Return to the Barrow Mounds:

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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#681 Post by Spearmint »

I will answer some questions here now as I may be away tomorrow. But Orgoth and Isvand can still act or comment.

Several hours after breakfast and with safety in numbers, though not an ideal place to camp, an ad-hoc luncheon takes place in a small hollow along the trail. Over a little stove, rations and warm drinks are served. Guards posted to keep watch in the mist.

Gerdal you can brew your herbal leaves and casts an Augury type reading from the leaves, I would guess that would favour Sylvester most. Your last divinations echoing in your mind, though Isvand had not been 'shadowed', certainly the warning to Steban that he might have to kill what he may become, had unfortunately come true.

The mage of the other party sips the tea, interested in how you became a seer of near future possibilities. Though many, particularly the religious might frown upon such practices as nothing but gypsy gleanings or pagan sorcery, Sylvester just listens.

anyone else can partake, though the more that do, the less accurate the reader might be.

Brulé, eventually lessens his gruff nature. His men seem well equipped so he is happy to restock the quiver of Isvand with some fresh arrows, "just in case you need them on the home run." (x20 normal arrows).

"Yes your advice is as indeed welcome and refreshing as much as this tea. It was a boon to have met and companions in enterprise we can be. I shall at least know where to find you by your bulletin in the village.

Yes, the Moon Peakers were dwarven. This season has been poor for their community. I understand one clan hero was lost in the eastern forest and the Moor curses each group that trespasses upon its boundaries. I don't know the truth of such things, the Mist veils many secrets and covers up our shortfalls and inadequacies as much as swallowing our hopes and ambitions.

Well, to success beyond the veil."

He drinks from a wine flask which gets passed around in a sort of toast. He takes the three vials of holy water, offering 150gp, "If they don't work I won't need to worry about how I spent my coin." he jests.

you have met the 'rival adventuring party' Boon Companions and can note Sylvester or Brulé as a contact.

ask any more questions or actions then I will round this encounter up.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#682 Post by Rex »


All set.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#683 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven stands proudly after making new friends in the wild, knowing that every ally is one less adversary.

"We shall drink to your success together once you return for the festival. You do plan on being back by then, I hope. We can compare notes and you can impress us with all the items you recover from the moat mound, sir."

Sven pockets the 150 gold coins, more than happy to double his money on the water he bought.

"We would be happy to meet any other allies you may have out here as well. Safety in numbers cant be stressed enough, I think. Heck, perhaps we may even found some association of mound delvers at some point, though I doubt all of our members would be as cordial and easy to deal with as your lot."

"Say, if you find more treasure than you can carry back, come and get us and we will give you a hand."
The mage laughs at his own last joke, hoping to send the other group off in better spirits.

"Until we meet again, friends. Be careful out there."
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#684 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand happily makes small talk and enjoys the meal, getting more comfortable among the "bigs" than he would have believed possible even a week ago. Thank you, Friend Brulé, your generosity is appreciated and I will make sure it is reciprocated if ever you find yourself in need.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#685 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal is somewhat enigmatic on the origins of her abilities.

"It is something that is passed along on my mother's side. It is both a blessing and a curse. Throughout the ages there has been all sorts of violence directed at my kind. Holy men wants to burn us at the stake and royalties wants us enslaved to help tell the gender of his soon to be newborn child, so that he'd know which mistresses to keep and which to discard."

She stirs the concoction that Brulé just drank, and drops some powder into it, making it fizzle. As the smoke settles she says, in a low voice:

"The Mist veils more than 'those who walk'. It hides the sun and moon and clouds the mind. Fires in the hand strengthen hearts and purges the fainthearted. A circle of protection will safeguard you from harm."

"Beware Master Brulé, don't let them run, even though they are scared. Now I cannot say more."

As the groups pack their stuff, Gerdal hums:

"A troubled man, both true and just,
has met his end, on floors of dust,
against the horrid beasts of the moor,
he fought like never before,
but in the end he fell to the cursed claw's thrust."

"With a maiden by his side,
on a farm he would abide,
and bring up his children to also be just,
tell them the secrect of love and of trust,
now in the earth he must confide."

"To a comrade lost" she explains to anyone that would listen.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#686 Post by Spearmint »

May 4th 1066.

Barrow Moor, south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Very Misty, visibility reduced to 60'ft, light breeze.
Conditions: Gerdal 1/3hp Orgoth 9/12hp, Amos 8/10hp, Isvand 8/11hp, Sven 4/4hp.

"Very fitting I am sure. I look forward to hearing the bard put it to music on our next tavern soirée." Sylvester declares. His team, rested for an hour get restless and in this place of wandering dead and lurking living, to keep moving is the most prudent thing. The Boon Companions lift their burdens and set off with Gerdal's soothsaying in their ears.

The group lift their own baggage of tapestry and crates. The glasses clink slightly with each step and the burdens they carry become wearisome, site on aching limbs and shoulders. The only one free to lollop along is Smokie and his presence seems to keep critters at bay. Unfortunately he does announce your presence more than once with instinctive howling echoes to the lupine calls that are heard in the mist.

You might wonder if the calls you hear are actually wolves, somewhere into the mist a Mongrelmen vanished who went by the name Howl of a wolf. No accompanying toad croaks or screeches are heard.

Eventually the boggy ground gives way to crunchy gravel underfoot and the patches of tall twisted stalks of Moor grass become moss ridden bark as the forest fringe is made. Not quite home but at least the swirling mist dissipates and in the late afternoon you can feel the rays of sun upon your mud splattered faces.

Hot tubs (maybe not communal) are in order as is some laundry. Passing merchant wagons, en route home from Ironguard take pity on you hitch-hiking the last couple of miles for a coin each.

As you pass the trade gates into Helix proper, here endeth the expedition.

well done everybody. I will to some experience Awards up.

Continue here to discuss your division of plunder.
Last edited by Spearmint on Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#687 Post by Spearmint »

Experience Rewards


Lizard men x5 62xp x 5 = 310 +50xp shaman. 360xp

15 Barrow skeletons x 20xp = 300xp

Ghouls 3 + Penelope x 75xp = 300xp

Gray ooze 310xp

Exploding skeletons x7 x 52xp = 364xp doubled for being a critical encounter = 728xp

Bloodvein & gnomes 20xp (just cut stalk and no contact with tomb robbers apart from luring them to their deaths).

Boon Companions contact 30xp.

Total 2018xp.

Roleplay awards:

Explore Moor (Mud Creek location) 30xp
Explore Mounds (60xp for noting two more mounds).
Collect Arnaud's Everlit Candle. 50xp
Spot cult factions in corridor. (Jackal heads vs Goatheads) 50xp
Harkazz scouts beyond blocked wall and portcullis 50xp
Enter two Maze rooms, 50xp
Bring back Ossithrax tapestry, 300xp
Jerome's Chamber 50xp (lock picked and retrieve obituary).

Party XP: 640xp

Isvand 'do-or-die' retrieves Harkazz 100xp (player)
'Hodor' Orgoth, blocks door vs skeletons and passage vs ghouls. 100xp (player)
Sven & Smokie and info gathering 100xp (player)
Gerdal heirloom Augurys and scout rooms by Harkazz & Super mapping 100xp (player)

General all round good personal and team roleplay, 100xp each 400xp (players only not NPC)

Additional player XP 200xp per player.


Donut of the Day: Isvand running in fear and tripping pit a second time.

Champagne Moment: Isvand getting poisoned and passing checks to save Harkazz & Gerdal by literally the next round was death.

Champagne Moment (2): must go to the whims of Fate which randomly assigned Cure Spells to a scroll which you had to Read to save Orgoth.

Banging Head on a Wall: the blocked wall and the secrets beyond.

WTF moment: party triggering Sleep effect and Sven getting Familiar with 'spirit' in Jerome's Chamber.

Murder Hobos: slaying sleeping lizardman without mercy.

(Incidentally, you need to add Plumed Helmet from lizardman to treasure list) It was given to Steban by Amos after he slew the Sauron.

2658 XP / 4 players 1hireling (full share), = 532xp each.

Players additional 532+200= 732xp each.

Amos 532xp
Sven 732xp
Isvand 732xp
Gerdal 732xp
Orgoth 732xp + 73 10% prime = 805xp.

Amazingly, you get exactly the same xp from this trip as from the last.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#688 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Happy Dance!

I am a little slammed for time today but I will try to get something up here later or first thing tomorrow.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#689 Post by sastaz »

Ceeeeelebrate good times c'mon!

OM sounds fine if you can post loot division here, including that magic helmet :?:

In the meantime, I will think about what errands Gerdal might have.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#690 Post by Spearmint »

including that magic helmet :?:
Unfortunately it pingeth not. I thought it may have done in my notes but no, the helm though rather ornately decorated, has not extra protection properties.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#691 Post by OGRE MAGE »

This is going to take a while so……first things first:

Theses are the big items we need to split. I gave the magic glasses to the squires since none of us really need them. I moved the potion of Water Breathing to Gerdal’s pile for a bit more balance. (maybe she can attempt replication and sell a few of them to Sylvester, who might be VERY interested if his mound entrance is indeed submerged) :ugeek:

I think everyone was pretty much in agreement with this, but let me know if you see any issues or would like anything swapped around.

1 magic sling stone egg
Scroll of Protection from Evil & Cure Light Wounds

Jerome's Tome Obituary testimonial. (unsure if this is actually valuable)
Bone framed glasses provides limited infravision.

Artisan laboratory equipment, several jars of desiccated compounds for potion making, normal equipment but artisan crafted.
Potion of Water Breathing
1st lvl Scroll of Burning Hands & Unseen Servant
3rd lvl Scroll Feign Death & Tongues
(if Gerdal cant use these spells we can swap stuff around)

Goatskin of Healing Loam (Cinders' Oinkment) radiates an aura of enchantment and charm.
Potion of Invisibility

White Leather Trenchcoat Radiates an enchantment of 'alteration' and 'invocation'
2nd lvl Scroll of Mirror Image

Bandolier/Boomerangs Radiates an enchantment
Potion of Speed

Sold and split up evenly
2 Thick gold bracelets, (1-Chronex Watch?)
Dragon tapestry

I want to honor Stebans last wish by trying to return the stuff he found on Penelope to any nearby relatives she may have, and we don’t know what some items will bring in for gold yet, so I will wait on the coin portion of the treasure until we have an accurate total. If anyone is strapped for cash right away, Sven will give out free loans to tide anyone over till we get paid in full.

Does this look okay with everyone so far?
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#692 Post by Rex »


Looks good to me.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#693 Post by OGRE MAGE »


There are several things that need to be addressed while in town, so if anyone wants to spearhead one of these avenues, please feel free to take the reigns. It sounds like we might be staying in town now till the festival, so there might be a bit of a wait before we head out again.

Here’s a short list, but I’m sure there are others.

Tapestry appraisal/research/identification/cleaning(weavers)/marketing/selling
Gold bracelets need to be appraised and sold
Dealing with Amos and any new hirelings from the merc guild
Gerdal/Sven discuss lab situation with Mazzah
See if priests can identify any properties of the new loam
New supplies for the next foray (hammers and picks?)
What else am I missing? :D
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#694 Post by redwarrior »

Agreed on the split. I didn't see identifying the magic items on the list (maybe you just assumed Sven would do that?) I point it out, because it may eat up a fair bit of whatever gold we get. Isvand will volunteer to help get things appraised and sold. He's got a backstory of a merchant family (no skills, though).
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#695 Post by Rex »

Orgoth grew up traveling with caravans and has basic trade skills. He can take the loam and visit the priests. He doesn't have much coin so may have to get some party money depending on how much they want to identify it. If there is something else you think he would be good at speak up, just keep in ind that he is a half-orc so most are not going to treat him well, but I am working on that with helping around the village.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#696 Post by sastaz »

Looks good!

Gerdal cannot use Unseen Servant, but not Mirror Image either, so let's trade at a later point?

Apart from the common duties Gerdal wants to do some additional things, if time permits.

Recorded here in order of importance:

1. Hang out with BFF Pernicious at the Foul Pheasant Tavern, spend some coin
2. Ask the bards to perform her Ode to Steban: Steban the Steadfast. It's a Limerick, so I hope it will catch on!
3. Scribe Burning hands scroll to get full repertoire of spells
4. Set up a laboratory where the powers of the Wyld may be harnessed
5. Research the esoteric nature of familiars
6. Arrange for a letter to be delivered to her sons in Ironguard

4 & 5 depending on how meeting with Mazzah fares...
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#697 Post by sastaz »

So, I guess, with SM's blessing we divide the loot as specified?

Maybe first a meal and a bath.

How about after that Orgoth and Isvand take the tapestry and bracelet for appraisal while Sven and Gerdal pays the mage a visit?

After that gather up for a drink to discuss next expedition? Who and what to bring.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#698 Post by Rex »

Sounds good, I also started to inquire at the temple about the loam.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#699 Post by Spearmint »


Is fine with adventuring with you again but would do so via the Mercenary Guild.

(It seems they have a contract of employment so do not freelance themselves out but their contract could be bought out, if in future you thought of making someone like Amos a personal retainer or henchman).

"I will receive the scroll with thanksgiving. I am duty bound to offer it to the mercy seat of Arcantryl at the shrine in Ironguard as part of my 'first-fruits' tithe. As to the sling-stone. I would assume it to be a single use item and I understand halflings do indeed have proficiency with such weapons (see house rules amendment) so I would be happy to swap it and take in exchange a vial of holy water."

As far as the Festival goes. That is a past event in the sense that it happens on May 1st, so technically you have already participated in all the events. You arrived back on May 4th. I will run it as a separate entity, as nothing happens in that day that will harm your character's, save a few bruises.

The tavern calendar has advanced one day so when you post there you need to deduct however many coins appropriate to your upkeep accommodation and eating habits, rounded up to cover your stay in the village until you leave again. So something like "I arrive in the tavern, book a week in the common rooms and food inclusive until May 11th". (-7gp). Anyone not able to afford their tavern stay can labour in the village to cover expenses but this then takes a day out of other village business.

Expedition planning can take place in the tavern. As of May 5th, there are new folk in town.

When you are all sorted I will move this to the completed expeditions thread.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#700 Post by sastaz »

Oh, is everyone running town events in separate private threads with SM, or how are we supposed to do this?

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