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Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:01 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim searching for any signs of boar activity in the area decides it might not be a terrible idea to forage while also searching for his boar.

Searching for Boar signs
Non-Combat Skill Roll [1d100]=70
Non-Combat Skill Roll [1d100]=46

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:04 am
by Marullus
Marullus wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:50 pm Probably over dinner when they get back from the days' hunting...

"This place was closed when the khuzdul withdrew from the world; it is fitting it be re-opened with their desire to come forth, allowing a waystation for them to continue on and trade with the kingdoms of men once more. Let us determine what your plans are and what they need and then I can send word to King Hazmadul. This is well-concealed - do you intend to reveal it with regular traffic, or keep it a hidden reserve behind a wooden inn?"
She turns to Arngeir Orlygsson after Turnip gives the blade. "Could you see what this blade says to you? It might be very important. It may also reveal its powers, which must be substantialif it has been in conversation with the Stone for two thousand years."

As the long days wind to an end, Lharzin settles back into the comfort of her wagon. The yellow lamplight is comfortingly consistent despite conditions outside. She mixes the flowers for her tea, then settles into bed and lets her mind wander. In this case, wandering the forest in a circuit around the outpost...

Dreamwalk [1d100]=91 [1d100]=93
I am going to establish she projects each night. (Eventually it will have a successful roll!)

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 8:46 am
by shaidar
(Later, at outpost)

Arngier takes the blade and examines it "Will try, but first I seek guidance from Elkyri Ylina."

Prayer to Elkyri (Ylina), 61%
Percentage: [1d100]=24, MS +20%

He balances the blade on his palms, closes his eyes and concentrates:
Psychometry, 33%+20%=53%
Percentage: [1d100]=72, a MF.

He sits there for maybe 10 minutes before shaking his head "Is unclear, cannot make connection. sorry."

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:31 pm
by shaidar
Out hunting


Concerned about gargun catching them by surprise he continues to keep a watch while the others focus on their tasks.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:51 pm
by Rex
Out Hunting.

Algrim doesn't see any sign of boar in the area.

stands watch while Beryl finishes up and Ingram marks the marker and looks around a bit.

finishes up with the deer, ready to split the load up and head back for a fresh meal and to preserve the rest.

Ingram looks around and finds what might have been a narrow road bed long ago and very overgrown. Looks narrower that the main road by the outpost, probably a side road. Heading north west at this spot, but hard to tell if it keeps that course for a while or turns.

Everyone hears Beryl, "Ready to head back, can some of you help with this load?"

Is everyone heading back?

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:02 pm
by Rex
Back at the Outpost.

and Arngeir are both unsuccessful with their attempts at the esoteric arts.

Murgar lets everyone know about the tree and its possible uses.

Turnip, "I am starting to feel claustrophobic underground. Thinking of heading back to Burzyn for a while since everything here seems to be under control."

Nice tries with the psionics. You will get them eventually and you will get better at them.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:05 pm
by shaidar
Arngeir helps carry the deer back.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:10 pm
by sulldawga
Ingram says, Does anyone want to explore a bit longer? I found an old mile marker and a side road. I am curious as to where it leads. Otherwise, if someone can help me mark the spot a bit better, we can come back tomorrow.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:56 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim if there is still plenty of daylight will stay out and keep exploring, searching, foraging and hunting. "Yup, I like it out ere. I'm gonna stay out till tha sun starts ta set."

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:03 am
by shaidar

"If Beryl returns now with deer, I will go with him. Is not safe to be out here alone if can be avoided."

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:58 am
by gurusql

Beryl will return with Arngier

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:44 pm
by Rex
Beryl and Arngeir head back to the out post with the harvest.

Algrim and Ingram remain, searching about for game and additional clues to the ancient road/marker. No more markers are found and no more game is seen, but evidence of the road bed remains in places and both are confident they could follow it further easy enough. It might be slow going at times but would be easy enough. Based on what Algrim had seen with the Southern Way when they previously searched for the remains of his ancestor he is convinced this is a side road not the main way. Approximately a third the width, wide enough for a mule or oxen plus maybe a Khuzdul or Man walking next to them. It leads roughly northwest, towards where Lharzin mentioned the Battle of Sorrows took place. Although if it actually leads to that place you can't say. Perhaps it led to a more fertile hunting ground or a fishing spot long ago or another outpost or hunting lodge.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:01 pm
by sulldawga
If there is still plenty of daylight, Ingram is in favor of following the road further to the NW.

What say you Algrim?

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 10:59 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim "I say let's check tha northwest pass. Providin' we still go tha daylight on our side." the dwarf replies.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:02 am
by gurusql

Beryl will work on the kill.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:21 am
by Rex
Beryl and Arngeir arrive back at the outpost with the harvest. They are greeted by the others and everyone gets to work firing up the kitchen and preparing a fresh meal for tonight and preserving the remainder, including hide and antlers.

Any specific actions or ideas?

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:27 am
by Rex
Algrim and Ingram continue to explore for a few more hours. They are able to follow the old road, although it is slow going. Perhaps a league or a bit more further along they come across what looks like a circular foundation. Starting to get to the point where they best head back or get stuck spending the night out but it is definitely worth noting. Very old circular foundation perhaps 30 foot in diameter, walls about 5 foot thick but that is kinda hard to tell for sure. As everyone knows most circular structures on Harn are of Khuzan origin or at least design and construction oversight. Based on the lack of much stone blocks around it is very possible that the site has been raided for building materials at some point in the past.


Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:20 pm
by sulldawga
Ingram spends 15 minutes looking for any sort of hidden entrance to a lower level, then recommends to Algrim they head back for the night.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:22 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Algrim searches the area or at least the structure for any markings of his kin that might give some insight. If that comes up with nothing he will assist in searching for any type of hidden entrance to anything potentially under the circular structure discovered.

Re: Back to the Outpost

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:30 am
by Rex
Rolling dice at the table tonight.

The pair of Algrim and Ingram do some quick clearing/exploring. The foundation varies from no stones in a couple of places to maybe 3 feet high in a couple other spots. But the circular tower is none the less obvious. No secret entrances are found and it is getting dark but both of you are left with a lingering feeling that there is more to this somehow. If you leave now you may make it back just as dark sets in, if not you will be traveling in the dark some for sure.

ruin tower foundation.jpg
ruin tower foundation.jpg (298.11 KiB) Viewed 385 times