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004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:08 pm
by joertexas
Seventhday, Tenth Month, Year One Hundred and Three (Queen's Reckoning)

As the sun touches the distant hills, the caravan halts at a campsite that, from the plethora of old wagon tracks and campfire sites ringed with blackened stones, is well-used and familiar to the drovers and guards. Under Elaith's watchful eye, the caravanners form three circles with the wagons, and begin to set up camp. The camp cook lowers the rear gate on the canteen wagon, and sets a cooking fire in the largest of the stone cooking pits.

This is the third evening of the trip, which, aside from spotting a large herd of herbivores and some other animals, has been completely without incident.

The guards gather to set the evening watch. "Our tradition is that the newest guards take the middle watches," one of the guards says to the four of you as you remove your gear and turn your tired mounts over to the hostler, a young elven woman.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:45 pm
by Spearmint

"Really? My tradition is that I am up to greet the rising dawn. Call me two hours before sunrise."

The three days travelling he has remained mostly quiet, studying the wagons, studying the guards. He has learned of the subtle hierarchy beneath Ustasi and Elaith. He has had his share of 'the new boy mucks out the stables', 'the new boy buys the pizza'. This no more and he won't willingly put up with it, being hazed, condescend to own the short straw without a word.

He hobbles Dandelion, "Elf-sister. Give her some fresh hay, carrots. Wild carrots preferably and check the shoes. Dig out the stones picked up between the irons and the hoof." he gives some commands to the woman.

"Been riding all day. Would be good to stretch my legs. Any of you archers want to come and scout the perimeter with me. Maybe bag a deer or some game?" Unsaddling the horse he drops the pack and collects his skin shield and javelins and walks.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:09 pm
by Eris
Spearmint wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:45 pm Amistad

"Really? My tradition is that I am up to greet the rising dawn. Call me two hours before sunrise."

"Been riding all day. Would be good to stretch my legs. Any of you archers want to come and scout the perimeter with me. Maybe bag a deer or some game?" Unsaddling the horse he drops the pack and collects his skin shield and javelins and walks.
Aden chuckles at the words of the prickly barbarian, not that he disagrees with his sentiments.

Aden stands, stretches, and takes up his bow and quiver, then makes sure his hand crossbow and case of bolts are in place, "I'll join you for a walk about, Amistad. I will be good to stretch legs after riding all day."

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:34 am
by Spearmint

Gripes on the walk regarding the caravan night set up. The three independent corrals of wagons would be better served by either one big one of two concentric rings, say 14 arranged as a first wall of defence and the inner seven circled together with the horses inside.

That way the combined wagon drivers, assistants and guards (50+ people) can co-ordinate a better defence.

Presently the setup is geared to be reactive. Responding to 'if' we get attacked. It would be all too easy as a bandit to harass the group. Cripple a wagon so it slows down, cause the file to split up, attack on different fronts.

Wolves know they can wear down their prey and rarely confront a bigger herd directly. So we need to think as wolves.

The barbarian shares a few thoughts as he scouts along the perimeter of the camp.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:42 pm
by Eris
Spearmint wrote: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:34 am Amistad

Gripes on the walk regarding the caravan night set up. The three independent corrals of wagons would be better served by either one big one of two concentric rings, say 14 arranged as a first wall of defence and the inner seven circled together with the horses inside.

That way the combined wagon drivers, assistants and guards (50+ people) can co-ordinate a better defence.

Presently the setup is geared to be reactive. Responding to 'if' we get attacked. It would be all too easy as a bandit to harass the group. Cripple a wagon so it slows down, cause the file to split up, attack on different fronts.

Wolves know they can wear down their prey and rarely confront a bigger herd directly. So we need to think as wolves.

The barbarian shares a few thoughts as he scouts along the perimeter of the camp.
Aden listens to Amistad grip, seems like that's something he likes to do, just nodding once in a while.

When he finishes with his idea of a better defense set up, Aden says quietly, "Sounds like an idea you should run past the Boss. Be diplomatic about it, though, she's been doing this successfully for a while so she knows what she's doing, but if you approach it right she might listen to your idea. Maybe it's one she's thought of and rejected for some reason, maybe it's one she hasn't thought of."

He adds, "But be polite about it, ask her what she thinks about doing it your way and if she sees any flaws in it. And for heaven's sake don't argue with her, it'll just make her dig her heels in."

Aden smiles and adds, "Like you, she's stubborn and maybe doesn't take criticism all that well. You know?"

"And as for the middle watch, it suits me fine, but if you don't like it work something out with the others."

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 12:30 am
by Spearmint

Listens to the counsel but won't broach any recommendations until there is a need for improvement.

He walks around, scanning for trouble, ambush spots, lurking predators but his mind seems to be in a number of things.

Amistad: perception check [1d20]=4

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:29 am
by terrymixon
joertexas wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:08 pm Seventhday, Tenth Month, Year One Hundred and Three (Queen's Reckoning)

As the sun touches the distant hills, the caravan halts at a campsite that, from the plethora of old wagon tracks and campfire sites ringed with blackened stones, is well-used and familiar to the drovers and guards. Under Elaith's watchful eye, the caravanners form three circles with the wagons, and begin to set up camp. The camp cook lowers the rear gate on the canteen wagon, and sets a cooking fire in the largest of the stone cooking pits.

This is the third evening of the trip, which, aside from spotting a large herd of herbivores and some other animals, has been completely without incident.

The guards gather to set the evening watch. "Our tradition is that the newest guards take the middle watches," one of the guards says to the four of you as you remove your gear and turn your tired mounts over to the hostler, a young elven woman.

Sorry for the silence. The forum didn’t tell me there was a new topic. I suggest a post in the previous one announcing a new thread so we can make it tell us better. ;)

Mirek is amused at the barbarian’s response. It’s a new gig and he doesn’t mind the hazing as much. For the moment, he won’t object to middle watch.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:34 am
by terrymixon
Eris wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:09 pm
Spearmint wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:45 pm Amistad

"Really? My tradition is that I am up to greet the rising dawn. Call me two hours before sunrise."

"Been riding all day. Would be good to stretch my legs. Any of you archers want to come and scout the perimeter with me. Maybe bag a deer or some game?" Unsaddling the horse he drops the pack and collects his skin shield and javelins and walks.
Aden chuckles at the words of the prickly barbarian, not that he disagrees with his sentiments.

Aden stands, stretches, and takes up his bow and quiver, then makes sure his hand crossbow and case of bolts are in place, "I'll join you for a walk about, Amistad. I will be good to stretch legs after riding all day."

Mirek will also join, wanting to stretch his legs. He doesn’t have anything to add to the conversation at this point, though.

He’ll have his bow ready and be on the lookout for dinner.

Mirek Perception Check [1d20+2]=13+2=15

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:01 pm
by Darithe
Dree arched a brow at the barbarian's words. Not that she necessarily disagreed with his comments but he certainly could have made a better impression on their employers had they been less harsh. She doesn't voice these concerns just yet busying herself with the task at hand.

Perception check: [1d20]=17

Think like wolves yes...but not have the manners of them. But for now she holds her tongue.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:22 am
by Spearmint

After scouting around for a couple of hours, if nothing happens, the barbarian goes back to camp and gets in his bedroll ready for the pre-dawn watch.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:03 am
by joertexas
Spearmint wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:22 am Amistad

After scouting around for a couple of hours, if nothing happens, the barbarian goes back to camp and gets in his bedroll ready for the pre-dawn watch.
The surrounding countryside shows little signs of life - there are droppings about from rabbits and from large plant eaters, along with tracks for the same animals. Amistad catches sight of a single rabbit, but the creature bounds away before he can get a shot at it. The stars and moon come out as the sun settles to the west, and darkness falls over the high plains.

The night passes uneventfully, and the caravan is back on the road soon after first light. The cooks pass out breakfast in the form of a thin flatbread, rolled around a choice of eggs, cheese, vegetables, sausage, and roasted meat. There is water and light ale to drink with it.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:19 am
by Spearmint

Retrieves his horse Dandelion from the young elven woman employed to cater for the horses. He presses one of his gold coins into her hands.

"For the rest of the trip, you feed him the premium hay every day, take his burdens first at night, groom him daily and should trouble arise, seek to secure him first from bandits." he speaks in elven of course. Then he mounts up, taking a place for this day at the rear of the wagon train. He figures the spot most detached from the other wagons or guards will give him the least provocations, still new as he is to this culture and their way of speaking or etiquette.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:49 pm
by joertexas
Where is everyone riding in relation to the caravan?

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:15 pm
by terrymixon
joertexas wrote: Wed Jan 12, 2022 3:49 pm Where is everyone riding in relation to the caravan?
Marek will take tail end charlie.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 9:00 pm
by Eris
Aden rides on the left side of the caravan about half way back from the front. He keeps his eyes open for dangers, looking not only to his right, but ahead and turning his horse out away from the road for a few strides he looks to the rear from time to time.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:08 am
by joertexas
The morning wears on toward highsun as the caravan makes its way down the wide trail demarked by countless wagon ruts. There are few places in the hard ground where the wagon wheels have cut deeply; a silent testament to how dry this land is most of the time.

Then, one of the leading guards rides back toward the caravan. He calls out and points to the northwest. Everyone soon sees a great cloud of dust rising in the distance. After a moment, Dree, who is riding across the caravan from Aden, stands in her stirrups and waves to her companions. The horses stamp their feet, and a low rumble becomes noticeable as the dust cloud draws closer.

One of the guards calls out. "Stampede! Circle the wagons!"

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:43 am
by terrymixon
joertexas wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:08 am The morning wears on toward highsun as the caravan makes its way down the wide trail demarked by countless wagon ruts. There are few places in the hard ground where the wagon wheels have cut deeply; a silent testament to how dry this land is most of the time.

Then, one of the leading guards rides back toward the caravan. He calls out and points to the northwest. Everyone soon sees a great cloud of dust rising in the distance. After a moment, Dree, who is riding across the caravan from Aden, stands in her stirrups and waves to her companions. The horses stamp their feet, and a low rumble becomes noticeable as the dust cloud draws closer.

One of the guards calls out. "Stampede! Circle the wagons!"

Not knowing anything about the maneuver, Mirek will make sure he is inside the circle and watching his zone for a sneak attack. It would just be like someone to use this as a distraction.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:32 pm
by Spearmint

"What is stampeding? A herd of dinosaurs?, Elephants, buffaloes, horses?

What are they stampeding from? Bigger predators, wildfire, being driven by wild riders?

How wide is the stampede? Can we not outrun it? Swerve it, can get in the trees where the rampaging animals will be broken up from herd to individual creatures, gain some high ground, start a fire of our own?"

If the herd is being driven along, which is what he suspects, then we need to dissuade the drivers into an alternative path.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 3:51 pm
by joertexas
Spearmint wrote: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:32 pm Amistad

"What is stampeding? A herd of dinosaurs?, Elephants, buffaloes, horses?

What are they stampeding from? Bigger predators, wildfire, being driven by wild riders?

How wide is the stampede? Can we not outrun it? Swerve it, can get in the trees where the rampaging animals will be broken up from herd to individual creatures, gain some high ground, start a fire of our own?"

If the herd is being driven along, which is what he suspects, then we need to dissuade the drivers into an alternative path.
Please provide specific actions, and whom Amistad is addressing. At the moment, there is only one guard near him, and she is looking behind them.

Re: 004 - On the Wagoner's Road

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 4:11 pm
by Spearmint
One of the guards calls out. "Stampede! Circle the wagons!"
Does Ustasi circle the wagons or direct any other actions? With her having travelled this route numerous times, he will give way to her experience.

Amistad's inclination is to check out the stampeding creatures to understand the reason behind their charge. He says to the guard, "Come with me, ready your bow." and spurs Dandelion into a trot to observe the stampede more closely, confident his horse can match any sprinting beast and he can about turn when necessary.