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Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:29 am
by connivingsumo
Hildebad: Bearded Dwarf Lady

She looks at Soldath and Tret, then moves to open the bag - not to reveal its contents - but to allow view of the two men named.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:06 am
by greyarea
Tret takes a gander, waving Soldath over. He shields others' view with his body.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:37 am
by spanningtree
Soldath - Mage

Soldath wanders over, mead in hand, to where Hildebad and Tret are huddled to see whats going on.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:21 am
by badams30
Gristle tells Luther, "keep the platinum, just keep the good stuff flowing. I might not have any more use of the coin where I'm going...". Gristle slowly makes his way toward the gaggle (having no idea of the bag or its contents) and he says too loudly for comfort "whatcha all doing? What's going on? C'mon! Have a cold one, eh?"

He mills about, cluelesssly, scanning the current occupants of the establishment for pretty ladies...

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:29 pm
by Rattler45
Hanequin, breathing slowly to remind himself to have patience, is sad at the wasted coin on frivolity which could, otherwise, do so much good for people in need. Though he does like the joy and generosity of his dwarven comrade.

Hanequin will help use the offering with one helping of wine and enjoy a meal. Anxiously awaiting departure.

In the meantime, he will continue to observe the folks around them, looking for suspicious mannerisms or hushed conversations that could be malicious toward his new friends and the bag of gifts.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:21 am
by tumblingdice
Tret examines the sack, finding more writing on the back of the note. "A figure head for your expedition."

His curiosity further piqued, the thief opens the sack, only to be assailed by an unspeakable stench. Recoiling in horror, his grasp slips, and the contents spill on to the table.

The dull brown eyes of a human head stare up at you. An old woman, a backwoods Traladaran babushka, with a pair of manacles tattooed on her forehead. A patron nearby catches sight of the head, and gasps. Other patrons crowd in to get a look.

Tret and Soldath have seen the mark of this tattoo before. And they've seen this woman before.



Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:38 am
by badams30
Gristle - Dwarf

Gristle pushes his way to the group "What's going on? What's tha... EWWWWW! What the #%&^$ is that?"

Gristle backs up a step, standing by waiting for an explanation...

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:31 pm
by Craigers07
Blercer - Thief

Blercer moves toward the table to catch a glimpse of the head.

"There goes the party..."

He uses the distraction as an opportunity to look around the room for anything valuable.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:39 pm
by greyarea
Tret sets his jaw. Karllag!, he mutters through clenched teeth, like a curse. Anja, the Iron Ring will pay for what they've done!

Looking up, he catches Soldath's eye, Looks like our past is catching up to us. What's our move? A single manly tear runs down his cheek but is ignored.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:18 pm
by connivingsumo
Hildebad: Bearded Dwarf Lady

As if her beard burned a brighter red in fury, she looks at Soldath & Trent, "What Goblinry have yea brought upon us? Afore I get'n any boat with'ya, ye better be fer explainin." she says gently, looking on them without judgement.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 4:11 am
by Bloodaxe
Syrus Once-dark

Syrus pulls his two-handed sword, the metal blade rings like a bell as it is drawn. He scans the place for enemies, any foe or threat. waiting for the others to give a signal to attack and slay.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:25 am
by Rattler45
Hanequin is keeping a cool head and ignoring the raucous within the group and keeping an eye around the room to make sure that the contents of the bag is not a distraction to take us by surprise.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:22 am
by spanningtree
Soldath - Mage

Staring with a gaping mouth Soldath will look at Tret: Yes, the past does come to haunt. I think getting on that ship is probably our best move at this point. Out of sight. What do you think?

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:15 pm
by greyarea
Tret nods. You're probably right, Soldath. My thought is always first to revenge, but you've counseled me on that before: it will bear no good fruit. We must be off quickly, if Karllag knows we are here.

To the others he says, Soldath and I were part of a band who assisted homesteads against some evil raiding company. We fought goblins and worse in defense of simple homesteaders. That evil raiding company was in the employ of the Iron Ring, which no doubt you've at least heard rumors of.

The red wizard who made this delivery, one Karllag, we have not met but he's made himself known to us since we defeated the yellow wizard, Golthar. Apparently he wants revenge.

Poor Anya here was a kindly woman, a shaman of sorts, who was part of our company. She was a healer and a grandmother to us all, and like any good grandmother, sometimes caused as much trouble as she assisted us with. I lost pints of blood defending her as she wandered into rooms awakening giant apes or goblins. She was one of the only people who was kind to me after I escaped the Black Eagle Barony.

She will be missed and I so want to kill the men who did this to her!

He lets the words hang for a moment as he regains control.

Then: But Soldath is right.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:10 pm
by badams30
Gristle - Dwarf

Gristle empties his tankard in a long pull, slams it down to the counter and says to Tret and Soldath "I'm with Syrus here, I think it's time to bust some heads! I don't know about an iron ring, iron butterfly, or iron trousers, but I know about choppin' up bad guys. And from the looks of Syrus here, he's ready too! Let's go chop this red wizard guy into bits, and get some revenge for this lady, eh? EH? Who's with me?"

OOC: Yeah, it's not the smart thing to suggest or do, but would anyone expect a different strategy from Gristle?

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:56 pm
by spanningtree
Soldath - Mage

Errr... Karllag has deep resources. I think it would be best if we got on that ship, find our pearls and then return to a different port. Try to reset our pasts, put his minions behind us.

Understanding the danger Soldath will hit the hooch a bit harder.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:55 am
by greyarea
Tret nods, Soldath has it right. They outnumber us something fierce. Live another day.

Tret orders a round for everyone and toasts poor Anya.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:57 am
by badams30
Gristle - One Tough Dwarf

Gristle sighs and nods sadly at Soldath and Tret's comments. He holds up his tankard and motions for more booze, and says "Give my man Soldath some of the good stuff too, eh?" Gristle then pushes his coins to the barkeep and says "As I said, drinks for the house, in memory of this poor Anja, eh?" Gristle looks Tret and Soldath in the eye and says quietly "I'm not a guy to walk away from a fight. And I've never lost. Err, never got beat... errr... I'm still alive. But I don't like the thought of some bad guy making me run. I've never run from NUTHIN'. But you boys have seen things, and I trust ya. And I don't want my friend Hanny and my battle axe of a sister gettin' hurt, so I'm with you boys. Let's live it up tonight, and get outta here in the mornin', eh?"

OOC: Let's live it up and tie one on. Then let's go sail to certain death.

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:19 am
by Bloodaxe
Syrus Once-dark

Syrus sheathes his blade , removes his helm and sighs......I am sorry for your loss. Someone who would do this to an old woman is evil beyond measure. I shall aid your quest for vengeance when you are ready for it. But for now let us drink to her memory and plan our voyage.

(the 200 gp in gems was for the ship voyage )

Re: 1. Specularum

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:28 am
by Craigers07
Blercer - Thief

"Your first thought is going to be revenge, but now is not the time. We will all need to get out of this town tomorrow."

Blercer tries hard not to look at the head and lifts his drink to toast in honor of the woman.

"Gristle, you sound like you really are a tough dwarf. I'm just glad you're on my side."