Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#61 Post by scottjen »

Yes, we hadn't seen any, but were told to watch out for gnolls. And if we are going in, we should also watch out for Cave Fishers - in other words, do a lot of looking up. We are on good terms with the various gnome-kin that live underground. If anyone sees any spider webs about, we should try for some more silk. Course, we should have one eye on anything looking to ambush us while we spider wrangle (if we do). Where did you want to look next for these missing ones?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#62 Post by Cwreando »


"Let's pass around the quarry and head to the sink hole area and map the general route there and see if we can track the kids to the gnoll camps supposedly around the sink hole area", replies Durgo. "On the way back we can see if we can get some more spider silk here at the quarry if we didn't find any spiders between here and the sink hole to milk. Genaromes, the builidngs are atop the quarry on the other side I think and we may see them as we skirt by the quarry on the way to the sink hole. I'll help with the cartography too if you don't mind?"

Durgo gets his cartography kit and works along the quarry as they go and map the route to the Sink hole as well. They can focus more on the Quarry if they stop on the way back depending on the if they have kids in tow or not.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#63 Post by kwll »

Genaromes follows along, while inspecting Durgo's work and helping a bit.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#64 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

I concur that we should seek the gnoll camps. I am doubtful the children would flee underground.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#65 Post by Spearmint »

Standing on the tip of the Chalk cliff and looking down you can see the cleared area of ground and the few derelict cabins, one host to a giant bee hive. The way down is scrambling along some steps hacked into the face, which are wide enough to take a pack mule if you navigate carefully enough. The cliff extends half a mile or more of exposed Chalk to the northwest, its number crevices and ledges have proven to be home to lurking spiders or large nesting birds. The forest that borders the quarry is dense and so far its depths are unexplored. You know at the base of the Chalk cliff, several mining tunnels extend shafts inside. From the top you would get a good view across the lower forest and pick out any plumes of smoke but no tell tale billows rise.

Deciding to not descend to the quarry floor but press on around the clifftop and then work your way from the other end of the cliff to the Sinkhole 'stairway to heaven', sweeping the area for sign of Gnoll encampments.

Blackened Forest: random encounter vs 1 [1d6]=4 Gnoll rangers 1-2 [1d6]=3 [1d6]=3

Cara Crow leads the way, stopping every now and then to check how recent tracks are, discerning between the fleeting hooves of deers passing one day, padded paws and stalking wolves the next. Though you don't run in to anything that provokes an encounter, you still feel as though your survey is itself being surveyed but whenever you turn heads around to gaze beyond the trails, you see nothing of any concern.

I will try to get a map visual posted but I am not very good at creative arts. Please feel free to post one if you can make sense of my descriptions!

Three-quarters of a mile and the end of the Chalk Cliff nears, the escarpment narrowing to become one with the ground. The last hundred yards though show a horrifying sight. Along the top of the cliff are stakes set into the ground and upon each is the head of a hunted creature. You can recognise baboon and mandrill heads, a large Orb Weaver staked through the body and devoid of all legs, a wolf's head, a stag and in between the odd canine-like hoary head of a Gnoll. There are about twenty trophies in all, set in a line which must be some warning or terrible border delineation marker. Observing, you can see a few more heads on stakes are set below at the bottom of the Chalk Cliff.

Certainly not the work of Svirfneblin.

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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#66 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for their witness "

Could this be the work of the gnolls? Would they do such to their own kind?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#67 Post by Spearmint »

Could this be the work of the gnolls? Would they do such to their own kind?
I know this is posed as a question or comment to the group but you could add a skill check to things like this. For example, to gain any Insight:

Symeon: I would like to see if I can recall any studies or experiences of this sort of thing. Who might do this, why? Are they set just for a warning or set after some ritual purpose [4d6] vs Wisdom.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#68 Post by scottjen »

X-bow in hand will keep scanning for those that may be watching the party, especially movement. He will attempt to do so as surreptitiously as possible.
Do the heads look fresh?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#69 Post by Spearmint »

Do the heads look fresh?
Some look months old, dried and rotting husks, others are more recent, probably the freshest is days old.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#70 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

Symeon examines the heads, plumbing his past experience and education for some clue as to their origin or purpose.

[4d6]=9 vs 18 WIS
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#71 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo thinks, "I bet it's the Ogre below with the ghost friend marking his territory. That my 2 copper."

[4d6]=14 VS all my stats are 13 or below except for Str 18.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#72 Post by kwll »

Genaromes scratches his head, perplex as to why any creature would show so much cruelty.

He looks around for answers...

[4d6]=13 vs Wis 10 / Int 14.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#73 Post by Spearmint »

The Severed Heads

Blackened Forest, Chalk Cliff.

The group carefully advance, checking the line of heads. A grim and horrifying sight. No point turning back and leaving the mystery unsolved but no point also to rush in where angels might fear to tread.

That some heads are Gnollish gives at least an indication that the canine-humanoids are not camped here. There are fresher heads, some look months old, dried and rotting husks, others are more recent, probably only a few days old. Carrion birds perch, pecking at exposed ears, jowls and eyes, pulling at a maggoty tendon which almost makes the jaw of the decapitated victim as if stumbling to speak its distress or utter some last woe.

The edge of the Chalk Cliff runs out here, the exposed white escarpment joining the rising ground below with a long scree slope of pebble dash stones. You see the staked heads continue down the slope and then a line into the forest.

Durgo suggests the Ogre, though that beast resided in the section of tunnels at the other end of the cliff (so 3/4 mile away). It could be an Ogre kin of course, so giantish aberrant literally staking his claim to some portion of territory.

The general consensus is that of just brutality and a warning, there are no marks on the severed heads, no inscriptions on any stake that would indicate a ritual purpose.

Fydmar can advance down the scree slope, crossbow locked and loaded. Cara Crow nocks an arrow, folk prepare blade or spell.

Checking the floor, Cara Crow & Fydmar find some recent footprints, each easily twice the width and length of a normal person, deep too. The prints go an inch or more into any soft ground, a true behemoth of a figure. While the forest which encroaches close by the cliff here looks free of dangers, looking along the cliff you can see a thoroughly uninviting cave mouth which has obvious signs of being a lair entrance. The cave mouth, tucked into a shady crevice could easily take a large creature entering unbowed. The dwarf sneaks to the edge, listening intently.

Fydmar Move Silently. [1d100]=61 Hear Noise [1d100]=26

You might curse yourself kicking a stone and slipping on loose pebbles underfoot but despite the noise, nothing seems alerted to you sneaking and peering into the dark you hear two voices, gnashing and gurning angry retorts to each other, bickering over some issue. You smell cooking and occasional ember sparks flare as fat drips from the roasting carcass spoil seeing with clear infravision.

The two voices continue bickering.

Signalling others you can gather outside the cave entrance, aware one if not more ogre-plus sized creatures dwell inside.

How you approach the encounter is down to you. Confrontation, parlay or even sneaking away is character choice.

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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#74 Post by DrRenfield »

Brother Symeon

I fear that we cannot turn away with the children still unfound. I also fear that a parley would spoil our only advantage.

Gen, do you have anything that could ensorcell these creatures? All of my preparations today are for healing.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#75 Post by scottjen »

(quietly) A giant and his wife would be my guess. If the children came here, they ended in a cookpot long before now. Going in there is likely suicide...
Might be a way to lure one out, but would have to get it some distance away so its mate couldn't help. And even then we'd need a damn good plan... This is crazy talk; we should back away and keep our distance. Maybe spy from the ridge to confirm suspicions.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#76 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo nods silently yes to Fydmar. Uses hand signals to point back up to the top and watch from a hiding spot.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#77 Post by Spearmint »

A stakeout by the stakes.

Most of the group return to the cliff top, scrabbling up the scree slope, lying flat on the ground to watch over the edge to the cave entrance below. Cara Crow stays below, taking one of the heads off a stake and stands behind it, her head resting on top which she hopes gives the impression at first glance that nothing is amiss. From that vantage point she can view the cave mouth in more detail and signal with a wave of her bow should any giant emerge.

Patience is what is needed. Without going into the caves or making a deliberate attempt to lure who grumbles and argues to come out, the group just have to wait.

You have actually trekked a far distance, from Helix to the grove, back tracking to the logging camp then return to the quarry and following the cliff. With halts for investigation and collecting spider silk, the time now is late afternoon. Rest is appreciated anyway. Squirrel cooks up, dry rations of bread and preserves rather than an open fire. The stake out watch changes duties until on the edge of dusk, as the sun begins to set over the forest edges, a frantic wave from the forward observer indicates that the giant or giants are coming.

The group above the entrance are sixty feet above, I would be fine that someone used that time to dig out a few larger stones, cannonball size from the forest that you could drop from the top if you wanted to surprise attack.

The creature that emerges is a large aberration, looking like a 'siamese' Ogre for from its torso it sprouts two large heads that gnash and bicker at each other. One head states, "The moon is out, let's go!" "Hunting, yes, yes, this way." No, that way, we did the forest yesterday." "No to the pool. Like the pool " "Yeah, you need a bath stinky." "No you stinky, you scratch arse and sniff." "Bad arse, Gnoll give the shits." "And worms, parasites in Gnoll meat. Look, here's a wriggly."

and so on. The beasties walk from the cave entrance, a large weapon in each hand, body covered in matted fur loincloth and strips of gnoll tails tied together as lucky charms. Unlucky for the gnoll. It has painted one head in blue woad and the other in blood red war-painted stripes. The creature bares large tearing lower canines and incisors, great for mauling and goring a deer in a single massive chomp.

It halts its incessant chatting when one head, the left looks at Cara Crow, "Here. That head. It winked at me." "Whaddya mean, you seeing things, just the moon glinting in its dead eye's" "No, she did, she blinked. Heads don't blink. Look you left the scrawny body on it." "Never did. Took the head off, gnawed in the rest. Scrawny though. No gibberlings and squishy innards" They debate while Cara Crow remains frozen in place.

Actions please

Tweedledum & dee observation vs 1 [1d6]=5 [1d6]=1

Double trouble
Double trouble
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#78 Post by Cwreando »


Durgo dug out some boulders he could manage with his strength and the assistance of the others perhaps. Say a 1d3+1 possible boulders.


Durgo with the others will start using them when the time is right and the beastie is in the best spot and timed to help Cara where it might give the beastie a confusing moment so they can use all three boulders to the best effect and miss Cara.

Durgo whispers, "Give me a hand with these boulders now. I think they're in position."
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#79 Post by Spearmint »

sure you can get a boulder per character on the cliff top. Rolled or cast upon the Ettin type creature using a simply [1d20] and roll a [3d6] for dam.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Surveys & Survivors.

#80 Post by scottjen »

(quietly to his friends)Cara is in trouble. It's boulder time.
Sends one over the edge at the 2-headed giant.
Boulder attack [1d20]=3

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