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The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:49 am
by Tamerlaine
This is where we continue where we left off on RPGEEK. Please don't post here until I give the go ahead.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:50 pm
by Tamerlaine
And the adventure continues...

For Alistair, the small tunnel winds about, turning and sloping, cool and damp from the earlier rain. Roots and the edges of rocks break through the surface of the tunnel walls while small crawling insects slither away from the halfling. How far he has gotten, he does not know. The tunnel twists and turns here and there, making it impossible for Alistair to judge distance or direction.

At some point, Alistair freezes. He can hear something, a noise far away down the tunnel. Taking a long moment to listen, the halfling can hear faint rustlings and squeaks.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:01 am
by SterlingBlake
Faint rustling and sqeaks, Alastair interprets as rats. Probably more of the giant sort we encountered on the surface. Nevertheless, this tunnel is far too long to be a simple nest made by rats and so Alastair continues further thinking that they have probably settled down here coincidentally with whatever the original intent of this hole was. Assuming that the dimensions remain as restricting as previously he will continue scouting alone before retrieving the rest of the party.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:54 am
by Tamerlaine
Alistair proceeds further, further and further into the tunnels until turning a sharp corner, the light from the lantern sweeps across a low-ceilinged chamber. The place is filled with giant rats! Several are facing you, teeth bared while others protectively surround what appears to be a corpulent rat of considerable size. Alistair quickly judges this rat to be a bit taller and bigger than himself, perhaps the size of a rather fat dwarf.

Yet despite the suddenly tense atmosphere, the astute halfling notices something rather peculiar about this monstrous rat. There is intelligence in those shining eyes, more than just animal cunning. Then it speaks!

“Yoouu…who daresss enterrr my lairrr…a tasstyyy morsssel perrhapsss?” it says, in halting common.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:12 pm
by Abegray
While Alaistair explores, Deldo passes out the improvised little clubs to whoever wants them.
"They ain't proper cudgels, but they'll do in a pinch."

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 9:55 pm
by Jack
Sammy tests the weight of the clubs, and then searches the skeleton of the small humanoid at the entrance.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:25 am
by SterlingBlake
Alastair notes this creature's obvious fondness for food as one negotiating strategy, but scans the chamber for other hints of his weaknesses and opportunities quickly. While ensuring his escape is not cut off, backing up subtly if necessary, he then bows deeply and speaks, "Oh great rat king, please forgive my intrusion."

OOC: Before Alastair immediately continues I will await DM feedback on Alistair's quick assessment.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:25 pm
by Tamerlaine
"Oh great rat king, please forgive my intrusion."

Anger twists the monstrous rodent's face. There isss no kinng here, little one! I am queen!" it screams before catching herself, seemingly placated by the halfling's deference to her. "Come clossser little one, let me see you a little beterrrr. My, aren't youuu jusssst deliciousss looking. Chhildrennn! Give himmm room to approachhh."

The rats in front of Alistair part. "Arrrre youuu alone? All by yourrrself, arrree youuu?" the queen rat asks while grooming her whiskers.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:56 pm
by SterlingBlake
Time to run! Alastair scrambles back out the hole as fast as he can.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:57 am
by Tamerlaine
As Alistair turns and slips back into the tunnel, there's a piercing animalistic shriek and the halfling can hear the rat queen scream out in rage over the sound of his own large feet beating the dirt floor beneath him.

"Sssstop hhhim! Fly my prrretties! Brinnng meee back hissss tenderrr fleshhh...motherrr is hungryyy!"

(Alistair's movement is 12 and the giant rats in chase move at 12 as well)

Running for his life, the light of the lantern bouncing all over the tunnel before him, Alistair is keenly aware of the scurrying sounds behind him. They are nearly at his heels, or they seem to be. To be fair, he has not looked back.

After what seems an eternity, the halfling suddenly sees the light at the end of the tunnel, the kind of light only the sun may bestow. It's a tight race and Alistair finds some hidden reservoir of speed, gaining another foot or three. He's nearly at the entrance.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:24 am
by SterlingBlake
With what breath he can find, Alastair shouts, "Weapons, boys! I found rats!"

He drops the lantern on the floor of the hole just as he reaches the entrance in hope that the oil will spill and burn.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:19 pm
by Jack
Sammy drops the clubs, readies to throw his darts, and shouts "Let's try to bottle up the entrance with their bodies!"

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:11 pm
by herostyle
Even though he's not a warrior, Alfri will grab his mace and shield and stand near the front of the tunnel. Once Alistair is clear he will try to hold the rats back so the people with polearms, magic and ranged weapons can take care of the vermin.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 6:32 am
by Tamerlaine
Alistair drops the lantern and it catches fire behind him. The rats stop, a roiling mass of hissing fury behind the flames as the balking barrels out of the hole. The flame will die out in a couple of rounds and from the sound of it in the hole, the rats are still there, ready to pursue their quarry once more.

Obviously there will be no surprise when the rats swarm out of the the hole. Everyone announce their positions relative to the tunnel entrance (remember, the entrance is at the base of a bramble covered mound). Daro, declare any spells first before we roll initiative.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:08 am
by Abegray
"And I thought you were eating pies!"
Deldo stands to the left of the tunnel, trying to leave room for others to get their shots or attacks. His ax is raised and ready to swing down at the first rat he sees.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:57 am
by Jack
Sammy backs up to where his javelins and halberd are on the ground, slightly to the right of the entrance.

With eyes wide from seeing the multitude of rats he shouts "Alastair, how many are there?", and aims his darts at the closest one inside the entrance.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:21 pm
by SterlingBlake
Alistair quickly locates a tree he can easily climb and get a clear shot at the hole from within 50 yards. As he goes he calls back, "I counted twenty-two of them in there plus a rat-queen that talks!"

When Alistair finds a suitable tree he scrambles up, locks a leg round a branch and readies his bow.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:18 am
by Abegray
Deldo cracks a rare genuine grin. "Twenty two? Good! Find some mushrooms and we'll have rat-kabobs." Deldo prepares to swing.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 4:46 am
by Tamerlaine
Daro prepares his Magic Missile spell, ready to cast it when the rats come barreling out of the hole.

Once the fire eats up the remaining oil, a hissing, snapping multitude of angry giant rats come leaping out of the hole. There are ten of them, all with murder in their eyes as they look for targets to sink their fangs into.

Someone roll the party's initiative, please. The rats go on 2.

OOC: forgive my absence...Christmas shopping and holiday parties.

Re: The Keep IC

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:05 am
by Jack
1d6 initiative for the party: [1d6] = 3