Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

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Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This separate thread is to cover your journey from Helix to the Barrow Mounds.

As usual, the travel to and fro is randomised to cater for various encounter events faced in the wilderness. If none are generated then it means your travel is uninterrupted and you arrive at your destination safely.

If encounters are generated then we role-play through them here:

July 11th 1066

8.00am. After breakfasting and checking over final details, the trio escorting the cargo of supplies sets off from the warehouse depot.

Cadeweed sits on the wagon bench seat alongside Crabtree, an npc who's profile is in the NPC thread. A stout man acting as a torchbearer, steadfast and honest, he often takes cargo to Crooked Yew and Bogtown and his well known to player character adventurers. A heavy crossbow loaded by his feet. Accompanying is also Barba, a muscled half-orc barbarian warrioress, a veteran of adventures (as a former character who withdrew, leaving her as an npc attached to the Mercenerary Guild). She is a survivor of the very first 'Harpy encounter' along with Moriartus and Dougal. She speaks very gruffly and hoarsely, mainly due to being critically injured after a charmed Dougal loosed an arrow through her throat.

And yourself, a veteran of several treks to the northern chalk quarry, Barrow Mounds and wilderness locations. Probably the widest travelled of all characters.

Every wagon is subject to wheel breakdown due to the rutted and boggy terrain. Yours is no different but seems to manage the many perils quite adequately. The wagon is pulled by a single draft horse (Dandelion).

Wagon wheels: vs 15% [1d100]=30[1d100]=42[1d100]=72[1d100]=65

As well as 'wagon variables', treks face constant peril from Barrow Moor denizens.

Wagon trek vs 1 [1d6]=2[1d6]=1 vs 1-2 by Barghests brigands camp [1d6]=3 vs 1 [1d6]=2

and so, one such encounter is generated.

The wagon passes the outskirts of the village; it seems a normal 'trade' day with an accompanied trio of wagons crossing your path from the opposite direction; a dozen herbalists wave from a meadow, collecting exotic stems, buds and seasonal fungi. A hunter with a pack mule loaded with braces of turkey and a deer carcass across its haunches. He warns about 'hobgoblin brigands and warg riders' causing mischief in the Northwoods.

You are going south through the Barrow Moor but take his warning to add some extra vigilance as you go down the trade route. Eventually you turn southwards, a lesser used trail; one that cuts across to the east of the Barrow Mounds and north of the spreading delta to the Moorwash River mouth as it ends to flood into the Moor.

Between the road junction and Barrows is a minor campsite known as 'Standing Stone' camp. A small ring of a dozen or so man-sized menhirs around a larger flat slab, though that is a bit skewed now and partially buried. The area thick with bracken and brambles, a spot of firmer stony ground rising as a hump above the more boggy surrounds. To the north is the remnants of an old, submerged wagon, sucked deeper than its wheels' height into the bog. A skeletal horse peeking out from the peat. The camp is well used, common to find users leave a few goods to bless the next group along. A knapsack with a multitude of half-burned candles, a flask of fresh spring water, tins of canned corned salted beef. You see three arrows on the flat slab, pointing in cardinal directions south-west (towards the Mounds), east and directly south. The west and east pointing arrows have bloody tips, the south clean. The arrows are short in length with fletched wings made from thin reed grasses rather than feathers.

Barba has no experience to identify any of what you find, her skills lie with blades and brawling. Crabtree shrugs, suggesting any rangers of worth use longbows and by default, longer shafted arrows. Despite coming from the north-east, you have not encountered anything that might be related to 'the danger', if the bloodied barbs are meant to indicate something.

The Barghests were a npc group encountered at the Standing Stone camp before, they were nominally 'an expedition group' reasonably matched by the group encountering them. And meal was shared and basic greetings made, you may know (as a Guild member) this group are probably brigands (and some have a penchant for familiarity with wolves, suggesting they might be werewolves? but that is uncomfirmed. They were digging here (excavating the sunken wagon) and under other locations of Standing Stones in the delta area, being based in an old Barrow (first encountered by Sir Dewey on the Sauron trek) known as 'the Hag Barrow'.

This gives a basic map visual: ... 43#p568643

While you consider options, the horse neighs and whinnies which does suggest something lurks about though no immediate threat presents itself. Crabtree hurriedly gathers stuff up and calms the horse, the trio back towards the wagon. Barba goes to the rear, drawing her battle-axe.

Cadeweed , specific actions and any skills checks please.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#2 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will attempt to blend into the shadows while listening for what is making the horse nervous.

HiS (40%) [1d100]=41, HN (20%) [1d100]=83
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

The swirling Moor mist gives an added buff to sneaking and hiding once a few feet distant from the wagon.

Crabtree tries to calm the skittish horse, the 'draft horse ' breed normally a strong and stalwart type takes a few moments to stop bucking under the hand of Crabtree.

Barba steels herself as movement and grunting is heard to one side. Cadeweed signals he will nip under the wagon bed and flank behind whoever approaches.

The figures that approach come in a single file behind a large leader. Whilst those subordinates have a shaggy appearance and awkward gait, loping strides when upright or hunched over upon fisted knuckles, the leader bears loose fitting patchwork armour made up from various pieces if breast plate, chain shirting, greaves and a helmet too small for its wide bulbous head. It brandishes a large sword that it swings in sweeping thicket cutting strokes. Not proficient by any means as a swashbuckler but more than makes up for any deficiency with its natural strength and aggression.

Apes, six of them. Long armed and very vocal, hooting, gnashing, bearing chests. They are wary though of approaching too close, dwarfed by the huge horse and Barba at least. The leader is twice their size in height and breadth. Approaching it goes into a show of 'machismo', waving its plundered sword above its head, striking the ground and putting on a show of intimidation.


actions please
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#4 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed's first instinct to flee, but there is a lot of supplies here that he would be turning over to these ape things. He will attempt to backstab the leader hoping that a swift kill will scare the others.

Move Silently (42%) [1d100]=42 Right on, but he does have the halfling surprise thing going for him.
Backstab with Short Sword[1d20+4]=7+4=11, Damage with Short Sword S/M [1d6x2]=5x2=10 L [1d8x2]=3x2=6
Backstab with Off-Hand Short Sword[1d20+2]=15+2=17, Damage with Short Sword S/M [1d6x2]=3x2=6 L [1d8x2]=5x2=10
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#5 Post by Spearmint »

The belligerent primates hoot and holler, coming upon the wagon team. Barba looks as intimidating as the alpha pack male, raising her weapon and matching the carnivorous apes primeval theatre with her own tribal war cry.

Barba: broadsword melee vs apes [1d20+1]=8+1=9 [1d6+4]=4+4=8

Her initial thrust though is without accuracy and finesse. Crabtree follows suit, thudding a crossbow bolt into the sodden earth at the apes feet.

Crabtree: heavy crossbow [1d20]=4 [2d6]=11

Cadeweed looks to save the day. Using the mist to stealthily hide and gain advantage, he sneaks upon the armoured ape as it is distracted. It has breast plate but covers just his front torso in the thicker material, from your rear advantage, you can backstab it through the chainmail shirt, -10hp. Not quite an assassination, the creature turns to howl and strike out in return.

Carnivorous Ape: falchion blade [1d20-1]=17-1=16 [1d10+2]=4+2=6

It hoots loudly, beating its chest and smearing the splattered squirts of Cadeweed's blood, -6hp upon its forehead, driving the other apes into a frenzy.

They run on all fours to assault the horse and wagon. "If we take him down, they might lose morale." encourages your half-orc barbarian. Together the two of you duel the wild and ferocious chief beast.

Actions please
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

The combat is frantic but not effective. Cadeweed strikes out, hitting the ape -1hp. It is a mere thorn in its side. Of more deadliness is the hack it gives to Barba, -9hp, leaving her critically wounded on a single point of health.

Crabtree fares no better, loosing another bolt to go wide of the mark. A trio of apes, half his size but more than a match strength wise. They grapple him off the wagon. Another apes jumps upon the horse and two go ransacking among the goods. One throws out the driver's lantern, smashing the glass upon the ground and leaking a pool of fiery oil which further startles the horse causing it to rear and begin to run from the scene.

Cadeweed, you can choose to stay with Barba vs the carnivorous ape or go to help Crabtree from being torn apart (or even chase the wagon or anything else).

Give me three rounds of actions.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Ape troops run amok. The trio surrounding the driver beat him severely, pounding him unconscious, rending his clothes apart. The wagon creaks, the horse whinnies. Driven into the mist in a random panic.

Cadeweed & Barba have their own battle, the larger carnivorous ape swinging his large blade in winnowing slashes but despite his ferocity, he faces an equally brutal wildling and a stubborn irritant that keeps jabbing him with stabbing thrusts. Barba critically strikes, -17hp, Cadeweed hits, -1hp, -1hp, -2hp, -8hp

Biting off more than he can chew before he actually chews it, the chief primate is slain and the duo rush to aid the stricken Crabtree before he is torn apart by the rending apes. Severely wounded and bleeding out he needs immediate attention, -6/8hp.

Apes: morale check after leader slain: vs 55% [1d100]=34

The trio of apes have a prize though and despite the chief being slain, they don't immediately retreat but two grab a leg each and intend to drag the unconscious driver away while the other throws clods of flaming oil soaked peat into your direction to ward you both away.
next actions please
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#10 Post by gurusql »


Cadewed says to Barba, "As much as it pains me we lost Crabtree, let us not lose the wagon as well. Come on."

Cadeweed will dash off into the mist with the apes retreating trying to recapture the wagon and drive it himself back to the destination.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#11 Post by Spearmint »

A difficult choice made all the harder by Barba's own injuries. She has a javelin, so launches that in a forlorn hope to strike down one of the baboons.

Barba: javelin vs apes [1d20]=5 [1d6+3]=4+3=7

Unfortunately, it sails wide of the mark. Leaving Crabtree to his fate, the half-orc runs after the halfling who pursues the panicked wagon.

Cadeweed you can hear the horse in the distance, whinnying, stomping. A trail of minor goods from tossed aside crates. But the trio of apes aboard are just running amok, with no clearer plan than raid the wagon for perishables.

Speaking of perishables, you hear a distance scream as one baboon grabs the chief's falchion and in Bone Tomahawk grisly scene style, hacks Crabtree apart while the other two baboons, pulling on a leg each, spill out his internals as he is wrenched apart.

The chase goes on a minute then a thud. The wagon tipping into a deep furrow in the boggy ground, the horse ripping free of his reins. The baboons clutch a trophy each; a crate, a keg, the strongbox.

They look at the pursuing duo and snarl, leaping from the shipwrecked wagon to hoot and holler, trying to intimidate you from coming closer.

Actions please
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#12 Post by gurusql »

Question - Assuming that I would be able to light a torch, could I use Barrowmaze Anniversary Trinket to try and scare the apes at the wagon? (I would need to light a torch and throw the trinket with the torch or is this only something I can throw into the standing fire?

Barrowmaze Anniversary Trinket - A straw dolly: that when thrown upon a fire screams out a bloodcurdling sound as it burns, casting a Fear spell upon those within a 20'ft radius.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#13 Post by Spearmint »

I hate to admit, but I scripted the mini-lantern fire when the apes first boarded the wagon and pulled Crabtree out for such an action.

I would think you can set it on fire and presume you have a striking match or some flint for such a purpose.

Straw Dolly: apes spell save 17+ vs Fearful scream: [1d20]=11[1d20]=1[1d20]=19

Two apes scoot, running for cover and rejoining their scattered kin. One remains, beating its chest, hollering manically.

Barba heroically charges it but her melee is hampered by her blood loss and she fails to stab the ape. In return it begins to grab her around the neck and torso, constructing her with a crushing hug that takes her breath away. -3hp
Actions Cadeweed.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#14 Post by gurusql »


Sorry a little slow I guess.

Cadeweed knows that one-on-one vs the ape he cannot win. He will attempt to hit the Ape with his blowdart.

Random d20 [1d20]=13 (I assume that I get the 17 DEX bonus, but not sure)
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#15 Post by Spearmint »

yes you can use Dex bonus, +2.

You also have the entangling net that you can throw

The flechette strike, inflicting minimal damage -1hp but of more importance, injecting the 'Sleep paralysis' poison that hollow point darts contain.

Ape: Poison save vs 13+ [1d20]=6 claw, claw [1d20]=14 [1d3]=2 [1d20]=12 [1d3]=1 succumbed to poison effect, -2 to hit penalty.

The apes are resilient, keeping groggily awake and fighting against the soporific nature of the venom. A losing battle, it rushes the halfling, grasping him weakly then passing out clutching his shoulder like a fellow drunkard helped home from the tavern.

You can summarily dismiss it and attend to the bleeding out Barba -1hp who drifts deeper into a long and permanent sleep herself. -3/10hp.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#16 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will use his Healing potion (the one he purchased not the Royal Jelly one) on Barba and then will dispatch the sleeping ape.

Potion of Healing - [_2d4+2]=(2+4)=6+2=8
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#17 Post by Spearmint »

Barba recovers, her wounds sealing miraculously. +8hp

Sadly Crabtree has been quartered and rendered apart to be nothing short of 'bushmeat'. You can take his waist belt of personals and dog-tags to give in to the Silver Standard and on to a next of kin.

As far as the wagon is concerned, it is tipped over and in need of some repair which may delay you. The horse can be found and brought back. Then you can dig a shallow grave for the driver, denoting his resting place with a marker inscribed with name and date of passing. You can put the chief ape's tinpot helm and rusted falchion as tokens upon it.

Thanks to some foresight, a spare wagon wheel has been provided which is located on the wagon bed underside. You get to unload the wagon, jack it up and replace the crocked wheel, strengthening the axle with some splints. Not ideal but will suffice.

Barghests barge in on wagon repair vs 1 [1d6]=1 random encounters [1d6]=1[1d6]=3

As if your troubles are over,

Barghests: number [2d4]=5 reactions [1d100]=33Barghests: reactions to Barba [1d100]=12

So while finishing the wagon repair, a couple of hours to complete the above tasks, it opens the window to more random opportunity and so it is that a quintet of ragged men approach out of the mist. They are not stealthy and this gives you chance to sneak away into the mist to gain an advantage in a nearby thicket. Barba strikes a lantern, calling out to who approaches to identify themselves.

The men respond in gruff and abrupt terms, eyeing the wagon and eyeing the barbarian with lustful eyes. She eyes them with contempt. for the record, she stands 6'ft plus and has 18/ + str, so is no petite damsel by any means.

One looks at the newly dug grave. "Had trouble have you? All alone? Perhaps we can help each other? Long way to traipse to Ironguard. Suppose we can hitch a lift if you be going that way?"

The men probe with questions, keeping some distance, since Barba has her bloodied battleaxe slung over a shoulder. With the ape bodies nearby, she can give a brief, "We were just passing through. Apes troop attacked us. I slew the chief over there, that one here, drove the others off . Couldn't do much for him."

She points to the north with her axe, "Ironguard is that way. You can make it by evening if you hurry along."

"And supposing we don't hurry?
Supposing we take a brief respite here?"

says one.

The quintet of ragged men have a poor demeanor, holding a visibly antipathy to the half-orc. One heads towards the draft horse, carrot in hand and possible ill intent in his mind. He circles around the other side of the wagon to obstruct his view from Barba. Unknowingly walking closer to your own camouflaged location.

Concentrating on this man, the conversations with Barba and the men dim. You can imagine she is stalling for time and preparing to fend off any less than amorous intentions or robbery.

Actions please.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#19 Post by Spearmint »

Firing the darts

Blowdart [1d20+2]=2+2=4, Damage [1d2]=1
Blowdart [1d20+2]=14+2=16, Damage [1d2]=1

Retro'ing the action to cover the character knowledge

Poison 14+ saves vs blow-dart [1d20]=5Cadeweed: hide in shadows: [1d100-25]=49-25=24

The 'Barghest' circling the wagon slaps his neck as a poison dart hits. He makes a guttural sound, raise his hand to point into the thickets but Cadeweed can take advantage of the prevailing mist and stay concealed. After a groggy step, the man crumples to the floor.

By the other side of the wagon, the four men face down Barba, outnumbering her. They would circle around her like a pack of wolves but the fallen comrade distracts them.

Two go around to investigate their comrade and two draw blades on the half-orc figuring some foul play. They have yet to initiate combat with Barba but keep her only a sword's reach away.

Actions Cadeweed.
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Re: Cadeweed: Escorting supplies.

#20 Post by gurusql »


Cadeweed will use his blow dart to try and even the odds, by attempting to take out two investigating Barghest.

Blowdart [1d20+2]=14+2=16, Damage [1d2]=2
Blowdart [1d20+2]=3+2=5, Damage [1d2]=1 (Since this is a second target it gets a -2)
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