(IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#61 Post by MonkeyWrench »

I'm mostly playing the characters actions based off of what I think a werewolf kid would do and what I would do in each situation.

Seth looks down at the squirming Clarke and Pavo, he quickly searches the room for the window, rushing to clarke while he has pavo pined down and frisking him for the gun. Once he has the gun he runs over to the window and tosses the gun out, taking just a second to glance at the general area it lands in.

Once that is done he quietly says to Clarke, "Hold him down and play along." With that he rushes over to the nurse and picks her up, heading towards the door yelling, "Help! Pavo has a knife! Help!" Heading towards the hallway to call out to the faculty that should be running due to the shrieks earlier.

Rolling to Manipulate the faculty into seeing Pavo as the only threat! Seth Hot Roll: [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10 - motive being the guy is being held down with a knife in his hand...
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#62 Post by Rukellian »

MonkeyWrench wrote:I'm mostly playing the characters actions based off of what I think a werewolf kid would do and what I would do in each situation.

Seth looks down at the squirming Clarke and Pavo, he quickly searches the room for the window, rushing to clarke while he has pavo pined down and frisking him for the gun. Once he has the gun he runs over to the window and tosses the gun out, taking just a second to glance at the general area it lands in.

Once that is done he quietly says to Clarke, "Hold him down and play along." With that he rushes over to the nurse and picks her up, heading towards the door yelling, "Help! Pavo has a knife! Help!" Heading towards the hallway to call out to the faculty that should be running due to the shrieks earlier.

Rolling to Manipulate the faculty into seeing Pavo as the only threat! Seth Hot Roll: [2d6+2] = 8+2 = 10 - motive being the guy is being held down with a knife in his hand...
As Clark sweats bullets :lol:
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#63 Post by Q.Q Elf »

it could have been Mister Finney bursting in with a hard move, but not this time... 8-)
Rukellian, describe the assistant principal. I'll figure out a leading question later.

I am trying to dial it back towards less insane and more teenager, and Metal Fatigue had a good suggestion for that. The other option for Clark is to push him into NPC territory, if we've gone too far. Call him out as too far gone, and resolve the story that way.

Anyway, back to it.

Work has been much more involved lately...

The assistant principal bursts into the blood-spattered room. Pavo has gone limp and ashen. He's not struggling against Clark or Seth now. Clark is looking like a mess, himself, sprayed with blood that isn't his own.

There's a predatory feminine voice in the back of Clark's head, and peals of laughter like ringing bells. Oh, Claaaark. What are you doing to my poor servant? Have you gone... bad?

The assistant principal immediately puts pressure onto the deep gash on Pavo's arm, and looks up at Seth, asking, "What... What the hell has gone on in here?! Why did he have a knife?!"


MonkeyWrench, I don't want to ask for another Manipulate roll here. I think it's bad GM form to retest a pass result.

For either Seth or Clark to get out of the room, however, I'd want a Run Away roll.
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#64 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth responds while still carrying the unconscious nurse, he continues the scared kid charade as he does so, "I don't know! I came to school and was in an accident so I came to the nurses office, Clarke came in with me but Pavo and two others followed us! I don't know who the other two were, they were wearing hoods or something! Next thing I know Pavo has a knife and Clarke is wrestling it from him, I think he must have accidentally stabbed himself or something!" He stares at the assistant principal wide eyed and forcibly makes his body shake to sell him being shocked and scared.

Seth does not attempt to run away right now but as the assistant principal focuses back on Pavo he loses his act for a moment and shoots him a look, physically telling him to follow or get out, last chance, before resuming his act for the faculty member.
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#65 Post by Rukellian »

The assistant principal is a cold, strict man, who has zero tolerance for bad behavior and violence. He is tall and lanky, sporting a slight hunch in his back. Middle-aged and already balding, he wears glasses and is usually dressed in a tan professor's suit. His mouth always seems to be set in a permanent scowl and no one has ever seen him smile.

Perhaps NPC is not a bad route to take at this point... I'm personally ready to take a few steps back and start fresh on a new character.

Most of the color in Clark's face flushes away as well, leaving a pale coldness. He needs to get out of here, get away, far away! [2d6-1] = 7-1 = 6

"No I-I didn't want... it isn't... I..." Clark tries to stammer something, but the words become jumbled in his panic. Not wanting to stick around the school any longer, he tries to flee in fear of what he has done! The roll I just made says otherwise though :roll:
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#66 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Summer's old phone is presumably wherever Summer's old body went?

No, I would have taken better care of your soul than you ever did, right up until the end. Now, do you recognize this number?
There's a faint sniffling and weeping in the back of Summer's consciousness, mixed with an edge of anger. After all I've done for you. How could you?! You'd better get me out of this, Summer, or... or I'll... I don't know, but why should I help you after you betrayed me like this? You should have known this was going to be a big mess up! And I was going to have to clean everything up again. You have no idea the things I did for you, Summer!

That area code... maybe it's Mother's lawyer. I had her in my contacts... but it could be Diorre, my supplier for pills and stuff. If they're trying to talk to me right now, it probably isn't very good, you bitch. And what are we going to do about Julie? I hate you now, by the way.

Over the school's PA system, a clear call comes out, "Miss Lucinda Price, please come to the Office. Miss Lucinda Price, please come to the Office."


MC voice: since the classroom is kind of empty, I guess it's time to reset the environment. As for Summer's old phone, it's lost until we figure out how to get Summer into her own self again. If you want to hunt it down, we can do it. I don't know what it would mean for the story, but we can do something with it.
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#67 Post by Q.Q Elf »

As Clark bolts from the room, Seth follows him. The assistant principal grabs at Clark as Seth shoves Clark through the door. Clark delivers a forearm into Assistant Principal Krieger's chest, sending him sprawling backwards into a vase of flowers on Nurse Gettle's desk. Yellow chrysanthemums, sky blue shards of pottery, and water fly all over the desk. The water soaks into Mister Krieger's tweed suit as he sputters in outrage.

Clark and Seth burst into the hall, and don't look back. Behind them, Assistant Principal Krieger starts screaming, "Stop! STOP! YOU KIDS, STOP NOW!"

Clark and Seth are running hard through the halls as the PA system announces, "Miss Lucinda Price, please come to the Office."


MC Voice: Coming up with a Hard Move that wasn't going to short-circuit everything was tough. I was going to make Clark drop the gun... but then that would be a huge escalation, and I didn't want to go there yet.

Ditto to dragging in Kate since she didn't earn the Hard Move. (I really need some more NPCs to feed into the grinder :lol: )

I'd give you more, but then I'd need to make up more stuff just for making up stuff.

Pavo is down. Marcus & Haro are out. The Assistant Principal is pissed off.
The Emissary is still out there, not completely amused.

So what are Seth and Clark going to do?
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#68 Post by Metal Fatigue »

Summer gets up, bows her head for a long moment to Mrs. Meecher, and turns to make her way officeward.

You're starting to get some idea, she says to Lucinda on the way. I always hated you. I feared you. I felt pity for you. I wanted to be your friend, and you never let me, because you never really wanted a friend. You don't even know what it means to be someone's friend.

I still want to be your friend, Lucinda, but you make it so hard…

Shutting Down Lucinda yet again: 2D6=>9 (that should have been 2d6-1, actually, dammit, but it's still an 8). Lucinda gets the Condition "Friendless" and assigns Summer a Condition.
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#69 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Clarke dragged Seth with him?! Jerk!
Did Seth drop the nurse he was holding or are we now kidnapping? :shock:

Seth continues running down the hall, speaking in a low tone as he runs beside Clarke, "Why did you freak out?!" Once they round the corner Seth will stop for a moment and drop the nurse in the hallway, resting her against the wall as quickly as he can before going after Clarke again.

Once he reaches him he will yank on his shoulder, "Come on! Follow me, we need to plan out our next moves." He leads Clarke into town, towards the hospital that Kate and Victoria/Vanessa are currently in. As Seth leads Clarke he says, "Welcome to the other team by the way, heh.." Once Seth and Clarke get to the hospital Seth walks up to the front desk, "What room is Kate Jericho in?"
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#70 Post by Rukellian »

It looks like I used the wrong macro again earlier. My 2d6-1 was for the cold stat. I was rolling for a volatile move :lol: Well, no going back now and fixing it, it doesn't change too much though considering what happened... I hope.
Seth continues running down the hall, speaking in a low tone as he runs beside Clarke,"Why did you freak out?!"
Clarke shoots Seth a glare as he runs out of the school grounds with him, staying very quiet but giving off the sounds as if he is fuming or something. When they are both out of ear and eyeshot of everyone from the school, Clarke then speaks to Seth in an angry tone, barely keeping his voice under a shout.

"Well sorry for losing my sh-t back there! Unlike some people, I am still not used to the idea of killing people, even if it was accidental." Clark buries his face into one of his hands and shakes his head facing the ground. "Look, you know that Kate girl we met not too long ago? She has a sister and Pavo kidnapped her. I was TRYING to get her location out of him, but he was hell-bent on revenge for some reason. Things got out of hand, after that... *sigh*"

Clark breathes deeply after this, trying to calm himself down. "The sooner I can make sure Celeste is safe, and away from the hands of my 'family', the sooner I can start undoing some of the damage I've done. Your team, my team, doesn't matter at this point. Kate will probably want me dead anyways once she finds out I lost her sister! If it's all the same to you, I'd like to avoid entering public places right now."

Clark waits outside the hospital, across the street in a dimly lit alleyway between two residential buildings, but not before listening to anything Seth may have to say to him, now that they are both partners in crime right now. :twisted: When waiting in the alley by himself, he flips out his cell and sends her a text.

'srry bout Pavo, but not rlly.
didn't like him neways. Celeste
coming to party? Wasn't done
wit her... I could pick her up if
Pavo can't ;)'

[2d6] = 9 This will be my manipulate/persuade npc roll for Hot. I'm trying to get the Emissary to tell me where Celeste is, under the pretenses of bringing her to the arranged party.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#71 Post by MonkeyWrench »

This would take place before Seth enters the hospital, probably when they reach that suspicious alleyway.

Seth leans against the nearby wall, "They have Celeste? Girl never did know how to keep out of trouble." Seth sighs, rubbing his eyes before facing Clarke again, "Alright, you want to stop that bitch and her followers? Good. I'll speak to Kate and smooth things over, once we all meet back up we can start making our next move." He then starts to head towards the street and the hospital, he stops and half turns back, "I get that this is all still pretty new and crazy to you, But you're in it really deep. You need to learn how to swim, fast, or you'll sink." With that he heads towards the street and to the hospital.

And now the second part of my previous post comes into play!

Seth walks up to the front desk, "What room is Kate Jericho in?"
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#72 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Metal Fatigue wrote:Shutting Down Lucinda yet again: 2D6=>9 (that should have been 2d6-1, actually, dammit, but it's still an 8). Lucinda gets the Condition "Friendless" and assigns Summer a Condition.
Lucinda keeps on complaining as Summer walks through the halls towards the office.

Summer, I made you what you are! You'd be nothing without me! You'd be less than nothing! You heartless, ungrateful bitch. If you wanted to be my friend, you wouldn't do this to me.


Summer gets the "Heartless" Condition.

Okay, I guess I'd rather see the Lawyer at this point. He or she is waiting in the Office, probably to cart Lucinda away somewhere as some sort of defense mechanism when stuff goes wrong... or to put Lucinda in greater danger, depending on the luck of the dice :lol:
Go ahead & describe the Lawyer for Lucinda's Mother.
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#73 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Rukellian wrote:When waiting in the alley by himself, he flips out his cell and sends her a text.

'srry bout Pavo, but not rlly.
didn't like him neways. Celeste
coming to party? Wasn't done
wit her... I could pick her up if
Pavo can't ;)'

[2d6] = 9 This will be my manipulate/persuade npc roll for Hot. I'm trying to get the Emissary to tell me where Celeste is, under the pretenses of bringing her to the arranged party.
The world lurches and Clark feels her voice in his head like a hammer striking a metal plate, over and over.

I've HEARD some terrible THINGS about YOU, CLARENCE. MARCUS says YOU were INTERFERING with MY PLANS!
I am always generous to my servants, Clarence. You'll have to prove yourself, first, before I can trust you with the information you are after.
Your sister is... not herself. There's another mind that has taken over her body. Lucinda is ready to listen to reason now, but you must help me rescue her from herself. Bring Lucinda to the old chapel, and you'll find your Celeste.

Oh, you probably want some token of my goodwill, don't you, my pet? Well, then, I swear, by all that is unholy, that no harm will come to Celeste Jericho as long as you remain true to the Horned Prince.

Do we have a deal?
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#74 Post by Q.Q Elf »

MonkeyWrench wrote:Seth walks up to the front desk, "What room is Kate Jericho in?"
MC Voice: Okay, are we dragging Mister-Kent back in? I guess we're about ready to flip the scene forward.

Let's resolve the remainder of what we're after, and then I'll set up the next scene.

Seth persuades the receptionist that he's a friend of Kate Jericho. Since visitors are allowed at the hospital during this time, it's not a problem to go up to Kate's room.

Kate is resting peacefully in a private room.

MC Voice: Okay, what's the plan? What is Seth after?
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#75 Post by Metal Fatigue »

The man waiting for Lucinda/Summer in the office looks to Summer as though he might have been a Mafia legbreaker earlier in his career: a clean-shaven gorilla in a thousand-dollar suit. ("Clean-shaven" in this case including his head—he has no visible hair except eyelashes and bushy blonde eyebrows.) He's smiling pleasantly and chatting with the receptionist in a resonant baritone that belies his Neanderthal appearance. Summer has never seen him before, and something about him frightens her on an instinctual level.

"Sum—uh, Lucinda Price? I was told to report to the office?" Her voice is meek as meek can be.

Manipulate NPC to get the gorilla to go easy on her: 2d6+2=8
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#76 Post by Rukellian »

Q.Q Elf wrote:
Rukellian wrote:When waiting in the alley by himself, he flips out his cell and sends her a text.

'srry bout Pavo, but not rlly.
didn't like him neways. Celeste
coming to party? Wasn't done
wit her... I could pick her up if
Pavo can't ;)'

[2d6] = 9 This will be my manipulate/persuade npc roll for Hot. I'm trying to get the Emissary to tell me where Celeste is, under the pretenses of bringing her to the arranged party.
The world lurches and Clark feels her voice in his head like a hammer striking a metal plate, over and over.

I've HEARD some terrible THINGS about YOU, CLARENCE. MARCUS says YOU were INTERFERING with MY PLANS!
I am always generous to my servants, Clarence. You'll have to prove yourself, first, before I can trust you with the information you are after.
Your sister is... not herself. There's another mind that has taken over her body. Lucinda is ready to listen to reason now, but you must help me rescue her from herself. Bring Lucinda to the old chapel, and you'll find your Celeste.

Oh, you probably want some token of my goodwill, don't you, my pet? Well, then, I swear, by all that is unholy, that no harm will come to Celeste Jericho as long as you remain true to the Horned Prince.

Do we have a deal?
'I can live with that.
You have another deal.
Allow me to play my part
and send her a text now.'

Clark makes sure to type the whole text out in whole words so that his message does not get misunderstood. With the Emissary's promise in his pocket, he pulls up Lucinda's number saved unto his phone and sends a quick text.

'I hear u r in a bind,
rumors are floatin.
I can help u out and
give u back ctrl.

The old chapel, just u 2.'
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#77 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Seth walks around the room as Kate sleeps, checking the bathroom and any other beds for anyone. He walks over to the window, looking out and hoping it faces the front so he can get a look at the alleyway.

He rests along the wall adjacent to the window, rubbing his face and exhaling the breath that he seemed to have been holding since they got back from hell. He thinks internally, "Just one thing after another, man am I tired...". He will stay there, simply resting and catching his breath; replaying everything that's happened, occasionally looking out the window if it does view the front while he waits for Kate to wake up.

Once she begins to stir he looks himself over, wondering how in the hell the hospital staff let him come in and roam around in his state and not tackling him down and getting him into his own room for medical attention. He stops his wondering when Kate actually starts waking up, looking over at her, taking a deep breath to calm his voice before speaking, "How are you feeling? Celeste was taken..."

Well crap, he never was a subtle person...

My main goal was to get everyone back in the game, I agree that a scene change is eminent. Thought I'd end it on that cliff hanger! :lol:
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#78 Post by Mister-Kent »

Kate begins to stir, looking quite banged up but not in critical condition. She's achey, but she'll get over it. "Mnn. Seth," she mutters, and begins to roll over to face him. "Seth, what--?" He looked pretty banged up himself. What was going on?


Then his words hit her full force. "CELESTE WAS TAKEN? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?"
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Re: (IC) Friday the 17th, Scene 7

#79 Post by Q.Q Elf »

EDIT: Moving to scene 8...
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