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Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 6:19 pm
by Bluetongue
Schillachi would be inclined to think the description is illusory but I rolled a perception skill check and possibly failed to notice anything.


Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 3:59 pm
by dmw71
I'm hoping to be able to move this game again today. Apologies for the delay.

On that subject, I regret to inform you that the pace of all my games is going to be slowing down even further. Thanks to my company's generous parental leave policy, I just officially learned this morning that, starting next week, my manager will be out on paid paternal leave for roughly the next 2.5 months.

I'm going to be pulling double-duty at work until August, which I absolutely dread since my own clients keep my sufficiently busy, but my manager's client is a particularly difficult one. It's going to be making my life very stressful, and definitely cutting into the free time I was able to carve out during the day to work on game updates.

I will still be able to hop in quickly when I receive a notification that a forum or topic I subscribe to received an update, and will be able to provide short answers or replies to questions or requests, but my ability to post game action posts (with mapping, die rolling, tracking statistics, etc...) will be extremely cut back. Apologies!

I will still do my best to keep everyone moving along, as rapidly as I can, but it's probably realistic to expect updates to occur every 2-3 days instead of every 1-2 days.


Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 4:29 pm
by Rex
No problem, I have been in that mode for the last 2 months so completely understand.


Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 5:44 pm
by Rukellian
Yeah, no need to rush. I am fine with a slow pace right now. I've got a lot of RL stuff to juggle as well.


Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:54 am
by Faanku
IRL comes first.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 12:45 pm
by Rukellian
Since no clerical spells were used, I will volunteer to have Thalian join the first part of the night watch. It will take time for him to take off and put back on his heavy armor, so best just keep it on until he doesn't have to. In a surprise attack, if he were sleeping, all he would be able to grab for his defense at a moments notice would be his shield, not ideal.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 3:16 pm
by dmw71
Rukellian wrote:It will take time for him to take off and put back on his heavy armor, so best just keep it on until he doesn't have to.
This is a good point.

These are the applicable rules:

When you're resting, especially if you're wearing Medium or Heavy armor, please let me know if you're removing it or going to be sleeping in it.


Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 3:27 pm
by Rex
Luawn doesn't sleep in his chain shirt. It should have some sort of padding under it that he will sleep in (even if it offers no armor value). If circumstances change this I will let you know.


Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:56 pm
by dmw71
Just to let you know that my plan is to move you guys again later today.


Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 3:08 pm
by dmw71
Rukellian wrote:I may have set up my roll macro wrong, let me know if this is the case. It may just be an easy fix such as placing the +3 to whatever dice roll result I got.Wisdom based Perception check against 16+3 [1d20] = 14
Rukellian wrote:Here is another wisdom-based perception check for Thalian's perimeter scan. I'm going to say he is only looking a full 180 degrees left and right. Wisdom based Perception check against 16+3 [1d20] = 1
Sorry, I totally meant to respond to this, but got distracted and ultimately forgot to revisit.

In 5e, the only thing the actual ability score is used for is to determine the modifier. The modifier is what is used as an actual game mechanic.

Thalian has a 16 Wisdom. That 16 Wisdom translates into a +3 modifier. On a skill-based check, you'll apply the appropriate modifier. If you are also proficient in the skill being called for (e.g. Perception), you can also add your proficiency modifier, which at early levels is +2.

So, because Thalian is not proficient in the Perception skill, he would just add the appropriate ability score modifier, which, again, is +3. Normally, you're assigned a target number to beat (you want to always roll high), so you'll roll a d20 and add all the modifiers that apply to that roll.

In the two examples above, your base rolls were 14 and 1. To each, you'll add the +3 from your Wisdom modifier, turning those results into 17 and 4 (though, a natural 1 is always a failure).

I will come back later and add links to the rules which better explain all of this, but I have a little girl itching to get outside so I need to get off the computer. Hope this helps!


Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 2:07 am
by Rukellian
Thank you for the clarification! I'm still transitioning from another game system over to this one. My signals got crossed. I'll be sure to fix my macros accordingly.


Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 9:05 am
by Faanku
Sorry for the extended downtime, I had some dental work done over the weekend that's taking a lot longer to recover from than expected.


Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 4:22 pm
by Rukellian
Oof! Dental work is never fun. I hope you get better soon. :|


Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:57 am
by Faanku
Rukellian wrote:"wolves travel in packs, right?"
Their kind hates ice and fire both!


Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 7:03 pm
by dmw71
Going forward, I am going to request that everyone include an unmodified 1d20 roll with each of your updates. Something like:
Roll, If Needed: [1d20]

This would be in addition to any rolls you would normally include.

If this included roll is needed, it will be used. If not, it will be ignored (the result will not carry over).

There are many times when, while compiling a list of everyone's actions, and factoring in what a monster/NPC would do, a roll would normally be called for. For instance, a Stealth check. I will sometimes:
  • Make a roll myself;
  • Publish the update but request the roll after the fact, then go back and edit to reflect the roll result; or
  • Post the update but stop the action short, then specifically call for a roll(s).

It's not a huge deal if you forget, but it would be really helpful, especially in my current situation where I'm extremely pressed for time, to have these rolls to call upon.


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:16 pm
by Rukellian
Edited my post with that extra roll.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:13 am
by dmw71
I was all set to update this game tonight (well, technically, last night) but got sidetracked -- but it was worth it! I was updating the map in Roll20, then started the process of trying to figure out which of the many token packs I purchased contained the tokens being used by the players in my various games... when I noticed a 'download' option.

So, I was able to download all the tokens I purchased on Roll20.

A simple Google search and YouTube video later, and I was able to figure out how to import all the tokens I purchased in Roll20 into Fantasy Grounds! Between all the map tiles, and dungeon element packs, and character tokens, and monster tokens I've purchased... this discovery probably saved me a couple hundred dollars.

It also cemented the eventual switch in platforms.

The "problem" is, I'm very familiar with Roll20, and comfortable using it. For as cool as I think Fantasy Grounds is, it is pretty clunky by comparison so there will definitely be a learning curve involved. I'm sure I'll eventually get it figured out... you know, with all the free time I have. :roll:

Anyway, apologies for the delay, but I should definitely be able to get you guys moving again tomorrow (or, later today).


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 9:25 am
by Faanku
Sounds like a huge bonus.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 1:58 pm
by Rex
Good deal!


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 2:44 pm
by dmw71
The one logistical problem that just occurred to me while driving into work this morning -- Roll20 is web-based, and available from any browser as long as you're connected to the Internet. Fantasy Grounds is an actual application.

I won't have the application at work, so the only place I'll be able to create/update maps will be from home.

This won't be terrible since a previous map can be referred to, and an updated map to reflect any changes be added later. The only time I can see this being an issue is during a new encounter or situation, where a brand new map is called for.