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Re: Characters

#2 Post by thirdkingdom »

[Name & Epithet], [Level Title]
[Current XP] / [XP Needed to Level]

HP: [current]/[total]


Saving Throws
Petrification & Paralysis:
Poison & Death:
Blast & Breath:
Staffs & Wands:

Weapons & Attacks
[Name] [Throw to Hit] [Damage]

[Class Proficiency]
[General Proficiency 1]
[General Proficiency 2]

Class Abilities If any of them include a die roll, list the die roll too.
Class abilities
Class Abilities

Other Abilities
Open Door
Detect Secret Door
Hear Noise
Find Traps



Backpacks or tents or door spikes or whatever. Be sure to list what container each object is in. It might be easiest to list each container as a sub-item and then list next to it what is in it.



Magic Items
Total Stones of Encumbrance

First Level Spells Per Day: Repertoire

Second Level Spells Per Day: Repertoire
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Re: Characters

#3 Post by sulldawga »

Harald the Barbarian
Harald, Plunderer
20,000 / 20,800
+5% XP bonus

STR 14 (+1)
WIS 10
DEX 11
CON 13 (+1)

HP: 32/32
AC: 7/5
Initiative: +1

Base: 60' per turn
Combat: 20' per round
Charge: 60' per round
Climb: 5' per round
Daily: 12 miles per day (on foot), 24 miles per day (mounted)

Saving Throws
Petrification & Paralysis: 12+
Poison & Death: 11+
Blast & Breath: 13+
Staffs & Wands: 13+
Spells: 14+

Weapons & Attacks

Atlanaut (sword) - 7+ to hit, d6+4 dmg (1H), d8+4 dmg (2H)
Shortbow - 8+ to hit, d6 dmg
Hand Axe - 8+ to hit, d6 dmg (thrown)


Fighting Style (Weapon & Shield)

Class Abilities
+2 damage to all melee attacks
+1 initiative
+1 to surprise rolls
Opponents suffer a -1 penalty to surprise rolls
Savage Resilience (roll twice on Mortal Wounds table and choose preferred result, -4 days required to recover from wounds)

Sword +1, +3 vs Undead (Atlanaut)
Hand Axe (x4)

Chain mail


-Pouch (around neck)
-Boots, leather, high
-Cloak, fur-lined, winter
-Dagger (in boot)
-Shortbow (over shoulder)
-Tunic & pants (Armiger)
In backpack
-Rations, iron (x1)
-Sack, large
-Tinder box
On belt
-Grappling hook
-Hand axe (x2)
-20 arrows (in quiver)
-20 silver tipped arrows (in quiver)
On horse
-Hand axe (x2)
-Saddle and tack
On mule
-Rations, iron (x3)
-Rope, 50’
-Sack, large
-Saddlebags (x2)
-Torches (x6)

Medium Warhorse (Eir) 18/18 HP
Mule (Kubbur) 10/10 HP

SP 5 (in coinpurse)
GP 500 (in pouch), 920 (in coinpurse)

Six rubies worth 500 gp each (in coinpurse)

Magic Items
Sword +1, +3 vs Undead
Ring of Protection +1
Potion of Giant Strength
Scroll of Protection from Lycanthropes

Total Stones of Encumbrance
Harald - 8 3/6
Horse - 2 3/6
Mule - 2 1/6
Last edited by sulldawga on Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#4 Post by Hrafn »

Kaa-teht, She Who Devours, Totem Bearer
Class: Shaman
Level: 5
Alignment: Neutral
Experience: 20,000 / 24,000

STR 14 (+1)
WIS 15 (+1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 8 (-1)
CHA 7 (-1)

HP: 15/15
AC: 4 (3 w/o shield, 5 python)
Initiative: +1

Movement: up to 6 stone
Base: 120' (90')
Combat: 40' (30')
Charge: 120' (90')
Climb: N/A (?)
Stealth: 20' (15')
Daily: 24 miles (18 miles)

Saving Throws (+1 v/ spells & items)
Petrification & Paralysis: 11+
Poison & Death: 8+
Blast & Breath: 14+
Staffs & Wands: 11+
Spells: 13+

Weapons & Attacks
+1 Spear, 6+ (1d6+2)
Daggers, 7+ (1d4+1)
– thrown, 7+, (1d4) 10/20/30
Python bite, 7+ (1d3+2)
Python coils, — (2d6+2 & constriction)

Languages: Common, Reptillian
Healing x2
Lay on Hands

Class Abilities
Commune with Spirits Ask spirits 3 questions/ week
Totem animal giant python, int/HD/HP = 1/2 Kaa's
Spiritual Ritual recover 1 spell slot
Shapechange 1/day, giant python
Magic research spells, potions, scrolls

[serpent], move: 90' AC: 4 HD: 4 HP: 7 #Att: 1* DMG: 1d3/2d6+constriction

Other Abilities
Open Door 14+
Detect Secret Door 18+
Identify wounds & illness 7+
Nullify poison, disease & light wounds 18+
Map from memory 11+

Weapons (1 stone)
Briarcoil, +1 spear
Curved dagger x2

Armor (3 stone)
Layered matte leather armor
Snake-rimmed wooden boss shield

Holy symbol (entwined snakes of carved yew)
Woolen pampelos under stylized armor
Loin cloth & breast wrap
Moss green shaman's robes with hood
Low leather boots

Heavy draft horses x4
Portable shamanic work shop (stone plinths, ancestral bones, native soil)

Backpack (1 & 6/6 stone)
- Iron Rations (1 week)
- torches (6)
- Water skin
- crowbar
- iron spikes
- small hammer
- rope, 50'

Belt pouch (1/2stone)
- 2# ea. comfrey, goldenrod
- catgut and needles, snips

Belt pouch (1/2 stone)
- 2# ea. Birthwort, Woundwort
- pestle, mortar, dice, cards

Belt pouch (61/1000 stone)
- 12 gold coins
- 9 electrum coins
- 13 silver coins
- 7 copper coins
- assorted rings/broaches/bangles/&c

Belt pouch (empty)

Girdle (2/6 stone)
- daggers
- ornamental gems x10 (hidden pocket)

Coinage (1189/1000 stone)
CP 40
SP 400
EP 20
GP 479
PP 250

3 polished moonstone (50gp ea.)
2 faceted bloodstone (50gp ea.)
3 carnelian chips (75 gp ea.)
2 amber chunks (100 gp ea.)
10 assorted leather & scrimshaw jewelry pieces (25 gp ea.)

Magic Items
Briarcoil, spear +1
Healin potion x1

Total Stones of Encumbrance
7 stone on person
9 stone total

First Level Spells Per Day: 2
Command word, cure light wounds, faerie fire, locate animals & plants, pass without trace, predict weather, purify food & water, remove fear, resist cold, trance

Second Level Spells Per Day: 2
Bless, charm animal, delay poison, holy chant, obscuring cloud, produce fire, resist fire, snake charm, speak with animals, warp wood
Last edited by Hrafn on Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Kaa, who devours (5th level shaman, ACKS)
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Re: Characters

#5 Post by drpete »

Babu the Monkey, Totem Bearer
Level 5
20,000 / 24,000
STR 14 (+1)
INT 16 (+2)
WIS 16 (+2)
DEX 10
CON 10
CHA 8 (-1)

HP: 21/21
AC: 7
Initiative: 0

Base: 120'
Combat: 40'
Charge: 120'
Climb: 10'
Stealth: 20'
Daily: 24 miles

Saving Throws
Petrification & Paralysis: 11+
Poison & Death: 8+
Blast & Breath: 14+
Staffs & Wands: 11+
Spells: 13+
(+2 vs spells or magic items)

Weapons & Attacks
Spear +1/+3 vs Summoned Creatures 6+/4+ 1d6+2/+4
Handaxe (wielded) 7+ 1d6+1

Languages: Common, Fey, Primalingua

Loremastery 14+
Sensing Power
Naturalism 11+
Navigation +4 to avoid getting lost
Healing x2 Identify disease 7+, neutralize poison, cure disease, cure light 18+

Class Abilities
Commune with Ancestral Spirits 1/week
Totem Animal: Monkey
Name: Bibi, Move: 120', AC 2, HD 3, HP #, #AT 1, Dmg 1d3+1, climbing
Int: 8, Save as 3rd lvl cleric
Spiritual Ritual
Shapechange into Monkey 1/day
Move: 120', AC 2, #AT 1, Dmg 1d3+1, climbing

Other Abilities
Open Door 14+
Detect Secret Door 18+
Hear Noise 18+
Find Traps 18+

Spear +1/+3 vs Summoned Creatures
Hand axe

Leather Armor +1
Shield +3


Multicolored Robe
Fine Quality Tunic & Pants

Belt Pouch (405/500 coins)
- 338 gp
- 67 sp

Backpack (2/4 stone)
- 3 lbs of Comfrey
- 3 lbs of Woundwart
- 2 lb Birthwort
- 2 lb Goldenrod
- 1 lb Pepper
- Mirror

Light Riding Horse
- Saddle & Tack
- Two man tent
- 2 Waterskins
- 2 Saddlebags

Saddlebags (5/6 Stone)
- Case of 3 Jade Monkey Statues (500 gp value each, 1 stone total)
- 2 week Iron Rations
- 6 lbs of Comfrey
- 6 lbs of Woundwart

SP 67
GP 338

3 Jade Monkey Statues (500 gp each)

Magic Items
Spear +1/+3 vs Summoned Creatures
Leather Armor +1
Shield +3

Total Stones of Encumbrance 4 Stone, 3 Items

First Level Spells Per Day: 2
Repertoire: Command Word, Cure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire, Locate Animal or Plant, Pass without Trace, Predict Weather, Purify Food and Water, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Trance

Second Level Spells Per Day: 2
Repertoire: Bless, Charm Animal, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Obscuring Cloud, Produce Fire, Resist Fire, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Warp Wood
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Characters

#6 Post by Rodriguez »

Styr Ragnarson the Axe Murderer, Destroyer
[Class] Assassin
[Level] 5
[Alignment] Neutral
20000/ 28000 (5% Bonus)

Styr was accused of murdering his neighbor and his wife over a quarrel about a few goats and was also suspected for being the cause of the disappearance of two foreign travelers and a thane of a nearby clan. To prevent further problems he was outlawed for these deeds and chased away from the village. A small group of young warriors who wanted to prove their prowess by hunting him down didn't return.

Everyone was quite happy when he was gone.

STR 16 (+2)
INT 9 (0)
WIS 10(0)
DEX 14(+1)
CON 15(+1)
CHA 6(-1)

HP: 28/28
AC: 3
Initiative: 1

Movement: up to 5 Stone
Base: 120
Combat: 40
Charge: 120
Climb: 30
Stealth: 60
Daily: 24

Movement: up to 7 Stone
Base: 90
Combat: 30
Charge: 90
Climb: 22.5
Stealth: 45
Daily: 18

Saving Throws
Petrification & Paralysis: 12
Poison & Death: 11
Blast & Breath: 13
Staffs & Wands: 13
Spells: 14

Weapons & Attacks (7+)
Long Bearded Axe 5+ 1D10+4
Hand Axe(H2H) 5+ 1D6+4
Hand Axe(thrown) 6+ 1D6+2
Short Bow 6+ 1D6+2

Languages: Common
Acrobatics 15+
Disguise 11+

Backstab Damage x3
Hide in Shadows 13+
Move Silently 15+

Other Abilities
Open Door 14+
Detect Secret Door 18+
Hear Noise 18+
Find Traps 18+

Weapons 18gp
Long Bearded Axe
Short Bow
Hand Axe
Quiver with 20 Arrows

Armor 20gp
Fur-lined leather armor

Fur-lined cloak
Wool tunic and pants
Leather belt
Leather gloves
High boots
Silver arm-bands (25gp value)
Silver amulet (25gp value)
Backpack 40gp
- Disguise kit
- 2 Week of meaty iron rations
- Wineskin
- Large Sack
- Crowbar
- Grappling Hook
- 50 ft. Rope
- 2 iron vials of curare poison
Belt pouch 1.5gp
- 1 iron vial of curare poison
- the Potion of Speed
- Sap
Leatherflap inside the leather armor.. 0. 5gp
- The treasure map

Light riding horse with riding saddle, tack and saddlebag 165
War dog with leather armor and spiked collar

Coinage 16000gp -150gp -10000gp -4500 - 165 - 35 - 75-2*165-75-40 -600
GP 30

Treasure Map for a gem and jewlery hoard worth 15910 GP.
6 pieces of jade, stolen from a temple of a long forgotten god. (600 GP)

Magic Items
Potion of Speed

Total Stones of Encumbrance
With Backpack: 4 + 16/6 = 7 Stone
Without Backpack: 4 +6/6 = 5 Stone
HP & Gold
HP: 13/28

Gold: 20
Last edited by Rodriguez on Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#7 Post by NJWilliam »

Tychon the Blue:
Tychon the Blue, Thaumaturge
20,000 / 40,000
5% bonus to xp

Tychon "volunteered" to search new lands for a location where his guild can expand with a new tower/outpost.
While other mages of his guild are more intelligent, none are as ambitious.
His henchman Adtas, an explorer, had some personal issues with ranking officers and needed to get away.
Tychon typically does not dress in his mage's cassock, but rather in more ordinary merchant type clothing.

STR 10
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 10
CON 11
CHA 14 (+1)

HP 16
AC 10
Initiative 0
Surprise 0

Base: 120' per turn
Combat: 40' per round
Charge/Run: 120' per round
Flying: Base: 360' per turn; Combat: 120' per round
Daily: 24 miles per day on foot, 48 miles per day mounted

Total Encumbrance: 3.4 stones

Saving Throws (+1 bonus if familiar within 30 ft)
Petrification & Paralysis: 12
Poison & Death: 12
Blast & Breath: 14
Staffs & Wands: 10

Missile Attack: 9+ / 11+ / 14+
- Dart: range 15/30/45 - - - damage 1d4
- Dagger: range 10/20/30 - - - damage 1d4
- Holy Water: range 10/30/50
- Oil: range 10/30/50

Melee Attack: 9
- Dagger: to hit: 9 | damage: 1d4
- +1 Staff: to hit: 8 | damage 1d4+1 / 1d6+1

Languages: Common, Primalingua

- Familiar
- Intimidation
- Seduction
- Diplomacy

Class Abilities:
- Research spells
- Scribe scrolls
- Brew potions
- - - Formulas Known:
- - - - - - clairaudience cost: 750 gp | time: 1½ week | success: 12+ 1½ -1 (int bonus)= 12 ½
- - - - - - animal control cost: 1,000 gp | time: 2 weeks | success: 12+ 2 -1 (int bonus)= 13

1st level: Light, Read Languages, Shield
2nd level: Detect Evil, Knock, Levitate
3rd level: Fireball, Fly

Magic Items: Quarterstaff, +1; potion of healing (1d6+1)

Light warhorse (20 stone, 240’)
- Chain barding (3 stones)
- Saddle & tack, war
- Saddlebags, leather (43 items, 7.2 stones)
- - 50’ rope
- - Grappling hook
- - 3 weeks iron rations
- - Cloak, winter
- - Dried fruit, 2 lbs
- - Spices, various 1 lb
- - Oil flask, military, 3
- - Holy Water, vial, 3
- - Birthwort, 1 lb.
- - Comfrey, 1 lb.
- - Woundwart, 1 lb.
- - Tent
- - Torches, 5
- - 2 large sacks (6 stone capacity)
- - Waterskins, 2
- - Wineskins, 2
- - Iron spikes, 12
- - Hammer, small
- - Cassock, blue
- - Cassock, grey
- - Darts, 20
- - Oil, flask, 6

- Tunic & pants, armiger
- Boots, high
- Cloak, hooded
- Gloves
- Belt (1/2 stone)
- - dagger
- - silver dagger

Belt quiver (1/2 stone)
- 10 darts
- 5 silver darts

Backpack (1.4 stones)
- Garlic
- spellbook (100 p., 15 used)
- Lantern
- Belladonna, 1 lb.
- Oil flask, military, 2
- Holy Water, vial, 1
- Wolfsbane
- Lock
- Torch, 1
- Small sack (2 stone capacity)

Right belt pouch (½ stone)
- Dice
- Ink
- Journal

Left belt pouch (½ stone)
- Flint & steel, t box
- Candle, wax
- Mirror, steel

CP 50
SP 100
GP 89
PP 20

Gems: coral (100 gp); jade (100 gp); bloodstone (50 gp); onyx (50 gp)

Spell Details and Signatures
1st level: (1d12=9, 1d12=10, 1d12=5) Light, Read Languages, Shield
2nd level: (1d12=2, 1d12=7, 1d12=6) Detect Evil, Knock, Levitate
3rd level: (1d12=4, 1d12=3) Fireball, Fly

Light* | Range: 120' | Divine 1, Arcane 1 | Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
Signature: A burst of fine blue sand hits the target area.
Prima Lingua: candidus lumen
This spell creates a light equal to torchlight which illuminates a 30' radius area (and provides dim light for an additional 20') around the target location or object. The effect is immobile if cast into an area, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function.
Reversed, light becomes darkness, creating an area of darkness just as described above. This darkness blocks out infravision and negates mundane light sources.
A light spell may be cast to counter and dispel the darkness spell of an equal or lower level caster (and vice versa). Doing so causes both spells to instantly cease, restoring the existing ambient light level.
Either version of this spell may be used to blind an opponent by means of casting it on the target’s ocular organs. The target is allowed a saving throw versus Spells to avoid the effect, and if the save is made, the spell does not take effect at all. A light or darkness spell cast to blind does not have the given area of effect (that is, no light or darkness is shed around the victim).

Read Languages | Range: self | Arcane 1 | Duration: 2 turns
Signature: The whites of Tychon’s eyes take on a pale blue tinge for the duration
Prima Lingua: ostendo lingua
This spell grants the caster the ability to read almost any written language, including treasure maps, secret symbols, and other codes. For this spell to function, there must be at least one living creature that can naturally read the given language or code somewhere on the same plane. Truly unknown or dead languages or codes cannot be comprehended.

Shield | Range: self | Arcane 1 | Duration: 3 turns
Signature: Three pebbles spin around Tychon for a few seconds and then vanish.
Prima Lingua: indispectus scutum
Shield creates an invisible, shield-like mobile disk of force that hovers in front of the caster. It negates magic missile attacks directed at the caster, and grants the caster an Armor Class of 7 against missile attacks and 5 against melee attacks. The Armor Class benefits do not apply to attacks originating from behind the caster, but magic missiles are warded off from all directions.

Detect Evil* | Range: 60' | Divine 1, Arcane 2 | Duration: 6 turns
Signature: Tychon's index finger turns pale blue with a deep blue fingernail.
Prima Lingua: ostento malum
This spell allows the caster to detect evil; specifically, the caster can detect creatures with evil intentions, magic items with evil enchantments, undead, sinkholes of evil, and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. Note that normal characters, even if Chaotic, are not detected by this spell unless they have actively evil intentions against the caster. Poisons, physical traps, and natural animals are neither good nor evil, so they are not detected by this spell. The caster sees the evil creatures or objects with a definite red glow around them, but the glow cannot be seen by anyone else.
Reversed, this spell becomes detect good, which works just as described above with respect to detecting good enchantments, summoned creatures of Lawful alignment, and good intentions.

Knock | Range: 60' | Arcane 2 | Duration: special
Signature: The lock mechanism or door itself, is covered with a rocky grey-blue film for a moment.
Prima Lingua: resero tu ipse
The knock spell opens stuck, barred, locked, held, or wizard locked doors. It opens known secret doors, as well as locked or trick-opening boxes or chests. It also loosens welds, shackles, or chains, provided they serve to hold shut something which can be opened. If used to open a wizard locked door, the spell does not remove the wizard lock but simply suspends its functioning for one turn. In all other cases, the door does not relock itself or become stuck again on its own. Knock will not raise a portcullis or operate any other similar mechanism, nor will it affect ropes, vines, and the like. Each spell can undo a single means of preventing access.

Levitate | Range: touch | Arcane 2 | Duration: 6 turns plus 1 turn per level
Signature: Target's feet or footwear turn deep blue for duration of spell.
Prima Lingua: subvolo excelsus
Levitate allows the caster to move himself, another creature, or an object up and down as desired. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. The caster can mentally direct the subject to move up or down as much as 20' each round, by concentration. The caster cannot move the subject horizontally, but the subject could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its normal land speed). A creature can carry its normal amount of weight when levitating (possibly including another creature).
A levitating creature that attacks with a weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack throw has a -1 attack penalty, the second -2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at -1.

Fireball | Range: 240' | Arcane 3 | Duration: instantaneous
Signature: The fireball itself is blue, although whatever it sets on fire burn with normal color flames.
Prima Lingua: reicio peruro
This spell creates an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to every creature within a spherical volume having a 20' diameter. A saving throw versus Blast for half damage is allowed. The explosion creates almost no pressure.
The caster points a finger and determines the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A glowing, pea-sized bead streaks from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball at that point. An early impact results in an early detonation. If the caster attempts to send the bead through a narrow passage, such as through an arrow slit, he or she must roll a missile attack throw (without range adjustments) to hit the opening, or else the bead strikes the barrier and detonates prematurely.
The fireball sets fire to combustibles and damages objects in the area. It can melt metals with low melting points, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, and bronze. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the fireball may continue beyond the barrier in order to attain its full volume.

Fly | Range: touch | Arcane 3 | Duration: 1 turn per level
Signature: Target leaves a blue trail as it moves.
Prima Lingua: praevolo avis
The subject of this spell can fly in any direction at a speed of up to 120' per round (360' per turn). Flying under the effect of this spell requires only as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell cannot carry aloft more weight than his maximum load. If a fly spell is dispelled, the subject will plummet from the air.
His cat familiar:
Eggar (Cat Familiar)
Hit Dice: 2 ½
AC: 4
Hit Points: 8
Attacks: 2
Damage: 1-2 / 1 (rear claws 1-2)
Intelligence: 13
Languages: common, primalingua, fey, Old Amaranthian
Feats (general 3, class 1): Lip Reading, Language (fey), Language (Old Amaranthian), Illusion Resistant
superior night vision, good hearing and olfactory senses
His Warhorse:
Octus, light warhorse
Movement: 240' (80'), 48 miles per day
Armor Class: 2+3 (barding)
Hit Dice: 2
HP: 16
Attacks: 2 (hooves)
Damage: 1d4 / 1d4
Save: F1
Morale: 0

Equipment: chain barding, military saddle, tack & harness, saddlebags

Encumbrance: 10.2 stones
Last edited by NJWilliam on Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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Re: Characters

#8 Post by Fearghus »

Pesha the Wanderer, Scoundrel
20,000 / 40,000 +10% exp
STR 10 +0
INT 15 +1
WIS 13 +1
DEX 16 +2
CON 10 +0
CHA 11 +0

AC: 4
Initiative: +2

Movement: (outdoors is *3)
Base: 120'
Combat: Base/3
Charge: Base
Climb: Combat * .25
Stealth: Base * .5
Daily: 24 miles

Saving Throws (+1 to throws vs spells and magic items)
Petrification & Paralysis: 11+
Poison & Death: 11+
Blast & Breath: 14+
Staffs & Wands: 12+
Spells: 13+

Weapons & Attacks (weapon finesse) Throw 8+
sword+1 7+ 1d6+1
shortsword 6+ 1d6
dagger 6+ 1d4
silver dagger 6+ 1d4
crossbow 6+ 1d6 or 1d6+1

Languages: common, goblin.
General 1. adventuring, survival & bargaining; 5. bargaining.
Class 1. weapon finesse; 4. trap finding.

Class Abilities
Backstab +4 hit / x3 dmg
Open Locks 12+
Find/Remove Traps 11+/13+
Pick Pockets 12+
Move Silently 12+
Climb Walls 4+
Hide in Shadows 14+
Hear Noise 9+
Read Languages 5+

Other Abilities
Open Door 18+
Detect Secret Door 18+
Hear Noise 18+
Find Traps 11+


dagger x2

Sturdy leather armor - worn

Clothes: tanned brown long hooded cloak, freeholder tunic and pants, leather belt, high leather boots, gloves.
-2 large treasure sacks
-thieves' tools
-50' rope
-hammer and 12 iron spikes
-2 flasks of military oil
-2 weeks of iron rations
-blanket (wool): wrapped around magic sword and lashed to Backpack.
Belt Pouch: coins, gems.
Small Cart pulled by Two Mules
-bolt case: 6 magical bolts, 14 mundane bolts.
-Military Oil x10
-Grappling Hook
-Iron Spikes (12)
-10' Wooden Pole
-Iron Rations (4 weeks)
-50' Rope x2
-Large Sack x4
-5 skins of cheap wine
-5 skins of grog.

SP 4
GP 30

Gems: alexandrite (500gp), spinel x2 (500gp), amethyst x3 (300), bloodstone x2 (100), obsidian x1 (10)
Jewelry: bronze torque (100gp), brass cloak clasp (100gp), silver arm cuff studded with moonstones (1000gp).

Magic Items
6 crossbow bolts +1
Potion of Plant Control
Scroll with 4 spells (to be determined later)
Sword +1

Total Stones of Encumbrance
2 worn
5 with backpack
20 in cart
Last edited by Fearghus on Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
Posts: 7958
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:23 pm

Re: Characters

#9 Post by thirdkingdom »

Adtas (+1)
Harald (+1 init/+1 surprise)
Kaa (+1)
Pesha (+2)
Styr (+1)
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