good to have on the loose. And finally, for some, it's something to do because this kind of invitation is what you do.

Some of you came in through the forest and the village of Ironwood (lumber) and some of you came in on the main road through the village of Deadplow (farming). Both villages were not much more than a collective of villager houses and some shared industry related buildings. A bite to eat at a local villagers house was the only service you experienced but were happy the price was only a single silver coin. Finally, on the mid-summer solstice eve you found yourself in Triel. Triel is the center of trade in this area and has a population of about 400. Wandering down the main (and only official street) you pass some inns, tavern, smiths, homes and other buildings in good repair. There is a small tower in the city to the south but the lack of a flag or banner of any kind makes you think it probably does not belong to "Lord Cranston". The bulk of the people in town appear to be farmers with lumberjacks and miners here and there.

Then you spot them. Two of the local constables. They see you and immediately start to approach. They have a cloth crest of "Lord Cranston" worn over leather armor. They carry spears and back that up with a short sword. Their demeanor is pleasant but you can tell immediately they lack training and pose little threat to much of anything except maybe a farmer that forgot his rake.

One of the constables speaks to you:
You there! You look like one of the ones the invitation went out to. Were a small community and... well... your kind sticks out a bit. Find your way down the street to The Reaching Woods Inn. It's on the left, you can't miss it.

<continued below>
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Re: A calling to Triel

#2 Post by spanningtree »

The Inn is easy enough to find, a large two story structure at the end of town. It can obviously house quite a few folks surprisingly enough. Entering The Reaching Wood Inn you nose is immediately hit with the smell of fresh food and the sour note of a lot of mead/beer/ale strikes you. You enter into a great room with 10 tables, a bar and a great fireplace in the center with a small fire heating several kettles. There are about 12 patrons dotting the landscape, mostly tradesmen picking up inventory to haul to larger places. Behind the bar is a stout human filling drink orders and washing mugs. There are two human bar maids making there way around and one of them is walking up to you right now.

Oi there! I'm Bess! You mus be one of them folk that come round for the invitation? Well, they been waiting fur ya all day. Go through tha back door there.

She says pointing to the back of the Inn giving you a big smile.

Tha got grub and the like waiting fur ya. Good to see the likes of ya arun here, been a bit of a challenge of late...

Going through the door in the back of the great room you find yourself in some kind of meeting room. The room is not as big as the great room but still quite large. In the center of the room is a large circular fireplace with a waste high bar of solid rock surrounding it. The bar is wide enough to eat and drink from. There is a small fire crackling in the fireplace drifting smoke up through a stone chimney that comes down from the ceiling but does not touch the fireplace itself. This affords all sitting around the bar to look across the fireplace at each other without obstruction. On the left side of the room is a large table laid out with a kettle of stew, cold cuts of meat, several different kinds of cheese, loaves of bread, local vegetables, a very large round of venison and several different kinds of pickles. Piled next to the table on old casks are plates, bowls, spoons, forks and cloths to wipe with. On the right side of the room is another large table that has a large keg of ale, a small cask of wine, a small cask of water and several different bottles of the harder drink (decent stuff by the markings). There is a selection of mugs and tumblers for the drinks present on the table for self service. Straight across the room is wall with a very large parchment map of the local area pinned up.

Sitting around the table are a nine people and taking a closer look you know you have found the right place. There is:

A deep forest man, druid by the look of him, petting a racoon sitting on his lap.
A female elf bearing light armor, best keep your eye on her. Burning eyes, you can tell she already knows how much coin your carrying.
A forest half elf, experienced looking forest warrior type. He probably dropped the deer that led to the venison on the table by the look of him.
A short haired tough looking man, no armor but dangerous looking none the less. Has a bench propped up next to his stool for some reason.
A dwarf slowly smoking a pipe, looks to be the religious type. Yep, for sure.
A half elf that appears to have the marks of a mage but some of the trappings of something else.
An elf that looks odd-er than usual, almost white skin and purple eyes. Not seen that before. Has the markings of a mage but the tools of a warrior.
A gnome that has all of the marks of magics. Looks up from a mug with deep thoughts in his eyes.
A very large human warrior. They don't make them like this anymore. Propped against his stool is a shield that glimmers in a way the gods could only make.

Across the room, in front of the map, is a woman in plate armor with a large necklace with the crest of "Lord Cranston" on it. She stands with an air of training and experience. Her scared face tells of battle and the implements on her waist give testament. To either side of her are two soldiers of similar experience sitting on stools with a relaxed demeanor. In the far right corner sits what appears to be a mage of advanced age, smoking a pipe while taking the room in.

The woman speaks to you:
Hello. I am Seerena. Field lieutenant Seerena of his Lord Cranston. Please, help yourself to food and drink. Take a seat at the fire and introduce yourself. Tell us what brings you here.

You feel on the spot but taking a seat with a plate of food in front of you and a drink in one hand you start to speak.

Okay everyone, potato is in your hands, let get introductions going!

Ferax, Human Druid 11, AC:2 HP:44 Spells: TBD Gooseberry, Coon HP:4 AC:10
Cathedra, Elf Thief 11, AC:2 HP:42
Joven, Half Elf Ranger 8, AC:1 HP:71
Master of Dragons, Human Monk 8, AC:4 HP:23
Duvli, Dwarf Cleric 9, AC: ? HP: ? Spells: TBD
Vacarxia, Half Elf Magic User/Thief 8/9, AC:-1 HP:36 Spells: TBD
Moreeth, Elf Fighter/Magic User 8/8, AC:0 HP:38 Spells: TBD
Wilryn, Gnome Illusionist, AC:0 HP28 Spells: TBD
Fergus 'the Bear", Human Fighter 9, AC:-5 HP:84
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Re: A calling to Triel

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

The experienced looking warrior forest half-elf reaches down and pets his dog then stands and introduces himself "I am Joven Arle of nowhere peticular the forest is my home, and these roaming giants are a threat to that. That is why I am here." Joven continues to walk over to the various drinks takes a good enough looking mug and fills it with some of the stronger stuff, then grabs a leg of meat and returns to his seat giving the meat to his dog petting him on the head then sitting. "Oh and this is Rex, he likes to hunt giants too." the ranger smiles and begins to drink and eat.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: A calling to Triel

#4 Post by Darkmane »

Moreeth Meer - Elf Fighter Mage

I saw a sign defacing a great oak tree, I went over to rip it down and found that it was a "call for help".

The pale elf with purple eyes drifts off for a moment, recollecting something, perhaps that tree. He finishes somewhat awkwardly and quietly, glancing at the table as if his answer is obvious, smiling slightly:

I'm here to help.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#5 Post by greyarea »

The short haired tough looking man watches the others with keen interest and eats heartily. He says nothing but has a grin on his swarthy face and his almond eyes gleam with mischief.

When the introductions come to him, he bows to everyone and says, I have no name but you may call me Master of Dragons, for that is what I am. I was traveling alone when I heard of the need for help. I never shirk from such as call, thus here am I.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#6 Post by badams30 »

Fergus "The Bear" Grizzled human fighter

The burly warrior rises to his feet and tilts his horned helm politely at those present. In a deep voice he says "I am Fergus. I have come to kill giants and any other evil that gets in my way." He nods with approval at the persons assembled and says "I look to be in good company, if you'll have an old swordsman to assist." He raises a battered but glowing flask to his lips and mutters "To your health, and to killin' some giants!"

He takes a seat, occasionally taking a long pull from his flask as others chime in.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#7 Post by tumblingdice »

Duvli - Dwarf Cleric

The dwarf labors off his seat with a groan, landing on his feet but disappearing beneath the height of the counter.

Damned human-sized furniture! he growls, resuming his seat. I am Duvli, of clan Torkrest, and I was this ugly long before most of you were born. I am old, and my days are numbered. I reckon I'll not see the halls of my ancestors again. He frowns. Nor will I suffer any more of my kin to die at the hands of these giants. Duvli lifts a great hammer, covered in dwarf script. By Clandeggin's beard, Grontdrengi (giant slayer in Dwarven) will smash a few more skulls before they take old Duvli down!

The dwarf takes a pull off his tankard. Goblin p*ss, he mutters. Looking around the table, he shakes his head. My last big hurrah, and I'm surrounded by elves. What is this world coming to?
These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Joven Arle "Half Elf thank you very much Duvli. Can't rightly say what my other half was may have been a dwarf for all I know. But look good Fergus all grizzled as he is just looks like an over sized dwarf and we have our gnomish fellow there So consider yourself less surrounded by just elves." the ranger takes down his hood and gives the dwarf a sincere smile and reveals his unshaven face. "Now if only I could grow out a beard better then I'd know for sure if I was indeed half dwarf." he winks then goes back to drinking the "stronger" alcohol provided.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: A calling to Triel

#9 Post by Mant72 »

Cathedra Woodsong:

The female elf dressed in leather armor moves over to where the drinks are stationed and pours herself a full cup of wine. She swirls the crimson liquid in the glass before taking a sip and eyes the group from over the rim. She returns to sit at the table and speaks, "I am Cathedra Woodsong, and I am here for coin. Call me calloused and insensitive to the plight of others, but also call me honest." She continues to nonchalantly sip her wine and quietly observe her surroundings.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#10 Post by tumblingdice »

Duvli snorts in response to Joven's comments. Not likely, on several accounts. I've seen a few crazy things in my day, but never the pairing of a dwarf and an elf.

The dwarf regards his new companions, his eyes settling upon the monk. Master of Dragons, he muses. How so?
These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
"Oh, well, that could be helpful!"
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Re: A calling to Triel

#11 Post by badams30 »

Fergus "The Bear" Human Fighter

Fergus leans over toward the dwarf named Duvli and whispers (more like a stage whisper, Fergus is incapable of whispering) "Pour that swill out, and let ol' Fergus help you out, eh?"

Fergus shakes his glowing flask and unscrews the top, pouring a heavy stream of fine whiskey into the dwarf's tankard, only stopping when the cup is full. He smiles, nods and takes another drink himself, grimacing as the burning liquid goes down. "WHEEEEEEESH! That's some potent hooch! BWAAAAHAAA!" and he chortles merrily, oblivious to his lack of social grace...
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Re: A calling to Triel

#12 Post by connivingsumo »

The small, young looking Wizard stands. He looks confident, but not threatening. He has an odd cloak that bunches funny on his left shoulder. "I am Saphrax Zylgwyn of the Mountain Forest Arcane Academy. I am usually alone but do not travel alone. I come, to unite with anyone, to stand against the giants that gather." The Elf sits down with his odd bunched cloak now on his right shoulder.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#13 Post by tumblingdice »

Duvli looks around for an empty bowl. If one is within reach, he'll grab it, pour his drink into it, then place it on the floor. He'll look at Max, then cock his head toward the bowl, avoiding any dirty looks from Joven. Otherwise, he'll just polish it off. Either way, he'll push his tankard across the table and accept a drink from Fergus with a nod of thanks. To you and your clan's health. Looking at Ferax, he smiles. I like you better when you're angry. You should stay that way.

The dwarf looks around at the others, and then to the hostess. So, when do we get started?
These are ghouls. They hang out in graveyards, they have long tongues, and they eat people.
"Oh, well, that could be helpful!"
--my five-year old daughter
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Re: A calling to Triel

#14 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Joven replies back to Duvli "True true. Though I must admit to you I feel more myself around you kin than I do around my own most of the time. Not that I can really call them my own. Being a half-breed as I have often been called." then stopping his conversation suddenly as Ferax makes his odd rant then bursts into poetry? "Oh well it appears we have a poet among us. Or a bard perhaps?" the ranger reaches down and pets Rex as the dog appears to have been suddenly startled by Ferax's sudden fit of loud poetry. After a few calming pats on the head Rex goes back to gnawing on the bone left from the meat his master gave him. "At any rate I generally live in the forest, with my dog and horse generally taking care to kill goblin, and orc alike. However giants that gives me a whole new mission in life entirely fore they can do more destruction than a band of goblins or orc in one attack. That is why I came here. Coin I have plenty of that for deeds done over time saving folk and killing evil beasts and helping capture or kill bandits."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: A calling to Triel

#15 Post by badams30 »

Fergus - Grizzled Fighter

Fergus raises a bushy eyebrow at Ferax' introduction. He taps his tankard on the table loudly and says "Someone get THAT fellow a drink, eh? Heh heh heh... WHEW! heh heh heh..." He winks at the druid and says "Nice ta' meet ya! I'll help ya work on that balance thing!"

Fergus nods in vigorous approval. He likes what he sees thus far.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#16 Post by greyarea »

Master of Dragons smiles at the dwarf. How so what? My designation?

In my temple we start as mere novices, and all that hold that rank are called such. From thence, Initiate and then Brother and so forth. Once we have attained enough experience and technique is refined, we attain the rank of Master and are again called such. At this point we can train those of lower rank, for we have mastered the basics of our craft. Most Novices don't attain the rank of Master: the road is difficult and perilous. I've seen many a brother or sister die, either in training, in combat, or betrayal, usually by those that hate our order.

I am one of three who are called Master of Dragons. I slew one in personal combat and took his spot. The ranks above mine have but single occupants. When it is time, I shall seek out the Master of the North Wind and either attain that title or die. It is as designed. Gods willing, some day you will call me Grand Master of Flowers: a much less intimidating title than Master of Dragons for those who are unlearned in our art, to be sure.

Legend has it that the first Master of Dragons felled a red dragon with a single punch, stunning the wyrm and killing it. This I have not yet done.

He ends with a smile.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#17 Post by Dram »

Varcarxia the half elf sits grabs a Turkey leg and views the group. I say. This is quite a group. The giants will not know what hit them. He grabs some Mead off the table and pours himself a glass.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#18 Post by spanningtree »

Seerena nods as each of you speaks. Let's take a few moments for others to chime in, the task you have come for is great and you will need all the support that can be mustered.

OCC: Waiting for a few stragglers.

Ferax, Human Druid 11, AC:2 HP:44 Spells: TBD Gooseberry, Coon HP:4 AC:10
Cathedra, Elf Thief 11, AC:2 HP:42
Joven, Half Elf Ranger 8, AC:1 HP:71
Master of Dragons, Human Monk 8, AC:4 HP:23
Duvli, Dwarf Cleric 9, AC: ? HP: ? Spells: TBD Rex, Dog HP:6 AC:10
Vacarxia, Half Elf Magic User/Thief 8/9, AC:-1 HP:36 Spells: TBD
Moreeth, Elf Fighter/Magic User 8/8, AC:0 HP:38 Spells: TBD
Wilryn, Gnome Illusionist, AC:0 HP28 Spells: TBD
Fergus 'the Bear", Human Fighter 9, AC:-5 HP:84
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Re: A calling to Triel

#19 Post by Craigers07 »

Wilryn - Gnome Illusionist

Wilryn takes a drink and chimes in at his turn.

"My name is Wilryn and I am originally from Elturel. I travelled from Baldur's Gate to visit family near my hometown and saw the calling for adventurers."

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you."
Last edited by Craigers07 on Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A calling to Triel

#20 Post by spanningtree »

Seerena smiles at the last introduction.

It's good to have all of you here. Your backgrounds and experiences vary widely, that will prove a strength I believe. Let me get right to the point and explain the events that led up to the invitation.

She points to the large parchment map on the wall. Specifically: Allasheim.

Two months ago we received a reports from some survivors that the village of Allasheim came under attack during the evening. Allasheim is a small mining village about two days from here. The population is around 30 or so depending on the season. The survivors, two of them made it to Kannet to report what had happened. Word made it back to Triel and a small detachment was sent to investigate. Upon return the squad leader reported that the village had been burned to the ground…. large, human like, footprints were found coming into and out of the village on a path used to access the Trielta Hills for mining.

Word was sent to Lord Cranston in Scornubel. Upon receipt of the information the Lord decided to put together an expeditionary force. The force would take three weeks to form up though.

Two weeks after the incident in Allasheim a single survivor stumbled into Kannet from Faulin. He reported giants had attacked Faulin during the evening. They did not carry anyone off but instead killed men onsite and skewered women and children to roast on a large fire. The survivor hid near a granary until they ate their fill and left. He indicated that they moved in squads with some precision. The survivor then tried to make his way to Moolen.

Seerena points out Faulen and Moolen on the map with a stick pointer.

Upon reaching Moolen he was horrified to find the same thing had happened there, on the same evening.

She scratches Xs across Allasheim, Faulin and Moolen on the map.

He managed to drag himself to Kannet by midday the next day to report these findings….

A month and a week ago the expeditionary force came into Triel. Thirty of Lord Cranstons best. They road onto Kannet intending to make the fallen Allasheim by night fall the next day. A single rider came back a day later as a messenger. Kannet was ransacked and burned to the ground was the report. The force intended to maintain their original mission and continued on.

Seerena scratches and X over Kannet.

We have not heard from the expeditionary force since then. A single ranger scout was sent out a week ago, he followed the path all the way back and found where the giants are coming from.

Pointing at The Steading on a smaller map of the Treilta Hills.

These are the Trielta Hills to the northwest of us. They are in a huge wooden fortress within the hills. The scout was able to use the old Toofs Mine to observe then for a few days before returning. He was unable to garner their force size but judging by some movements it's substantial. He was able to return without issue.

The mage in the corner coughs a bit and stands up and takes his pipe out of his mouth.

My name is Gedden, I am the high mage of Lord Cranstons court…. based on some scrying and reports from the scout/survivors we have reason to believe that these giants are not acting on their own… we feel there is something more sinister directing their actions. Something with extreme power and intelligence. We fear there may be signs of invasion afoot...

Gedden backs up and sits down putting his pipe back in his mouth.

Seerena rolls her eyes and continues.

We would like to send you as a party to destroy the Steading. Bringing these incursions to an end. Anything you find you may keep, Lord Cranston requests no share. In the unlikely event you do find a more sinister power at work behind the scenes you are authorized to follow up on tracking it down also.

I am authorized to give 1000gp of local credit to the local smiths, mercantile and retired mage Lioff. The credit is to make sure your outfitted as well as possible for the perilous task.

Seerena eyes each of you in turn.

Does this invitation suit you? Have you questions?

OCC: The local area and Trielta Hills map are posted in the maps thread.

Ferax, Human Druid 11, AC:2 HP:44 Spells: TBD Gooseberry, Coon HP:4 AC:10
Cathedra, Elf Thief 11, AC:2 HP:42
Joven, Half Elf Ranger 8, AC:1 HP:71
Master of Dragons, Human Monk 8, AC:4 HP:23
Duvli, Dwarf Cleric 9, AC: ? HP: ? Spells: TBD Rex, Dog HP:6 AC:10
Vacarxia, Half Elf Magic User/Thief 8/9, AC:-1 HP:36 Spells: TBD
Moreeth, Elf Fighter/Magic User 8/8, AC:0 HP:38 Spells: TBD
Wilryn, Gnome Illusionist, AC:0 HP28 Spells: TBD
Fergus 'the Bear", Human Fighter 9, AC:-5 HP:84
Anall nathrack uthos bethos doss yell yenva. -Merlin

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