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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#61 Post by kwll »

Han also expresses his interest in investigating the standing stones.

As far as group formation goes, he will not be attracted by the front nor the rear, given his poor protection. He will take whatever turn he is given for watch duty.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#62 Post by The_Wanderer »


Snowdrop carries her bow and steps lightly, never in the front nor at the rear of the line. "Is this ALL the standing stones or are they spread all around the region and this is just a bunch of them? What kinds of stories are told about them?"

She goes to inspect the stones but still keeps her distance, curious, but not so curious that she'd actually touch one.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#63 Post by tarlyn »


The red haired dwarf is curious about the stones as well and if noone objects she will inspect them as well.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#64 Post by Tamerlaine »

The_Wanderer wrote: Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:53 pm Snowdrop"Is this ALL the standing stones or are they spread all around the region and this is just a bunch of them? What kinds of stories are told about them?"
“’Tis one of the only two I know of, the other being the Henge-Ring of Brodgur ‘bout three days northwest o’ ‘ere. Could be more I suppose, but I’ve never heard of any others ‘round ‘ere.”

Then Auge glares at the gnome. “Ar’ ye daft, wee one? I jes told ye lot a minute ago. People ‘round ‘ere say the stones are haunted, that people have disappeared from this area and that monsters come ‘ere to practice their vile rituals. As fer the Henge-Ring of Brodgur, it’s an ancient place some say was there afore the barbarians of the northern range came ‘ere. All I heard was that the barbarians come down now and then and perform their grisly sacrifices.”

The ranger knocks an arrow to his bow and starts up the slope with a cautious stride. “Keep an eye out, eh? Can’t be too careful.”

Rolling for Random Ecounter: [1d6]=2

As you approach the top you note their are three concentric rings of stones. In the center is an raised dais made of stone. As you move among the stones, one feel the their ancient age just looking at the worn and weathered surfaces.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#65 Post by kwll »

As a druid Han is used of ancient constructs found in the woods, even though he doesn't remember having seen one that monumental. Willing to know more about it, he enters the first ring and attempts to hear what the stones have to say to him.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#66 Post by Spearmint »


He helps to search among the stones. How is the Henge formed? Upright stones and a cross lintel to form a ring of arches or just singular standing stones? How tall are they?

Basically I am trying to evaluate, just observational guesswork, which of the stones may have more importance. The ones in the centre ring have more obvious appeal. Are any carved or sculptured, have totem caricature faces, inscriptions on them.

The halfling does what he can, wary too of lurking predators hiding behind the stones.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#67 Post by The_Wanderer »


The nimble gnome makes her way up the rise but purposefully does not enter into the ring of stones. She just inspects politely from the outside, keeping her distance and also keeping an eye on the other amateur archaeologists in the group.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#68 Post by Stirling »


Follows suit to the ranger, nocking an arrow in expectation of trouble.

It would make sense the interior stones and centre have more significance. Maybe there is some kind of protocol to follow with the stones? Going under certain arches provides a blessing or bane? She lets the wiser and more scholarly make any Henge conclusions.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#69 Post by tarlyn »


The red haired dwarf unstraps her battle axe. "Bah!, Superstitions my arse", she mumbles under her breath. She will look around,

but not nervously. She takes her time observing the area and attempts to have a good listen at the same time.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#70 Post by Tamerlaine »

Save for Snowdrop, the rest creep cautiously through the stones. Most are grey solitary stones that jut up from the ground while others are pairs with a cross lintel. You discover some of the jutting stones are leaning one way or another and a few ‘mounds’ are actually fallen cross lintel stones. You figure at one time, all the stones were in pairs with cross lintels.

Han tries to get a sense of the stones’ purpose yet the stones remain quiet. Yet he is able to ascertain the stones are situated like the points of a compass.

Those inclined to the esoteric (you magic-users and clerics) discover unknown runes and symbols carved into the stones. They are unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

For those walking under the stone lintels, nothing is seen, felt or heard.

The circular stone dais at the center reveals nothing, just a raised circle of smooth stone.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#71 Post by Stirling »


Compass points? Can any of the stones be moved or rotated? Looking north, what can we see? Like, is there a specific stone or lintel that lines up with magnetic north, east, west?

Seems strange the stones point to compass points rather than say an event such as a solar equinox or eclipse?

Maybe take some rubbings of the runes from stones marking N,S,E & W.

It might be more interesting should an actual ritual be going on that we could observe. There is probably more to these stones and their ancient usage. She shrugs, once the place as been searched and is declared 'gnoll free', she is eager to move on.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#72 Post by kwll »

Han checks as well the orientation of the stones and how they are arranged with regards to the cardinal points.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#73 Post by Spearmint »


Climbs a lintel to get a better view of the group moving about the stones and giving him some vantage point to spot any predators.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#74 Post by The_Wanderer »


"What a strange place! So close to town yet nobody knows its purpose." Snowdrop circles around the outside of the stones until she is on the northern side and looks out to the north and northwest. "So the ring of Brogdur is out that way?"

She turns back around and looks at the stone facing that direction to see if it contains any markings.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#75 Post by Tamerlaine »

Stirling wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 11:23 am Fochelle
Compass points? Can any of the stones be moved or rotated? Looking north, what can we see? Like, is there a specific stone or lintel that lines up with magnetic north, east, west?
Yes, the stones seem to be arranged along the points of a compass and the view north only reveals the opposite slope until it reaches the treeline. You doubt any of the stones can be moved, each being around 12 to 15 tons apiece. The stones/lintels reveal nothing except an air of indescribable age.

Han checks the orientation of the stones and confirms that the henge stones correspond to the points of the compass and not aligned to the sunset of the winter solstice and the opposing sunrise of the summer solstice.

With some effort Spiridon climbs upon a lintel, giving him a better view of the stones and his comrades. With his bow ready he keeps an eye out for predators and the like.

Snowdrop remarks how strange this place is and how no one can glean its purpose before looking to the north and northwest. "So the ring of Brogdur is out that way?"

Nearby, Auge stops chewing his cud and nods. "Aye, 'bout ten leagues 'r so roughly northwest."

The gnome then looks at the north pair of stones and notes the runes and symbols cut into the stone face the center. Checking the northwest stone reveals the same and its noted all the stones' markings face the center.

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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#76 Post by kwll »

Han approaches the center stones, trying to find other or corresponding markings to the ones found on the outer stones. He also checks the ground to see if he can find anything that might indicate the use of this place.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#77 Post by Stirling »


Well with the place being empty and no one conducting any ritual that we might learn from, I am fine with moving on to locate the gnolls.
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#78 Post by Spearmint »


The halfling happy on his perch above the stones keeps guard. He has little knowledge or background skill to add to researching ancient stones.

"What sort of ritual would you conduct here? Would it be appropriate to do one as a group?" he asks Han Fumjax..
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#79 Post by Tamerlaine »

OOC: With Tarlyn stepping out, I will be playing his character Rardi as a NPC for the time being until we get some fresh blood.

With the henge being enigmatic and the party unable to glean any it’s secrets, you move on with Auge at the lead. He takes you even deeper into the woods, the trees growing closer together, the canopy getting denser until the light came only as shafts of gossamer gold which pierced the heavy cover above. As you trudge on, Auge turns and tells the party that they will be stopping by a homestead where they may obtain lodging and warm food for the night. Oxon and his wife Swenja are good people, Auge tells you, remarking that was them that took him in after his hair-breadth escape from the gnolls.

“And then there’s their children Danna an’ Paule, seventeen and fourteen. Danna is a pretty lass and getting hard ter handle. Oxon has picked her future husband so keep yer eyes t’ yourself eh?” the Ranger states with a warning glare.

Onwards you go and the lights from above begin to dim, heralding the coming of evening. Soon you are onto a narrow trail heading north-northeast. Your bellies begin to growl, your minds dwelling on warm food from the hearth, perhaps some ale or wine, and a soft pile of straw to lay on. And then...

Auge suddenly stiffens and raises a cautionary hand. A long moment and the rest of you sense it too. The smell of burning wood. But something is off with the smell. The ranger looks alarmed, yet not willing to say what he’s now dreading.

“Please, no...,” you hear Auge mutter, his face now ashen. “We need to hurry!” With that, the ranger starts running through the trees. Gone is his measured caution.


This is a loose approximation of the homestead and barn. Details may/will be different than what is shown interior-wise.

As you move forward, the trees thin out as you approach what appears to be a rustic yet quaint dwelling. Beyond the dwelling one can see part of what must be a barn. The trail leads up to an entrance, the door which has been splintered inwards. There is a smokey haze with a greasy unsettling aroma. And then you hear it...a yip and a snarling bark from behind the dwelling. Light is falling fast and soon it will be dusk.


Spiridon AC5/6 HP7
Fochelle AC4/5 HP7
Han AC9/10 HP2
Snowdrop AC7/7 HP4
Rardi AC/4/4 HP6
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Re: Thatchum I - IC

#80 Post by Stirling »


Follows on the heels of the ranger, bow in hand.

Fochelle looses arrow: short range [1d20+2]=5+2=7[1d6]=3

The scene feels like the aftermath of an encounter or we might be arriving as cavalry just in time. She will head towards the residence and splintered door, loosing an arrow at any hoary and hairy Gnoll like figure that might be inside.
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