Gull's Landing

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Re: Gull's Landing

#81 Post by Darithe »


Mave heard the door and quickly threw on the frilly, revealing frock. She had to admit it looked good on her, not that the thought put her much at ease. In the interim, she had time for long and comforting conversations with her three brothers, Erel, Garet and Adwin. Erel, the bookish scholar, Garet the adventurous knight and Adwin the devout priest, all three had been sympathetic to her cause and had promised to try to move the rock that was her father. She had expected as much from her brothers, and she had hoped for more from her mother. Never an outgoing sort, she seemed distant and surprisingly sided with her father's views. She had to admit, her opinion was rather perplexing considering her indifference to her actions previously, so devoted as she was to the cause of Valkur.

For now she had to focus on this accursed dinner, which she humorously thought of herself was the main course so to be speak. She brushed out her hair, which they had insisted she not wear in her traditional ponytail, leaving it wild and free. A state she hoped to attain for the rest of herself as soon as possible.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#82 Post by Revenant »

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“It was a house without kindness, never meant to be lived in, not a fit place for people or for love or for hope." ~ Shirley Jackson

The four guards stood silent and unyielding, a scent hung about them mixed of sweat, lack of hygiene and unwashed clothing. When you have all gathered together they start their march ahead of you leading you towards the guards barracks, the center of which stands two large double wide and tall enough for four horses and riders abreast to enter in. Though no riders walk through those gates today as the doors are opened at your approach by two hulking plate-clad guards wearing the tabard of the knights of the Gull.

You are led beyond the barracks into the opening of the Gull manor house compound. There is a certain baroque decor about the house itself that spoke of recent wealth and prosperity though little taste in its gaudy style other than the immaculate gardens and walkways that led to the house. A large temple dedicated to the god of sailors, seas and sea battles, Valkur, that serves as a private chapel for those within the compound. You recall Mave mentioning at one point that her mother was a priestess of Valkur. Another large building sits near the eastern gates of the compound and in the center of it all a large tree, the family tree of House Gallowhawk which towers of the grounds.

The guards continue to lead you towards the manor house pausing only to take up position on either side as one of the guards open the large door that permits entrance. Within are a litany of servants, butlers and maids at attention to welcome you within. Another guard is already stationed within the doorway, wearing the same uniform of those outside, he loudly proclaims, "All weapons must be surrendered here and will be returned to you once you leave." The four guards who escorted you here move in behind you and its clear none will be moving forward who do not surrender their arms. They await your compliance.


Mave looks to the open doorway and is disappointed to see the Captain of the Guard Macree and two thuggish guards with him to escort her down to dinner. Macree sneers as he looks her over, "I like the slutty look, it suits you. Now get a move on, your groom awaits impatiently below. And be quick about it or I'll drag you down myself. Oh and put these on," he throws an elegant pair of high heeled shoes before her.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#83 Post by Rex »


Bryne hands over her sword. Sizing up the guard as she does so.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#84 Post by Darithe »


Amber eyes flare with anger, though no other part of her betrays those feelings. She merely glances at the shoes, judging how much damage she might do if she plunged the point into the captain's skull. She smirks, relishing the thought as she puts the shoes on and follows her captors.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#85 Post by spanningtree »


Puts on an almost comedic show of producing and handing over far more weapons than one would expect.

That should be it....
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Re: Gull's Landing

#86 Post by tristenc »

Nis hands over her weapons casually, finding the fanfare and seriousness somewhat amusing.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#87 Post by Revenant »

“So, here are my windows, stained all with me.” ~ Caitlin R. Kiernan


The guard within takes your weapons, storing them in a large oaken armoire where they are neatly stacked and the doors closed with two of the guards taking up a position before it, like two statues.

The guard who spoke earlier, points to Torvik and Kade, "You are to wait outside. You may keep your weapons but cannot enter. I suggest you make use of the chapel and pray to Vulkur for guidance. Or wait outside until the feast concludes."

Once the weapons are surrendered, you are escorted to a sumptuously decorated dining room. Off to one side, a fireplace burns brightly keeping the cold of the night-air from following you within. Several formally dressed figures (see Rogues Gallery for portraits of the dinner guests) are seated around a long polished table. They all rise at your entrance, with the head placing of the table occupied by Lord Darvyn Gallowhawk, a white-haired, mustachioed old lord of these lands and father of Mave. He forces a smile and welcomes you before turning to his middle child, who you met earlier today, Sir Garet and asking that he make the introductions. Garet nods to all of you, "So good of you to come. This of course is my esteemed father, Lord Darvyn and next to him my dear mother, Lady Phillippa," he nods to a thin grey haired woman who is impeccably dressed and wears tasteful jewelry. Then going down the line of table, he introduces, "My elder brother, Erel, the family scholar and my younger brother Adwin who like my mother is a priest of Vulkur. Next to him is Mave's betrothed, Sir Folke Fallow and then two of my father's most trusted associates, Aurens Dalavere, the head of the merchant's guild and Magnus Malaguerre the renowned Wizard of the Gales." The four hulking guards who escorted you here, silently move and take up positions in the four corners of the room.

Sigismund smiles and introduces himself before taking a seat beside Malaguerre, "Sir my mentor sent me here to deliver this small token," placing a small wooden cube-like box before the elder man, who nods taking it and placing it in one large pocket of his robes. "How is old Birahu? It is too long since have broken bread together."

As you look over the gathering, Garet points to empty seats and says, "Please take a seat, we were about to begin and my sister will be here shortly." Niserie, in particular notes an strange sensation which she is introduced to Lady Phillippa. A strange kinship, she feels the woman must have fey blood somewhere in past, though oddly, she never sensed such from Mave.

Then, a door on the opposite side of the room opens and Captain Macree enter with a hand on Mave's bare shoulder. Garet looks up, "Ah and there is my dear sister and our captain of the guards." Macree who seems to constantly be suppressing a sneer, says, "Good eve all. I see our good lord has kept a seat open next to your betrothed Lady Mave, why don't you be seated and I'll take the one beside you. I promise not to interrupt our lovebirds," he half-smiles.

Then also entering through that doorway are several servants carrying the first plate of dinner an amuse-bouche of tapenade with a compliementary wine.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#88 Post by tristenc »

Nis gives a curtsey after the others are introduced, Good Lord and Lady, she greets the heads of the household, Young Lords, and fine gentlemen. I am honored to be included tonight. Niserie Silverwreath, a recent acquaintance and traveling companion of dear Lady Mave. She gives a special smile to Sir Garet.

As Mave enters, Nis grins and gives her a nod. She hopes her whispered, You look stunning! is taken as a compliment of friendship, despite the reason via the proceedings.

If possible she will sit near lady Phillippa, complimenting the lady's attire.

Just thinking, someone persuasive or intimidating should probably sit on the other side of Macree to keep him from causing trouble for Mave...
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Re: Gull's Landing

#89 Post by Darithe »


Allows Macree to think he has the upper hand, since he does for the moment as its on her shoulder. She brightens and smiles at the sight of her companions and takes the seat next to her *groom*, not sparing him even a glance. She mouths a thank you to Niserie and then looks at the plate before her. She wasn't particularly interested in the tapernade, she was more interested in the utensils beside her plate and the spread they might make on Macree's face.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#90 Post by Rex »


Bryne bows her head only to the Lord and Lady, loudly and clearly for all to hear, "Lady Bryne Valshire, sister of Lord Paden Valshire and heir to House Valshire, Ranger of Aisland."

She moves near to Mave and takes the seat next to Macree, slamming her elbow into the back of his head as she sits, "Excuse me Captain, you do always seem to be in the way, I will have to help you with that very soon."
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Re: Gull's Landing

#91 Post by Revenant »

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go." ~ Oscar Wilde

At Niserie's compliment, Lady Phillippa grins and points to the two open chairs beside her, "Thank you, and who is your lovely companion?" she remarks to her as she catches sight of De'Athyra, "Please sit beside me dear, it has been much too long since I've had a young girl at my side. Mave was never one to stay there I'm sad to say. So Adwin had to fill in for her." She brushes a lock of the girl's hair back from her face, "You look as sweet as the chocolates from Madame Roselle's confectionery."

At Bryne's impressive entrance, Lord Gallowhawk remarks, "Well...well...I'm very pleased to see Mave has found companions equal to her status. I knew your father. He was a good man and I've heard so is his son." Garet can barely suppress a guffaw and Mave laughs outright as Bryne's elbow connects with Macree. Garet remarks, "The flowers in the table-setting pales beside your beauty Lady Valshire." Though apparently not as pale as Macree as he bites his tongue when Bryne anoints the back of his head with her elbow.

Aurens pipes up at Bryne's introduction, "Please extend my greetings to Lord Valshire, when you next see your brother milady. I hope to do business in your homeland soon." Sigismund and Malaguerre are discussing the package he delivered and the younger mage's mentor.

Sir Folke Fallow's massive hand takes Mave's smaller one as she is about to reach for the knife beside her plate, "My lady, your dear father has promised me that you brother Adwin, will marry us as soon as the dinner party is concluded."

Erel clears his throat and addresses both his father and Fallow, "I really don't see what the hurry is father and Mave agrees. She has only just arrived and...." Gallowhawk interrupts him, "Nonsense, she isn't getting any younger and frankly I don't trust her not to not to fulfill her marital obligations. We need grandchildren if the line is to survive. And you three have given me nothing yet unless Garet has some bastards he hasn't acknowledged as of yet." Lord Gallowhawk turns his eyes to Bryne, "Lady Valshire, I believe you have not been spoken for as of yet, is that not true? You can have your pick of the three, though I believe Adwin has other preferences." Then looking at her companions, "Are you two of noble linneage?," looking to Thena and Niserie.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#92 Post by spanningtree »


Feeling a bit out of place she goes through a simple curtsy: Sister Thena Krillovna, Crusader of Tempus. Lord Darvyn... Lady Phillippa, please accept my deep appreciation for having me. She nods at the others as Sir Garet introduces them.

She'll find the nearest seat that puts her closest to the the kitchen and mimic the table actions of the posh folks.

When addressed about noble linage she raises her eyebrows: M'lord, I am afraid not, I had but a simple upbringing before entering the church.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#93 Post by tristenc »

Nis blushes a little at failing to introduce her companion, seeking to disguise her blush at the overt compliment. Gracious Lady, please overlook my misstep; I do not often find myself in such formal environs. This is my close friend De'Athrya, a likewise recent traveling companion of your good Lady-Daughter. Regretably, the dear young lady does not speak the common tongue.

She chuckles at the remark about Mave. Indeed, M'Lady. Dear Mave seems the restless sort. Wise and capable, but with a constant wit and fire within her to keep a body in motion. Rather like a Dragonfly, I imagine. Master of deft mobility, and unrivaled in assault and execution. It reminds me of one portion of a poem I learned as a youngling, if you'll permit? She will await the Lady of the house's consent before reciting it. (If Phillippa deigns not to hear it she will honor her host's wishes and refrain. But should she assent, Nis will recite it in Sylvan, before offering the translation. Partially to tease out if the kind lady understands the language of the fey)

Is dòcha gur e eala a bh’ ann air loch glainne
Dh’ fhaodadh gur e faoileag a bh’ ann an caithris long
Is dòcha gur e bean-bainnse a bh’ ann air clisgeadh gaoithe
Ach rugadh i 'n dreóilín

Anns a 'ghrian bha i a' blàthachadh a sgiathan
Agus dh'èist e ris na cicadas a 'seinn

Or to translate
Could've been a swan on a glassy lake
Could've been a gull in a clipper's wake
Could've been a ladybug on a windchime
But she was born a dragonfly

In the sun she warmed her wings
And listened to the cicadas sing
Nis smirks at Lord Garet's compliment of Bryne, and passes her friend a subtle and encouraging wink.

At the announcement that Aldwin will perform the ceremony after dinner, Nis balks in a most un-genteel way. Truly, young lord Adwin... you seem such a kind man. Surely you could not have agree to ambush your only sister so, despite the good lord's presumed misunderstanding of the situation?

Is there any indication of what way Malavere (as the only apparent Arcane magic user) is leaning in the discussion re Mave? For that matter, Nis' comments are to patially tease out the intentions/ motivations of the young Priest-sibling Adwin.

In response to Lord Gallohawk's remark she brushes back her own hair behind one ear to expose the accentuated point. Truly, good Lord, I am of a tradition as old as record for my people. But I have been given to understand that some at this table disparage those of my particular heritage.
She very carefully does not glance at Macree, but subtly watches the lady Phillippa for any reaction to her comment
(She refers honestly to the fey tradition as old as nature, but not in the lordly way he means. The difference is meant as distraction, and intentionally deceptive. Let me know if you need a roll of some kind like Wis or Cha)

One for all and all for Mave, right ;)
One with training in fey or Sylvan culture might know the Dragonfly is an ancient symbol of self-realization; literally like a fairy dragon in such themes. It represents creativity, insight and clear-vision. (not physical vision but clarity of mind.)

Nis is fishing hard in a very subtle way not only to see what the Lady of the house thinks of Mave's escapades, but to determine Lady Philippa's depth of connection with the fey via what references she picks up on.

'Poem'/lyric credit: Clutch; "The Dragonfly"

Let me know if i go overboard with the fey references/ assumptions. Basically I'm just drawing from irl Celtic/Pictish traditions

Aside: Garet bills Erel as a 'scholar' but the Rogue's gallery image has him in full-plate... Do we get the sense he is a warrior-poet/scholar kind of thing? A career of fighting combined with a scholarly mindset?
Or am I (as oft is the case) overthinking things

Edits: for soooo many typos..
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Re: Gull's Landing

#94 Post by Rex »


Bryne will pocket her knife from the table discretely when she has a chance. Just in case.

"Thank you Lord Gallowhawk, my father was much loved by his subjects. My brother has much to live up to, and I may be biased but he is a good man and he will do well. Your offer is interesting and perhaps on the table as they say, but as you are aware I would need my brothers permission to marry and he is not here at the moment. Perhaps if one or more of your sons is interested we could talk later and see if we might be a suitable match."

She will attempt to be entertaining, but he main goal tonight is to keep the Captain of balance and distracted from Mave.

At an appropriate point, "Captain you seem to have some blood on your lip, did you take another beating from one of your men sparring today? I overheard one of them earlier as they brought me in mention you seem to be having difficulties sparring as of late. I imagine for a man of your advanced age it must be difficult."
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Re: Gull's Landing

#95 Post by Darithe »


Mave attempts to jerk her hand from Fallow's, "Sir that hand does not belong to you and if I have a say in the matter it never will." She defiantly looks to her father, "I will not be your brood mare. And I do not consent to any nuptials with Fallow!" She looks panicked around the room. "In fact, I cannot be married, for I am already betrothed to another. I...I...have accepted a marriage proposal from Lady Bryne's half-brother, Sir Athan Brownstone." She looks to Bryne, wide-eyed and pleadingly, "He is journeying to the tourney at Lionsgate where we will be married before the king and the Valshire family." She places her hand over the knife beside her plate.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#96 Post by Rex »


"It is true, Mave and Athan have sworn vows to each other."
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Re: Gull's Landing

#97 Post by tristenc »

Oh! Such Joy! I do so adore true love tales. I must apologize, but seeing dear Mave both happy and already confessed of her oath. Nis gets up and bustles around beside her friend to hug Mave about the shoulders. (If at all possible to aid the concealment of the knife Mave is going for, or to deliver her own tableware to the redhead discreetly).

Nis blushes again and returns to her seat. I beg pardon for my outburst, gracious lord. She directs to Senior lord Gallowhawk. Of Human nobles I'm afraid my knowledge is lacking somewhat. But I imagine such an arrangement with house Valshire, as you proposed earlier, is a quite desirable match? She asks
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Re: Gull's Landing

#98 Post by spanningtree »


Arches an eyebrow at Maves words. As a servant pours her wine she gracefully takes the pitcher/jug from them and says: Let's just leave that here....
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Re: Gull's Landing

#99 Post by Revenant »

“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” — Ursula K. LeGuin

Main Coarse

After Thena's remark, Aurens states, "There is nothing wrong with a simple upbringing. I myself was the product of such. And we are quite lucky to have a crusader amongst us during the city's trying times. So many warriors at one table," he glances at each of those seated, "between the noble knights and the good lord who fought beside our beloved king in the battles against the unruly barbarians."

Lady Phillippa grins at young De'Athyra and speaks to her in Vagary. Macree and Fallow both look as if they have smelled something distasteful at that. But her ladyship continues to converse back and forth with the young girl. And when Niserie speaks her poem Sylvan, the lady laughs clearly getting its import and Nis detects a strong connection in her and the way she reacts to the sylvan phrases as she replies in sylvan that you apparently know her daughter well. Lord Gallowhawk places his hand on Lady Phillippa's hand, "Now dear, Aislandish only please. We don't want to insult our guests." Malaguerre responds, "None taken milord." He then says in Sylvan, "We cannot insult the cretins who might mistake our banter for traitorous talk." Its clear none others at the table comprehend these words.

Sir Adwin seems taken aback as he is addressed by Niserie, "I...I...only do my father's will. To do less would be an insult to our lord and father." Lord Gallowhawk sips from his cups, "True, true Adwin, and as always you obey and think not on the instructions. The sign of a good soldier," he smiles rather condescendingly. Then turns his attention to Niserie and her remark about old traditions, "I'm afraid the animosity against those of Sylvan heritage is still strong despite the many years since the elven wars. My apologies if I offend by barring the tongue being spoken here."

Lord Gallowhawk's eyes then turn to Bryne as he catches her subtle arming of herself with the knife, though he misses his daughter doing the same and does not remark upon her action, "I see you are a willful woman, the best kind in my view," glancing with a smile to his wife and then to Mave, "You would be a worthy match for any of my sons, though I'm not so sure they'd be worthy of you." Garet starts to protest but is waved to silence by his father's hand.

It is then that the servants enter carrying the main course and its sides. Several large plates of Haddock and Boiled Lobster are brought in the fish fried in butter and minced onions and the lobster bathed in peppery butter. One the side are mushroom pastries filled with button mushrooms and grated cheddar cheese. Several loaves of freshly baked bread are also set out on the table.

Bryne's jibe at Macree hits its mark much to the amusement of the Gallowhawks, Dalavere and Malaguerre. Macree merely reddens and gives a menacing scowl. As everyone begins their meal, Mave drops her bomb about Athan's proposal and for several moments there is only the sound of silence and the visual of dropped jaws as everyone takes in the import of that statement.

Lord Gallowhawk looks at his daughter and then Bryne for a long time before Niserie proclaims about the desirable match. Gallowhawk smiles widely, "Indeed a most desirable match but the boy did not ask my approval. I can only assume he as the approval of Lord Paden?," arching a silver brow and looking directly at Bryne. "If so, I can only acquiesce to the desires of my daughter for such would be a most agreeable arrangement for both of our noble houses. The House of Valshire's reputation is most prestigious, certainly preferable to a coupling with the lesser House of Fallow." Sir Folke Fallow stands up abruptly nearly upending the table, "Sir you insult me and my family. This arrangement between Lady Mave and I was agreed to years ago. And need I remind you of what my father..." he lets his voice trail off thinking better of saying what he was about to say. Macree likewise rises, "Milord," and for a moment you are unsure if he speaks to Gallowhawk or Fallow, "Perhaps some time to reflect on this..."

Gallowhawk looks from Bryne to Thena to Niserie and finally to his daughter as if waiting to hear anything they wish to say.

Though Erel is a warrior who has fought in the barbarian skirmishes he is basically a bookish man with little interest in fighting.
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Re: Gull's Landing

#100 Post by tristenc »

Nis smiles and nods in agreement at the Auren's remark about humble upbringings. But she positively beams when it is clear lady Phillippa not only understands the language but picks up the intent of the poem immediately. When Lord Gallowhawk and Malaguerre add their own responses she inclines her head gently in apology. Please excuse me, I did not mean to exclude. I learned the poem in the original language and my mind simply holds it there. I'm fear the translation would pass far more clumsily.

At lord Adwins defensive reaction she smiles at the young man... so young compared even to the humans but there she seems to detect... sincerity. Ah, of course. A son's duty. I admire those who are honest and respectful. I fear I must apologize a second time in nearly as many conversations. I mean't no insult, good sir. I fear I have no brothers of my own, and I am unfamiliar with the exact dynamic in some respects. She leaves off there, deciding to say more might embarrass the young man or imply intentional insult. "The art of what is not said..." her aunt's voice echoed in her mind, "Is at least as important as what is... if not more."

When Gallowhawk apologizes regarding barring the Sylvan language at the table, Nis nods her head in acceptance. The fault was mine, good sir. It was unintentionally rude of me to do so without thought to the rest of those gathered.

Nis smiles and murmurs and makes much polite mentions over the splendid meal brought out. After the bomb drops and she casts her comment with respect to the secret match, she is pleased to hear Lord Gallowhawk's assent and seemimg willingness to sieze the opportunity. Particularly she enjoys one that puts Macree and his obvious goon-lordling to the side.

Oh dear... But... surely one cannot fault Lady Mave for her arrangement when it must have been made in good-faith? Why, I couldn't think she'd ever betray a match she had assented to... at least without strong cause?

Revenant wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:45 pm "Though Erel is a warrior who has fought in the barbarian skirmishes he is basically a bookish man with little interest in fighting.
Then he is wiser than most ;)
Last edited by tristenc on Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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