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Background, Persons, Places, Things

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:23 pm
by Antman9
The World
The World: Petrum
Petrum is a massive planet, spinning around its solar orbit in 729 days. Three moons traverse the sky day and night, creating a miasma of tides and weather patterns. The races are many and varied. In the recent past the many races and their burgeoning empires ravaged Petrum for resources and control. Racism and severe prejudices ran rampant, culminating in a war that ended all war. The war that ensued, known as Aetas Tenebris, devastated empires, gods, and nearly destroyed the planet. Some parts have been desecrated and turned to deserts, others overrun by jungle. Wild creatures have taken over many areas and now the peasants want their lands back. With Petrum in a state of recovery and no empires of races vying for purchase, the healing can now begin. Every corner of Petrum now supports a melting pot of races and classes. Any powers that survived the war have not yet recovered and have very few resources to do so. They are the minority now and shall remain so for some time.
Imperium Civitas Aetati (The Age of Empires)
The many and varied races of Petrum grew to mighty proportions. They began ravaging Petrum for resources and jostled the imaginary boundaries for control of those resources. Prejudices ran high and empires mighty walls to keep the unwanted and weak without. Mighty armies were built to maintain and conquer boundaries. Technologies advances at an alarming rate and soon exhausted the limits of Petrum’s resources. Technologies grew to meet the demand and the Aetatis Spatio began.
Aetatis Spatio (The Age of Space)
The space age was short lives as the Aetas Tenebris soon ripped the empires and land to pieces. Many space worthy vessels were manufactured and powered by archaic magic known only by the High Ogres. They have all hidden themselves from the eyes of the other races, traveling in small groups or solo, never revealing their true identity. Many believe it was the greed and their dark mysterious powers that brought about the Aetas Tenebris.
Aetas Tenebris (The Age of Darkness)
The Age of Darkness spanned several decades, darkened the skies planet wide and nearly devastated any race proud enough to call themselves an empire. Dragons came under the control of men; magic corrupted the land and enslaved the weak; technological advances catalyzed the devastation. By the end of the war the world was blackened, burned, gutted, and crippled. The Imperium Civitas Aetati was over and their races spread with the wind. The Aetas Pacem now begins.
Aetas Pacem (The Age of Peace)
The Age of Peace has begun. The races and classes wondered far and wide, mixing their blood, licking their wounds, and embracing a true peace. A peace birthed from the womb of hatred, deceit, greed, corruption, and violence. The people now stand together to tame the land and recover some sense of pride, love, and spirit.
The People
Alf (Human, 0-level Hireling)
Location: Eddistone Point
Purpose: Cook, clean, maintenance, operate signal mirror
Baby Molerat
Location: Stays with Seeker
Taken as a pet by Seeker from its warren beneath the Wood Elf home on the Seamyst Plains.
Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III (Gnome, Retired Adventurer)
Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III, Tinker Gnome extraordinaire, entrepreneur, retired adventurer, Alchemist, and owner of Bartholomew’s Item Emporium, is a jolly, often overwhelmingly joyously happy retired Gnome. He loves his job more than anything in the whole world, including his ugly wife whom he despises terribly. Seriously, don’t mention her unless you’re just itching to get thrown into the street by the seat of your pants empty handed. He’s been known to chew people’s ears or lips off just for mentioning her name, and god forbid you say anything nice about her. There was this one guy…well that story is for another day my friend.
Brother Smyth (Human, Druid)
Location: Last known location the Village of Hommlet
Brother Smyth is a fair man, but his patience has waned a great deal since the days of the Elemental Evils. There is a former Elemental outpost nearby, Brother Smyth barely survived their desecrating rule over this land.
Calmert (Priest)
Location: Unknown
Calmert, according to the Diary of Calmert and Tobias the Grimalkin is an evil priest bent on destroying the planet. He is first mentioned in the Diary of Calmert and later discussed by Tobias: “My former master, takes his orders from a man named Calmert, a priest, or so he calls himself, never met him, has some grand scheme to take over this world and turn it into his private hell, or rather ours I should think. I heard tidbits here and there.
Clyde (Human, 0-level Hireling)
Location: Eddistone Point
Purpose: Cook, clean, maintenance, operate signal mirror
Cullivan (Human, 2nd level Druid)
Location: Eddistone Point
Weapons: Dagger, Club
Armor: Light Leather (+1)
Purpose: In charge of Eddistone Point
Damara (Human) (Deceased)
Location: Deceased, interred in a lost tomb in the Castle Damara
Damara was an ancient wizard who fought for the powers of good. At his castle, he guarded the Orb of Dragonkind to ensure it would never fall into evil hands. Upon his death many heroes attempted to find the orb. The castle quickly fell to ruin.
Delea the White (High Elf, 3rd level Magic User)
Delea is a young High Elf with startlingly white hair, soft fair skin, and a radiance that glows about her presence. She wears simple earthy clothing, a simple dagger in a belt sheath, and a simple silver ring on her left ring finger. She can often be seen carrying a small backpack and nothing else. A large white crow, nearly three feet tall, follows her around everywhere she goes. No one has ever heard her call it by name, but it is always there with her. As to her affiliation with Netheril, no one is really sure. Gunther Wilmhest only knows that she is Netheril’s Magic User apprentice. In fact, she is the only Magic User apprentice Netheril has ever taken on. There are various rumors as to why, but none that have ever been proven.
Gavin Moorehouse (Human, Knight of the Rose 9th Level) (Assisting the High Wizard Netheril)
Location: Unknown
According to Gavin: "I was sent here a few months ago by my order in Verbobonc, some 90 miles northeast of here. There were many rumors beginning to surface in our land about strange creatures pillaging, destroying, and turning every living creature in their path into raving mad beasts. When I arrived here, many of the building were destroyed, as you see them now. I managed to win the trust of the remaining citizens and have them secured in The Keep of Old, just west of here near the River of Ood. It seems a nefarious priest has set his mind to re-establish the Elemental Temple and enslave the land again. I have learned he has partnered with a cleric and wizard. This very tower belonged to the wizard in question."
Grey Mountain Kobolds
The Grey Mountain Kobolds live in the Grey Mountains, at the far north extreme of the island, in a cold, desolate, frosty mountain. They have been asked by the Queen Mother, Vethror, of the Red Ipmeerk tribe, originally from the Dry Steppes of Set, the red desert to the west of the Flaeness mountains, to assist with security at Damara’s Castle where her tribe mines large Grey stones for the city, under an agreement with Netheril, while creating a safe warren for their clan. Events on the Seamyst Plain have become so dire they can no longer protect themselves.

Their skin is a dark ash-grey ochre color. The warriors wear dark brownish-grey metallic armor, strange curved swords, and several short spears strapped to their backs. Their helmets, made of the same metal as their armor, leave very little flesh exposed, showing only their glowing, deep red eyes within, and looking for all the world like Wyvern heads, complete with resplendent horns, spurs, and teeth. The helmets appear to have been intricately crafted by deftly skilled hands, with many individual parts riveted and fixed together.

The leader of this group is Thorgruk Gribtuk. He has been given the task of fortifying the Undercity Seaport and establishing a portal to Netheril’s Tower. The Kobolds carry pieces of a circular wooden portal, carved with ancient symbols. A Kobold from the Ipmeerk tribe, Sorcereress, is tagging along to activate the portal. She will not assist the party in any way unless her life is in danger.
Gunther Wilmhest (Human, Assistant to the High Wizard Netheril)
Location: Dragons Belch
Gunther has been in the employ of Netheril for many years. It is his job to attend to the errands and demands of Netheril. He has made a comfortable living helping Netheril and enjoys his job. From time to time he is tasked to find adventurers (Netheril’s guards humorously call them Dragon Fodder) to perform tasks for which Netheril has no time or interest to do, which happens to be every task outside of his tower. He is quite good at his job and enjoys the time outside of Netheril Tower.
Haril (Dwarf, 2nd level Fighter)
Location: Eddistone Point
Weapons: MIA
Armor: Ring mail (+2)
Purpose: Hired to inspect the towers and make necessary changes to accommodate the new signal mirrors.
High Lord Lorcan Brickfoot Grimwood (Human)
Location: Dragons Belch
Lorcan was given the nickname Brickfoot many years ago when he came into power over Dragons Belch after the fall of Damara’s Castle. His first order of business after taking possession was to repave every street in town. During the renewal process many of the under-city portals were sealed, never to be reopened. Many are still accessible via secret and hidden ways only known by Netheril and few others. The project nearly bankrupted the city and it has yet to recover. Lorcan is now an angry bitter old man. Any day now a young man will challenge the rule of Brickfoot. In this, Lorcan has assured his own demise. The town has never forgotten how he nearly brought the city to its knees
High Wizard Netheril (Human, 20th level wizard)
Location: Dragons Belch
Netheril is a demanding old man who is overly confidant in his abilities and those of his apprentices. He has lost more apprentices than he can count. He often sends them on errands they are clearly not qualified to perform. He spends an inordinate amount of time on research in his tower. The remainder of his time is spent performing rudimentary talks for the city of Dragons Belch. He hates these tasks and often delegates them to his apprentices.
Laureth the Beautiful (Cleric)
Location: Unknown
Details are sketchy at this time concerning Laureth the Beautiful. He was first mentioned in the Diary of Calmert and then by Tobias the Grimalkin. According to Tobias: “Lareth the Stupid, a self-appointed cleric of some order or other, don’t care from where, my former master, takes his orders from a man named Calmert, a priest, or so he calls himself, never met him, has some grand scheme to take over this world and turn it into his private hell, or rather ours I should think. I heard tidbits here and there. Black pearls from the Groo, not sure what or who they are, I believe we saw some of their handy work in the dungeon, that smoke I should think, the living turned to grotesque forms of the non-living. The Elemental Temple, some place out west, is where they were headed. The village most likely their handiwork. I think this is just the beginning of their traitorous plans, foreplay if you will. I believe nothing good will come from their deeds, nothing at all.

Madam Acenith (Human, Witch)
Madam Acenith lives in Dragon Belch’s UnderCity. She is older than her looks imply and many have speculated about how she maintains her beauty, though few have taken it upon themselves to find out in person. Very few people visit Madam Acenith’s domain and return with any details as to their encounter with her. It is known that Netheril employs her from time to time to deal with some of the rather problematic citizens, and so most do their best to stay on his good side. Some believe she is the leader of a larger Brujeria Cult working within the UnderCity.
Mich Frederichson (Human, Carpenter)
Location: The Keep of Old
Former carpenter for the Village of Hommlet.

Phlunk Sludge Dipperthong (Gully Dwarf, Local)
Location: Met in front of The Belfrey Tower
Not yet known who exactly he is. But he appears to know more than he is tellin'

Shaador (Human, 3rd level Ranger)
Location: Eddistone Point
Weapons: Long Bow, Long Sword (2 attacks per round)
Armor: Light Leather (+1)
Purpose: Hired to assist Delea with the Signal Towers
Strange Woman (Human)
Location: Eddistone Point
Exact identity of this woman is unknown at this time. She was once believed to have poisoned Delea the White but Deal is unsure of this due to memory loss from her fever. According the woman from her interrogation by Seeker: "I don't know anything. The Orc's killed my family and took me captive. I don't know why they did not kill me. I am apprentice to the High Wizard Demeril in the North Country. I'm sorry I tried to run. I don't trust those I do not know."

DECEASED: Died in Hommlet at the pointy proboscis of many Giant mosquitoes in the Village of Hommlet and exploded mysteriously.
Taran Swiftwing (Elf) (Elven Lord, 2nd level Magic-User)
Location: Unknown
Taran is a cheerful Elf with golden hair and blue eyes and often wears brown robes. He has been accepted as an apprentice to the High Wizard Netheril. Netheril is very demanding of him and often sends him on errands for which he has no business performing. Taran is young as Elves go, but he does his best to please the High Wizard Netheril. He is eager to learn the ways of magic use.
Tobias (Grimalkin)
Location: Stays by Zirus’ side
Tobias is a Grimalkin named by his former owner, Lareth the Beautiful, and left to die in the Hermetic Outpost beneath the Wood elf home on the Seamyst Plains. He was rescued by Zirus and travels as Zirus’ companion and protector. Tobias seems to have a little insight into the Black Pearls and strange happenings of late.
William Steadfast (Human, Stonemason)
Location: The Keep of Old
Former stonemason for the Village of Hommlet
The Places
Bartholomew’s Item Emporium
Bartholomew’s Item Emporium, located in the heart of Dragons Belch, wrapping itself around the tip of the chasm that threatens to spilt Dragons Belch in two, and filled with every mundane and wondrous object the heart could ever desire, is owned, operated, and managed by Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III, Tinker Gnome extraordinaire, entrepreneur, and retired adventurer.

If you’re looking for something in particular, you’ll most likely find it here. Bartholomew prides himself in having the cheapest and most expensive items anyone can find in the whole world. He knows every item by heart and spends hours on end cataloging, re-cataloging, sorting, arranging, re-arranging, cleaning, polishing, and admiring each and every item in his keep. And if he doesn’t have it, he can most certainly get it, and if he can’t get it he can tell you where you can find it, and if he can’t tell you where you can find it then you’ve got no business asking for it, period. His policy on rare, strange, or suspect items is don’t ask, don’t tell. Seriously! Don’t ask, don’t tell.

A large sign hangs above the entryway that says "Sale of the Melenium: Come short come tall, come all!" The main door is a single-wide solid piece of blackened hardwood. It is covered in dints, dings, scratches, embedded arrow tips, broken dagger tips, nails, tacks, and all number of other such odd embedded implements rusty and tarnished with age. A small sign says "Enter and Be Merry!"

Upon entering Bartholomew’s Item Emporium one is often struck with awe at the clackety, rackety, enormously voluminous, intricately engineered masterwork of pulleys, trolleys, wheels, ropes, ladders, slides, slopes, levers, elevators, and all other assorted mechanical device in continual operation within. A total mind bending boggle of complexity that only Bartholomew understands.
The Belfry Tower (Inn & Pub)
The Belfry Tower, owned and operated by John Tom, is an ugly little pub and inn at the end of a lonely street in the town of Dragons Belch. The place is decrepit and falling down and barely offers the comforts, if they can be called that, of roof and a meal. Very few people of importance visit this place, in fact, very few people of any kind can be found here.

Bar Members
Barkeep: John Tom – Male – Human
Bar Maids: Piera & Posie - Female – Rock Gnomes
City of Dragons Belch
The city of Dragons Belch, once a prosperous port city, a regional hub feeding the gluttonous rule of its former King, Damara, sits at the top of a large cliff facing the Seamyst Ocean on the southern edge of Wyvern Island. A large rift opened several hundred years ago and nearly spit the city in two. Most of the city has fallen to ruin, forgotten and left to its own devices by the rest of the world. There are old, hidden, and dark secrets within and below Dragons Belch, and very few, save the High Wizard Netheril, still know of them. A vast UnderCity, a complex layering of ancient cities, built one atop the other, lies beneath. Many of these secrets are guarded by Netheril’s own personal guard force. Today Dragons Belch is a bankrupt port city under the indifferent management of the High Lord Lorcan Brickfoot Grimwood. Any number of items and services can be purchased in Dragons Belch—for a price. The price may not always be to your liking though. The most popular by far is Bartholomew’s Item Emporium.

Caves of Blackeye
Location unknown at this time. The caves are mentioned in the Diary of Calmert.
Dragons Belch UnderCity
The Dragons Belch UnderCity is a vast complex maze of ancient cities, built one atop the other over the millennia.

Flaeness Flow / River of Ood
North south flow of water, running through the mountains, empties into the sea near the city Dragons Belch. It is not so much a river as a muck-mire that traps and inters anything stupid enough to attempt its crossing.
Hermetic Outpost
Discovered by Zirus below the Wood Elf Home on the Seamyst Plains north of Dragons Belch in the Underdark.
The Keep of Old
Mentioned by Gavin Moorehouse, Knight of the Rose: “I managed to win the trust of the remaining citizens and have them secured in The Keep of Old, just west of here near the River of Ood.
The Elemental Temple
First mentioned by Tobias the Grimalkin: “I heard tidbits here and there. Black pearls from the Groo, not sure what or who they are, I believe we saw some of their handy work in the dungeon, that smoke I should think, the living turned to grotesque forms of the non-living,. The Elemental Temple, some place out west, is where they were headed.
Netheril Tower
Netheril's tower is constructed of heavy grey stone blocks, 9' thick, with one or more large rooms to each floor. Many of the rooms contain tables covered in scrolls, books, bubbling beakers, and strange, stuffed creatures. The base footprint is roughly 90' in diameter. The main entrance consists of two 12" thick by 7' wide by 12' high doors, laminated with alternating grain layers of hard 4" thick timbers and steel bands. A spiral staircase winds its way up on the inside of the building just inside the outer wall with a small landing on each floor.

1st Floor: Guest quarters and Dining area.
  • There are two rooms and a small breezeway on this floor.
  • The 1st room is a small closet just inside the main entrance(Large, thick, heavy steel-banded, wood doors, guarded day and night by Netheril's two grargoyles)
  • The second room encompases the remaining space of the 1st floor: A large room with small beds along the outer wall and dining tables in the center of the room.
  • The floor of this room is stone
2nd Floor: Infirmary
  • This floor has one large room (infirmary)
3rd Floor:

4th Floor:

5th Floor: Gunther's Floor

6th Floor:

7th Floor: Library & Study

8th Floor:

9th Floor: Netheril's Study
Red Ale Inn
The Red Ale Inn is, by far, the most popular and safest place to eat and sleep in Dragons Belch. This, as it so happens, is primarily because it sits adjacent to the High Lord Lorcan’s mansion. Lorcan has his own table at the Red Ale Inn and can be seen sitting there most days.
Satan's Crack
The north-south passage through the mountains north of Dragons Belch. A treacherous, evil looking crack, barely big enough to fit a horse and coach. It was abandoned long ago during the Age of Darkness. Though no sane man has set foot there since, the High Wizard Netheril is determined to reopen the trade route to the north and restore the surrounding area to some sense of civilization.
Seamyst Ocean
Encompasses a fair portion of the northern hemisphere of Petrum and dotted with small and large islands and continents.
Home city of Gavin Moorehouse Knight of the Rose 90 miles NE of the Village of Hommlet.
Village of Hommlet
This hamlet-sized town was once a major crossroads, intersecting the east-west passage of the Flaeness Flow and the north-south passage through Satan's Crack. It is now wrecked and ravaged by some evil, yet to be named. Its only residents reside in a tower once owned by an evil wizard (current whereabouts unknown).

Gavin Moorehouse - 9th Level Knight of the Sword
Devin Moorehouse - Gavin's son
Mich Frederichson - Carpenter
William Steadfast - Stonemason
Brother Smith - Druid

Wood Elf Home: Last Stand (Meeting house & Theatre)
This simple underground home is the last known residence of the Seamyst Forest wood elves, as detailed in the Diary of Dinenor

Wyvern Island
Wyvern Island is a large 250 mile diameter island in the middle of the Seamyst Ocean (northern hemisphere of Petrum. Once a thriving colony along the east-west trade route, it is known mostly forgotten. The Island was named for a thriving Wyvern population discovered there when it was originally colonized. They are all thought to be extinct at this time.
The Things
The Diary of Dinenor
LOCATION: Found in the podium of the theater room in the Wood Elf Home on the Seamyst Plains.
DESCRIPTION: The diary acquired from the podium in the theater room of the Wood Elf Home on the Seamyst Plains is written in elf-tongue. The pages are crumbling and faded. It was the personal property of the last known member of a long forgotten community. The first few pages tell that he was the eldest member of a council that resided in the Seamyst Forest; now the Seamyst Plains. His name was Dinenor. Many of the pages describe council meetings that took place in a small theater room, beneath a great oak tree of grand spirit. The final pages tell about a grim time for the wood Elves. Detailing their long war with the wizard Damara and the loss of their forest to the humans from the city of Dragons Belch. The final entry depicts the last stand by Dinenor and his wife and small child.
The Diary of Calmert
LOCATION: Found in the podium of the theater room in the Wood Elf Home on the Seamyst Plains.
DESCRIPTION: The diary contains a collection of letters from a priest named Calmert and the personal notes of a Cleric named Lareth the beautiful. The priest’s notes detail instructions, directed at Lareth, to conduct experiments on the lunae homines with something he calls black pearls he received from the Groo. There is a single entry concerning the lunae homines and a ship hidden in the Caves of Blackeye. The diary details the horrific torture the lunae homines endured at the hands of Lareth and his men. Mention of the Back Pearls in Lareth’s notes is vague and insignificant other than in the last entry.
Groo Smoke Pellets
LOCATION: Village of Hommlet
DESCRIPTION: (Encounter text)
The largest of the three looks up at the party and makes a strange face as it pulls a small blowgun from its belt. You can’t be sure if the look is a sneer or a smile, the creature’s expression is hard to decipher. It slowly puts the blowgun to its mouth and fires a tiny projectile at the base of the tower, then the three creatures turn and bound off into the night.

Gavin nods his head and says, “Now you will see.

A minute later a thick dark gray cloud of smoke, radiating from the base of the tower, sweeps to the edge of town. In less than a minute the houses and trees are engulfed in a sea of smoke and the cloud dissipates as quickly as it appears. Every creatures caught in the cloud, including the dead, begin to buck and jerk in unnatural spasms, flesh turning to a mottled black patchwork of diseased rotting flesh. They swiftly rip, tear, and claw at each other, eventually disappearing into the darkness.
The Orb of Dragonkind
LOCATION: Unknown at this time
DESCRIPTION: The Orb of Dragonkind was a powerful magical item that could change a person into a dragon once its magical secrets were unlocked. It was lost long ago. The great King Damara once ruled using the power of the orb. Twenty years ago an ogre named Bonegnasher attacked Damara’s Castle in search of the orb, killing everyone within. As a last act, Damara hid the orb somewhere in the castle.
Letter from Calmert
LOCATION: Found by Zirus in the Hermetic Outpost below the Wood Elf Home on the Seamyst Plains.
DESCRIPTION: The parchment is a letter from Calmert detailing the use of the Black Pearls. They are used as projectiles, creating a swiftly expanding greyish-black smoke when broken. The parchment goes on to say he hopes the effects will meet their needs, if not they will need to request additional magics from the Groo. The parchment is signed by Calmert along with the symbol of a flaming eye in iron gal ink. You will recognize the symbol as that of an evil cult that once tried to enslave a portion of these lands, torturing and disfiguring any who would not join them.