HOUSE RULES: Character creation

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Gelatinous Q
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HOUSE RULES: Character creation

#1 Post by Gelatinous Q »

Character creation

Stat Generation:
• Use the Unseen Servant dice roller. Campaign ID #: 47
• DMG Method I. Generate 7 scores and drop the lowest overall.
• Of remaining scores, re-roll any <7.
• Race and age modifiers can’t raise scores above 18 or decrease them below 3.

Classes and races:
  • • All classes and races as per the PHB, except bard (see below).
    • Demi-human level limits: yes.
    • Multi-classing:
    • o To qualify for more than one class, you must have scores of 15 or higher in the prime requisite for each class. For example, an elvish F/MU must have STR and INT scores of 15 or higher.
      o If you qualify as per the above to play a multi-class character, you may advance to the maximum racial level limit for both classes. For example, an elvish F/MU with STR15 and INT17 may advance to max levels 7/11.
      o Cleric/Thief is a playable option for half-elves.
      o Fighter/Illusionist/Thief is a playable option for gnomes.
    • Dual-classing: your intention to dual-class, as well as the level at which you plan to change classes, must be made known to the DM and other players at character creation. Dual-classing rules will be handled btb.
    • Individual class rules:
    • Clerics
      • Must tithe 10% of all income to a temple of their patron deity.
      • Clerical (and druidical) spells are granted via "a few hours" of "meditation and devout prayer" (see PHB, p.40) — meaning, while MU's are memorizing spells for next day's usage, clerics are praying.
      • It’s expected that clerics pray for spells appropriate to their patron’s sphere of influence (ie., a cleric of Fharlanghn’s spells should primarily focus on those that aid travel or travelers). Clerics in good standing with their patron may receive unique spells starting at 3rd level.
      • Greater gods, lesser gods and the granting of high-level spells: don't let this rule sway your decision when choosing a patron deity. We'll deal with it when/if a cleric reaches a high enough level for it to become an issue.
      • Receive bonus spells for high WIS scores, as per clerics.
      • At 3rd level, single-classed fighters may opt for melee weapon specialization as per UA. To acquire weapon specialization, the fighter must a) leave a sufficient number of proficiency slots open; and b) permanently expend 2000 XP + an extra level’s worth of GP to attain level 3. (Example: an F3 wishing to acquire WS would need a minimum of 6001 XP + 4500 GP to cover training expenses. Once he is trained in WS, 2000 XP are deducted from his total.) Also regarding weapon specialization:
      • • Melee weapons only
        • No double specialization
        • Training fees increase (TBD)
        • No XP bonus for high STR scores with WS
        • Opting in for WS is a one-time only deal, available to the fighter exclusively at L3.
      • All MU’s start with 6 spells in their spellbook: detect magic, identify and 4 spells to be determined by INT rolls.
      Read magic is a class ability rather than a spell. At levels 1-3, the MU may read magic, as per the spell description, once per day; levels 4-6, twice per day; levels 7-9, three times per day. At level 10, the MU may read magic at will.
      • All illusionists start with 6 spells in their spellbook, all to be determined by INT rolls.
      Detect illusion is a class ability rather than a spell. At levels 1-3, the Illusionist may detect illusion, as per the spell description, once per day; levels 4-6, twice per day; levels 7-9, three times per day. At level 10, the Illusionist may detect illusion at will. Unlike the spell description, this ability is not transferable to others via touch.
      • An illusionist has a 1 in 10 chance of spontaneously detecting an illusion simply by being in the presence of one; this is something akin to the elvish ability to detect secret doors without searching. Spontaneous detection does not count against the illusionist’s daily limit, as per the above.
      Thieves and Assassins
      • Must join a guild at L3, and thenceforth donate 10% of all income to his home guild. This helps defray training costs, and confers other benefits as well.
      • Thieves may use light crossbows.
      • Assassins may also be LN or CN.
      • Use the start-from-scratch bard from Dragon #56/Best of Dragon III, rather than the triple-classed PHB version. If you don't have access to these issues, PM me.
    • Any non-evil. The basic thrust of this campaign is heroic.
    • If you wish to play a CN character, please PM me beforehand with a character concept, just to ensure we’re on the same page as to how this alignment is played.
    • Alignment languages will not be used.

    Starting Funds:
    • All characters start with 75% of the max allowed for their class by the PHB, p. 35:
    • o Clerics/Druids/Bards: 135
      o Fighters/Paladins/Rangers: 175
      o MUs/Illusionists: 60
      o Thieves/Assassins: 90
      o Monks: 15
    • Stick with PHB weapons to start.
    • Weapon speed factors: yes, we’re using them; please note on your character sheet
    • Weapon vs. AC adjustments: no, not using
    • Dual wielding: see HOUSE RULES: combat

    I don't bean-count encumbrance down to the last ounce, but I certainly don't ignore it either. I prefer OSRIC's more straightforward system for tracking enbumbrance to AD&D's, and will be using it.

    You can download OSRIC at:

    Languages Known:
    • Demi-humans know all languages allowed by their race at outset.
    • Humans start out knowing Common, one Greyhawk language appropriate to their nationality, a class language (if applicable) and, if INT allows, one additional of the player’s choosing.
    • Additional languages, up to the max allowed by INT, may be learned at leveling at an additional training cost to be determined by the common-ness of the language.

    • Please select a deity from the Greyhawk pantheon consistent with your nationality and background, or from the demi-human pantheon as defined in DDG and UA. DM Prata’s Greyhawk Deitybase is an excellent resource for this material.
    • In this campaign, the barbarian nations of the Thillronian Peninsula worship the Norse pantheon, as per DDG.

    Starting HP:
    • Max at first level; rolled thereafter.

    • PHB spells are canon. Spells from other sources exist, but are considered lost or esoteric, and must be found.
    • At low levels, procurement of spell components is an assumed part of training costs. Acquiring components for 4th and higher level spells may require more effort on the MU’s part at the DM’s discretion.
    • For purposes of memorization/prayer/etc., spell reversals are treated as separate spells.

    • No psionics for PCs. This doesn’t mean you might not eventually run into psionically-endowed creatures. Sometimes life is unfair.

    Experience and leveling:
    • Training costs are as per the DMG, though these may adjust up or down according to circumstance.
    • Training takes place off-stage.
Failure is always an option.
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Gelatinous Q
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Re: HOUSE RULES: Character creation

#2 Post by Gelatinous Q »

This is the Character Sheet template I'd like you to use. Feel free to add or delete info as needed. Be sure to include a couple paragraphs of character description/background.

Name, Race, Class



Hit Points (max/current):
AC (full/rear):
Weapon Proficiencies:

Saving Throws
Breath Weapon:
Magic Attack Adjustment:
Defensive Adjustment:

Special Abilities (Class):

Special Abilities (Race):


Equipment (Please list speed factor next to any melee weapons):


Failure is always an option.

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