New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

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New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

1492 DR, The Year of Three Ships Sailing, the 8th of Deepwinter
Neighborhood of Twin Songs, former headquarters of The Faithless...

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Standing on a balcony of a warehouse in the Twin Songs district of the Outer City, Diamond Urchin sips a mug of mulled wine and surveys her new territory, and not for the first time. Months have passed since she survived an attempted coup on her home turf of Brampton by her ex-husband Straightstick, kingpin of the Faithless. With the help of Yarl Blacktongue and the Rivington Rats, she was able to stop the coup, killing Straightstick and sending most of the Faithless back to the mud. She and Yarl agreed to co-rule Twin Songs, a very profitable neighborhood. She smiles and watches the river flow toward the city, ever churning, ever bringing barges from cities upriver, like Elturel and Scornubel, as well as ships from the Sea of Swords. Even in the dead of winter, there was good coin to be made.

"How in the seven hells can it be this fucking cold this far south?"
Diamond Urchin raises an eyebrow and ignores the frost in her neatly trimmed beard, even as she ignores the gang member known as 'Crying' Cyrus and his incessant whining. "I mean, gods be damned, my bones are gonna snap if..."
"Yer bones are gonna snap on the toe of me boot if ya don't shut up!" she growls. Cyrus swallows hard, wipes the snot off the end of his nose, and promptly shuts up.
"What is the tally for last week?" she asks, sipping her wine, watching the river. Cyrus rummages inside his coat and pulls out a small notebook, handing it to his new boss. Diamond Urchin opens the notebook at the marker and scans the scrawls on the pages, shaking her head at the horrible handwriting. She grunts in satisfaction and hands the notebook back to Cyrus.
"How's the new girl coming along?"
Cyrus glances at her and hopes it's okay to speak. "She's doing alright, I reckon. Yarl seems to trust her, so that's good enough for me."
As if on cue, a pretty young woman, her black hair tucked inside her cloak, ascends the stairs to the balcony. She nods to Diamond Urchin, ignoring Cyrus, and stops at the railing on the balcony. Stomping up the stairs behind her is Yarl Blacktongue, the kingpin of the Rivington Rats and Diamond Urchin's business partner.

"Go fetch us two mugs of warmed wine," Diamond says, not looking at Cyrus. The man snorts snot back up his nose, spits over the balcony, and turns away, going back inside, mumbling something like "at least it's warm" as he goes.
Diamond smiles and nods at the young woman and at Yarl. "This must be our newest recruit. Hazm, is it? Yarl tells me you are a local. Born and bred right here in the Gate. Who were your parents, child?"


"I'd give me left nut fer a cup of hot cider," growls the steersman of The Otter, a barge out of Scornubel, far to the west.
"If I had a cup, I'd trade fer yer nut 'cause both o' mine done froze off!" says the man standing beside him, and both break out into fits of laughter. "At least you'd have one good 'un!" the steersman says, followed by hoots and guffaws.
Hunched over and wrapped under a woolen blanket for warmth, Telurion ignores the pair, reading the note in his hand for at least the hundredth time. It doesn't make any sense to him, but he's going to figure it out, one way or another. He was told in Elturel that Talian sailed for Baldur's Gate, and it looks like he has just arrived. Now, if he can only...

"Hey! Help us tie off, eh?" shouts the steersman, and Telurion stands up, shaking off the blanket and the icy sheen with it, and moves to the side of the barge as it passes under a very wide and expansive bridge. He is amazed to see buildings and stairways built onto the sides of the span. Colorful streamers and flags hang from them, unlike anything he has seen.
Not too much farther along, the Otter slows and pulls alongside a short pier. Three figures are huddled around a steel barrel, warming themselves by the fire inside. Two of them come to help with the barge, throwing Telurion a rope, and then guiding the barge to a spot where it can be tied off. Telurion is about to ask why they have stopped short of the city, when the Otter's captain, a squat man by the name of Flint, walks up to him and says, "Time to earn the rest of your keep, boy. Here," he says, handing Telurion a wooden crate. "Take this to the warehouse over yonder. A man by the name of Trueshot will give you a sack of coin. Bring it back and we'll be square. Savvy?"
Telurion looks to where the captain is pointing. He sees a two-story warehouse with a balcony near the top floor. Three figures stand on the balcony looking out at the river. At the bottom corner of the warehouse, a man leans against the wall near the only door he can see.
"That be him. Head on over," the captain says.


Alright fellers! We are back in action!
This post introduces two new characters, Hazm (Rex) and Telurion (Edeldhur), and re-introduces Yarl Blacktongue (Computer +1). Those three players may post freely. I am working on another post for our three other characters; hope to have it up very soon.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#2 Post by hedgeknight »

1492 DR, The Year of Three Ships Sailing, the 8th of Deepwinter
Early Morning at The Elfstone Tavern

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She comes...the Princess...of the Apocalypse!

Ambergris jerks awake, and immediately regrets it. He had been sleeping off way too many cups of Jopalin's tea, coupled with a bottle of Arabellan Red and at least a dozen raw oysters...which threatened to reappear at any moment. With a belch, the aged sea captain managed to swallow the bile in his throat, and smacking his lips, he turned bleary eyes on his surroundings. He was lying on the floor close to the fireplace with a large blanket under his head. Keyla, a pretty barmaid, was adding fresh wood to the dwindling fire in the fireplace, while humming a snippet of a tune. Ambergris tried to recall its name, but his pounding headache wouldn't allow it. Instead, he watched as Keyla bent over to stoke the fire, her well-rounded rump in full view. Ambergris smiled...but even that hurt, and he sat up with a groan.
"Awake are we? Good morning, captain!" Keyla chirped cheerfully, heedless of Ambergris' pounding head.

He was about to ask for a cup of hot cider, when the doors pushed open, allowing a frigid blast of air to blow past him...and in its wake came two familiar figures. Willow Brownbug was a local apothecary, constantly experimenting with dead things, while his companion, Lesh, was a shaman...a lizardfolk shaman to be exact. They were an odd couple indeed.

Settling at a table near the fireplace, Willow called upon Keyla to bring them a pot of black tea. Once Keyla had gone to fetch their tea, Willow said, in a very loud voice, "How goes the morning, good sir?!?"
Seeing the pained look on the captain's face, Lesh emits a "ka-ka-ka" as if in laughter, but actually more in sympathy as he walks over to help his friend to his feet, to join them at the table.
"My knees are killing me," Willow says, rubbing them. "Need to cook up another batch of ointment for me aches and pains. Want me to cook something up for you, captain?"

Once again, Ambergris was about to reply, when the door opened a second time in a few minutes. This time, a cloaked figure slinked inside, whipping off the cloak and tucking it under a furred arm in one smooth motion. Another familiar face, and Ambergris smiled again, even though it hurt his head, to see Tommy D' Cat approach their table. The Tabaxi looked unchanged from the events a few months earlier. In fact, Tommy had a twinkle in his eye as if he were up to something.

"Ah, we have two more! Shall I fetch more tea?" asks Keyla, who sets a tray on the table. It bears a steaming pot, two small cups, a small jar of honey, and a small bottle of cream. "Yes, yes," Willow says as he shoos her away and pours himself and Lesh a cup of black tea. Willow adds a dollop of honey and a drop of cream, stirring his tea with a tiny silver spoon. After a tentative sip, Willow smiles, brushes his thick mustache, and says, "The world must be coming to an end if you three meet up at the same place at the same time."

All three open their mouths to reply...when the door to the tavern opens one more time, allowing another blast of frigid air and a few flakes of...snow?...followed by a woman unlike any of the companions have seen before.

Talian.jpg (76.43 KiB) Viewed 335 times
Draped in a stole of fox and wearing chainmail, the warrior looks around the room, taking in the fireplace and the table of four of the oddest people she has seen in a long time. "Do any of you...gents, know if this place serves food? I could eat a small horse right about now."


Alright fellers > Tommy, Lesh, and Ambergris are up to post! Let's do this!!
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#3 Post by Rex »


"No idea who my Da was. My Ma's name was Minn, a prostitute over by the river. She has been gone many a year now, taken by the rot. Raised myself really, self taught you might say. Lived here my whole life, but moved around the city and the outlying villages some too."
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#4 Post by Belkregos »

blinks a few times seeing the armored warrior arrive
his whiskers painted white with the remaining cream from his cup

im sure you've heard of the biscuits and salmon breakfast, best in town
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#5 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl follows Hazm up the stairs to meet with Diamond. Although its cold out Yarl doesn't seem to notice. He is wearing his leathers without a cloak or jacket. The exposed skin on his arms and legs showcase all manner of scars. When he gets to the balcony he moves to lean against the wall and takes out his knife to carve a design on his latest club.

" Hazm - "No idea who my Da was. My Ma's name was Minn, a prostitute over by the river. She has been gone many a year now, taken by the rot. Raised myself really, self taught you might say. Lived here my whole life, but moved around the city and the outlying villages some too.""

Yarl speaks up without taking his eyes off his carving, Parents don't fucking matter anyway. We are her family now.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#6 Post by Rex »


"True that."
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#7 Post by Spearmint »


A salty old seadog; a former whaler on the deep oceans having survived a 'Jonah' type experience, dragged to the depths by some deep-one Kraken Kin and regurgitated out upon the coast having lost his mind and one hand. His left now a hook where once flexible digits gripped harpoons in vice like fists. Some say he actually chopped his own hand off, an offering to the Great Old One that disturbs his waking hours with fiendish provocations.

Gifted now by soothsaying portents and an irascible nature, he wanders the port city as 'a freelance guide', bootlegging smuggler and 'purveyors of spirits'; divine or alcoholic.

He scratched his arse with the hook. "Breakfast? Bread and cheese for us tavern deck-swabbers, a fresh tiddler for D'Cat."

He Mage Hand's an invocation to summon arcane help, the spell causing a hand to appear that indulges the minor prestidigitation whims of the warlock, in this instance, too late to 'goose' a 'good morning' pinch on Keyla's proffered plump cheeks, grinds some tobacco flakes and lights his wooden pipe.

the Mage Hand appears as a skeletal left hand, which just adds to Ambergris's overall mystery.

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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#8 Post by Edeldhur »


hedgeknight wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:41 amHunched over and wrapped under a woolen blanket for warmth, Telurion ignores the pair, reading the note in his hand for at least the hundredth time. It doesn't make any sense to him, but he's going to figure it out, one way or another. He was told in Elturel that Talian sailed for Baldur's Gate, and it looks like he has just arrived. Now, if he can only...

"Hey! Help us tie off, eh?" shouts the steersman, and Telurion stands up, shaking off the blanket and the icy sheen with it, and moves to the side of the barge as it passes under a very wide and expansive bridge. He is amazed to see buildings and stairways built onto the sides of the span. Colorful streamers and flags hang from them, unlike anything he has seen.
Not too much farther along, the Otter slows and pulls alongside a short pier. Three figures are huddled around a steel barrel, warming themselves by the fire inside. Two of them come to help with the barge, throwing Telurion a rope, and then guiding the barge to a spot where it can be tied off. Telurion is about to ask why they have stopped short of the city, when the Otter's captain, a squat man by the name of Flint, walks up to him and says, "Time to earn the rest of your keep, boy. Here," he says, handing Telurion a wooden crate. "Take this to the warehouse over yonder. A man by the name of Trueshot will give you a sack of coin. Bring it back and we'll be square. Savvy?"
Telurion looks to where the captain is pointing. He sees a two-story warehouse with a balcony near the top floor. Three figures stand on the balcony looking out at the river. At the bottom corner of the warehouse, a man leans against the wall near the only door he can see.
"That be him. Head on over," the captain says.
(For some strange reason, I completely missed that I should be posting - my bad! Apologies.)

Telurion welcomed the physical activity involved in tying up the barge with the others - at least it kept him warm, and made him feel useful!

He easily hoisted the wooden crate over his shoulder - "Thank you for the ride Flint" - he offered - "If we ever cross paths again, I will owe you one" - then moved off toward the man leaning against the wall.

"Well met. My name is Telurion" - he introduced himself - "I am looking for the one named Trueshot - is that you?"
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

1492 DR, The Year of Three Ships Sailing, the 8th of Deepwinter
Neighborhood of Twin Songs, former headquarters of The Faithless...

Rex wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:36 pm Hazm - "No idea who my Da was. My Ma's name was Minn, a prostitute over by the river. She has been gone many a year now, taken by the rot. Raised myself really, self taught you might say. Lived here my whole life, but moved around the city and the outlying villages some too."
Diamond Urchin listens to the young girl and nods. "Well, you're one of us now. What say you, Blacktongue?"

"Parents don't fucking matter anyway. We are her family now."
Yarl is carving something in a piece of wood as he speaks, but does look up when Cyrus returns with steaming hot mugs of mulled wine. The sniveling rogue gives a mug to each the three and then returns inside. The wine smells of cinnamon and clove and is quite good.
"The take has been good this week," Diamond Urchin says, blowing on her mug so as not to scald her tongue. "Come see me later and get your share. How have the few Faithless been doing? Any of 'em run off?"
Computer +1:
You can respond to this however you wish. After the failed coup, the Rats and the Urchins crew took over the former turf of the Faithless in Twin Songs. You had to kill a few of the loyalists, while others either ran off or surrendered in exchange for joining up.
Hazm agrees with Yarl and Diamond Urchin nods and looks over the balcony to the river. A barge has docked and a man is carrying a crate toward the warehouse where Trueshot is waiting. She recognizes the barge and its captain.
"That barge be from Scornubel. Haven't seen the Otter or its captain, Flint, in a year or more. Guess he finally got around to paying what he owes me. Wonder what else could be in the crate? And why on earth is he leaving?"
Hazm and Yarl look to the river and see the barge, The Otter, moving on, it's captain hurrying his workers to go faster.

On the ground below...


Telurion accepted the crate, hoisting it on his shoulder.
"Thank you for the ride Flint. If we ever cross paths again, I will owe you one."
Flint laughs and begins to untie his barge...which is unusual, because didn't he instruct Telurion to return with payment?
The man doesn't seem to remember as he strides off toward the warehouse and the man leaning against it.

"Well met. My name is Telurion. I am looking for the one named Trueshot - is that you?"
The man, who is actually of Elvish descent, nods and grins. "That's what they call me. Is that crate for me? Here's your..."
Trueshot stops mid-sentence and steps back. He points at the crate and Telurion hoists it off his shoulder to see a thin trail of smoke coming from it. "Drop it and run!" Trueshot shouts, grabbing Telurion by the arm.

Last edited by hedgeknight on Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#10 Post by Rex »


"Something is very much not right down there. We best get moving."

She turns to head for the door out.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

1492 DR, The Year of Three Ships Sailing, the 8th of Deepwinter
Early Morning at The Elfstone Tavern

Draped in a stole of fox and wearing chainmail, the warrior looks around the room, taking in the fireplace and the table of four of the oddest people she has seen in a long time. "Do any of you...gents, know if this place serves food? I could eat a small horse right about now."
Tommy blinks a few times seeing the armored warrior arrive, his whiskers painted white with the remaining cream from his cup.
im sure you've heard of the biscuits and salmon breakfast, best in town

The woman nods and smiles...and then her eyes grow wide in shock as a mystical hand suddenly appears near the aged one-handed sea captain. She gawps as the hand grinds tobacco flakes and lights the man's wooden pipe.
Ambergris scratches his arse with the hook. "Breakfast? Bread and cheese for us tavern deck-swabbers, a fresh tiddler for D'Cat."
She glances at the lizardman sitting next to the tabaxi and wonders aloud, "What the hell have I walked into?"
She unloads her pack and takes a nearby chair. "Eggs would be nice, and some bacon or sausage."
Keyla the barmaid is walking over and upon hearing that, she wheels and heads for the kitchen.
"My name's Talian," the woman says, looking at the trio for a reply. "What is this place?"
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#12 Post by Edeldhur »


hedgeknight wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:35 pmThe man, who is actually of Elvish descent, nods and grins. "That's what they call me. Is that crate for me? Here's your..."
Trueshot stops mid-sentence and steps back. He points at the crate and Telurion hoists it off his shoulder to see a thin trail of smoke coming from it. "Drop it and run!" Trueshot shouts, grabbing Telurion by the arm.

Without hesitation, Telurion hoists the crate away, and allows himself to be dragged by this Trueshot fellow, and as far away from the smoking thing as possible.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

Trueshot pulls Telurion away and the pair run toward the river. The crate hits the ground, bursts into flames and then...BOOM!
The explosion blows a hole in the corner of the warehouse and sends dirt and debris forty feet into the air! Had Telurion been holding the crate, the blast would have torn him asunder.

Comes a shout from the top balcony where three figures are leaning over the railing. Telurion doesn't know them, but the shout came from a Dwarven woman. FLINT! COME BACK HERE! YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS! she hollers.

Aghast, Telurion looks back at the river to see the barge moving along rather swiftly in the current. Flint is standing near the wheel and gives the Dwarven woman the "one-finger-salute" and shouts back, "NOTHIN' PERSONAL URCHIN! JUST A MESSAGE FROM ME BOSS!"

Teluirion notices Trueshot has recovered quickly and is stringing a bow. On the opposite side of the river, several others have gathered to see what happens.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#14 Post by Edeldhur »


"Thank you" - the man stammered at Trueshot, then looked out toward the barge - "I will not forget that Flint character anytime soon" - he snarled - "He can pray not to cross my path ever again, or he will pay dearly for this" - his fists clenched at his sides.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#15 Post by Computer +1 »

Yarl pauses in his carving and takes the mug from Cyrus with a nod. When Diamond asks about the Faithless he shrugs his large shoulders. The Faithless are dust. Any fucker we didn't kill to begin with is dead now. Not even the wanna be's would dare show their face.

When attention moves on to the barge Yarl also looks over. The sudden explosion rocks him. With a streaming mutter of curses Yarl sprints to the dock to check in on his people.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#16 Post by Rex »


Hazm stays with Yarl.
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#17 Post by Tell »

After seating himself at the table, Lesh says, "To Big Cat and Hook Hand greeting I give." The lizardfolk slowly and carfuly raises the "tiny" cup of black tea to his mouth. He has learned to enjoy the beverage but not the conatainer. A bowl would suit him better but he tries... When the door opens and Talian enters meenting eating a small hourse his intrest is peaked and he looks hopefully at Keyla.

Perception check on the newcomer:
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#18 Post by Belkregos »

hedgeknight wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:45 pm 1492 DR, The Year of Three Ships Sailing, the 8th of Deepwinter
Early Morning at The Elfstone Tavern

"My name's Talian," the woman says, looking at the trio for a reply. "What is this place?"
Tommy smiles

just a warm place for friends to gather

im TommyD'Cat
pull yer chair closer we dont bite
tries not to laugh and continues
well, thats mostly true but we're also almost civilized he continues with a disarming smile as he makes space for the new comer

just got in to town?
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#19 Post by Tell »

im TommyD'Cat, pull yer chair closer we dont bite
Lesh smiles in what he thinks is an inviting manner....
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Re: New Year, New Faces, New Troubles

#20 Post by Spearmint »

"just a warm place for friends to gather. I' m Tommy D'Cat. Pull yer chair closer, we don't bite.

Well, that's mostly true, we're also almost civilized"
The whaler is irascible. At the 'we don't bite' comment his raises his hook hand and his eyebrows, giving a sideways gesture with his eyes to Lizardman Lesh.

Using his Awakened Mind warlock gift, he can telepathically touch another's mind and focusing on the newcomer,

"For Dendar's sake, don't offer the Sauron a chance to kiss your hand in greeting ..." he jests.
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