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House Rules:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:07 pm
by PyroArrow
We'll be using The Unseen Servant dice roller.

You will be required to create an account before using this free service.

All rolls made using The Unseen Servant dice roller for for this Campaign should reference Campaign ID# 189.

Please review the following tutorials if you are not familiar with online dice rollers.
Users Guide
Macros Syntax and Rules
Dice Rolling Sandbox (for testing your macros)

These house rules apply only to the "In Character" thread...

One thing I wanted to point out, since a lot of players are already accustomed to this, is the use of the 'dialog' and 'ooc' formatting buttons (located beneath the bold and underline buttons respectively).

The dialog and ooc buttons will automatically format the text blue and red which form a nice differential.

When posting in character, use the Dialog Button (Blue Text) in the text editor above your post & quotation marks to differentiate your PC's speech.

Example of an "In Character" post:
Melf the Elf draws his long sword from its scabbard and attacks the orc. "You'll pay for killing my friend, you fiend!"

When posting your character's thoughts, use a dark green to indicate that it is one,
for example: Gus is out of sorts and appears angry. He had a profound psychological experience. He does not mean to offend (not much). He could use a mead.
Just, remember that the other players would not know Gus is thinking that!

You can also post "Out of character" comments in the "In Character" thread that are directly related to your character or the game. Please differentiate OOC comments by using the OCC Button at top above your post (Red Text).

After the battle, Erik the Cleric walks over to the elf. "Let me heal your wounds, Melf." With that, Erik places one hand on Melf's shoulder, and begins to pray.
OOC: Erik the Cleric casts Cure Light Wounds on Melf the Elf, healing 4 points of damage.

Player Character Multi-Classing for Humans:
The AD&D Players Handbook 1st addition has it that the human player character multi-classed by starting with one profession first, then switching to another later.
I will let you do it that way or the way the other humanoids in the game can (see my post in character sheet thread).

Re: House Rules:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:12 pm
by PyroArrow
Horse Speeds & Barding: For use in the game:

Running Top Speed: 59.546 km/h or 37mph (2 minute run)
Galloping: 40km/h or 24.855mph to 48km/h or 29.826 mph
Canter: 19km/h or 11.806mph to 24km/h or 14.9129mph
Trot: 13km/h or 8.0778mph to 18/km/h or 11.185mph
Walk: 6.4km/h or 3.9768mph

The game has the horse's speed set at 170 feet/round.
This is 10,200 feet/hour or 1.9318182 miles/hour or 3.1090 km/h.

The module has it that the horse would thus go 85 feet/round through the Borderlands Forest.
Thus 5,100 feet per hour or 0.9659091 miles per hour or 1.5545 kh/h.

So the game is close to the Walk Speed on an open road at least.

On the putting on & removal of Horse Barding:
Leather Barding: it takes 15 minutes to remove, & 1/2 hour to put on.
Metal Barding: 30 minutes to remove & 1 hour to put on.

It is a good idea to remove the horse barding as soon as possible to prevent chafing & sores.

Re: House Rules:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:12 pm
by PyroArrow
Movement Chart & Calculator:
Thanks goes out to Pulpatoon for this!

Re: House Rules:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:13 pm
by PyroArrow
Critical Hits & Critical Miss Tables:

Ok, i will make this part of the game play now!
When you roll a natural 20 or higher, consult the charts on these two pages after rolling a D100.
When you roll a natural 1, consult the Fumble Chart on the second page:

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Re: House Rules:

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:20 pm
by PyroArrow
I think everyone gets at least 1 to start with & earns another slot as they advance a number of levels, just like for weapons:


Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Group / Initial / #Levels
Warrior: 3...3
Wizard: 4...3
Priest: 4...3
Rogue: 3...4
Monk: 1...2

"If the DM allows characters to have proficiencies, this column also indicates the number of extra proficiency slots the character gains due to his Intelligence. These extra proficiency slots can be used however the player desires. The character never needs to spend any proficiency slots to speak his native language."

The above Intelligence Bonus, is used once, added to the Initial number of proficiencies.

If a proficiency check is required, The Table below lists which ability is used with each

Add the modifier (either positive or negative) listed in the Table to the appropriate ability score. Then the player rolls 1d20.

If the roll is equal to or less than character's adjusted ability score, the character accomplished what he was trying to do.

If the roll is greater than the character's ability score, the character fails at the task. (A roll of 20 always fails.) The DM determines what effects, if any, accompany failure.

Non-Weaponry Proficiency Listings
Info taken from Table 37 of 2nd Edition Player's Handbook.
This is a list of the Non-Weapon Proficiencies published by TSR (R) for
AD&D (TM) 2nd Ed. They are compiled from the _Player's Handbook_, the
Player's Handbook Reference series, and a few other sources. For complete
desciptions of the proficiencies and how they work, please refer to the
various books themselves.

Where conflicting information has been published, the most recent version
of the Proficiency is cited.

In the case of Proficiencies unique to the 1st Edition _Oriental Adventures_
book, attempts have been made to translate these to 2nd Ed terms. This,
however, is purely this author's interpretation of the Proficiency.

In the case of Proficiencies unique to the _Player's Option: Skills and
Powers_ handbook, Attributes have been adjusted for those not using the
secondary, derived attributes presented in that book.

This document is intended as an index for quick reference only.
AD&D (TM) is a trademark of TSR (R) Inc.


AH _The Age of Heroes_
AQ _Al-Qadim Arabian Adventures_
Bb _The Complete Barbarian's Handbook_
CB _The Complete Bard's Handbook_
CH _The Complete Book of Humanoids_
CN _The Complete Book of Necromancers_
CR _The Complete Ranger's Handbook_
CS _The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook_
CT _The Complete Theif's Handbook_
Dw _The Complete Book of Dwarves_
GR _The Glory of Rome_
OA _Oriental Adventures_
Nj _The Complete Ninja's Handbook_
Pn _The Complete Paladin's Handbook_
Ps _The Complete Psionics Handbook_
PW _Planewalkers' Handbook_
SP _Player's Option: Skills and Powers_
SM _Player's Option: Spells and Magic_
SS _Sages and Specialists_


Format: Name/# slots/Attribute/Modifier/Source


Acting 1 CHARISMA -1 CB
Alertness 1 WISDOM +1 Sh
Agriculture 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Animal Handling 1 WISDOM -1
Animal Rending 1 DEXTERITY +2 Bb
Animal Training 1 WISDOM 0
Artistic Ability 1 WISDOM 0
Athletics 1 DEXTERITY -1 AH
Begging 1 CHARISMA Sp. CT
Blacksmithing 1 STRENGTH 0
Boat Piloting 1 STRENGTH 0 SP
Boating 2 WISDOM +1 Sh
Boatwright 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 Dw
Calligraphy 2 DEXTERITY -2 OA
Carpentry 1 STRENGTH 0
Cartography 1 INTELLIGENCE -2/0 SS
Caving 2 WISDOM var. SS
Chanting 1 CHARISMA +2 CB
Chaos Shaping 1 WISDOM 0 PW
Cheesemaking 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 CH
City Familiarity 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 Nj
Clothesmaking, Crude 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 Bb
Cobbling 1 DEXTERITY 0
Concocting 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 SS
Craft Instrument 2 DEXTERITY -2 CB
Crowd Working 1 CHARISMA 0 CB
Dancing 1 DEXTERITY 0
Danger Sense 2 WISDOM +1 CH
Deep Diving 2 WISDOM -2 SP
Direction Sense 1 WISDOM +1
Distance Sense 1 WISDOM 0 CR
Etiquette 1 CHARISMA 0
Falconry 1 WISDOM -1 CR
Fire-Building 1 WISDOM -1
Fishing 1 WISDOM -1
Flower Arranging 1 WISDOM 0 OA
Foraging 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 Sh
Fortune Telling 2 CHARISMA +2
Fungi Recognition 1 INTELLIGENCE +3 Dw
Gaming 1 CHARISMA 0
Geography 1 or 2 INTELLIGENCE -1 Sh
Haggling 2 WISDOM 0 AQ
Landscape Gardening 1 WISDOM -1 OA
Languages, Modern 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Leather Working 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Looting 1 DEXTERITY 0
Masseur 1 DEXTERITY 0 OA
Medium 2 WISDOM 0 Sh
Metalworking 1 DEXTERITY 0 AQ
Military Science 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 GR
Mining 2 WISDOM -3
Musical Instrument 1 DEXTERITY -1
Observation 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 CT
Oratory 1 CHARISMA -1 AH
Orienteering 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Origami 1 DEXTERITY 0
Painting 1 DEXTERITY -1 SP
Persuasion 1 CHARISMA -2 SM
Philosophy 1 WISDOM -1 AH
Planar Direction Sense 1 WISDOM +1 PW
Planar Sense 1 WISDOM -1 PW
Planar Survival 2 INTELLIGENCE -2 PW
Politics 1 CHARISMA 0 GR
Portal Feel 2 INTELLIGENCE -3/-5 PW
Pottery 1 DEXTERITY -2
Prophecy 1 WISDOM -2 SS
Rhetoric 1 CHARISMA 0 GR
Riding, Airborne 2 WISDOM -2
Riding, Land-based 1 WISDOM +3
Riding, Sea-based 2 DEXTERITY -2 CR
Rope Use 1 DEXTERITY 0
Rowing 1 STRENGTH -1 AH
Sculpting 1 DEXTERITY 0 SP
Seamanship 1 DEXTERITY +1
Seamstress/Tailor 1 DEXTERITY -1
Sign Language 1 INTELLIGENCE +2
Signalling 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 CR
Silk Making 1 DEXTERITY -2 OA
Singing 1 CHARISMA 0
Slow Respiration 1 NA NA
Smelting 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Sound Analysis 1 WISDOM 0
Sound Imitation 2 CHARISMA -2 OA
Stonemasonry 1 STRENGTH -2
Swimming 1 STRENGTH 0
Tattooing 1 DEXTERITY 0
Tea Ceremony 2 WISDOM -2 OA
Voice Mimicry 2 CHARISMA Sp. CT
Weapon Improvisation 1 WISDOM -1 Bb
Weather Sense 1 WISDOM -1
Whistling/Humming 1 DEXTERITY +2 CB
Winemaking 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 CH


Administration 1 INTELLIGENCE +1 SM
Ancient Geography 1 or 2 INTELLIGENCE -2 Sh
Ancient History 1 INTELLIGENCE -1
Astrology 2 INTELLIGENCE 0
Bookbinding 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 SM
Bureaucracy 2 INTELLIGENCE 0 SM
Ceremony 1 WISDOM 0 SM
Diagnostics 1 WISDOM -1 Pn
Diplomacy 1 CHARISMA -1 SM
Dream Interpretation 2 WISDOM -1 Sh
Engineering 2 INTELLIGENCE -3
Healing 2 WISDOM -2
Herbalism 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Investigation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 SM
Languages, Ancient 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Local History 1 CHARISMA 0
Navigation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Necrology 1 WISDOM 0 CN
Netherworld Knowledge 1 WISDOM -3 CN
Omen Interpretation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 Sh
Omen Reading 1 WISDOM -2 SM
Papermaking 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 SM
Reading/Writing 1 INTELLIGENCE +1
Religion 1 WISDOM 0
Sage Knowledge 2 INTELLIGENCE -2 SM
Scribe 1 DEXTERITY +1 SM
Shamanic Ritual 1 WISDOM +1 Sh
Soothsaying 2 INTELLIGENCE 0 Bb
Spellcraft 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Spell Recovery 2 INTELLIGENCE -5 PW
Spirit Lore 2 CHARISMA -4 CN
Spirit Lore 1 WISDOM +2 Sh
Undead Knowledge 1 WISDOM 0 CS
Undead Lore 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 SM
Venom Handling 1 WISDOM -2 CN
Veterinary Healing 1 WISDOM -3 CR


Gem Cutting 2 DEXTERITY -2 Ps
Harness Subconscious 2 WISDOM -1 Ps
Hypnosis 1 CHARISMA -2 Ps
Meditative Focus 1 WISDOM +1 Ps
Reading/Writing 1 INTELLIGENCE +1 Ps
Rejuvenation 1 WISDOM -1 Ps
Religion 1 WISDOM 0 Ps


Ancient History 1 INTELLIGENCE -1
Animal Noise 1 WISDOM -1 CT
Appraising 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Assimilation 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 Nj
Awareness 2 WISDOM 0 AQ
Bartering 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Begging 1 CHARISMA Sp. CT
Blind-Fighting 2 NA NA
Bureaucracy 2 INTELLIGENCE 0 Pn
Camouflage 1 WISDOM 0 CR
Chicanery 1 DEXTERITY -1 AH
Close-quarters Fighting 2 DEXTERITY 0 CH
Detect Signing 1 INTELLIGENCE +1 Nj
Disguise 1 CHARISMA -1
Enamour 1 CHARISMA -2 Nj
Endurance 2 CONSTITUTION 0
Escape 2 DEXTERITY 0 Nj
Fast-Talking 1 CHARISMA Sp. CT
Feign/Detect Sleep 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 Nj
Forgery 1 DEXTERITY -1
Gem Cutting 2 DEXTERITY -2
Giant Kite Flying 1 DEXTERITY -3 Nj
Grooming 2 DEXTERITY 0 AQ
Herbalism 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Hold Breath 1 CONSTITUTION 0 Nj
Hunting 1 WISDOM -1
Information Gathering 1 INTELLIGENCE Sp. CT
Intimidation 1 STR/CHA Sp. CT
Juggling 1 DEXTERITY -1
Jumping 1 STRENGTH 0
Local History 1 CHARISMA 0
Locksmithing 1 DEXTERITY 0
Navigation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Night Vision 1 WISDOM -2 Nj
Pest Control 1 WISDOM 0 Dw
Quick Study 2 Varies -3 Nj
Reading Lips 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Reading/Writing 1 INTELLIGENCE +1
Riding, Horse Spec. 2 WISDOM +2 AQ
Riding, Camel Spec. 2 WISDOM +2 AQ
Set Snares 1 DEXTERITY -1
Tightrope Walking 1 DEXTERITY 0
Toxicology 2 INTELLIGENCE 0 Nj
Tracking 2 WISDOM 0
Trailing 1 DEXTERITY Sp. CT
Trail Signs 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 CR
Tumbling 1 DEXTERITY 0
Underclass 1 WISDOM 0 Nj
Ventriloquism 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Water Walking 1 DEXTERITY -1 Nj


Animal Lore 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Armourer 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Armourer, Crude 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 Bb
Awareness 2 WISDOM 0 AQ
Blind-Fighting 2 NA NA
Bowyer/Fletcher 1 DEXTERITY -1
Bowyer/Fletcher, Crude 1 DEXTERITY 0 Bb
Camouflage 1 WISDOM 0 CR
Charioteering 1 DEXTERITY +2
Close-quarters Fighting 2 DEXTERITY 0 CH
Display Weapon Prowess 1 DEXTERITY 0 AQ
Endurance 2 CONSTITUTION 0
Horde Summoning 2 CHARISMA -2 Bb
Hunting 1 WISDOM -1
Iaijutsu 1 NA NA OA
Intimidation 1 STR/CHA Sp. CT
Jousting 1 DEXTERITY +2 Pn
Law 1 WISDOM 0 Pn
Leadership 1 CHARISMA 0 Bb
Light Sleeping 1 CONSTITUTION -1 Bb
Mountaineering 1 NA NA
Natural Fighting 2 STRENGTH +1 CH
Navigation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Riding, Horse Spec. 2 WISDOM +2 AQ
Riding, Camel Spec. 2 WISDOM +2 AQ
Set Snares 1 DEXTERITY -1
Spelunking 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 CR
Style Analysis 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 Nj
Tracking 2 WISDOM 0
Trail Marking 1 WISDOM 0 CR
Trail Signs 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 CR
Weaponsmithing 3 INTELLIGENCE -3
Weaponsmithing, Crude 1 WISDOM -3 CR
Wild Fighting 2 CONSTITUTION 0 CH


Ancient History 1 INTELLIGENCE -1
Arcanology 1 INTELLIGENCE -3 SM
Astrology 2 INTELLIGENCE 0
Bookbinding 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 SM
Clockwork Creation 2 DEXTERITY 0 CS
Concentration 2 WISDOM -2 SM
Dowsing 1 WISDOM -3 SM
Engineering 2 INTELLIGENCE -3
Future History 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 Ch
Gem Cutting 2 DEXTERITY -2
Glassblowing 1 DEXTERITY 0 SM
Herbalism 2 INTELLIGENCE -2
Hypnotism 1 CHARISMA -2 SM
Languages, Ancient 1 INTELLIGENCE 0
Languages, Future 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 Ch
Mental Resistance 1 WISDOM -1 SM
Navigation 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Necrology 1 WISDOM 0 CN
Netherworld Knowledge 1 WISDOM -3 CN
Numerology 2 INTELLIGENCE 0 CS
Omen Reading 1 WISDOM -2 SM
Papermaking 1 INTELLIGENCE 0 SM
Prestidigitation 1 DEXTERITY -1 SM
Prophecy 1 WISDOM -1 Ch
Reading/Writing 1 INTELLIGENCE +1
Religion 1 WISDOM 0
Sage Knowledge 2 INTELLIGENCE -2 SM
Scribe 1 DEXTERITY +1 SM
Sorcerous Duelling 2 INTELLIGENCE -1
Spellcraft 1 INTELLIGENCE -2
Spell Recovery 2 INTELLIGENCE -5 PW
Spirit Lore 2 CHARISMA -4
Tactics of Magic 1 INTELLIGENCE -1 SM
Thaumaturgy 1 INTELLIGENCE -2 SM
Time Sense 1 WISDOM -2 Ch
Venom Handling 1 WISDOM -2 CN
Undead Knowledge 1 WISDOM 0 CS

NWPs in Alphabetical order
Format: Name/# slots/Attribute/Modifier/Group/Source


Acting 1 CHA -1 G CB
Administration 1 INT +1 P SM
Alchemy 2 INT -3 Wz SM
Alertness 1 WIS +1 G CT
Alms 1 CHA 0 P SM
Anatomy 1 INT -2 P,Wz SM
Arcanology 1 INT -3 Wz SM
Agriculture 1 INT 0 G
Ancient Geography 1 or 2 INT -2 P Sh
Ancient History 1 INT -1 P,R,Wz
Animal Handling 1 WIS -1 G
Animal Lore 1 INT 0 W
Animal Noise 1 WIS -1 R CT
Animal Rending 1 DEX +2 G Bb
Animal Training 1 WIS 0 G
Appraising 1 INT 0 R
Armourer 2 INT -2 W
Armourer, Crude 1 INT -1 W Bb
Artistic Ability 1 WIS 0 G
Assimilation 1 INT 0 R Nj
Astrology 2 INT 0 P,Wz
Athletics 1 DEX -1 G AH
Awareness 2 WIS 0 R,W AQ
Bartering 1 INT -2 R
Begging 1 CHA Sp. G CT
Blacksmithing 1 STR 0 G
Blind-Fighting 2 NA NA R,W
Boating 1 WIS +1 G CT
Boatwright 1 INT -1 G Dw
Bookbinding 1 INT 0 P,Wz SM
Bowyer/Fletcher 1 DEX -1 W
Bowyer/Fletcher, Crude 1 DEX 0 W Bb
Bureaucracy 2 INT 0 P,R SM
Brewing 1 INT 0 G
Calligraphy 2 DEX -2 G OA
Camouflage 1 WIS 0 R,W CR
Carpentry 1 STR 0 G
Cartography 1 INT -2/0 G SS
Caving 2 WIS var. G SS
Ceremony 1 WIS 0 P SM
Chanting 1 CHA +2 G CB
Chaos Shaping 1 WIS 0 G PW
Charioteering 1 DEX +2 W
Cheesemaking 1 INT 0 G CH
Chicanery 1 DEX -1 R AH
City Familiarity 1 INT 0 G Nj
Clockwork Creation 2 DEX 0 Wz CS
Close-quarters Fighting 2 DEX 0 R,W CH
Clothesmaking, Crude 1 INT -1 G Bb
Cobbling 1 DEX 0 G
Concentration 2 WIS -2 Wz SM
Concocting 1 INT -2 G SS
Cooking 1 INT 0 G
Craft Instrument 2 DEX -2 G CB
Crowd Working 1 CHA 0 G CB
Dancing 1 DEX 0 G
Danger Sense 2 WIS +1 G CH
Debate 1 INT 0 G
Detect Signing 1 INT +1 R Nj
Diagnostics 1 WIS -1 P Pn
Diplomacy 1 CHA -1 P SM
Direction Sense 1 WIS +1 G
Disguise 1 CHA -1 R
Display Weapon Prowess 1 DEX 0 W AQ
Distance Sense 1 WIS 0 G CR
Dowsing 1 WIS -3 Wz SM
Dream Interpretation 2 WIS -1 P Sh
Drinking 1 CON 0 G CH
Eating 1 CON 0 G CH
Enamour 1 CHA -2 R Nj
Endurance 2 CON 0 R,W
Engineering 2 INT -3 P,Wz
Escape 2 DEX 0 R Nj
Etiquette 1 CHA 0 G
Falconry 1 WIS -1 G CR
Fast-Talking 1 CHA Sp. R CT
Feign/Detect Sleep 1 INT 0 R Nj
Fire-Building 1 WIS -1 G
Fishing 1 WIS -1 G
Flower Arranging 1 WIS 0 G OA
Foraging 1 INT -2 G Sh
Forgery 1 DEX -1 R
Fortune Telling 2 CHA +2 G
Fungi Recognition 1 INT +3 G Dw
Future History 1 INT 0 Wz Ch
Gaming 1 CHA 0 G
Gem Cutting 2 DEX -2 Ps,R,Wz
Genie Lore 1 INT 0 P,Wz AQ
Geography 1 or 2 INT -1 G Sh
Giant Kit Flying 1 DEX -3 R Nj
Glassblowing 1 DEX 0 Wz SM
Grooming 2 DEX 0 R AQ
Haggling 2 WIS 0 G AQ
Harness Subconscious 2 WIS -1 Ps Ps
Healing 2 WIS -2 P
Heraldry 1 INT 0 G
Herbalism 2 INT -2 P,R,Wz
Hiding 2 INT -1 G CH
Hold Breath 1 CON 0 R Nj
Horde Summoning 2 CHA -2 W Bb
Hunting 1 WIS -1 R,W
Hypnosis 1 CHA -2 Ps Ps
Hypnotism 1 CHA -2 Wz SM
Iaijutsu 1 NA NA W OA
Information Gathering 1 INT Sp. R CT
Intimidation 1 STR/CHA Sp. R,W CT
Investigation 1 INT -2 P SM
Jousting 1 DEX +2 W Pn
Juggling 1 DEX -1 R
Jumping 1 STR 0 R
Landscape Gardening 1 WIS -1 G OA
Languages, Ancient 1 INT 0 P,Wz
Languages, Future 1 INT 0 Wz Ch
Languages, Modern 1 INT 0 G
Law 1 INT 0 P,W SM
Leadership 1 CHA 0 W Bb
Leather Working 1 INT 0 G
Light Sleeping 1 CON -1 W Bb
Local History 1 CHA 0 P,R
Locksmithing 1 DEX 0 R
Looting 1 DEX 0 G
Masseur 1 DEX 0 G OA
Meditative Focus 1 WIS +1 Ps Ps
Medium 2 WIS 0 G Sh
Mental Resistance 1 WIS -1 Wz SM
Metalworking 1 DEX 0 G AQ
Military Science 1 INT 0 G GR
Mining 2 WIS -3 G
Mountaineering 1 NA NA W
Musical Instrument 1 DEX -1 G
Natural Fighting 2 STR +1 W CH
Navigation 1 INT -2 P,R,W,Wz
Necrology 1 WIS 0 P,Wz CN
Netherworld Knowledge 1 WIS -3 P,Wz CN
Night Vision 1 WIS -2 R Nj
Noh 1 CHA -1 G OA
Numeracy 1 INT 0 Wz CS
Numerology 2 INT 0 Wz CS
Observation 1 INT 0 G CT
Omen Interpretation 1 INT -2 P Sh
Omen Reading 1 WIS -2 P,Wz SM
Oratory 1 CHA -1 G AH
Origami 1 DEX 0 G
Painting 1 DEX -1 G SP
Papermaking 1 INT 0 P,Wz SM
Persuasion 1 CHA -2 G SM
Pest Control 1 WIS 0 R Dw
Philosophy 1 WIS -1 G AH
Planar Direction Sense 1 WIS +1 G PW
Planar Sense 1 WIS -1 G PW
Planar Survival 2 INT -2 G PW
Planology 1 INT 0 P,Wz PW
Poetry 1 INT -2 G
Politics 1 CHA 0 G GR
Pottery 1 DEX -2 G
Prestidigitation 1 DEX -1 Wz SM
Prophecy 1 WIS -1 Wz Ch
Prophecy 2 WIS -2 G SS
Quick Study 2 Var. -3 R Nj
Reading Lips 2 INT -2 R
Reading/Writing 1 INT +1 P,Ps,R,Wz
Rejuvenation 1 WIS -1 Ps Ps
Religion 1 WIS 0 P,Ps,Wz
Research 1 INT 0 Wz SM
Rhetoric 1 CHA 0 G GR
Riding, Airborne 2 WIS -2 G
Riding, Camel Spec. 2 WIS +2 R,W AQ
Riding, Horse Spec. 2 WIS +2 R,W AQ
Riding, Land-based 1 WIS +3 G
Riding, Sea-based 2 DEX -2 G CR
Rope Use 1 DEX 0 G
Rowing 1 STR -1 G AH
Running 1 CON -6 W
Sage Knowledge 2 INT -2 P,Wz SM
Scribe 1 DEX +1 P,Wz SM
Sculpting 1 DEX 0 G SP
Seamanship 1 DEX +1 G
Seamstress/Tailor 1 DEX -1 G
Set Snares 1 DEX -1 R,W
Shamanistic Ritual 1 WIS +1 P Sh
Sign Language 1 INT +2 G
Signalling 1 INT -2 G CR
Silk Making 1 DEX -2 G OA
Singing 1 CHA 0 G
Slow Respiration 1 NA NA G
Smelting 1 INT -2 G
Soothsaying 2 INT 0 P Bb
Sorcerous Duelling 2 INT -1 Wz
Sound Analysis 1 WIS 0 G
Sound Imitation 2 CHA -2 G OA
Spellcraft 1 INT -2 P,Wz
Spell Recovery 2 INT -5 P,Wz PW
Spelunking 1 INT -2 W CR
Spirit Lore 2 CHA -4 P,Wz CN
Spirit Lore 1 WIS +2 P Sh
Stonemasonry 1 STR -2 G
Style Analysis 1 INT -1 W Nj
Survival 2 INT 0 R,W
Swimming 1 STR 0 G
Tactics 1 INT -1 W AH
Tactics of Magic 1 INT -1 Wz SM
Tattooing 1 DEX 0 G
Tea Ceremony 2 WIS -2 G OA
Thaumaturgy 1 INT -2 Wz SM
Tightrope Walking 1 DEX 0 R
Time Sense 1 WIS -2 Wz Ch
Toxicology 2 INT 0 R Nj
Tracking 2 WIS 0 R,W
Trailing 1 DEX Sp. R CT
Trail Marking 1 WIS 0 W CR
Trail Signs 1 INT -1 R,W CR
Trance 2 CON -3 P Sh
Tumbling 1 DEX 0 R
Undead Knowledge 1 WIS 0 P,Wz CS
Undead Lore 1 INT -1 P SM
Underclass 1 WIS 0 R Nj
Venom Handling 1 WIS -2 P,Wz CN
Ventriloquism 1 INT -2 R
Vetinary Healing 1 WIS -3 P CR
Voice Mimicry 2 CHA Sp. G CT
Water Walking 1 DEX -1 R Nj
Weapon Improvisation 1 WIS -1 G Bb
Weaponsmithing 3 INT -3 W
Weaponsmithing, Crude 1 WIS -3 W CR
Weather Sense 1 WIS -1 G
Weaving 1 INT -1 G
Whistling/Humming 1 DEX +2 G CB
Wild Fighting 2 CON 0 W CH
Winemaking 1 INT 0 G CH

Re: House Rules:

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:02 am
by PyroArrow
Use of TorchLight:
How far does a torch let you see in reality? Consider this snippet from a Scientific American Supplement:

"Torches consist of a bundle of loosely twisted threads which has been immersed in a mixture formed of two parts, by weight, of beeswax, eight of resin, and one of tallow. In warm, dry weather, these torches when lighted last for two hours when at rest, and for an hour and a quarter on a march.

A good light is obtained by spacing them 20 or 30 yards apart." This indicates a bare minimum radius of visible illumination of 30 feet (half of 20 yards), maybe 45 feet (half 30 yards); possibly even 60 or 90 feet (20 or 30 yards itself) depending on how liberal the above usage of "good" is taken.
In the game, you can see in a 15 feet radius, after 15 & up to 30 ft things will be in shadowy outline.
The torches will last as stated above in the quote.

Use of Lanterns:

In the game, you can see up to 30 feet radius, after 30 & up to 60 ft, things will be in shadowy outline.
The Oil typically last for 2 hours.

Re: House Rules:

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:30 pm
by PyroArrow
Here is the Wandering Monster Table I made up for the game:

The Inheritance Wandering Monsters/NPC’s table:

1] Kobold (at Night), Salamander (day)
2] Bear
3] Cougar
4] Merchant Caravan
5] Peregrine Falcon
6] Skunk
7] Wolf
8] Wild Boar
9] Brownie
10] Buffalo
11] Lynx
12] Gopher
13] Ram
14] Lone Traveller
15] Weasel
16] Wild Horse
17] Eagle
18] Geese
19] Rabbit
20] Goblin (at Night), Wild Turkeys (Day)