WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#81 Post by max_vale »

Mutaritari Island; Approximately 5:30AM, 17 August, 1942

As the sun began its climb into the sky the tiny atoll of Mutaritari was slowly becoming lit by the light of day to reveal the ongoing clash happening on its sandy grounds....

The Japanese Tank, currently 'inhabited' by a Talent of Special Unit 781, suddenly shifted into reverse and with a grinding metal on metal sound as its treads reversed, especially its damaged left treads, it pulled back to confront the various foes moving around in front of it. SSGT Marvin Acme dodged forward, attempting to get out of the way of its ball-turret machinegun, but instead found himself suddenly in its line of fire as it opened up with a spray of fire. The veteran Marine NCO took a round that clipped his upper thigh and sent him spinning to the sand in a half-circle, bleeding profusely and coming in and out of consciousness*......

At about the same time, the Tank's main cannon fired again, sending a shell streaking out to explode on the ground perhaps 5 or 6 yards away from a maneuvering Rifleman Gurung, who caught a hot sliver of shrapnel from the blast and was blown forward to the ground, wincing in pain as he could feel blood start to trickle down his back shoulder blade from the wound. He was still conscious and able to act however, and he had impressively managed to keep ahold of his SMLE rifle**....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker stayed low, unsure of what else he could do in this situation, so he got a front row seat of seeing the tank back up, cut down Acme with machinegun fire and then fire it's 37mm main cannon with a deafening sound that assaulted his ears and he saw poor Gurung get knocked to the sand by the blast, though he could see him moving around, so he knew he was still alive. Glancing over at his companion Acme, he could see the veteran Marine's chest move, so he was breathing, but he wasn't moving much and that leg wound was bleeding badly....

Just over 100 yards away, CPL Wade MacGyver rushed out of the barracks building clutching a few documents and he saw LTJG Boyd and moved over to his Team Leader. Boyd waved him down to the ground as the Tank fired its MG and then its main cannon, though both breathed an unconscious sigh of relief when they realized they weren't the targets. Popping their heads back up, they saw that Acme and Gurung had been hit, the former badly. Boyd's face went grim and the Navy Officer took a deep breath and said; "Okay...I don't know if this will do anything, but I'm gonna try to hit that sucker with a Lightning Bolt"; he said to Wade as his eyes closed and a moment later the hair on MacGyver's arms started to rise as 'Rainsquall' activated his Talent and dark, rain clouds began to form right above the Tank. All of the Talents near by could 'feel/smell/hear' the familiar feeling/scent/sound of Boyd's power being activated.....

Lying down near each other, SGT Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn and PFC Roger Myers set up their Boys .55 caliber Anti-Tank Rifles. Myers did it quick and efficiently, Dutch took a little longer with a few glances over to see how Roger went about it. In a few moments, they both had the bipod and monopod down and had he Rifles chambered with a shell and pointing down-range. Van Horn found that with the Tank backing up, he no longer had a shot at the Engine block, so he instead took a breath and let it out and pulled the trigger. His round glanced off the armor of the Turret, ricocheting off to the left and giving poor Fred a scare as it missed him by mere inches. Myers' shot however went right where he was aiming it and the round went straight through the area next to the ball turret and a second later a bizarre, mechanically amplified roar of rage and pain could be heard by all....and then a second later, the tell-tale feeling of the Talent Power being utilized by whoever was in the Tank was gone. However, the Japanese SNLF trooper wasn't finished as a moment later, the slow maneuvering of the Turret to point towards Dutch and Myers' position could be seen, though it was MUCH slower and obviously being done by a wounded man hand-cranking the Turret into position.....

OOC: Okay, the current situation is:

*Acme is Incapacitated...he is coming in and out of consciousness; is wounded badly and can't really move other than perhaps to crank his head up or move a hand or something

**Gurung is Wounded; he's at -1D for all actions until treated, but able to function.

Roker is maybe 5-10 yards from the Tank which is no longer moving (the Turret is, but not the 'body' of the Tank)

Dutch and Myers are 75 yards away, the front of the Tank is facing them and the Turret is rotating towards them.

Gurung is maybe 60 yards away from the Tank.

Boyd and MacGyver are about 100 yards from the Tank, and Boyd has just created rain clouds above the Tank with the obvious intention of putting a Lightning Bolt into the Tank. It's anyone's guess if this will do anything to the Tank or not.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#82 Post by Rex »


Gurung activates his armor talent (spending enough WP to guarantee it activates).

He then tries to reach some cover so he can bandage his wound, keeping hold of his SMLE.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#83 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Damn it but this is why they pay me!

Aiming at the turret track, the objective is to punch through between the mantlet and the hull...where the shot (if it penetrates) can only go through whoever is in the cramped turret...and if it richochets should have a better chance of jamming the turret than anywhere else.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#84 Post by Urson »

Van Horn growled when his shot went wide. He chambered another round, attempting to hit the same area Meyers did. Whatever the result, Van Horn will roll away from this firing point and move around toward the side of the tank ASAP.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#85 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wade not sure what the lightning will do to the tank "Give it your best shot at the least we can hope it fries the controls and makes it inoperable." he says to 'Rainsquall'. Forgetting about his hyper strength now he wonders if he could make it to the tank and bend or break the gun barrel. Unsure of what else to do currently he waits and keeps himself under cover.
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#86 Post by max_vale »

Mutaritari Island; Approximately 5:35AM-9:45AM, 17 August, 1942

The battle between American Marine Raiders and Japanese forces on the tiny atoll of Mutaritari came to a close in the early morning sunlight of 17 August, 1942....

First, LTJG Thomas 'Rainsquall' Boyd, who had utilized his Talent Power to create a Stormcloud above the Japanese Type 95 Light Tank; tapped into his ability to have the cloud generate a powerful Lightning Bolt that slammed down into the rear of the tank and with a noticeable 'bang', the lightning bolt tore through the light armor and shorted out the engine, causing black smoke to begin to pour out of the vehicle and causing it to come to a complete stand-still....

Rifleman Gurung tapped into Armor Talent and a moment later he could feel the cobra-like scales cover his body as he hustled his wounded frame towards some cover and in the background, the now immobilized Tank started to slowly move its Turret towards the two Marines with Anti-Tank Rifles pointed at it....

These two Marines; SGT Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn and PFC Roger Myers, both took careful aim with their Boys .55 caliber AT Rifles and within a split second of each other, they pulled the trigger and winced as the massive recoil slammed painfully back into their shoulders and a pair of tungsten-cored shells accelerated towards the Japanese armored vehicle and both struck it with good accuracy. The shells tore into and through the Turret and at about the same instant the movement of the Turret stopped and it soon became obvious that the occupant was either dead or incapacitated.....

Fred 'Mediocre' Roker; closest to the tank, climbed up on the tank, avoiding the smoking engine deck and carefully threw open the top hatch with his Carbine pointed in at the same time. There was no need however as the Japanese SNLF Talent was clearly dead; torn to shreds from the AT shells. He had the tell-tale armband of Unit 781 however, so there was no doubt he had someone had some kind of "mechanical control' Talent....

Shortly after that, Corpsman Franklin was stabilizing Acme's wounds and then treating Gurung while most of the rest of the Raiders did a sweep of the rest of the tiny atoll. No more Japanese forces were found and as this was going on; Boyd, MacGyver and a few others were going over the papers that Wade had managed to salvage before the 'Radio' Talent could destroy them. Not much could be gleaned though as no one there read Japanese or was familiar with code; but hopefully it would prove of value to Allied Intel....

A couple of hours later, the USS Whale Shark surfaced at the scheduled time and an exhausting rowing trip back to the Submarine then ensued before a week long trip brought the survivors back to Pearl Harbor. Everyone was patched up and 72 hour Liberty (a 3 day R&R pass) was given to all of the members of SST 4 before they were to meet back up at the SSO Office on Pearl at 9 AM on the morning of 28 August.....

*Everyone will be fully recovered and I'll give out awards of Skill Points, etc. before moving onto Mission 2 "Hell Now on Guadalacanal"

If anyone wants to post about their 3 days of R&R in Pearl Harbor, please feel free. Teddy Gomez will be transferred to a different unit.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#87 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Getting back to Pearl, and a 3-Day pass, is going to be a real break from the crowded spaces on the submarine. Roger has tried to persuade Gurung to go Cliff Jumping - a sport that the locals on the Island seem to partake of and one that is in common with the kids back home. There are some really good spots! Although the water is warmer than Washington State so just about anyone can stand it

He thinks for a moment: And a good jump spot impresses the girls - not the bar floozies but the genuine ones.

He also wants to make sure that he buys Dutch a beer. He did fine with the AT Rifle - which for someone unfamiliar with the thing isn't too bad.

Hawaii has some really cool legends too...shapeshifters (no Werewolves are NOT Hawaiian). Given the powers we've seen, such things don't look so weird now. Might be worth a look.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#88 Post by Urson »

Dutch will be glad to share a beer or two with Roger.
Most of his liberty is spent out in the open: on the beach, walking through farm fields, simple stuff.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#89 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wade like Dutch would be kicking back having some beer and just chilling on a beach.
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#90 Post by Zhym »

BackworldTraveller wrote: Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:54 amHe thinks for a moment: And a good jump spot impresses the girls - not the bar floozies but the genuine ones.
"I'd be okay with the floozies," says Mediocre Fred quietly.

But he listened to the lectures and saw the films, and he doesn't want to have an awkward conversation with a medic later. So he chooses his soft companionship carefully (should the opportunity even arise).

Aside from that pursuit, Fred takes advantage of the chance to hang out, not get shot at, and drink a little beer.

Mediocre Fred. Mediocre, dull Fred.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#91 Post by BackworldTraveller »

GreyWolfVT wrote: Wed Mar 10, 2021 12:35 am Wade like Dutch would be kicking back having some beer and just chilling on a beach.
Nothing like Barbed Wire and Mines and a bunch of Snowdrops for giving the bathing a certain edge
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#92 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin spends the time drinking on the beach, then blowing up the empties. Practice, you know.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#93 Post by BackworldTraveller »

No Sergeant, He's not with us. Never met him before. We are moving along quietly now.
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