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Please introduce yourself here

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:56 pm
by ToniXX
Welcome to the Unseen Servant forums. Please use this forum to introduce yourself to the community. Because of increased spam accounts being created, I'm going to strongly suggest that your first post be made here so that the moderators can determine that you're not a spammer and approve your post quickly so that you can get on to the business at hand: playing in a PbP game!

So, talk about how you got into role playing games, and be specific if you don't mind: tell us the first edition that you played, your favorite thing about RPGs, etc.

Re: Please introduce yourself here

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:58 pm
by waysoftheearth
Hi All,

I started with Mentzer's Basic D&D set and progressed from there. I've played many D&Ds over the decades, and lots of other RPGs too. I enjoyed AD&D throughout my high school and university years, and then briefly played 2E and 3.5E after. I was dismayed with 4E and turned to the OSR. From there I found Original D&D and have never looked back -- the freedom and flexibility of the original is simply the ultimate for me.

I'm the custodian of the Delving Deeper Reference Rules, and I frequent the odd74 discussion forum. I've run a number of PBP games over there including one which is going on for three years old now. I'm curios to see how other folks run their PBP games, and what else is "going on" out there in PBP-land...

See you about :)

Re: Please introduce yourself here

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:39 am
by Alethan
Welcome to my other neck of the woods, WOTE! Glad to have you perusing the board!

Re: Please introduce yourself here

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:50 am
by Argennian
Hail and well met, waysoftheearth!

Any friend and acquaintance of our most prolific Ranger Knight is most welcome! 8-)