Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

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Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#1 Post by Grognardsw »

Drummer beat and piper blow,
Harper strike and soldier go
Free the flame and sear the grasses
Till the dawning Red Star passes


From atop her gold dragon Samoreth, perched on a high cliff, Thayilli looked down upon the sweeping vistas of her beloved land of Pern. Craggy mountain spires, long valleys, meandering rivers. With a powerful stroke of her wings, Samoreth took flight south toward Arolos Weyr.

They flew over the the weyr bowl, a submerged dead volcano crater, and across the surrounding protectorate before circling and landing in the dragonriders yard.

Building Legend:
1. Weyr is in a partially subsumed Volcanic crater, that was a vent crater from the original larger crater that sank to form Arolos Bay. The river that cascades in a waterfall over the edge is responsible for the high number of caves and erosion in the interior of the crater. Eventually the north wall of the crater collapsed giving the opening to the sea.
2. Dolphin Hall
Situated on a small natural lagoon that is protected, though the Hold itself is somewhat exposed, the Dolphin Hall has easy access to the great Southern Currents that sweep the ships in towards Arolos Bay.
3.Thonet Hold
A relatively small fishing hold but often used as a drumming point and trade stop on the coastal trade routes. It has a sheltered cove that produces marvellous Ormoler shells that are highly prized and jealously guarded.
4.Motheno Hold
A Hold on the edges of the deep forest and with access to the massive plains below the foothills of the mountains. A wild pioneering hold and often used by traders as a way point and base camp for collecting hides, rarities and products from the rich south. More of a trading post than a real Hold. However, the area near the mountains is rich in many ores minerals and gems, IF people care to risk the wildlife and rough lifestyle
5 Wabonel Hold, Forest Edge Hold and Weaver Hall
This collection of Holds is highly dependent on the Smithcraft operation opposite...and the the Smithcraft dependent on them for labor. In the wash from the mountains are gems and ore.. and the river is used in processing it and assisting in Smith mining operation.
The lands of Wabonel have a rich deposit of coal which is vital to the area's need and the Minecrafters at the Smith hall contract to mine there.
Forest Edge concentrates on supplying the needs of this area and the Weaver craft hall gets many of its pigments from the ore processing and makes some of the finest colored weaves on Pern.
7. Estuary Hold.
Keeps the main Bridge and Lock for the Coastal Trade Route and harvests numbweed and medicinal plants for trade. Has a cooking specialty of watersnake stew which apparently is delicious.
8. River Mouth Hold.
A vital hold as the product of the Smithcraft and inland holds are shipped down river to this port. Often then it is shipped by skiff to Arolos Hold which is the main port, but it is small but busy holding.
9. Alonel Hold.
Is a river side hold with a lush grassland behind it, backing up to the mountain and foothills. It tends to have a temperate climate as the clouds condense and fall mainly in the rainforest in the lower mountains rather than directly over the hold proper. They have the option of bringing in mustang runners that roam the plains and have a great deal of success growing ornamental and medicinal plants. Alonel maintains close links with Callamere Beast hold.
10. Callemere Beast Hold
A very favorable site next to a fine inland lake and forest, and grassland allowing for a great deal of variety in the beasts that are bred there. Callamere White runners, meat-type erdbeasts, wherries, Callamere whers and... just about anything else are to be found here...
11. Arolos Cotholds - Affliated with Arolos Hold
Many small Cotholds, including Arolos Point Hold, which is directly beneath the Cliff that extends from the Weyr Rim to Arolos Point.
On Arolos Point is a Beacon Fire that warns ships of their proximity to shore whilst navigating the current coming into the Bay.
12. Arolos Hold.
The main Trade centre of this area of the south. It is the main seaport to the North so trade inevitable is shipped in, and out of here. It has a enviable position and Holders in this region are beholden to the Lord Holder.. or basically they have to find their own way to get supplies.
It lies on Arolos Bay, a protected safe harbor due to its circular shape...coming from it once being a volcanic crater. It has a view of the Bay and Arolos Island, as yet undeveloped.
13. Healer Hall
As close as possible to the source of main supplies and transport for obvious reasons.
14. Reddan Hold
The principle grower of fruits and brewers of fine wines as there is plenty of irrigation and open sunlight. Currently experimenting with their own version a Benden sparkling white.
15. Harper Hall
Again because near communication source and because this is the highest population center. Journeymen can go off to Holds from here but this is their base.
16. Seacrafters Hall
For obvious reasons. There is a natural harbor here and even a sea cave large enough to shelter some of the small fishing fleet during thread, so they can set to sail immediately after Fall for a bonanza catch.
17 Island View Hold
Bridges the peninsula and has a harbor on the ocean side for excursions further down the coast.
18. River Point Hold.
Owing to the river canyon and chasm that splits the land here, River Point control the bridge and the trade route along the coast to the West. Many of the holds to the West have to ship good through there to Arolos Hold or down the river.
19. Startol Hold.
Situated on a small river tributary that sometimes dries up.... Often sends people to the Inland Great Lake to supplement their goods and supplies.
20. Verd Hold
A forest hold, making a living out of timbers that they ship downriver.
21. Woodcraft Hall
Season and manufactures wooden products out of the rare hardwoods of the south and sends down to the Holds in that bay.
22. Dollanol Hold
Main shipping point for the West side of this area
23. Atoll Hold
Makes a surprisingly good living with harvesting corals, and pearls. The reef is treacherous to all but small ships but plentiful in fish and giant shellfish.
24. West Bay Hold.
Again a new hold set up as an extended traders stop.
25. Minecraft Hall
Currently mining an extensive firestone desposit and flourishing. The region depends on this for firestone and as such for all its distance it is a frequent point for dragonriders on a direct pick up.
26. Pyran Hold
And when the dragons do not do directly pick up, the firestone and other products are shipped to Pyran and distributed from this point.
There is a thick band of forest that makes further exporation difficult but there are numbweed plains in the lee of the mountains and there is the occasional isolated Hold trying to start up from this point in.

"Hello Thayilli!" cried K'ressa as the yound dragonrider Thayilli dismounted Samoreth. K'ressa was another dragonrider several years older and the two had become good friends. "How was your patrol?"

As yard runners removed Samoreth's saddle, the dragon telepathically communicated to Thayilli. "Good riding friend. Until tomorrow."

K'ressa walked with Thayilli into the massive cave that was a gathering place for riders. On one wall was a massive tapestry map of the northern continent of Pern.

Zoom in to see details. Though not on this map, Arolos is in the very middle, on coast of the north continent, at the map crease.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#2 Post by Imladir »

Before she left her dragon, Thayilli scratched the circumference of her eyes, something that every dragon was quite fond of. Even though she was still annoyed at how it had happened, she had never held the dragon responsible for having completely upended her life. And she had to admit that there were plenty of advantages, like being able to fly high above the land, even though she had had to fight to be allowed to fly by herself. “That it was.” She answered, “See you tomorrow.”

As she followed K'ressa, she nodded. “It was pretty nice.” As often, she studied the map, wishing she'd be able to see each and every Weyr, fly above every peaks and lakes. But that wasn't going to happen any time soon. While Sameroth was not unique and obviously the most junior of the Weyr, she was nevertheless a Gold, a status that all too often came with a leash. Thayilli wasn't going to give up any time soon however.

“We saw a ship, probably coming from Fort Hold, though. It should get here late in the evening or early tomorrow.” Which probably wasn't all that important - if it were, it would have come via dragons after all - but it was always interesting, no matter what or why. Or at least, she found it interesting: too many dragonriders - in her opinion anyway - didn't care about anything that wasn't directly related to their dragons.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#3 Post by Grognardsw »

As Thayilli and K'ressa walked through the weyrhalls many riders and helpers nodded and greeted the pair. Thayilli had some reknown. A year ago, the young woman was a member of the Healers Hall who had just obtained the rank of journeyman when, while on a trip, she was invited to a Weyr to treat the victims of young dragon'ss clumsiness at the next Impression. Just the case of a young dragon rider that was told to go fetch a healer and brought her back (despite her very notable lack of enthusiasm), without thinking that she was the right age to be standing on the sand with the candidates. And the upper members of the Weyr didn't know she was around until something unexpected happened: the newborn gold dragon didn't go for any of the girls standing by near the egg, but beelined to her... and shared her name: Sameroth.


Through the kennels to outside, Thayilli and K'ressa crossed the yard and walked over the bridge of the Arorolos tributary to the east side caves of the weyr. The sun was lowering in the sky as the pair entered the dining halls for dinner. The evening's menu had meatrolls, spiced wheery and spiced herdbeasts with Benden wine and bubble pies. A harper was playing in the corner.

"Thayilli, come sit with us!" cried F'ren, a dragonrider who was at a table of three other riders.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#4 Post by Imladir »

If Sam was the main reason Thayilli didn't regret having stepped into the Weyr the first time, she had to admit that the meals might be a close second. Not that the Healer's Hall was poor or anything, not at all, but meals were definitely not as lavish there as they were in the Weyr. And there definitely weren't any harpers in the dining halls...

Salivating at the thought of the bubble pies - and almost tempted to skip straight to those - Thayilli turned around when she heard her name, considered F'ren's table for a second, and walked to it after a sign to K'ressa. “Hi.” She nodded to the four dragonriders, then sat, and asked, “I've seen a ship heading to the port, coming from Fort Hold - or at least from the west - do you know if anyone around here is expecting anything?” While she was probably one of the most curious in the Weyr about what was going on around them, some riders for one duty or another - or for pleasure - had relations on the outside: maybe one of the four would know?

And if none of them did... Well, it was still a decent way to start a conversation.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

"Honor those the dragons heed,
In thought and favor, word and deed.
Worlds are lost and worlds are saved,
From those dangers dragon-braved.
Dragonman, avoid excess;
Greed will bring the Weyr distress;
To the ancient Laws adhere,
Prospers thus the Dragonweyr."

The harper sang as Thayilli, K'ressa, F'ran and the other riders - Jorone, Gyzax, Masix - talked and ate in the dining hall.

"No I have not heard of any special ship news," F'ren answered as he ate spiced herdbeast. "Supplies to trade I assume. How is Sameroth?"

The riders talked as dinner turned to the dessert of bubble pies.

"I head a strange falling star was spotted last night," said Jorone.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#6 Post by Imladir »

As Thayilli listened to the Harper, she started to frown after the first couple of sentences. Not that she didn't enjoy it at times, but she wasn't exactly sure stroking the dragonriders' ego was particularly needed. If nothing else, it would probably need to be the opposite: yes, their role was vital, no one was going to deny it. On the other hand, too many took it as a licence to do and say whatever they pleased which was quite the problem. In her opinion anyway, but there weren't many people who cared what she thought. For the time being anyway.

Thankfully, the second half of the song went exactly in that direction and she nodded, visibly agreeing. Though of course... She suspected that those who needed the reminder weren't exactly paying attention to what the Harper was singing, and if they were, didn't care all that much.

“Probably yes.” She agreed to F'ren. “It's the most likely anyway. But who knows, there might be some interesting travellers on the ship. As for Sam,” she grinned, her eyes twinkling, “I think she's about ready to stop growing.” And considering that she was already massive, with few senior queens bigger than she was, it wasn't too soon. “Though she's determined to continue for a bit, she's decided she was going to be the biggest Gold of all the Weyrs.” Thayilli rolled her eyes fondly. “I've told her that if she continued eating that much the only thing that would grow was her belly and that she'd be unable to fly at all but what do I know, I'm only her rider.”

The young woman shook her head, then focused for a moment on her own belly, fully intent on filling it with pie. Still, she paid attention to what Jorone said, “A falling star?” There weren't all that many of them, unless one wanted to take Threads into account - though who would do that? - but they weren't exactly extraordinary. But a 'strange' one? “What made that one 'strange'?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#7 Post by Grognardsw »

"Falling stars typically arc across the sky," answered Jorone. "This one arced, brightened before dimming, and fell at a more abrupt angle. There was talk of sending some riders tomorrow to investigate."
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#8 Post by Imladir »

“Hmm.” Thayilli answered noncommittally. Not being an expert on all things regarding falling stars, she had to admit that she didn't really know how it was supposed to behave. Except probably not fall in the first place. Granted, she supposed changing directions wasn't what one could expect of such things, but there were quite a few things that could do it if you threw or dropped them: it all depended on the shape of the object.

Still, normal or not, she supposed it warranted being investigated as a precaution if nothing else: while it didn't sound Thread related it still might be, and no one wanted to joke around with those things. More to the point, she was curious. “Well, I guess I'll…volunteer.” After all, it wasn't like she really had any patrol to join - her duties didn't go in that direction - and since it wasn't likely to be really dangerous, there'd be no reason to prevent her from going. And if someone tried… Sam might be young, but she was still a Gold, even now few dragons were capable of catching up to her if she didn't want it. There'd be Hell to pay afterwards of course, but that wouldn't be the first time.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#9 Post by Grognardsw »

Jorone smiled at Thayilli. "I was hoping you'd say that. I enjoy flying with you."

Thayilli, still a young woman, thought perhaps Jorone has taken a fancy to her?

With the bubble pie dessert done, the dragonriders got up to retire or pursue evening interests. K'ressa was talking with Masix.

"Can I walk you back to your quarters?" Jorone asked Thayilli.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#10 Post by Imladir »

Thayilli smiled briefly with a slight nod to acknowledge Jorone's statement, but didn't comment on it…maybe because she was busy finishing her pie. When he asked if she wanted him to accompany her however, she briefly shook her head. “I've promised Tullana to come see her.” Tullana was an eleven Turn old girl, who was… well, she was more than a bit of a tomboy, though since it was more the norm than anything else in a Weyr it wasn't all that surprising. She had however broken an arm while climbing a tree. Or more to the point, falling from said tree. Despite now being Sam's rider, Thaylli hadn't forgotten her training as a Healer however and often took care of small things like that.

Granted, Tullana didn't really need to see her now that the bone had been set, but…it gave her a nice excuse to avoid Jorone. Not that she had anything against him per se, but… Even though it had been more than a Turn - almost two actually - she was still really uncomfortable with the Weyr's attitude regarding what one might modestly call “men and women relations”, or more bluntly, sex. And since she didn't want to hurt Jorone - or be seen as a prude - she preferred to resort to those small excuses.

And it wasn't like there was no point to her going to check on the girl: she wouldn't be unhappy to see her for one, and for two fractures had to be monitored to be sure they healed right without any loss of mobility. “I'll see you guys tomorrow.” She started to turn away, then looked over her shoulder. “Oh, at what time? Early I suppose?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#11 Post by Grognardsw »

A momentary look of disappointment passed over Jorone's face he nodded and said: "Yes, during first patrol, they'll be a small group of us. Have a good night rest."

K'ressa joined Thayilli in the walk to Tullana's quarters. They walked north through the caverns and cave system within the upper ring of the submerged dead volcano.
"Jorone was giving you eyes," said K'ressa with a grin. "No time for the boys? I can't blame you. So many of them are just hunks of firestone, all gas and ash." She giggled.

The two dragonriders strolled past the lower cavern entrance, the Weyrleaders' offices, the impressive Dragonrider Hall, the guard yards, candidate quarters, Weyrling barracks, and finally to the caves housing families. Tullana and her family were in their quarters.

"Thayilli!" Tullana exclaimed with joy upon seeing her healer friend. "Look at my drawing!" She held up a piece of parchment with a gold dragon and rider upon it, breathing fire upon descending Thread.

Tullana's mother D'yrana had confided that the girl looked up to the healer-turned-dragonrider. "She may just ask you for a ride one of these days."
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#12 Post by Imladir »

Thaylli's cheeks coloured a bit when K'ressa teased her. “It's just… Some things take some time getting used to, and I'm not really comfortable with… Well… You know.” Which was why, among other things, she wasn't eager for Sam's first nuptial flight. And the fact that while she still had some time before then it was approaching wasn't good for her nerves. Especially considering that some of the Bronze riders were… Well… Let's say that in her opinion K'ressa's description of male dragonriders might be doing them a favour.

At Tullana's place, Thayilli smiled as she held the drawing. “Looks great! I'm sure Sam would love it.” Well… Not really, dragons being what they were, but if one assured her she looked glorious she'd be satisfied. “Which,” she continued after D'yrana's mentioned the girl's desire to ride with her, “Is pretty important since she's the one who'd have to agree.”

Over the next hour, Thayilli drew a bit with the girl - coming up with all sorts of ridiculous designs for some of the Weyr's dragonriders - before she had to call it a night. “Alright, time for me to go to bed. I've got to rise early: if Sam' has to fly on an empty stomach, I won't hear the end of it!”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#13 Post by Grognardsw »

Walking through the weyr in the morning Thayilli saw the typical hub-bub of the starting day.


The young dragonrider joined Jorone and four other riders - F’rar, Masix, H’rerra, Praern - around a large wood table with a map on it.

“It was reported to have fallen in this area,” said F’rar, pointing at the map. “We’ll fly in a low search formation, sweeping here first and then there. Any questions?”

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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#14 Post by Imladir »

“Yep,” Thaylli answered, “No one knows the area so that we could go there directly?” Going In Between would be much faster after all. Her eyes twinkled as she commiserated, “Some dragons will be quite tired by the time we get there otherwise.”

Which, while not quite true - it wasn't like they were going to go there at full speed after all - could still be a concern. Especially if it were Thread related. Speaking of... “And on another topic... Shouldn't we bring some Firestone, in case it's Thread related?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#15 Post by Grognardsw »

"We'll fly there and go In Between on the way back," confirmed F'rar. The others nodded.

"Firestone? Hmm, an interesting idea," said F'rar skeptically. F'rar was an older and arrogrant dragonrider, in Thayilli's opinion. She remembered he hadn't been supportive of her becoming a dragonrider, given the unusual circumstances behind her Impression.

"How do the others feel?" asked F'rar, deflecting the decision among the group so he didn't appear prejudiced against the young Thayilli.

"It wouldn't hurt I suppose," said Masix without enthusiasm, as H’rerra as Praern gave curt nods.

"I think it is a good idea," Jorone spoke up, winking discretely at Thayilli.

With planning concluded, the group walked to the stables and their dragons.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#16 Post by Imladir »

Thayilli grumbled under her breath, “Interesting he says...” She snorted more or less discreetly - she didn't care that much if F'rar noticed - and quite disdainfully. Plus, it wasn't like their dragons were going to carry much of anything themselves as that task would for the most part be handled by Sam'.

“If there's nothing to see, it'll still be good training.” she concluded when the decision was taken. Plus, presented the right way to Sam', it would be quite easy to have her do it without grumbling at all. What she focused on though was that she was going to be flying in a few minutes and that always put a spring in her steps, which showed quite a bit. “Hey Sam'! We've got a long flight planned this morning, I hope you've eaten your fill.”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#17 Post by Grognardsw »

I came across this in an issue of Dragon magazine from 1984. Thought you'd appreciate.Image
I just remembered Golds can't eat firestone.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#18 Post by Grognardsw »

Samoreth flexed her wing muscles as she saw her human approach. Thayilli could sense the curiosity of Sam as the other riders - F’rar, Masix, H’rerra, Praern and Jorone - loaded firestone sacks onto their dragons.

"Thread? Now?" The dragon's telepathic impression formed in Thayilli's mind.

The morning sun cast a warm glow on the craggy ranges around Arolos Hold, and the sea to the south sparkled. Thayilli could see the ship she had spotted unloading at the docks at Dollanol Hall (#22 on the map).

The sky winds whipped about Thayilli as she rode her dragon. Like Thayilli, Sam was most happy when flying. It was still an exhilarating experience every time she rode. To be one with dragon and sky, looking down upon Pern from a perspective only a few behold.


They flew northwest, along wooded hill lines that grew into mountain ranges. Valleys large and small nestled among them.

F’rar motioned and the dragons arrayed into a low-flying search line formation, each a 1,000 feet apart as rider and dragon looked for anything unusual.

“Look for signs of damage from a landing - craters, earth damage, large rocks out of place, broken trees, limbs, and the like,” F’rar had said in the preflight briefing.

Thayille noticed Jorone on his blue dragon Torlock was flying next to her the whole time.

"They are warm to us," Sam thought to Thayilli.
(Please make a few Int. x5 on d100 rolls, for the search, for Thayilli and dragon.)
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#19 Post by Imladir »

“Maybe Thaylli answered Sam's question. “How many things do we know of that fall down from the sky?” After a short pause, she added, “It's unlikely since Thread isn't supposed to come back for a few Turns yet, but it doesn't cost anything to be cautious. And at any rate, it's a good training exercice.”

Just after take-off, the young dragon-rider watched the ship curiously, really wanting to know why it had come to Arolos, but she soon simply lost herself in the flight's pleasure, only emerging when they got close to the position where the 'strange falling star' had fallen. Supposedly anyway.

“Alright,” she said to Sam', “Let's see if we can find something.” She glanced at Jorone and Torlock, then focused on the ground distractedly answering her dragon's probing, “Maybe, but he's a blue. He doesn't stand a chance at all. Even if he were a Brown it'd be highly unlikely, but a Blue?” She shook her head. “And the Bronzes would likely rip him to shreds if he tried anything.” Well, figuratively anyway. And since the Queens only cared about the strongest dragons… Oh, they might have some affection for others, but they would never allow any but the strongest to mate with them. And she'd rather not think about what it meant for her.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#20 Post by Grognardsw »

Wheel and turn
Or bleed and burn.
Fly between,
Blue and green.
Soar, dive down,
Bronze and brown
Dragonriders must fly
When Threads are in the sky.


As the dragons swept across the low sky in formation, Thayilli was reminded of the harper’s song of dragonriders' battle against Thread. The young rider knew that day would come and she was both excited and afraid.

By the time the Thread would rain down again upon Pern, Thayille and Sam would be more mature, skilled, knowledgeable. She was sure of it.

“So am I,” Samoreth thought, the dragon’s mind bonded ever-presently with her human Thayilli.

Wind whipped through the young woman’s hair as rider and dragon swooped and swerved, banked and titled, eyes searching for any sign of a fallen... something.

There! To the southwest, a glint of sunlight against something that was not natural.

“Yes! I saw it too,” Sam confirmed.

The area was dense with tall hrobba trees and clutch vine, but as Samoreth angled back and down Thayilli saw there was an immense swath of disturbed vegetation leading into the obscured and shaded part of the wood. It would need to be searched on foot.
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