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#2 Post by thirdkingdom »

Each PC gets 50 XP from combat and 338 from treasure. Semele gets 25 from combat and 84 from treasure. Do not forget to add modifiers from high Ability scores.
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#3 Post by frobozz »

Hey guys, I figured we should go ahead and wrap things up with Saul's possessions since we have a little time now between IC posts. Here is the item summary from Saul's will (actual will in spoilers):

Saul's Will (OOC IV, Page 19)
My friends,

If you are reading this you are either going through my things, in which case I beg you to stop reading and take whatever else you need, or I got myself in more trouble than I could handle and I'm now dead.

If that's the case, well, that's just rotten luck but there isn't a lot we can do about that now and I probably deserved it. I just hope there wasn't any wizardry involved in my demise or some disease, a straight up fight is a much finer death than dying without having a chance to defend myself.

I have made my peace with this life a long time ago. I've hungered and shivered and did my best to improve my lot in life, often at the expense of others who could afford to lose something. I've done my evil, I've done my good too and I'd like to think I've amended for the first with the second.

It was a pleasure to adventure with you for these past weeks and I'm proud to have called you all my friends and to have accomplished so much in so little time.

You have all kept me sane. Without you to keep me grounded I would probably have taken my first share of treasure and wasted it all on women. I hope when you read this I managed to save enough to buy a small farm, find a good wife and keep the law of the land with a silver pin proudly on my chest.

Given the nature of our line of work it's likely all of that didn't happen as planned so at the very least I hope I became a valuable party member and I will be missed.

Regarding my possessions, what little they may be (assuming anything can be recovered):

I would like my gold to be divided evenly among all of you.

Bregalad, all of you are good people but, although I didn't know you as well as I should, I know you will always do the right thing, even if it's not in your best interest. I would like you to have Castanha. She is a good, strong horse, smart and hard-working and she can be fast when needed. She isn't picky about her food but please give her an apple every once in a while, it's her favorite. If you can't afford to keep her please find someone who will take good care of her.

Lanny, out of everyone you were the one I knew best. Many days I gave thanks for the banter we shared. I can give you little but I feel Hedfan should belong to you. Tratlin or Bregalad would also take good care of it although I think you might put it to better use.

Innanna, I had the pleasure of your company for only a little time but you were always an interesting person. I loved the way you addressed people, how you handled children and the way you just kept producing ribbons out of your hair. I would like you to have known you better. I can only give you my two pieces of amber. They aren't worth much but i believe you can fashion them into something far more valuable to remember me by. I won't mind if you cash them in but I would be proud if you wore them.

Rhys, it was only recently that we've met but I would like you to have my bow. It has served me well and I believe it will be good to you as well.

Thordin, you are a wise and brave person and I enjoyed fighting beside you. There is little I can offer you that you could use so I hope you can forgive me if I only offer you my mirror so you can always tend to that burned beard of yours, may it regrow to it's majesty soon and may it be celebrated in many songs.

Drudsa, to you I leave you my Lantern. May it lit your path as it did mine. You were a good friend.

Marodin, to you I leave my goggles. Beware of them as they may cause you some headaches. Used carefully they may prove useful to you in the dark.

Tratlin, I'm afraid I can give you nothing besides a share of my fortune. Don't take offense, you were a good ally but I feel there's nothing that would be of any use for you. Feel free to help yourself to you any of my remaining gear if you can find a use for it, maybe my armor will fit you.

Semele, I'm sorry but I can give you nothing of value that you could use beyond a share of my wealth. You can have my cloak, it's probably a bit large for but you'll grow into it and keep you warm. I can also give you some advice even though you are very close to my age: You are a brave young woman but you should find someplace safe where you could perform your duty to the Immortals and leave this adventuring life. That is what I'd like, nothing would make me happier than your safety, but I know that you've acquired a taste for adventure so listen to Marodin, he is wise, although he doesn't talk much, so pay close attention to him and you should be fine. If it's not too much to ask I'd like you to say a little prayer for me every once in a while.

Grey Jake and Meagnor, if they ever return, give them my love.

I hope I didn't forget anyone.

As for my requests, I won't bother you much. If at all possible please give my ashes a proper resting place near civilization, not just a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere. There's no one to mourn me, aside from all of you, or so I hope, but I'd rather not be forgotten somewhere. Having said that, don't take any chances for me, I wouldn't feel right if anyone was hurt over my remains.

One thing I beg of you is that you don't attempt to resurrect me. I love you all but I don't want to risk anything going wrong. I also believe there are new adventures in the afterlife and maybe I'm fated for them. That's not to say that if I am needed here I won't take my chances for you but I hope you understand if I crave for the adventures in front of me, not those I left behind, even if it pains me to leave you with them.

Have fun, do good, think of me sometimes and If I don't see you no more in this world, I'll meet you on the next one. I hope you'll be late and keep me waiting for a long time but I'll greet you all there.
Gold - evenly divided amongst the party (Saul's character sheet lists 7,131gp. 7,131gp divided by 9 = 792 gp per person, which includes Semele)

Bregalad - Castanha (draft horse - carrying capacity: 4500cn, base speed: 30 feet per round)

Lanny - elvish dagger ("Hedfan", +1 to hit and damage, 20/30/45 range, 10cn weight)
Rhys - elvish 'displacer beast' shortbow (+1 to hit, 50/100/150 range, 30cn weight)
Drudsa - Continual Light Lantern (no oil required, may be shuttered, 30cn weight)
Marodin - Infravision Goggles (enables one to see in the dark, 15cn weight)

Innana - 2 amber gemstones (each one 100gp value)
Thordin - mirror?
Tratiln - armor?
Semele - cloak?

While he is honored to receive "Hedfan", Lanny thinks it would be better suited in the hands of someone who is proficient with daggers. The only party member with even basic proficiency with the dagger is Innana, so Lanny would suggest that it go to her.

Lanny would not mind receiving Saul's elvish shortbow, but if Rhys wants it, then it should go to Rhys (as willed). Only Thordin is actually proficient with a shortbow, but Thordin already has one of the elvish 'displacer beast' shortbows. One day Lanny would like to expand his bowmanship skills to be able to fire arrows from horseback, and a shortbow would be required to do that. This is also how he best remembers Saul (as a fellow bowman).

Lanny recommends Rhys to take over the role of lead scout of the party, and as such he would recommend that Rhys be the one to receive the Infravision Goggles, in case scouting in dark places is required (again, they were willed to Marodin, so Marodin has the first claim, but I thought the goggles might be best utilized by a scout).

Castanha could be kept by the party and stabled in Threshold along with our mules and cart (Castanha is a draft horse, unlike the rest of our horses, which are riding horses). Draft horses are slow, even slower than ponies, but they can carry a ton of stuff, so we could occasionally use Castanha as a pack animal if we ever have heavy loads to carry.

Anyway, not trying to make things more complicated or take items away from people, just wanting to get the items in the hands of those who might best use them. If you guys have any other thoughts or suggestions about how to divide things, please feel free to chime in.
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#4 Post by Bouv »

Besides the gold, Tratiln is ok without anything else. I don't think Saul's armor was magical at all.
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#5 Post by Alethan »

I have no problem at all with any of the Rhys-associated changes you suggest, Frobozz.

The +1 To Hit from the displacer beast bow would just counter my penalty for not being proficient in the shortbow. Lanny can happily have it, especially if he is going to put it to good use, firing from horseback.

I'm fine with Rhys taking scout position; he should be good at it, and will get better and better with each level as his speed increases. The only thief-based skills Rhys doesn't have, unfortunately, is lockpicking skills. We might want to ponder what to do about that.

If Sully doesn't want to give up possession of the goggles, then maybe Rhys could just borrow them on occasion, when the need arises.
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#6 Post by Finglas »

frobozz wrote:Castanha could be kept by the party and stabled in Threshold along with our mules and cart (Castanha is a draft horse, unlike the rest of our horses, which are riding horses). Draft horses are slow, even slower than ponies, but they can carry a ton of stuff, so we could occasionally use Castanha as a pack animal if we ever have heavy loads to carry.
Bregalad the elf

Thank you for your suggestions, Lanny. They are thoughtful, well reasoned, and demonstrate a concern for the well being of the entire group. You are the glue that keeps us together!

Bregalad will do as you suggest -- keeping Castanha stabled and care for in Threshold, and making sure he gets plenty of attention whenever the elf is in town. If the group moves its base of operations, the he will take Castanha with him, unless he finds a suitable owner first.
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#7 Post by Innana »

I also agree with Bregalad. Lanny, you are always looking out for everyone, and your fair in your dealings. I think that is why Innana chooses to trust your advice.

Thank you for the dagger. Innana is looking it over right now. It is her first magical item. I am sure it will come in handy.

And while we are being so generous with our compliments tonight, I would like to thank TK for his creative posts. Once in a while I can get a creative post in, but it is only because he sets up the world so vividly. Thank you.
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#8 Post by frobozz »

Thank you Bregalad and Innana. ;)

I listed Saul's items of value on the Treasure List for the moment, until we get final confirmation on who has what.
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#9 Post by zebediah »

Let me jump in and add my thanks for the dedication and effort you guys have been putting into the game. I probably post much less often than everyone else, and my posts tend to be brief, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the color you guys have been adding to the game and the trouble you save everyone else, specially TK and frobozz.

We have lost a few players since we started, which is really something to be expected on a pbp, but the game has been consistently fun since we started.
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#10 Post by sulldawga »

Marodin doesn't care about the goggles.
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#11 Post by sulldawga »

Can clerics "trade down" with spells? By that, I mean can Marodin pray for another 1st level spell instead of a 2nd level spell?

I was wondering if he could use his 2nd level slot for Purify Food & Water to help out the townspeople for a day before they head back out?
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#12 Post by frobozz »

Here is what I have for the division of Saul's valuables. Please confirm by adding the items to your character sheets if you have not already done so, so that I can remove the items from the Treasure List.

1 elvish dagger ("Hedfan", +1 to hit and damage, 20/30/45 range, 10cn) **_____Innana
1 elvish 'displacer beast' shortbow (+1 to hit, 50/100/150 range, 30cn)________Lanny
1 Continual Light lantern (no oil required, may be shuttered, 30cn) **_________Drudsa
1 Infravision goggles (enables one to see in the dark, 15cn) **________________Rhys
2 amber gems (100gp each)_____________________________________________Innana

** denotes a magical item

7,131 gp_____________________________________________________________Entire Party

@TK: Will there be any problem with getting this amount from Saul's account at the Moneychanger's Guild? Can the full amount (-5% withdrawal fee) be obtained? Or is it all lost with Saul's death?

@All: I will add any distribution amount from Saul's treasure onto a distribution amount for the 2 opals and 86 gp from the hobgoblin, to make a single distribution amount that everyone can add to their character sheets, so that we can wrap things up quickly.
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#13 Post by zebediah »

Looks good frobozz, I have already added the lantern to Drudsa's inventory.
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#14 Post by thirdkingdom »

Hmm. I'm going to say that you guys can withdraw/access the money from his account, but with a 20% "death tax" tacked on (includes the 5% withdrawal fee).
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#15 Post by Alethan »

frobozz wrote:Here is what I have for the division of Saul's valuables. Please confirm by adding the items to your character sheets if you have not already done so, so that I can remove the items from the Treasure List.

1 elvish dagger ("Hedfan", +1 to hit and damage, 20/30/45 range, 10cn) **_____Innana
1 elvish 'displacer beast' shortbow (+1 to hit, 50/100/150 range, 30cn)________Lanny
1 Continual Light lantern (no oil required, may be shuttered, 30cn) **_________Drudsa
1 Infravision goggles (enables one to see in the dark, 15cn) **________________Rhys
2 amber gems (100gp each)_____________________________________________Innana

** denotes a magical item

7,131 gp_____________________________________________________________Entire Party

@TK: Will there be any problem with getting this amount from Saul's account at the Moneychanger's Guild? Can the full amount (-5% withdrawal fee) be obtained? Or is it all lost with Saul's death?

@All: I will add any distribution amount from Saul's treasure onto a distribution amount for the 2 opals and 86 gp from the hobgoblin, to make a single distribution amount that everyone can add to their character sheets, so that we can wrap things up quickly.
I'll add the goggles. Is the information for them readily accessible? I'd like to note it to the character sheet.
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#16 Post by frobozz »

thirdkingdom wrote:Hmm. I'm going to say that you guys can withdraw/access the money from his account, but with a 20% "death tax" tacked on (includes the 5% withdrawal fee).
TK, that sounds reasonable. After all, only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and death taxes. LOL :lol:

So then, the distribution will be as follows:

Saul's Treasure:
7131 gp - 1426.20 gp (20% death tax) = 5704.80 gp
5704.80 gp divided by 9 persons = 633.86 gp

Hobgoblin's Treasure:
2 opals = 2000 gp - 200 gp (10% exchange fee) = 1800 gp
1800 gp + 86 gp = 1886 gp
1886 gp divided by 33 shares = 57.15 gp per share
Each PC: 228.60 gp Semele: 57.15 gp

Totals: Each PC: 862.46 Semele: 691.01 gp
The above totals can be added to the character sheets. Innana: Don't forget to add the two amber gemstones from Saul as well.
Alethan wrote:I'll add the goggles. Is the information for them readily accessible? I'd like to note it to the character sheet.
Al, the goggles were purchased by Saul at the annual Gnome Caravan. Here is their description:

On the table are a pair of thick, bulky goggles with blackened lenses. "If a human puts these on", the gnome says, "he will be able to see in the infra-red spectrum in much the same manner as an elf or dwarf." The goggles weigh 20 cn and cost 175 gold. Note that the goggles can only be worn for an hour per day or the wearer will develop massive migraines. (Note also Lanny's previously stated concern over this new-fangled 'technology': "A clever invention, Master Gnome, but I fear that it might one day make us elves and dwarves obsolete!" Lanny says with a hearty laugh.)
zebediah wrote:Drudsa the dabbler

"I am ready to leave whenever the group is. Do we know if the arms carried by the hobgoblin were magical? If they are perhaps we can leave them at Myraal for identification, otherwise, if no one is interested in keeping those, we can donate them to the city guard."
Zeb, I don't believe any of the items on the hobgoblin were magical (we passed the rowan shield over everything). So the battleaxe is just a battleaxe, and the shield is just a shield, although the shield did have a special description: "A shield, likely of dwarven design, embossed with a golden wyvern (a mythical creature resembling a dragon)". If anyone wishes to claim the shield for sentimental or other reasons, please let me know, otherwise I will remove it pretty soon from the Treasure List, along with the battleaxe.
Last edited by frobozz on Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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#17 Post by frobozz »

TK, one last question:

If one is 'skilled' in a particular weapon, does one gain any residual proficiency in similar but slightly different weapons? For example, Lanny has 'skilled' proficiency with the longbow... Might this grant him 'basic' proficiency with the shortbow? Or is he simply 'unskilled' with the shortbow unless he actually invests a weapon feat in it? I know there is nothing in the DD Rulebook about this, and if you'd rather not answer at this time, or if you simply don't want to go down that road, I will certainly understand, but I just figured I would ask since Lanny just inherited Saul's elvish shortbow. I am trying to determine if it will really have any practical use at all (an unskilled shortbow only does 1d3 damage).
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#18 Post by thirdkingdom »

frobozz wrote:TK, one last question:

If one is 'skilled' in a particular weapon, does one gain any residual proficiency in similar but slightly different weapons? For example, Lanny has 'skilled' proficiency with the longbow... Might this grant him 'basic' proficiency with the shortbow? Or is he simply 'unskilled' with the shortbow unless he actually invests a weapon feat in it? I know there is nothing in the DD Rulebook about this, and if you'd rather not answer at this time, or if you simply don't want to go down that road, I will certainly understand, but I just figured I would ask since Lanny just inherited Saul's elvish shortbow. I am trying to determine if it will really have any practical use at all (an unskilled shortbow only does 1d3 damage).

No, it does not grant similar basic proficiency.
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#19 Post by Alethan »

Just one note to keep in mind on treasure and such for Rhys...

Per his vows, he cannot use a bank to store anything. He can only have what he can carry on his immediate person. So he will be happy to take as much share as possible in gemstones or jewelry (as long as it is like a torq or a ring or an arm band some such thing; no dainty tiaras).

If that isn't possible with existing treasure (e.g. the opals are too expensive to be a part of the division), then this is something he would want to do at a jeweler (buying loose gems or having something like a jeweled torq made as a way of carrying/keeping his wealth on him).
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#20 Post by sulldawga »

Marodin will take the shield and he'll spend the remainder of the day seeking out both sages and blacksmiths to learn more about its construction and its heraldry.

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