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The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:33 pm
by hedgeknight
In the pre-dawn hours, the group of heroes, bolstered by four from Fort Critwall, begin their journey to the old Cragson Mines. They head southwest from the fort, overland through brush and brambles, thickets and dense forest. Having fully rested and healed since their encounter with the Orcs, the heroes are nervous and looking for danger around every tree.
Clint and Rusty, the two soldiers from the fort, ride close to Adelphocleas, silent but confident near the centaur warrior. Young Farkus rides alongside Dorin, the Dwarf from the forge, who stays close to Kranston, telling the bard about the history of the mines.
"Fer more than 70 years, the mines served as the top producer of coal in Furyondy. O' course, that was before disaster struck: cave-ins, dry veins, and rumors of haints after several accidental deaths. Me doubts they were accidental though. Eventually, the miners left out of superstition, and then the mines were shut down for lack of profits. Too costly to keep up, ye know!"

After about three hours of hard travel, the group comes to an area of large hills, long ago cleared of trees, even though many have grown back since the mines were abandoned. It's easy to spot the mine entrance at the base of the hill...
mining camp 2.jpg
mining camp 2.jpg (78.83 KiB) Viewed 719 times

...and the mining camp's buildings scattered about on top of the hill.

mining camp 1.jpg
mining camp 1.jpg (245.39 KiB) Viewed 719 times
mining camp 3.jpg
mining camp 3.jpg (198.62 KiB) Viewed 719 times

All is quiet, the sky overcast with a threat of rain. It is breezy and cool as the group approaches downwind.


These are the buildings of the mining camp...once you get to the top of the hill. ;)

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:48 pm
by Darklin2

We need to be smart about this. If Iuz has an army waiting underground we need to be quiet and quick. If we wait until the storm gets here and it starts raining we can go to each building one at a time and clear it out. Maybe we should split into two groups, One going into the building and one watching their backs. That is my opinion if someone has a better one speak up.

He pops his Holy Symbol out of his chainmail, hoist his shield in his left hand and his Long Sword in his right ready.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 10:57 pm
by Monsieur Rose

"Works for me." Cassius pats his bow. "I can watch your back and pick off anyone. Where is the chimney, by the way?" Cassius looks around for a nice perch or building to get elevated.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:31 pm
Montego pauses to look over the entire area carefully, his trained eyes scanning for any movement or obvious sings of inhabitants.

He whispers to the others to remain still and quiet.

"If there is a small army inside, they will no doubt be using a lookout. Possibly more than one. Perhaps you could have the bird fly through the area, close to the buildings for a better look?"

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 2:40 pm
by Darklin2

Talon: Do a fly through and see if you can see anyone in any of these buildings. Look for the Green Ones like before. Try to stay out of sight and use the man nest's for cover. Once through return to the forest for cover. Don't want you shot again.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:22 pm
by hedgeknight
Talon soars away, catching an updraft propelling him over the mining camp atop the hill. For several moments, he can be seen drifting here and there, covering the entire camp before landing on a limb on an old pine tree opposite the camp.
"No green ones. No two-legs. Horse flesh in long front! A squirrel..."

Talon dives through the forest, a silent killer, while the rest of the group hatch a plan at the bottom of the hill...unless you have used the track to walk to the top...?

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:25 pm
by Darklin2

Relays Talons Message. No Green Skins and No two legs. But there are Horses in the long building in front.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:32 pm
by Bluehorse

Still sore from phantom wounds since the healing, he moves a little slower, a little more cautious, trusting that the heat of battle, should and when it comes, would banish those sensations from his muscles. He looks about the area with a look of discust but keeps his thoughts to himself about the sigh. They would not leave their horses, surely they are near. Is there anyone adapt at sneaking around in this terrain? Perhaps someone can scout from a higher point and spot something.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:29 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"I suppose drumming out an inspirational ditty may not be the best move, considering we are sneaking," says Kranston.

Instead, he listens intently for any signs betraying habitation of this ramshackle encampment.
Detect Noise 35% - I assume the DM rolls this.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:39 am
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr listens intently...Maybe, looking for the secret entrance in the forest would be wiser, I would think there would be a limited group if any, securing that entrance. Give me an hour and if I can’t find it, we go in thru the “chimney”.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:50 pm
Montego grunts and nods his head at Muldgarr's suggestion.

"I am not much on sneaking around out in the open, but I will be able to tell if there was any movement in the terrain around this place. I will go with you."

The rangers spends some time looking around the ground and in the surrounding forest, hoping to see something that will lead them to the other entrance.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:15 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Cassius nods at the wisdom of the rangers. "Prudent if slow." He watches the rangers go tracking together.

"You don't suppose those two are secretly together, do you?"

After a few minutes of sitting around, waiting for them to come back, he gets restless. "Talon said horses, but no people, right? How many horses?"

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:41 pm
by hedgeknight
ChubbyPixie wrote: Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:29 pm "I suppose drumming out an inspirational ditty may not be the best move, considering we are sneaking," says Kranston.
Instead, he listens intently for any signs betraying habitation of this ramshackle encampment.
And amazingly, Kranston picks up snatches of conversation > the broken goblinoid tongue of Orcs! There is the sound of something being broken followed by laughter...coming from somewhere near the back of the camp (around buildings 5 and 12).

Montego and Muldgarr do some scouting in the woods behind the mining camp...and eventually they spot a poorly concealed cave mouth in the cliffs. Could this be the back door to the mines? Muldgarr's sharp elven eyes spy a shadow in the mouth of the cave..and the shadow is moving, stepping briefly outside. A lone Orc relieves itself on a tree just a foot or so outside the cave mouth; it does not realize it is being watched.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 12:30 pm
by ChubbyPixie
"Look, it's faint from here, but I definitely hear voices – orc voices – coming from over there. Those two buildings. They sound like they're up to no good, which, I suppose, is to be expected," says Kranston in a hushed voice to the others who remain.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:34 pm
by Monsieur Rose

The elven archer looks at his assembled companions and shrugs. "I don't know. Should we investigate or leave it alone until they get back? Whose call is it anyway? Malin was always the boss, but now?"

"We could vote on it?" His statement is more of a question than anything. "I just don't know."

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 3:41 pm
by Darklin2

I don't know. Dividing our forces may not have been a good idea. But I think we should check each house as we go. Don't want anything behind us if we have to retreat. This is supposed to be an Army so frontal assault is out of the question with only us. I personally think It would be better to wait until dark and clear out each building as we go, or create a diversion. Burn a building or shed to see what we are up against. Lure them out and hit them with missile fire.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:09 pm
As ripe as the fruit is for picking, Montego controls himself and lets the stinking orc finish his business before turning back to Muldgarr and whispering.

"I believe that will be our safest way to infiltrate this mine. Let's go get the others. They will want to know about this."

Unless the elf has a better idea, they return to the others to inform them of the cave, attempting to get them to regroup there and come up with a back door plan.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 12:00 am
by Hotgoblin
Muldgarr nods in agreement with Montego and they head back to the others.

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:46 pm
by hedgeknight
Young Farkus watches as Montego and Muldgarr return to camp and listens intently while they speak of the tunnel entrance found in the cliff face. His eyes are wide and it is easy to see how nervous he is, while excited at the same time being on his first real adventure. And one of such great importance.
He scans the trees hoping to glimpse the great owl > such a fascinating creature, that one. He whispers to Dorin, "How many Orcs d-do you think we are up against?"
Dorin ignores him, listening as the heroes of the Border Watch come up with a plan...

Re: The Secret Base of Iuz

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:45 pm
by Darklin2

Did you see how many guard the entrance? I can Sleep or Magically Hold a few. That should get us a free foothold in the cave. Then we go quiet until we find what we are looking for. No survivors, we have no time for that. We need to find the leader and put an end to him. Cut off the head of the snake so to speak.