Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

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Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Ironguard Citadel

July 11th 1066.

This is the expedition thread, started here as it may cross into specific Ironguard location threads since Golgarth, Gunter, Selina and Sidkrake take their commission from Lord Krothos to seek out, infiltrate and destroy a Nergal cult that is rumoured to be spreading in the Citadel.

Actions, read the Ironguard thread here: ... 64#p680264

and post any initial actions and comments as you ride from Helix to the Citadel.

I will update with your entrance into the fortified citadel and first encounters or progress of your actions and investigation strategy.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#2 Post by archolewa »



"I have been thinking about how best to find and infiltrate these cultists. I wonder if perhaps we should lay some bait." Selina smiles grimly. "I imagine that few cults could resist the temptation of a naive noblegirl with her head full of romantic adventure stories, frequenting their favorite taverns and loudly proclaiming that she seeks adventure. Indeed, what cult leader would pass up the opportunity to bring the daughter of a nobleman, however minor or distant, under his thumb?"
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#3 Post by Bluetongue »


As far as present support, they will arrange horses for those who lack them, provide +100gp to cover living expenses and any 'tolls' (unofficial purchases, bribery, research). The Chapel of St Ygg's will equip each character with a vial of Holy Holy Water and script a scroll that has two healing provisions upon (scroll x 2 CLW's).

A staff, carved from black Oak and around it curls a two headed snake. "It may look a thematic Caduceus but it has been crafted so that the snake fangs contain a serum dosage that may be used as an anti-venom should you suffer a venomous bite." It is otherwise a standard Quarterstaff.

Two round embossed wooden shields, plain featured but painted into alternate red and black quarters.

A short stabbing trident, tri-tines with barbed points. "It has been imbued with an enchantment that allows the wielder to Comprehend Languages" the Vicar sats, fearing that the deeper into the cult mysteries you go, the more infernal the tongues used.

You can take these and share them out to colleagues as you go.

"Talos may use a pseudonym whilst in the Citadel. But we have reason to suspect he favours certain taverns. I suggest you start there."

Taking 'your word' as your Oath, unless you have further questions, then the audience is dismissed
So I will dish out the goods above.

Gunter +50gp, a thematic red & black embossed shield, vial of holy water, Trident of Comprehend Languages. (I figure it goes with the fiery whip he just picked up)

Sidkrake vial of holy water, new horse.

Selina vial of holy water, new horse, red & black shield.

question: I am happy to take Mercenerary Solly too if it buffs the team out and we need a torchbearer level aide. He has proven his worth before.and extra bodies even at a base level can help defend us as a group. (Holy water if coming along. Shield if Sekuna doesn't fancy the thematic one).

Golgarth +50gp for expenses, vial of holy water, Caduceus staff with anti-venom snakeheads, healing scroll of Cure spells.

I am fine with fast tracking aling the trade route. Being polite to merchants and travellers alike and swerving any unnecessary combat with grizzly bears.
"I imagine that few cults could resist the temptation of a naive noblegirl with her head full of romantic adventure stories, frequenting their favorite taverns and loudly proclaiming that she seeks adventure. Indeed, what cult leader would pass up the opportunity to bring the daughter of a nobleman, however minor or distant, under his thumb?"
"Good ideas. We previously got invited via unscrupulous means to a ball at the Silvanus Temple. I wonder if paying a visit to the forger who created those tickets is worthwhile. He could actually create some 'false persona' for you that could survive any scrutiny."

It might also be prudent to stick around the mage college as 'necromancy' is a school of magic the arcanists study and obviously that has a connotation to an interest in undead cults.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#4 Post by archolewa »

Bluetongue wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:08 pm "Good ideas. We previously got invited via unscrupulous means to a ball at the Silvanus Temple. I wonder if paying a visit to the forger who created those tickets is worthwhile. He could actually create some 'false persona' for you that could survive any scrutiny."

It might also be prudent to stick around the mage college as 'necromancy' is a school of magic the arcanists study and obviously that has a connotation to an interest in undead cults.
"Oh! Oh, yes that is a good idea. I had planned to just barge into some taverns and act foolish and pampered. But having some papers to back up my claims would make things easier. Do we want to try to stick together, perhaps the two of you could play the role of rather unscrupulous 'adventurers' I've hired, who are mostly using me as a source of easy, low risk gold? Or should one or both of you try to work the mage college angle while I work my charade? Or are you proposing we try the naive noblegirl act near the mage college?"
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#5 Post by Hvalreki »


“Perhaps Renatta’s compatriots have heard tales or rumors that may help us locate members of the cult. We can ask them when we see about building our cover credentials.”
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#6 Post by archolewa »

Hvalreki wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:03 pm “Perhaps Renatta’s compatriots have heard tales or rumors that may help us locate members of the cult. We can ask them when we see about building our cover credentials.”
"Renatta is the forger? Sounds like our first stop is going to be this Renatta then."
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#7 Post by Hvalreki »


“No lass, Renatta is much more than a forger.”

He spins his and Golgarth’s tale as they ride, catching her up on the events so far.

“Her compatriots in Ironguard may have heard rumors or can point us to parts of the town where we may learn more about finding contacts to the cult.”

Stonefather we should travel under different names and change up our appearance. The ones we want won't take kindly to having Crommsmen in their midst. I will travel as Barraclaugh the black.”

Gunter buys a simple black tabard and black hooded cloak and keeps his holy symbol tucked away beneath his gambeson. He keeps the protective scarf tied about his neck and wears the silver torc, both hidden by his chain coif.

Armed with whip and trident and black and red shield slung he presents a fearsome countenance on horseback.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#8 Post by Spearmint »

question: I am happy to take Mercenerary Solly too if it buffs the team out and we need a torchbearer level aide.
As the expedition is covered by Krothos and Othar, the torchbearer Solly will stay in Helix, concluding his hire, the extra portion of paid fees can cover any additional costs incurred from hiring Sidkrake. Osen the Guildmaster has a fractured working relationship with the Duchy.

Questions are raised about Renata. She is a named NPC with a profile in the forum npc thread, and a 'wanted brigandine', leading a band of outlaws. Her last camp was at the abandoned mine Memorial Chapel in the Moon Peaks foothills near to Bogtown. She has connections to a roving band of werewolves who it seemed used Golgarth and Gunter's foray into the Silvanus Temple to take down cultists as a front to take out the elven priesthood and cadre of bounty hunters that seek lycanthropic afflicted folk out.

She has a connection also with the Citadel underworld of rogue gangs though the rumour was that just like in Bogtown, the Thieves Guild had taken a hit from the nefarious cults.

The quartet share testimonies, making suggestive plans. A few base places to push enquiries and snippets of information gathered from the interrogated Nergalites (read Helix: Old Manse archives). It is not much, very tenuous at best but in putting feelers out, the quartet may very well be contacted by Nergal agents directly before they uncover any breakthrough themselves.

Citadel random: vs 1 [1d6]=2 [1d6]=3 [1d6]=5

There are no hindrances to entering the Citadel. I updated a map in the Ironguard setting thread with a Citadel visual.

As much as Golgarth might want to report to his diocesan office and the official installed Cromm Cruach patriarch resident, the cleric swerves initially touching base lest it compromises the expedition integrity. He also bears in mind the elder was forcibly drunk in order that he might take his place in the Silvanus Temple raid.

So then, passing by the militia conscripts who manage the access point; a low road to a Customs and Revenue ground where merchants and their wares are checked in and out, the High Road bridges the checking and authorising of goods and cargo by a bridge that takes pedestrians and riders over the hustle and bustle and into the more formal Citadel quarters by the wide Cathedral boulevard.

Horses and wagons pass freely along the wider streets, the narrower backstreets and alleys tend to be walked on foot. Some house built so close together in the slummier districts that one might traverse across rooftops, leaping gable to gable with ease.

Actions rather than keep switching from this thread to individual location threads, I would like players to read the first page posts in those Location threads (for example the Taverns & Hostelries) and then post here as to which particular location you go to first.

I would also like each person to provide a Wisdom check ([4d6] vs Wisdom or Intelligence attribute, whichever is higher) with their post which will relate to any information gathering you might notice or garner upon your arrival and include a Charisma check for first interactions.

Actions rolls and character actions please.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#9 Post by Bluetongue »


Golgarth. vs Charisma 9 [4d6]=15

Golgarth: Wisdom check vs 13: [4d6-1]=15-1=14

The cleric is not the most charismatic orator or persuader, nor the most observant of things.

As much I had a natural dislike of the 'mobster' rogue landlord in The Last Dance, Ness Costner
(I get an Untouchables: Elliot Ness / Al Capone feel here)
I think going there might be a place to start. At least we know he is a rogue and has had trouble with citadel cults.

Our first meeting with him detailed here:
The Last Dance tavern is set along narrow cobbled streets lined with tall multi-storeyed flophouses and warehousing units whose grimy windows shield the interiors from prying eyes. The 'warehouse' quarter is a slum district of shanty dwellings and foreboding buildings, the air carries a permanent whiff of sewage from overflowing gutters or select aromas from distilleries, bakehouses and back street parlours. Behind the tavern a cobbled yard has a stable and stores. Employees mill about at set tasks, stevedoring sacks of goods from a wagon.

Ness Costner, a gritty, grey haired and bespectacled man, wearing high leather boots that his dungarees tuck into. He wears a cloak, fur lined with a black fox curled around the collars, taxidermied into the fabric. He puffs on a cigar busy about the management of his concern. As Renata and crew arrive he signals men to clear the scene and the yard gates get closed behind you. He welcomes the Brigandine, acknowledging familiar faces in Raistlyn and Froed, greeting others with a nod.

After introductions are made, the group are brought inside. The quartet, Renata, Gunter, Dalin, Golgarth joins the black marketeer in separate quarters while the others mill about. Sidkrake and Froed mingle with the crew but your man, distrusting of all which tends to his nature whispers as he will keep his guard up.

Conversations cover 'the story so far' and Ness reveals that "business is not good." It seems the Duchy 'customs & revenue' are prying into his shady deals a bit more, Citadel patrols find more bodies in dark alleyways, "sometimes more than one. Sometimes less ... you know, not all there." suggesting some mad psycho might be butchering people.

As far as 'the Brethren of Rogues' is concerned, he speaks of one gang, 'the Magpies', petty criminals specialising in gemstone forgery and thieves oft commissioned to pick specific rings. "Torn apart, brutally so. Several artisans lost hands. They were cut off and nailed to lantern posts. Not by order of the Duke. Another vigilante group? I think rather they touched where the ought not and suffered."

He goes to a birdcage in his room, taking off the cover. Inside is an amputated hand that incredibly still moves. It swings upon the parrot perch and fingers a bell. "Who's a pretty boy!" he speaks as though it were a parrot. He takes a few grape from a fruit bowl, sticking them through the bars and immediately the hand grasps them, squeezing them in a tight fist so that the juice runs freely which it seems to absorb and feed upon. "prefers steak, rare. Who would have thought of such a thing? I have a jar of pickled eyes too. It was gifted over the bar, as a warning. Keyhole Keef, so named for the shape of the coloboma that afflicted his left eye. He will pick locks no more. His body found on the midden dump. No eyes in the sockets. They turned up in the jar days later."
So we now some necromancy is causing the body parts of murdered rogues to still animate as Undead body portions. He may have conducted his own investigations into that issue which must be cult related and he knows the forger as well. He could also use any spiderweb of underworld links to 'spread word' about us (but in a mission appropriate way).
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#10 Post by Hvalreki »

Gunter (incognito as Barraclaugh the Black)

Being neither wise nor eloquent, Gunter falls back on the familiar course of following Golgarth's lead.

"Aye, The Last Dance, seems a a good place as any to begin our search. What should I call you while we're undercover? I dont' want to slip up at the wrong moment, you too lass and Sidrake? We best get our story straight before we have any encounters."

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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#11 Post by Spearmint »

The Last Dance

The quartet ride slowly through the bustling streets of the warehouse district. Stevedores breaking backs lugging crates off wagons, barrow boys shunting stock to hawk on the corners of wealthier neighbourhoods; backstreet bakers, mills, textile cottage industries overflow with noise.

Selina gets a wolf whistle or two, maybe three. But she can ignore the invitations for later dates and evening soirées.

A few things conspicuously on show, a few covered.

Gunter, you ride with a light lance, a weapon of choice favoured by the cavalry and Silvanus Inquisition add Lance (light) to your inventory. It can be sheathed with the spearhead in a hessian sack and the pennons of the Duchy which ribbon the shaft taken off or tied back. Your shirts contain a 'lance corporal' stripe, signifying a rank of the Duchy Militia (though you are not in any formal commission). Covered over by your black cloak for now. The gifted Trident sheathed over your shoulder, whip coiled at one hip, Duchy Baton and Hubris sheathed by the other.

Those with the red and black wooden shields can leave them secured on the horse saddle hooks.

"Spider Sid has served me well so far, no need to change for me." the Mercenerary says. He is shaven headed with spiders and web tattoos covering his cranium, neck and shoulders. augmented to cast Spider Climb. He might stick out in more posh districts but in the slum areas and working quarters he just fits in with every other borstal lad making good.

Selina, has no reputation or notoriety. She might make one though as though she stands a few inches shorter than others, her shoulders are broader and she can more than hold her own against most men, arm wrestling for drinks and kudos in the taverns. If you want an alter ego, you can shorten your name to Lena but that may not be necessary at this point.

Golgarth, distinct by his holy symbol of Cromm Cruach, apart from chainmail and warhammer, the priest would easily pass as any other labourer in the Citadel, permanent five o'clock shadow of stubble, grizzled hands from hard labour. His unkempt tonsure style haircut could be a sign of humble servitude or just the effects of balding (or hitting the headboard too much). The quarterstaff is distinctly carved, again you can wrap it and store it or carry it about bare or covered in some way should you think of the need.

Arriving then at the the tavern and stables. The Last Dance has the signpost of a dwarf with a noose around his neck, carefully balancing on an overturned barrel lest it roll away from under his outstretched feet. A tied hemp noose dangles from a neighbouring wrought frame, a barrel upright set underneath. You might wonder if 'last dances' are still enacted out upon scoundrels.

A groom can see to your horses in the rear yard, offering grooming and feeding "the freshest hay in the district" and committing to shovelling any horsey turds into the allotment to help grow the vegetables.

You can give him a few silvers and entrust your mounts into his care.

A long journey, a beer is welcome. You go to the bar and take an ale each, a large plate of chicken wings and fries to communally share. Golgarth can pay from the team kitty, -1gp.

Inside the tavern are various patrons, unremarkable groups of flagon swilling merchants surrounding long bench tables, a couple of quieter tables with adventurer types, a pair of masons still covered in stone dust, a newsboy offering to read the citadel bulletins (for the illiterate). Of course no tavern is complete without the mysterious stranger in the corner.

The landlord and boss is not present but you may think at least that after being served, your presence in the establishment will have been noted and reported.


With nothing specifically piquing interest from the Citadel gates to the tavern as far as unusual events, atmospheres, persons of interest; you start with basic groundwork to the investigation.

Actions and any skill rolls you deem neccessary.
Citadel tavern
Citadel tavern
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#12 Post by Bluetongue »

(or hitting the headboard too much)
ha, I will use that excuse.

I will get the beers and luncheon in, paying the -1gp. I do like keeping a lower profile, at least until we need to purposefully make ourselves known.

I will instruct Sidkrake as the rogue among us to circulate, listening in to any conversations, using any Thieves Cant to try and mention we would like to meet Ness in his quarters.

Also I wonder if we can list 'what do we actually know' and what information we have so we can plan visiting locations and people in a more structured rather than random order.

I am interested in any wards, holy symbols, protections that might be active in the tavern, used as a defence against cultic infiltration. While any 'detect' action is rather obvious, what can we see?
a newsboy offering to read the citadel bulletins (for the illiterate).
ok. I pay for a Citadel broadsheet and ask the Newsboy regarding rumours.

Golgarth. vs Charisma 9 [4d6]=9

Perhaps I can phrase a few comments and questions which might get some interesting answers (strange murders, people disappearing, Impurax or cult manifestations, the latest with the Silvanus Temple, etc).
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#13 Post by archolewa »

Hvalreki wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:05 pm "Aye, The Last Dance, seems a a good place as any to begin our search. What should I call you while we're undercover? I dont' want to slip up at the wrong moment, you too lass and Sidrake? We best get our story straight before we have any encounters."
"I think Selina is fine. The fewer lies to keep track of, the better. Besides even if, somehow, someone here does know of me, it will only enhance my story." Selina's grip tightens on her reins as the wolf whistles follow her down the street. She is not used to being treated so crassly. When she pays the stableboy to take care of her horses, she will toss in an extra 2 sp. Something she can ill-afford at the moment, but hopefully it will start to build her reputation as a foolish noblegirl who spends too freely -4sp.

When they enter the tavern, and Selina takes in the rough crowd, she will lean into her nerves, and allow some of her nervousness to show through. She will also walk slowly, as if unused to the weight of her armor. She will purposefully bang her sheathed sword against various tables or chairs, as if she is unused to having such a thing hanging off her hip. While the others do what they do best, she will take a seat at the bar with a nervous smile. She will "cheerfully/nervously" chat with any who approach, telling them she's come in search of grand adventure, trying to sell the idea of being a bored, spoiled noblegirl who read one too many adventure-romances, or took one too many stories sung by a charismatic bard seriously. She will be careful not to drink anything offered by anyone who approaches, though she will make a big show of accepting it, and pretend to take a few sips.

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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#14 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter finds a corner seat and eats and drinks while listening to the newsboy read the latest events and watching the comings and goings of the Last Dance patrons.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#15 Post by Spearmint »

Known Nergal information:
An allegation that a Helix tavern wench worships either Set or Orcus and has some plans to influence Lord Krothos. The Nergal cultists planned to kill her and replace her with their own adherent.

A revelation that a Nergal Sanctum, an unholy place of worship is present in the Duchy capital Ironguard Motte, access to this place via the direction of 'Shadows'. Those adherents are named as 'the Chosen'.

Talos the name of the priest who fled an encounter in the Barrow Mounds and Sons of Yannarg, a name given to the cult priesthood. Yannarg, the leader (?), seeks a new warlord after Magyar Varghoulis was defeated and exiled to the Abyss.

"Talos may use a pseudonym whilst in the Citadel. But we have reason to suspect he favours certain taverns. I suggest you start there."

Nergal is the chief 'death cult' deity and god of the Underworld though as his essence and power waned, his sons Set & Orcus fought to usurp his position. Now each god has independent death cult factions which are resident in the Barrowmaze mega-dungeon. Nergal seeks to regain his influence and power and through recovery and use of lost unholy relics that were imbued with his power.

The Barrow Mounds have one mound with a specific Nergal Obelisk upon (and a chamber below known as the Nergal Alcove that contained an altar and Green Devil face image) and a path has been uncovered of ancient black and red flagstone tiles that lead from this place towards another sealed burial mound.

Talos was wounded in an encounter whilst conducting a ritual in the Nergal Alcove that he hoped would empower him to access Nergal temples in the maze labyrinths. His cohorts each carried obsidian rock pieces inscribed with initials they were using as tokens of allegiance.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#16 Post by Spearmint »

Inside The Last Dance.

The quartet settle in, eating, drinking, observing. There doesn't appear to be anything out of the ordinary among the tavern patrons, a boisterous crowd and noisy, made more so by the antics of Selina.
She will "cheerfully/nervously" chat with any who approach, telling them she's come in search of grand adventure,
The two masons size up Selina, commenting on her broad shoulders and figure she could work as hard as any man. "If honest work and honest labour is your vocation, the guild never turns a man ... your pardon, a registered labourer down. We got scaffolds up around many of the ramparts repairing the Citadel walls." one introduces himself as "Foreman Dibnah" and invites you to call on his crew anytime. Asking about Registered? they explain the recent drive to unionise the various Citadel labour forces so that they can qualify a work standard for skilled labourers and set a 'living wage' rather than have a multitude of unskilled labourers on cheap wages.
"You do have your Card?" he asks, assuming that you would know of 'in the trade accreditation' that covers basic skills and knowledge of construction and mason concerns, (health & safety, manual handling, etc).

You nod, flexing a bicep to show you have 'time served' at 'such and such a mill' or quarry face and move on, their offer of potential work not quite the 'grand adventure' you were after. Still should you be in need of construction or masonry expertise, they might be a contact to draw upon.

You navigate to the bar and by accident or design engage with the mysterious stranger.

Stranger: reactions to Selina [1d100]=47 with some added charisma bonus you can move him from feigned disinterest to being positive regarding your acquaintance.

"Xander Fairburn: pictographer and cuneiformist." he introduces, explaining his scholarly titles relate to the translation or deciphering of ancient texts. He shows a forearm with several tattooed runes etched upon his skin, suggesting that each might enhance or augment certain traits or skills. In a lecherous way he wonders whether Selina has or would like a tattoo, 'her skin being a wonderful soft canvas to craft his work upon'. You can rebuff his flirtation without having to cut short any affections with an edged blade. Recalling some basic information your group have, the Nergal Obelisk in the Barrow Mounds is covered in runes and hieroglyphics, a section copied and kept in the St Ygg vaults for study. Maybe this man has some skills that might be of use?

Actions Selina, you can ask about his line of work, provide a Charisma or Intelligence check to resolve how you gather information.
I will instruct Sidkrake as the rogue among us to circulate, listening in to any conversations, using any Thieves Cant to try and mention we would like to meet Ness in his quarters.
Costner reactions: [1d100]=63

The mercenary mingles, dropping a greeting or hand sign here and there. He buys an ale and chats to the barman who looks your way and nods back to him.
I pay for a Citadel broadsheet and ask the Newsboy regarding rumours.
Golgarth & Gunter listen to various headlines regarding the Citadel. There are stories, rumours and gossips over the Masquerade Ball affair and it seems several merchant elders have been 'retired' or 'moved on' from council positions. which you can read between the lines as a consequence of their uncovering as part of the Impurax minion affliction.. Of interesting anecdotes are:

The Duchy militia hunting CrawJack, a suspected Jackalwere running a bandit group somewhere in the Citadel, possibly from the sewers and subterranean cisterns.

A Gargoyle is thought to be running amok from the rooftops at night, breaking and entering Arcanum linked properties to steal items for unknown reasons. A reward of 250gp is out for its capture.

The dwarves, who have an embassy from the Moon Peak councils in the city are ordaining a new cleric at their Moradin Hearth Forge, a move contested by the fundamentalist offshoot that gathers around the Sphinx & Naga tavern.

A strange hybrid crocodile creature captured alive by trophy hunters is in the Citadel bestiary kennels. The 'Halberdiers' want to resurrect the gladiatorial arena and use it to fight against.

Green flame erupted from cellar of a backstreet apothecary, burning the place down and releasing a flock of mischievous Mephits. The proprietors have been taken into custody.

A few snippets are read before the newsboy gets a whack around the scruff of his neck and told to take his trade elsewhere. Ness Costner sits at the table rather than meeting you in any quarters. Unseen in their walking through the crowd, a couple of heavies come to sit almost simultaneously, one at a table either side.

"Don't worry. My bite doesn't turn you into wolves." he says, referring to your companionship with the brigandine.
Ness Costner, a gritty, short grey haired man with a frowned expression. He wears high leather boots that his trousers tuck into and a dark cloak, fur lined with a black fox curled around the collars, taxidermied into the fabric. He puffs on a cigar busy about the management of his concern.
"I trust you are not tax collecting on behalf of Duchy dues or still hunting afflicted minions? What brings men of Cromm Cruach to grace my establishment?"

He seems to remember Golgarth's outburst to slay his Severed Hand pet.


Actions please
Ness Costner: black market smuggler
Ness Costner: black market smuggler
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#17 Post by archolewa »

Spearmint wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:01 pm "Xander Fairburn: pictographer and cuneiformist." he introduces, explaining his scholarly titles relate to the translation or deciphering of ancient texts. He shows a forearm with several tattooed runes etched upon his skin, suggesting that each might enhance or augment certain traits or skills. In a lecherous way he wonders whether Selina has or would like a tattoo, 'her skin being a wonderful soft canvas to craft his work upon'. You can rebuff his flirtation without having to cut short any affections with an edged blade. Recalling some basic information your group have, the Nergal Obelisk in the Barrow Mounds is covered in runes and hieroglyphics, a section copied and kept in the St Ygg vaults for study. Maybe this man has some skills that might be of use?

Actions Selina, you can ask about his line of work, provide a Charisma or Intelligence check to resolve how you gather information.

"W-well, can't say I've ever had anyone talk about my skin, umm..." Selina allows herself to giggle. She bats her eyes at him, while inwardly gagging. She wonders if cultists seek tattoos to mark themselves as members of the group, and if this fellow's done any such work. Though, slapping Nergalite sigils on people is probably less than legal. She puts on what she hopes is a mischievous grin. "So, what are some...thrilling tattoos you've given people? The most exciting? Dangerous? That really gets your blood pumping?"

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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#18 Post by Bluetongue »


nice, I think the guy Xander might have useful skills if Selina can play her cards right.
Green flame erupted from cellar of a backstreet apothecary, burning the place down and releasing a flock of mischievous Mephits. The proprietors have been taken into custody.
"Green Flame!" an ode to Acquisitions Inc

We could check the ruins of the place. Things tend to burn down for a reason.

When Ness comes over.
"What brings men of Cromm Cruach to grace my establishment?"

"A vocational call. More delving into disappearances and afflictions. You yourself mentioned before many of your associates have been taken away, not returning whole as it were.

I am not sure that in quelling the activities of the Impurax affliction that we actually took the head off any snake as it were.

So, I seek another holy gathering."

The priest tries not to blab too much but also doesn't outright lie to the rogue leader.

Golgarth: Charisma check vs 9 [4d6]=12
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#19 Post by Hvalreki »


"Mayhaps we could take this chinwag to a private room and out of the commons?"
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#20 Post by Spearmint »

The Last Dance

Selina converses with the pictographer.
"Your friend? The one you cane in with?", Xander nods, gesturing towards Sidkrake who leans back to you at the other end of the bar.

"Interesting designs. Spiders in elbows and tear drops in cheeks common amongst prison rabble. He has some augment too judging by the handiwork."

It seems he has some knowledge and not just bluster, at least in regard to inked designs.
He has a spider tattoo (hence first known as 'Spider Sid'). This tattoo gets imbued with a Spider Climb trait that he can trigger once per day.
"So, what are some...thrilling tattoos you've given people? The most exciting? Dangerous? That really gets your blood pumping?" Selina asks.

"Beyond the usual? Mermaids and pirates, wanton wenches or memorials to a loved one. Specials come costly. Not just precious inks and dyes but you need finer hollow point needles and a way to imbue wards or enchantments. Perhaps an Ace of Spades inked that adds some luck at cards, a hammer on biceps to augment the wrestlers.

There is one, a tribal champion of neanderthal descent who fights in the arena. He bears many lurid designs that confuse and mesmerise his opponents."
He talks of a Quillan warrior from the Moon Peaks and explains that in general, a magic tattoo imbues a permanent enchantment and the cost is expensive, possibly equating to a couple of hundred gold to just achieve a minor spell effect.

"Inks are a precious and rare commodity. Certainly the Collegiate Arcanum has a monopoly on stocks, leaving lesser registered Mages to turn to more unorthodox compounds or pay a premium so they can pen their scrolls."

The way he speaks suggests that he brokers in 'specialised inks', which may be a reason he patronises the tavern with landlord Ness running a black market smuggling enterprise. As to his own tattoos, they have the appearance of runes or sigils rather than designs. He points a couple out; treble clef and bass sigils that mark a music augment, a large interlocked § that he suggests is linked to his health, a 🕉️ rune that 'comes from a fraternity of his College days'.

He suggests if you have an interest in procuring such runes and customisations, then you should wait to meet his friend Dadely. "I think he is in the cellars here. Engaged in some research project."

Actions Selina, again you can be as specific or general in your chat and perhaps puck up on any areas of interest. Add a skill check with your post.


Sidkrake watches 'the watchers', trying to be inconspicuous among the patrons but visible to Golgarth & Gunter.

"I am not sure that in quelling the activities of the Impurax affliction that we actually took the head off any snake as it were.

So, I seek another holy gathering."
the cleric confesses.

Ness Costner reactions [1d100]=65

The smuggler looks unconcerned for a moment, as if your troubles are not his to get involved in.

"You are correct. Many did not return as they were. I have one such returnee, downstairs, held in the cellars. He came back not as he once was. He was changed, a corruption of his former self but swathed in bandages that were scripted in an ancient tongue that few know.

I commissioned a graduate of the college to come discreetly and assess the glyphs before we can provide any mercy or relief.

You want to talk out of the commons? Perhaps the cellar will do and as a minister, you might ease his suffering?"
he says.

With that he stands to walk back through the bar gate and he takes a door to some lower cellars. Gunter & Golgarth may follow, his beefy guards traipse behind. You gesture to Sidkrake & Selina to hold their ground upstairs in the tavern.

Actions and here at this point it may be a good juncture to introduce our latest Barrowmaze player character Dadely, a youthful graduate full of exuberance and inquisitiveness who has been tasked with some translation work.

In the cellar. A large room filled with giant wooden casks and a multitude of imported wine bottles. At the end of the storage area, a cask fixed upon its side rather than upright like a barrel. Ness Costner goes to the lid and turns the barrel tap.but instead of ale pouring out, the contraption actually works as a door lock and handle. The lid pushes inwards and you can file into the barrel, stepping out the other side in a secret vault area.

This area has several crates of illicit goods and in a smoke filled corner, a young man leans over a cadaver. The body is restrained upon a table and occasionally twitches or gnashes at the man inspecting his inked and ragged raiments.

The smoke is not choking but fragrant albeit pungently so, coming from several burning votive candles that mask the cadavers rotting smell.

Dadely Grimes slowly peels away the swaddling of wrappings, each inked with pictograms and runes in a strange Cuneiformist way. He jots down various designs, scribbling notes in a book and tries to compare them to other ancient tongues that he has more familiarity with.

The living cadaver is not Mummy but a zombie. Restrained by strong chains from breaking loose.

"He was sent back this way as a warning. Norbert worked as a guard on the prison chain-gangs for me. But it seems he uncovered something that he shouldn't have and rather than just kill him, it seems he was returned with a message."

But what type of message and what does it say?

Actions, Golgarth, Gunter & Dadely please interact and continue the investigation here, provide a Wisdom or Intelligence check with your posts.
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