Act VI The Tower of Devral

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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#81 Post by OGRE MAGE »

In the time it has taken you to search the tower thus far, Xano is actually feeling a bit better thanks to Blodget lending her his ring.

Current hit points:
Trotter 43/43
Halo 36/49
Xano 17/39
Morgi 34/49
Wyntar 24/40
Mira 32/32
Blodget 56/56
I don't see anyone in dire need of healing.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#82 Post by Storm11 »

He is lawful good not lawful stupid. If we rush in injured and fall ALL the bird people will die, without maximising our chances of success against an army of flying demons and one that can possess people, so will we. That's not smart or good, that is ridiculous.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#83 Post by tkrexx »

I believe it would also be useful to study more of the writings, those that are still legible, Mirachele offers, obviously nervous. I think it is safe to assume that whatever this evil entity Yesorkh Pahyeh is, it is trapped within an item here... Logic points to the glass griffon, considering the runes surrounding it. Perhaps we can glean some hint from what remains of the journal? She pauses a moment, her black eyes wandering. It's just... That chewing sound! I fear the little devils destroying the books could migrate to our own parchments, or even... US! I have witnessed first hand the results of parasites of none-too-picky appetites. She shivers at the thought.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#84 Post by Inferno »

Blodget, halfling thief:

Blodget blinks hard a few times and stops looking at the wondrous diadem jewel.
Then he says to Mistress Mira, "Beggin' your pardon, m'lady! This passage here may be of some assistance!"
OGRE MAGE wrote: The last few pages must refer to the skyfish that you now seek.
  • .....magical fish that flies through the sky.....
    .....use the white column to access the dome of force.......
    "Dom" removes the dome, freeing the fish.
    "Fil" and "Fir" fire the lights from its eyes.
    Given a direction, it will go.....
"Did I hear there is a 'white column' above us on the next level?!?
"And these words here. 'Dom' and such. Are they the words engraved on the floor around the glass gryphon?"

Blodget suddenly felt sleepy. It must have been all that thinking.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#85 Post by greyarea »

Trotter looks at Bloget, You think the gryphon is the sky fish? Interesting.

He says in a commanding voice, DOM!
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#86 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Trotter shouts DOM in his commanding halfling voice.

Nothing happens.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#87 Post by Nuke66 »

"What part did you not understand, I must regain my spells before we invoke any activity. Let us research as much as we are able while we recover but only research." Morgi says.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#88 Post by Hotgoblin »

The circle surrounding the glass griffon appears as a web of fine silvery threads within the translucent floor. The words Dumo, Emla, Imfa, Flas, and Glis are written in the magical script and are evenly spaced around the circle.
Wyntar makes his way back to the mighty Griffon. He is amazed by the powerful magic enveloping this tower and all around him. Since none of the magical items in the tower have attacked or hurt the party, he'll read the words listed around the Griffon out loud....Dumo, Emla, Imfa, Flas, Gils......
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#89 Post by greyarea »

Trotter replies, Aw nothing happened. I figured it wouldn't hurt us to have the sky fish thing active before we are ready to use it. You can still take yer catnap for spells and such.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#90 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Trotter finds himself contemplating the words of the wide-eyed halfling thief, even though the griffon looks nothing like a fish in the least. It looks like a glass griffon.

Morgi scolds the ranger for shouting out the magical commands from the book, even though nothing harmful has come from it.

Wyntar finally lets the amazing magicks that he is surrounded by get the best of him. He also can not contain his curiosity and lust for knowledge. He approaches the glass griffon and begins reciting the magical words from the circle.

Saying Dumo shrinks the griffon statue down into a small glass figurine, about the size of a large mans fist.

After saying Emla, the statue regains its life sized status but remains in glass form.

Saying Imfa makes the statues eyes glow with a bright red light. Although the effect is startling initially, no harm comes from it.

The last two words, Flas and Glis, do nothing to change the status of the glass statue, possibly indicating that there is more to this creature that must be learned first before it can be fully understood.

The floating sphere hovers very nearby to the mage as he recites his experimental words of magic.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#91 Post by tkrexx »

Eyes wide at Wyntar uttering the runes, Mira shrieks and withdraws, covering her head with her arms, expecting total chaos. When the chaos fails to emerge, she straightens and plants her hands on her hips, clearly shamed and perturbed. I thought of Blodget as the impetuous one, her voice is soft, possibly not meant to be heard. We still have an imprisoned evil being about, and I'd like a peek at some of these magical writings.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#92 Post by Inferno »

Blodget, halfling thief:

The talk of a little nap appeals to the hobbit, but there's too much excitement going on. Who can possibly sleep through all this?

And was he really expected to withstand the temptation of the amethyst for hours on end while the wizards dozed? He hoped not. He tried to stop staring at it. Maybe that would help. How long has it been so far? Only 5 minutes?! He would never make it!
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#93 Post by Dram »

Xano- Walks over to gem on the counter. Mira was there any magic on this gem. Maybe holding will unlock the evil griffon. She says that smirking at the Halfling thief. Don't worry Blodget you would just be a little snack.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#94 Post by Nuke66 »

Morgi takes a moment to drop a CSW on Xano before he goes off to find a spot to rest and recover.

OOC: I will post a revised spell list.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#95 Post by Hotgoblin »

Wyntar is taken aback at the awesome spectacle that occurred. He wonders why the other words did nothing, maybe they were spoken out of order? He also notices that the sphere seemed to be floating awfully close by during the time words were being said aloud. Yes, little sphere what are you trying to tell or show us? Wyntar reaches slowly toward the sphere and touches it gingerly.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#96 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Citadel of Devral
Early afternoon

Wyntar finally comes to the realization that this is not a place of evil or danger, but a wondrous place of fantastical magics. He bravely reaches out to touch the floating sphere hovering near the glass griffon.

The winter warlock suddenly begins to seizure mildly and a little white foam begins to pour out of the corner of his mouth. He seems to recover quickly however and is soon able to wrap his mind around the function of the orb.

He can instantly see far off into the distance through the clear walls of the tower, much further than the wizards normal vision would ever allow. He also now sees a large secret door in the center of the clear walls, directly in front of the griffon. The wizard is sure that he can open it with his mind and so he does just that.

Delicate snowflakes begin to fall into the now wide open clear wall, landing and melting on the warm floor. The icy cold air also rushes in and up the ceiling hole, nearly freezing the wet little halfling in place a level above. The wizard then closes the invisible portal again with only the power of his mind. He releases his grasp of the floating sphere and then smiles slyly at the others, seemingly no worse for ware from the experience.

Morgi casts his last healing magic on the she-elf (healed 13) before he finally gets sick of nobody listening to him. He goes off by himself to rest and recover his magical powers. (I just need to know which floor, Nuke)

Mira is amazed at the actions of the normally timid magic user. The two thieves just stare intently at the large paperweight on the desk, neither one reaching for the non magical gem..........yet.

Trotter 43/43
Halo 36/49
Xano 31/39
Morgi 34/49
Wyntar 24/40
Mira 32/32
Blodget 56/56
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#97 Post by Dram »

Xano- Picks up the large gem and tosses it to the Halfling. You hold that for me. When we get back to the city we shall split its value up between us.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#98 Post by Hotgoblin »

Wyntar is quite enthralled with the recent happenings. He will say Dumo and shrink the magnificent creature and place it securely within his Robe.
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#99 Post by Storm11 »

Halo will reach out and touch the sphere on the top level if it is near by
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Re: Act VI The Tower of Devral

#100 Post by greyarea »

Trotter just says, woah. Did you do that Wyntar? Maybe that's our ticket out of here.
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