The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#81 Post by merias »

Arsenios tends to Ruby:

Arsenios bind wounds [1d4] = 1

Code: Select all

|Name           |HP CUR/MAX     |SPELLS                        |
|Adrog          |10/10          |                              |
|Arsenios       |6/6            |<>                            |
|Ruby           |3/8            |                              |
|Drizzle        |4/4            |<>                            |
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#82 Post by merias »

The tunnel you are in travels out of sight to the northwest, you notice the cool breeze is more pronounced here. You can continue down it, stay where you are, or go back southeast through the hole in the wall to the room with the crates and the broken door.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#83 Post by Miraje »

Adrog will look for the most defensible position for encampment and recommend we set up there. A corner with some sort of cover would be preferable (after he checks for hidden doors in the corner, of course!).
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#84 Post by merias »

Adrog searches for but finds no sign of secret doors in the open lizard den next to them.

See the ascii map in the below post - basically you have the open lizard den next to you with no exits, an open tunnel to the northwest, and an open room with a broken door to the southeast.


You will also have to consider rations - I think most of you had 5-7 days worth, and you would be aware that have a 3-day trek back to/from town, and have spent one night resting already. So some of you have at most one day in reserve, and some of you will run out on the way back to town, if you choose to go back (and can find your way out - actually we have been hand-waiving the maps, so I'll assume you could backtrack to the original entrance if you want, with some chance of encountering, well anything that might have taken up residence in the meantime).
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#85 Post by Miraje »

Adrog considers - Ruby would be tastiest, but Arsenios and Drizzle have been more vexing, if we resort to cannibalism. Still, as a Dwarf he could perhaps bear short rations longer than the others.

We can stay here or in the less smelly corridor - it matters not to me. However if you wish to return for supplies I can understand that you weaker beings may need to do so. I will abide by the group's decision.

ooc: what chances of hiring a porter to carry extra supplies - one that won't run at the first sign of trouble?
merias wrote:Adrog searches for but finds no sign of secret doors in the open lizard den next to them.

See the ascii map in the below post - basically you have the open lizard den next to you with no exits, an open tunnel to the northwest, and an open room with a broken door to the southeast.


You will also have to consider rations - I think most of you had 5-7 days worth, and you would be aware that have a 3-day trek back to/from town, and have spent one night resting already. So some of you have at most one day in reserve, and some of you will run out on the way back to town, if you choose to go back (and can find your way out - actually we have been hand-waiving the maps, so I'll assume you could backtrack to the original entrance if you want, with some chance of encountering, well anything that might have taken up residence in the meantime).
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#86 Post by merias »

Miraje wrote:Adrog considers - Ruby would be tastiest, but Arsenios and Drizzle have been more vexing, if we resort to cannibalism. Still, as a Dwarf he could perhaps bear short rations longer than the others.

We can stay here or in the less smelly corridor - it matters not to me. However if you wish to return for supplies I can understand that you weaker beings may need to do so. I will abide by the group's decision.

ooc: what chances of hiring a porter to carry extra supplies - one that won't run at the first sign of trouble?
Slim to none in Fishpot, the one-horse town just south of the Unseemly Wench Inn where Ruby was Geased.

However, a few leagues north in the larger Town of Stewgray you will find porters and men-at-arms, some even not cowardly. I'll put a map up.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#87 Post by greyarea »

Drizzle suggests that a return to Fishpot or a visit to the Town of Stewgray might be in order.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#88 Post by kjc »

Arsenios - Cleric
"Agreed, a visit to Stewgray seems in order. I would like to remove Dai's remains from this place. He was a comrade, and deserves a burial."
"This looks like a place we've never been to before." - my five-year-old son.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#89 Post by merias »

So it seems a return to Stewgray is the plan? Are you backtracking or proceeding forward, hoping to find another way out?
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#90 Post by merias »

Since Arsenios said he wanted to recover Dai's body, I'll assume you backtrack and make it back to the low cave entrance at nightfall, with the body wrapped in a cloak in tow. After a few day's uneventful journey over the plains, you spy the walled town of Stewgray from afar on a damp, late fall morning, the smell of snow in the air. Not a moment too soon, as your rations and oddly fulfilling water from the Dwarven runic fountain are spent. The spiked, wooden pallisade walls of Stewgray extend at least several hundred feet on a side. A well-traveled dirt road extends north from the open gate, itself made of two heavy, reinforced wooden doors each 10 feet wide and extending the full 15 feet to the top of the wall. You see at least one other gate to the south and west, also manned with a lookout tower.

You approach the north gate, and as you get close you are challenged by a guard in the ajoining tower. A second guard next to him levels a crossbow at you.

"Ho, stand and announce yourselves travellers, what business have you in the Regent's Town of Stewgray?"

ooc: See this post for info on your treasure. When we figure out the value of some of these items, I'll update with XP awards.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#91 Post by greyarea »


Hail, we are but travellers. We were set upon by bandits and lost our friend, whose body we carry for purification. We hope to spend time in your inn for recuperation and speak with the monsignor here so that our friend's soul may be put to rest. May we enter?
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#92 Post by merias »

The guard, a portly fellow with ruddy cheeks, considers your statement and whispers something to his companion, who disappears from sight.

"Well met and enter, you'll find the Temple of Soldra just beyond the market square and next to the Regent's manse," the guard says as he motions with his thumb towards the center of the town.

As he is speaking, what must be a local merchant approaches along the road, a horse-cart filled with goods in tow. He is motioned in with a wave from the guard in the tower. "'Morning Joss, seems some snow is on the way, eh?"

The man called Joss nods, "Indeed, Billton. We're mostly ready, one more hunting trip in the Silverwood will stock the larder. Seems deer are aplenty this year."

The guard nods and resumes watch duty as Joss passes you and heads through the gate and into the town proper.

You can see the dirt road continues past the gate, into the town past several low buildings and side streets. You notice a crowd directly ahead, milling about a small field rimmed with open stalls and small huts.
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Re: The Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm

#93 Post by merias »


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