Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#61 Post by Grognardsw »

Aric, barbarian


Aric scoops up his sword and hews the nearest creature.

Bastard sword attack [1d20+3] = 7+3 = 10 Damage [2d8+4] = 9+4 = 13
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#62 Post by Storm11 »

Dont you hate it when you get your chainmail back from the armourers and they have only made one arm. I mean sheesh
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#63 Post by Mant72 »

A Night of Unrest – Round One

Most of the party is completely caught off guard and desperately trying to gain their bearings as the bugbears and dogs proceed with their assault.

The two dogs continue to harass the horses, snarling and circling them with lowered heads. One of the frightened horses strikes out with a back leg, and its hoof connects with the dog's muzzle, sending the hound sprawling into the underbrush. The other dog turns its attention to what it deems to be easier prey. It lifts its head, smelling the air and picks up the scent of the treed hobbit, Hexalon. It takes off running at full speed and lunges, narrowly missing the halfling's dangling leg with its snapping jaws.

The bugbear towering over the fallen Luna, now focuses on Yon as the cleric charges forth to protect his companion. The beast swings with tremendous power, and Yon takes the full brunt of a spiked club to the ribs. The sound of bones breaking is quite audible as he falls unconsciously to the forest floor in a pool of his own blood (8 HP critical damage; unconscious).

Upon seeing the hulking creatures emerge from the forest, Kragg immediately attempts to blend in with his surroundings. He steps behind a tree, silently merging with the shadows and begins to skirt his way around the edge of camp to strike one of the bugbears from behind. Unfortunately, his efforts are foiled, for along the way he steps on a rotten tree branch and draws the attention of two of the dreaded creatures. They hone in on Kragg as one hurls a crudely fashioned spear. It thuds loudly into a tree beside his head. The other creature engages the dwarf, delivering a crushing a blow to his shoulder (3 HP damage).

Hexalon, thankful that his leg was not mangled by the rampaging dog, hurriedly unties himself and anxiously watches as it continues to lunge at him from the base of the tree.

Osprey takes action and leaps at the bugbear that attacked Luna; however, the elf’s swing is ineffective, as it is blocked by the bugbear’s club.

Luna, having fallen to the ground from the bugbear's attack, backs away from the towering beast and calls upon the healing aid of Luina. The wound to Luna’s forehead partially seals, granting him some relief from his pain (2 HP healed).

Favin and Duran, rush in to defend their fellow Brother, Luna. Both acolytes succeed in their attacks. Duran’s mace connects with the bugbear’s arm (5 HP damage), and Favin's strike smashes into the bugbear's head with a resounding blow (8 HP critical damage).

Following Favin’s strike, Brother Wil leaps into the air and delivers a spectacularly precise spin kick to the vile creature’s face (2 HP damage). The bugbear reels drunkenly before crashing to the ground.

Phineas takes aim with his bow at the two bugbears bearing down on Kragg. One of the arrows sails wide of its mark, while the other strikes one of the bugbears in its back (4 HP damage).

Aric bellows out the name of his barbaric god as he charges his enemy. It sounds more like a curse than a prayer, for Crom takes no part in the acts of men. He is the god of steel. What men do with his gift is of their own design.

Aric swings his bastard sword at one of the bugbears that are facing off with Kragg; however, the creature proves more nimble that it appears, and Aric fails to connect.

Actions for Round Two!
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#64 Post by jdluna »

Luna looks for the obvious Bugbear leader, whispers a prayer and shouts the word FLEE. (command spell)
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#65 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kragg mad at his bad luck sheaths his dagger and takes out his scimitar swinging at one of the two bugbear facing him. Scimitar [1d20] = 9 to hit [1d8] = 3 dmg
Last edited by GreyWolfVT on Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#66 Post by Storm11 »

Getting to his feet on the branch Hexalon will fire a couple of daggers at the hound snapping below him.

Thrown daggers [1d20+3] = 3+3 = 6 : [1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17 damage [1d4] = 1 : [1d4] = 1

"Ho, your massive furry balls, useless ingrates yes indeedy" Hex shouts loudly in goblin, to see if the bugbears understand him.
Last edited by Storm11 on Sat Feb 06, 2016 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#67 Post by coil23 »

Osprey attacks with long sword again while waiting to see if the cleric's command was successful.

To hit with LONGSWORD [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9; Damage S/M [1d8] = 1; Damage L [1d12] = 2
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#68 Post by Inferno »

Phineas T, Codswallop, impresario:

From the dark of night, Phineas looses two more arrows into the backs of the monsters harassing Kragg, living up to the personal code he's followed his whole life: 'Never give a sucker an even break. ...least of all, gruesome suckers.'

Phineas: Bow: To Hit: [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9, damage: [1d6] = 5
Phineas: Bow: To Hit: [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23, damage: [1d6] = 4 Critical hit.
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#69 Post by Mant72 »

Storm11 wrote:
"Ho, your massive furry balls, useless ingrates yes indeedy" Hex shouts loudly in goblin, to see if the bugbears understand him.
One of the bugbears looks up and responds in goblin to Hex's taunt, "I will wear your furry feet around my neck for luck, hobbit trash!"
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#70 Post by Mant72 »

Brother Favin and Brother Duran:

Duran runs to assist Kragg. He grips his mace with both hands and swings at the back of the bugbear's knees.

Seeing Yon lying unconscious, Favin crouches beside his fellow acolyte and calls upon Luina for healing.
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#71 Post by ravenn4544 »

Brother Wil rounds on the next foe with a punch:

To hit with Open Hand [1d20] = 6; Damage S/M/L: [1d3] = 1
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#72 Post by Mant72 »

Aric, barbarian:

Seeking to cut the bugbear's legs out from underneath it, Aric swings his bastard sword at its thighs.

Bastard sword attack [1d20+3] = 7+3 = 10; Damage [2d8+4] = 7+4 = 11
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#73 Post by Mant72 »

A Night of Unrest – Round Two
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After healing himself, Luna once again calls upon the aid of his patron deity, Lunia. He directs the command "FLEE!" at the largest bugbear, but the creature simply ignores him and continues to attack Kragg.

Desperately trying to fend off the two bugbears with his scimitar, Kragg swings wildly and fails to connect. One of the beasts counters Kragg's attack by rushing forward with its spear in an attempt to skewer the dwarf. The deadly barb pierces Kragg's side, and he screams out a dwarven curse (3 HP damage).

Hex perches on a tree limb and hurls daggers down at the snarling dog below. One of the daggers clips the hound on its side, but it is not enough to deter it from continuing to try to get at the halfling. It lunges once more at Hex, but it falls just short of clamping onto his foot and is only successful in peeling bark from the tree with its paws.

Osprey takes note that the bugbears do not respond to Luna's command, and the elf thrusts his long sword at the nearest monstrous creature. Once again the thing evades the elf's attack.

Phineas targets the backs of the bugbears as they press in on Kragg, and the showman releases two more arrows. One sails off into the woods; however, the other is a perfect shot that lodges deeply into the creature's thick hide. It spins and roars in pain, revealing a mouth full of jagged, yellow teeth. It now faces Aric and raises its club high above its head in order to smash the northern giant; however, the bugbear misses, and its club crashes down onto a rotten log, sending wood fragments scattering. Aric slashes at the savage beast with his bastard sword, but his blade is turned away by a steel thigh guard the creature wears.

Seeing their adversary fall, Brother Wil and Duran rush to assist Kragg. Duran grips his mace with both hands and swings at the back of the bugbear's knees. The mace connects, and the bugbear throws back its head, emitting a tremendous howl of pain. Brother Wil attempts to strike the bugbear with a punch to the creature's generous midsection but misses his mark.

Yon's crumpled form remains on the forest floor as blood continues to flow from where his ribs have punctured through his side. Favin gently kneels beside the fallen priest and whispers a prayer of healing. Yon's flesh and bone is miraculously mended, and the priest returns to consciousness (5 HP healed).

Actions for Round 3!
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#74 Post by ravenn4544 »

Brother Wil spins past the bugbear letting the momentum of his missed blow carry him around to deliver a crunching elbow attack into it's throat!

To hit with Open Hand [1d20] = 20; Damage S/M/L: [1d3] = 2

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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#75 Post by jdluna »

Luna Olbern - Cleric of Lunia

Disappointed his spell failed, Luna grabs his flail and attacks the nearest bugbear.

To hit:[1d20] = 5
Damage[2d4] = 7
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#76 Post by coil23 »

Osprey Palearctic, elven fighter/magic-user

Osprey casts sleep on the remaining bugbears.
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#77 Post by Storm11 »

Hex hurls two more daggers at the mad hound leaping at his furry feet.

Thrown daggers [1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11 : [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21 damage [1d4] = 2 : [1d4] = 4

Not adjusted for any higher ground possible bonuses :)
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#78 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kragg growls with fury and strikes back at the beastly bugbear with his curved sword. Scimitar [1d20] = 6 to hit [1d8] = 6 dmg
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#79 Post by Inferno »

Phineas T. Codswallop:

Phineas' mighty mustache twitches as he draws the bowstring across it and looses another two arrows unfairly from the darkness into the backs of any beast battling an ally in need of help!

Phineas: Bow: To Hit: [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20, damage: [1d6] = 3
Phineas: Bow: To Hit: [1d20+3] = 10+3 = 13, damage: [1d6] = 2

'If only Inverse Artemis could see me now!' Phineas thought with pride.
    • Image
      Inverse Artemis
'Hey... This bow smells funny.'
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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: Chapter 2: On the Road to Dimwater

#80 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Trusty Yon, Human Cleric

The beautiful light recedes. NOT YET A voice seems to echo in his mind, then is gone. Yon's eyes flicker open to darkness and confusion. He believes he was here once, long ago, but all that seems a distant memory now. The figures moving around him seem vaguely familiar. No, he's sure he used to know them before the light, the beautiful light. He was sent back here for a reason. What was it again? Oh, yes. To spread the light...

He stands, faces the nearest vile bugbear, spreader of darkness, and calmly releases a brilliant burst of luminance from his outstretched, supinated palm.
Yon casts Light, aiming directly for the bridge of the creature's nose in an effort to blind it. (I believe it gets a save attempt of some kind to avoid it.) And to provide some decent lighting for this poorly lit clearing.
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