chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#61 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Seeing the food only brings the hunger back as Graela's stomach growls loudly. She digs in and tries to hold up with Salty and Tip, relishing the roast beast and the bread with butter and honey. She washes it down with ale and then nibbles on cheese as the five of them sit and talk about what they want to do next.

"Maybe we could see if Mom needs us to do anything around here before we head out again. I know it will be dangerous but I'd like to return to the abandoned fort and see if we can clear it out or at least seal it up so no other evil creatures can use it as a lair. It's not far from this place and if evil gains a foothold there, it could spell disaster for Mom and the men here. Then there's the map. Let me have a look at it."
She sips a bit of whiskey while she peers at the parchment.

I added the pearl to her sheet.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#62 Post by coil23 »

Verde saunters in carrying a bottle of whiskey which she sets on the table. I heard somebody at this table doesn’t share so I brought another bottle. She seems to have nearly perfected the hybridization of boredom and condescending amusement but is not overtly rude to your party.

She hears Travix talking of corrupted magic and her brow furrows. A troubled look replaces the affectations of a second before. Lowering her voice she speaks quietly in Travix’s ear. I’m no great spell caster but I can do a few minor cantrips. I’ll tell you that lately the more I use magic the more things…warp. I’ve been told the same by genuine sorcerers. You use whatever you have to survive out there but be aware that magic opens doors to…darker hallways in this region now. And sometimes the darkness stays here even after the spell is gone. She shakes her head, I don’t know how to describe it.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#63 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter heartily takes up the second bottle. "I'm a dab 'and at sharing, ain't I? I made sure ther others 'ad some jack, too!" He bites out the cork and spit it into a far corner (he doesn't plan on needed to re-stop the bottle), takes a long swig, and then shovels food in with his other hand.

At the mention of the ruins, he shrugs, unimpressed by any sense of responsibility to stymy evil. But he pulls out the book he stole, and inspects it carefully for the first time. "D'ye think this'd be worth a coupla' bob? And d'ye think Mom's inna 'abit of paying in opals like these? If so, I could see ther virtue in stickin' aroun' a bit, an' maybe going back ter look fer more loot. Otherwise, I'm fer setting sail. These parts is peculiar, an' I reckon we can get a better price fer what we already got summ'ere a mite more cosmy-politan.

"Speakin' of which, ought we ter divy up our gains? We found some coins, back there. They should go five ways real easy. But whuddabout that box? An' that sixth opal? Should we draw up shares?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#64 Post by coil23 »

Verde comments to Salt Peter, You could check in town for a buyer for the book. Nobody would mistake Goat's Plum for a city but it is becoming an important crossroads. More traffic and bigger customers make it a growing market. Eyeing the little man shoveling food into his face she shrugs, or you could use the pages to make a fire.

Graela ponders the map over some cheese. You can certainly tell that there are missing pieces to this map. What is shown includes woods, hills, and some mountains. A few symbols among the topography don't mean anything without being able to decipher the writing on the edges of the map.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#65 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix eats and drinks his fill. He also drinks in as much information that his tired mind can hold.

First, he addresses the salty halfling.

I agree that the spoils should be devided equally, with young Hennoth most certainly getting a full share. I completely disagree with moving on, however. Especially if it is only being suggested because of garnering higher profits on said spoils. I think it would be ridiculous to leave this area now with all that is going on. I won't stop anyone who really wants to leave, though.

He then speaks to Hennoth and the others.

I agree with going back to the ruins. But I think we should go back a little better prepared this time. We need to talk with all of the leader types here first, starting with Hennoths Sirling. The more information we can learn, the better chance of us getting to the bottom of this business.

What say we get a good rest here and gather as much intelligence that we can. We could set back out tomorrow morning. I like the idea of traveling while it is light out.

I personally find that it is easier for the DM to split up treasure equally and keep track of it. That way we don't miss anything we might have forgotten finding. Would that be a possibility in this game?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#66 Post by Mant72 »


After having more than his fill of the food, Tip sits back and rubs his protruding stomach, "Excellent, excellent meal and fine drink to wash it down. Master Travix, you make excellent points, and I agree. Let's gather as much information as possible before moving on." He then packs his pipe with weed, offers to share the pouch with the others, and enjoys his after meal smoke.

"Miss Verde, during our travels we encountered something...supernatural. We never got a look at the damned thing, but it did make a chilling, tittering noise. I believe it was what killed the gnome we met, Master Barnaby. Have you ever heard of or encountered such a thing yourself?"
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#67 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter shrugs, unconvinced by the arguments to return to the ruin, but, "A feller ther size o' me in a world fulla folks ther size o' you 'as gotter know 'e won' get far wi'out a crew. An' we made a right shipshape crew, so's far, aye? I'll stick aroun'."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#68 Post by coil23 »

Verde has a look of revulsion at Tip's description and thinks a moment. The stories are all so varied but I think I have heard someone describe a noise like that before. I couldn't tell you anything else about it though.And I haven't run into that before.
If you decide to liquidate your loot (now and in the future) I can give you share totals. That is fine with me and I can see how that would simplify things.
Your group is put up for the night. The accommodations are not lavish but they are comfortable. In the morning you feel well-rested and are treated to a large breakfast, albeit one without whiskey on the menu. Mom stops in to see you. I'm heading out on a run. Doth runs things when I'm not here. You're welcome any time and I've let that be known among the troops. You seem capable so I'd likely have work for you in the future if you have an interest. Safe travels. She nods curtly. If no one needs to speak with her she turns and leaves. It is early morning and the day looks sunny through the windows.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#69 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Graela (hopefully) finds herself a tub and runs even warm water for a bath before turning in for the night. She makes sure she is clean and waxed ;) before coming down to breakfast the next morning. She prefers hot tea with her gruel and for the first time in several days she feels at ease.
" much coin did all of us get? And where are we gonna spend it?"she grins around a mouthful of oatmeal.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#70 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix wakes to his wizardly routine, reading and studying his magics. He joins the others and eats again, taking part in the discussions as to what the group will do next. He waits for someone else to divide the treasure, wanting nothing to do with that unpleasant task.

After this meal, I intend to go see Sirling and see what the young priest has told her about our trip. She should know a little more about that map as well. I can go alone if nobody else is interested, but I would prefer company.

Perhaps young Hennoth can say some words over our short lived friend Barnaby before he is laid to rest as well?
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#71 Post by coil23 »

Hennoth nods solemnly at the suggestion to say a prayer over Barnaby before they go. Then back to Silring. When he is done eating he excuses himself to go to the barn to see to the gnome's body and then prepare the horses.

Tip is intrigued by the map and curious to find out more. Yes, I'll go with you as well. Perhaps we could sell the stones in town while we're there. Tip aims this second comment at Salt Peter, knowing the man saw liquidizing assets as being the next step to obtaining a different kind of liquid asset.

Doth stops by your table while your party are the only other ones in the room. I trust you slept well. I wanted to thank you for bringing back the plaques. And I heard you ran into hobgoblins. He looks at you with curiosity while he plucks a piece of cheese from a serving platter.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#72 Post by Pulpatoon »

Salt Peter acknowledges the wisdom of Tip's suggestion.

In response to Doth: "'Ave ye e'er heard ther sayin' 'Ther enemy o' me enemy be me bossom-mate?' Well, ther 'obgoblins be of ther mind that they and you 'as got an enemy in common, an' they seem skittish enough about it ter consider all sorts o' unusual bunkmates, if'n ye foller."
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#73 Post by coil23 »

Doth looks at Salt Peter a moment then shifts his eyes to look out the window as he chews thoughtfully. That was my thinking as well. Seems to me that if enough people share that view then we may get through all this after all. Food for for thought. He turns and walks back toward the main entrance. You all travel safe now.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#74 Post by hedgeknight »

Graela Windborn

Graela watches Doth walk away and shakes her head. "That man is so odd."
And then she agrees to accompany Travix.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#75 Post by OGRE MAGE »


Great! Lets go see Sirling then. Perhaps young Hennoth will want to continue exploring with us as well.

I like the way he talks.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#76 Post by coil23 »

Your journey back to town is peaceful. The canopy allows plenty of sunlight through, the air is sweet. The five of you return on foot. The four horses of yours will be cared for at the outpost for now and the donkey you originally arrived with was already returned to town so you would not be burdened with it. The woods between the outpost and town feels safer compared to your brief trek beyond Mom’s. You were told that patrols in that area are heavier. Sure enough at one point there is movement off to your left. You see a face you recognize from Mom’s crew. The man gestures a brief greeting but does not approach. He almost immediately disappears into the green and is gone.

Your first stop is at Silring’s. She and Hennoth hug warmly and then she looks the rest of you over.
I’m glad to see you all well. And thank you for bringing Hennoth back to us.
Looking to the boy, Hopefully you were not too much of a nuisance and you helped out. A mischievous smile flickers across her face.

Hennoth is quick to defend his honor. Oh, yes! I helped out.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#77 Post by hedgeknight »

"We could not have done this trip and survived with him," Graela tells Silring, giving Hennoth a smile and a pat on the arm.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#78 Post by coil23 »

Silring does a double take and looks at Graela a moment then at Hennoth who kneels on the floor nearby, not listening at all, contentedly petting a cat. Surely this woman didn't mean that the group wouldn't survive by having the boy along. She must have misheard the dwarf. Changing topics, Hopefully the herbs and pipeweed served you well. Tell me, were the woods dangerous during your trip? Part of why I ask is that I make trips to find certain plants and fungi. Updates on this area are even more important recently.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#79 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Travix also smiles when the boy's worth is discussed.

Actually Sirling, we wouldn't mind having Hennoth join up with us permanently, if that arrangement can be made. He was truly a hero when things got ugly.

The mage proceeds to tell the herbalist everything that the group had encountered. He stresses points about the strange way that magic is acting out in the wild and asks her if she has had similar experiences. He then tells her about the frightening chitterling noises that the unseen monster stalking them was making. He lets the others ask about the map.
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Re: chapter 3- opportunistic diversions

#80 Post by coil23 »

At the request to bring Hennoth onboard, SIlring beams as if a proud mother as she looks to Travix and then Hennoth. I already know what his answer will be. You have my blessing. That boy is a gift from Pelor.

Her face grows concerned with the talk of strange happenings in the woods and shakes her head. I have begun to hear whisperings at times when no one is around while out in the woods near town but nothing extreme. Since things started happening I do not venture very deep into the woods. Judging from the stories, it seems that the further you get into the wild the more unmoored things can become. In town or nearby it is much milder if present at all. She stops as if realizing something. Maybe if you get enough boring people together in one place it becomes a sort of dead zone. Chuckling at her own joke she shrugs. I'm sorry. Of course it isn't humorous to someone out in the middle of the wilds. The sound you describe is not familiar. It sounds frightening. I've been thinking of ways I could help you while you are out there. Something I have been working on must be grounded. If I could have a drop of your blood I could have it attuned to you and hopefully finish soon. Holding up her hands and smiling, I know, a woman you just met asking for your blood. Nothing suspicious at all, eh? Think about it, certainly no obligation. You are welcome here regardless.
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