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Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:26 pm
Sparrow will collect his things before enjoying a big breakfast of brown stew chicken and oxtail.

I wouldn't mind joining ya Festus if you wouldn't mind. I'd like to have another look around, and I've one stop to make along the way.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:33 pm
by AleBelly
Sylvan will also sleep in a bit. If he encounters any companions at breakfast, he'll mention that he's going to seek out animals that might be of use to them while guarding a caravan.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:37 am
by Alethan
Ciar is both hesitant and skeptical about joining this caravan and he makes that known to the others.

"We just showed up here and they's callin us the town heroes for killin a few goblins. We got a week of free room here at the Rusty Dragon. Who knows what else people might give us. I say we stay, find out! If you want an adventure, maybe we can get the town to fund an expedition to wipe out these goblins and find out who the long shanks is who's leading them. Sounds a lot better to me than protecting some sleezy rich merchant and then showin up in some new town where we ain't heroes no more."

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:12 am
by Storm11
The halfling has a point agrees Kassal stuffing his face full of bacon.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:17 pm
by onlyme
Fulp nods at Kassal's proclaimation. I have half a mind to agree with him. This seems to be an affluent village with needs that they apparently need to fill with folks like us. Maybe one or two of us should look around for a town elderman to discuss this with.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:47 pm
by dmw71
23 Rova, 4712

The group sits down to enjoy some breakfast and discuss their plans for the day. Festus and Sparrow plan to walk the town and familiarize themselves with some shops they haven't already visited. Sylvan intends to wander the town as well, hoping to locate a stray an animal that might be of use to them. Ciar mentions that the town seems affluent, and that the group may benefit by remaining put and reaping the benefits, which Kassal and Fulp tend to agree with.

Before anyone else has an opportunity to chime in or act on any of their post-breakfast plans, Silas himself arrives at their table. "I trust you had a good night sleep and where able to mull over my offer."

"So, what say you?"
he asks.


Any casters in the group, please update your character sheets with the spells memorized for the new day.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:25 pm
by Storm11
"Silas," says the gnome in greeting. "We are still thinking about it. And it wasn't much of an offer now was it. We look like we won't do but we are your only choice. For some mystery guard duty. What are we guarding? I trust it isn't contraband or slaves of any kind? How long do you anticipate the journey lasting? And do you require a return trip guard? Why don't you try spilling some more beans and we can think about it properly. You mentioned that your estimated two day leave needed to be brought forward! To when, and why?

The gnome smiles sweetly and adjusts his high collar, then begins stroking his long plait of hair as he awaits for a response.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:01 pm
by dmw71
Silas takes up a seat at the table. "So many questions," he mutters. "And you wonder why I prefer to work with professionals."

After a deep sigh, he continues: "The deal is, six hundred gold to bring me -- yes, just me -- from here to Belhaim, one way. Should only take a day or two. I wasn't expecting to get what I needed from here until Toilday, but being as efficient as I am, I already have what I need so I'm set to leave today... right now, in fact."

"Will that be with or without you?"

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:30 pm
by Storm11
if it's only a day there and one back, we could do this and still return here and be the heroes of town. It's a lot of money to pass up for a guarding trip.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:42 pm
by onlyme
Fulp answers,
Seems a bit suspicious if you ask me. While I have no doubts about our ability to keep you safe against some random thieves or goblins....I cant say the same if there is an organized attack on you due to something of which we are not made aware. You know as well as we do, that these "professionals" you seem to prefer would be demanding much more information, and probably much greater pay.

He looks around at the group to gauge their interest in the trip.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:40 pm
by dmw71
"Suspicious? I am willing to pay, quite handsomely given the simplicity of the task, for some arms as I make my way to Belhaim. It's that simple."

Silas rises to his feet. "I will waste no more time here," he states calmly, but matter-of-factly. "I leave now," he says. "Follow me now, or consider the offer expired." he says as he begins to exit the inn.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:55 pm
by onlyme
Fulp evidently has heard enough.
Well, then. I do not believe I have heard enough to convince me. It seems rather improper to tell you the truth. Abandoning a town who has welcomed us while they are still so vulnerable, just to babysit a crank for a couple days. Unless the others want me along, I dont see me following you.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:55 pm
by Alethan
Ciar looks Silas over with a critical eye.

"That is precisely what is so suspicious about it! What's more, for someone who is willing to pay a lot of coin for an escort, you don't seem too concerned about leaving on your own without one. Might be you're in a rush to leave here as much as you are to arrive in Belhaim, eh?"

Thinking aloud, he quietly mutters, "That was quite a ruckus those goblins caused yesterday, wasn't it? Distracting, even... eh, longshanks?"

Then, louder, hoping to stall the man just a minute longer, Ciar asks, "So when would we get this payment of 600 gold? Upon safe arrival, I suppose?"

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:00 pm
by AleBelly
Sylvan pipes up, looking quite comfortable. "We're not professionals, but we're not babes in the woods, either. I come from a family of caravan protectors...the Dragonstone clan. Best in the woods, as you probably know if you're a merchant worth your salt. As you know, protectors always do their diligence. Nobody in town seems to be able to vouch for you. And you can't seem to attract professionals. Anything you want to tell us?"

Sorry, forgot to hit send after the preview. dmw, feel free to have Silas ignore this.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:04 pm
by AleBelly
When Silas is out of earshot, Sylvan addresses the others. "A jaunt out in the woods appeals to me. Besides, if he does anything to betray us, we can take him hostage. I say we go. Festus, I'm sure you won't find an opportunity to make so much gold in so little time. That must appeal to you."

Sylvan rises to follow Silas.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:46 pm
by Storm11
Kassal agrees with Sylvan and will go if he does.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:46 pm
by Alethan
Ciar doesn't move from his chair as Silas leaves the room.

He takes a last bite of now-cold sausage and chews it slowly.

As soon as the other man has left, he says, "Mark my word. At some point today, the city guard is going to come around, looking for people who knows anything about something valuable gone missing during the goblin attack." He points at the door with his fork, "And that's gonna be yer man right there."

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 6:41 pm
Sparrow looks up from his plate.

I don't trust this guy as far as Ciar can throw him but, I prefer the wilderness to city living and I'm not one to rely on the hospitality of strangers. I don't consider myself a hero just for killing a few goblins and I don't need a free room. If some will go, I will follow. I don't abandon my friends at the first sign of foul play.

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:20 am
by hedgeknight
Having been quiet through the whole discussion, Festus watches the man leave and then answers Sylvan. "Indeed, a large purse of gold does appeal ta me. But I don't trust this man. If'n he be running from something in town, then wouldn't we be considered accomplices in his leaving?"
Festus gives Ciar a long look and says, "Tell me true, Shorty > should we stay or go with our companions? I hate ta leave them on their own out there."

Re: II. Local Heroes

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:03 am
by Alethan
"Well... We could always trail them,"Ciar replies thoughtfully. "Excepting that man Silas seems to be in a hurry and there's no way I can keep up with the humans. I bet they leave the gnome eating their dust."

"But if they keep to Kassal's pace, then maybe we'd have half a chance. What say you, Fulp?"