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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:11 am
by sirravd
"Yes," says the armored man, "and looking to put my sword to use sm...smitten...smoting...whatever, killing evil things. Like goblins, I guess. And sure, I'm hungry too, let's go to the inn."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:59 pm
by Koren n'Rhys
At the armored fellow's agreement, Conrad heads for the inn with no delay. As they get nearer, the group can see the sign more clearly: "The Stooping Falcon." Inside, the sight is as expected. A number of tables, benches and chairs fill the majority of the space, and a decent sized crowd of perhaps two dozen people are present, food and drinks before most of them. Light streams in through the windows - this is no dark and dingy tavern. At the bar along the back wall, a man looks up as you enter. "Welcome, travelers! Please, come in, come in."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:35 am
by VonAlric

Kind words perk up Toldir's ears and he waves at the welcomer. He looks for enough space for the group to sit down and motions.

He looks to the armored man and motions for him to sit as well. "I liked your answer, I would not mind travelling with thee. My name is Toldir, a ranger. I'll let my companions introduce themselves."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:00 pm
by jason.connerley

"Hello friend, my name is Conrad and I'm pleased to meet you."

The halfling gives the newcomer a warm smile and then turns his attention toward the prospect of food and drink.

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:12 pm
by Koren n'Rhys
While you sit and get acquainted with each other, the sounds of quiet conversation carry on around you, punctuated by the occasional laugh or louder outburst. No one seeming to pay particular attention to your party - perhaps a sign that travelers like yourselves are not unheard of. After just a few minutes you are approached by a young serving girl.
G'day to you, sirs. Welcome to the Stooping Falcon! What brings you to our quiet corner of the world? Can I get you anything? Lunch, or something to drink?

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:18 pm
by jason.connerley

"Lass, I believe both lunch and something to drink is in order."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:07 pm
by sirravd
"No food or drink for me," says Kothar the warrior, "but would you know if there's...uh, something evil around these parts? For a believer in Law to fight, you know."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:24 am
by jason.connerley

There is a twinkle in the halfling's eye as he touches the serving girl's arm.

"Lass, he's just being polite, go ahead and bring food and drink for all. Discussing business is hungry work and it surely will not go to waste."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:42 pm
by Koren n'Rhys
"Evil? I don't know about that, but we've seen our share of trouble out of the forest lately. The tribes are always a threat, of course, but we expect that, and usually the hunters and scouts being out there are enough to keep them away, or catch warning of their raids. Recently though, they've been pushing closer. Not two nights ago they came in the night and we lost a farm they set ablaze, and killed two Master Loften's farmhands and gravely injured one of his boys." She pauses, and points to a group gathered around a table in a back corner of the dining room. "You should speak to Skerric over there, he's head of the village council, and will be able to tell you more, if you want to help. He's the fellow in the rust red coat."

The girl responds to Conrad with a quick curtsy. "Yes sir, I'll bring a platter for everyone then." She soon returns with a variety of food - cheeses, bread, slices of venison, and some pickled vegetables. This is followed by mugs of hearty, dark beer as well, then she leaves you to your meal.

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:50 pm
by sirravd
The armored man smiles flirtatiously at the waitress before she leaves (he is rather handsome, insofar as the helmet shows his face), then begins eating. His manners are surprisingly delicate.

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:08 pm
by jason.connerley

"Glad you came to your senses, fighting evil is hungry work."

The halfling gives Kothar a kindly smile as he fills his plate a second time.

"Once we are finished here we'll have a word with this Skerric and see if we are able to help these poor souls."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 11:22 pm
by VonAlric

After a few moments of eating and waiting, Toldir blurts out to the armored man. "I must have missed it, perhaps my chewing was too loud in my ears, but what is your name?"

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:12 am
by sirravd
"Kothar," says the armored man. "Yours?"

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:27 pm
by Koren n'Rhys
(FYI, I'm away on a family vacation through this week. My part will pick up next weekend.)

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:23 pm
by VonAlric

"Umm.... Thought I had already introduced myself. My apologies, I'm Toldir. Good to know you, Kothar."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 11:18 am
by sirravd
"Maybe you did. My memory's not so good." Kothar looks longingly at his greatsword, as though desiring to put it to use against Chaos.

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:28 pm
by Lordbridge
The thin sallow man who arrived with the other travelers has remained silent so far, taking a seat a bit further back from the table.

He summons the server with a small hand motion and places the coins necessary for the meal into her hand.

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:29 am
by jason.connerley

The halfling nods to his companion and swallows a mouthful of beer to wash down the bit of bread stuck to the roof of his mouth.

"Much appreciated, I look forward to returning the favor."

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:05 pm
by Koren n'Rhys
Your group finishes the meal in peace. You notice some looks from the other patrons, but it seems the presence of outsiders isn't particularly out of the ordinary. Before you decide to approach him yourselves, the man who'd been pointed out to you as Skerric catches your attention and waves you over.

After appraising your motley party for a moment, he seems to reach a decision of some sort and speaks. "Well then. Young Marta there tells me you've asked about trouble in the area. "Something evil" I think she said. I don't know that our troubles are quite that yet - we've had our skirmishes with the tribes now and again, but they usually stay deeper in the wood. Everyone trying to survive, if you take my meaning." He pauses, then continues. "This last attack though... It's go the feel of a new chief trying to raise his standing and make a name for himself, and that means trouble for a while. I've got men out on their trail and it might be that you lot can help clean up some if you are itching for a chance to use those weapons. In the meantime though, might be you can help with something a little closer to home. Do you know the history of this village? Why we are here, I mean?"

Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:49 am
by jason.connerley

The halfling, still carrying his mug, takes a drink and looks solemnly at the man. "I for one am not familiar with the history of this village, would you be kind enough to enlighten us?"