Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#481 Post by ragnboneshopper »

The sorceress dead and all danger seemingly gone from the tower, Swilbosh looks around for a way up through the hole in the ceiling. Andrin suggests the magic rope, and the others agree, except Malone, who continues to look for another way. But the magic rope seems almost to know what Andrin wants it to do before he commands it. Like it has done this before. It reaches up and ties itself off on a stone anchor like a small gargoyle that seems made for the task.

As the others start climbing, Thurinor glances through the sorceress's spell book, finding a good many spells of use and some that are, at least for now, beyond him or that belong to schools of magic more suited to others: (1) Animate Rope, Enlarge, Grease, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Spider Climb, (2) Audible Glamer, Continual Light, Darkness 15', Pyrotechnics, Scare, Strength, Fog Cloud, Levitate, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Ventriloquism, (3) Gust of Wind, Phantasmal Steed, and Water Breathing. The elf's eyes light up with each new page of magical possibility.

Still avoiding the idea of climbing up the magic rope, Malone looks out the tower window, expecting perhaps an army of angry frogmen, but he spies only the lone bullywug ally, still huddling among the bushes.

By this time, Ozborn has recovered himself after the shocking combat with the sorceress. Handing the magic cloak back to Thurinor, he gazes into the magic mirror, waving his hands about in what he finds to be a needless attempt to activate it. The mirror is cracked in thirds. The top third shows a view of the outside of the tower as if from above. He can see the doorway that leads into the tower, but as Ozborn moves the mirror, tilting it up or down or rotating it to left or right, the view also changes. The bottom left third of the mirror is completely black: darker than dark, as if viewing absence itself, the void. The bottom right third shows a swirl of red and green and yellow energies that leave a sick feeling in the pit of the thief's stomach.

The others have ascended by now and find the top of the tower to be flat except for the simple stone structure from which they emerge at the center. They gaze all around them, seeing the landscape they have traversed thus far, from the roc's nest down succeeding mountain valleys. Swilbosh sees the lake and his former home on the little island with the dwarven fortress. Beyond the valley, the river spills onto a wide plain, and Fairfax can see the lands of his people. The river winds this way and that until it reaches yet another lake. On this lake rides an island, and a sparkle of light gleams there like the Eye of the Serpent.

Thurinor and Ozborn join their friends up above, and even Malone grudgingly ascends to see the wondrous view.

While you are watching, a voice speaks silently in each of your minds. It is a rather gruff voice. It asks each one: "What will you do? Remain in these lands and become the heroes foretold in the song, or return to your homes? If you choose the latter, take out the gemstones given to you by the spirits of the cursed maidens and place the stones at your feet. You will find your way home in a flash. But if you choose to remain here, know that your peril has only begun, and untold evils will surely assail you. In that case, hold tight to the gemstones, and you shall remain here while your friends fly away home.

"There is no shame in leaving and no great glory in remaining. No songs will be sung for you, no tales will be told except those that have already been recorded. Choose swiftly now!"

You are each compelled to make your choice. Fairfax, who has no gemstone, may choose to pick up the stone of one who puts it down. For their part, Stonjuz and Ogirdor bring out their stones and clutch them fiercely. "I'll be sure at makin somethin of this valley yet," mutters the dwarf, and he keeps his stone, but Ogirdor, overcome by thoughts of home, claps his friends by the shoulder and lays down his gemstone.

Those who lay down their gemstones are spirited away in flight, much as they felt themselves floating in dream and deposited in the roc's nest. All cares, all weariness, and all injuries are healed as they find themselves again in their homes. Barely a week has passed, and their friends and family from that day forward remark in hushed whispers about the spring when so-and-so suddenly disappeared for a time, only to show up again one morning a tenday later.

Those who remain find their friends suddenly vanished. A gathering of storm clouds and gusty winds forms about the tower. Sudden rains lash it violently, and all are forced to descend back down into the tower for safety. What became of them, none can now say, but if their intentions and the prophecy of the maidens came true, then surely the valley of the dwarves was restored, and all darkness has been driven from the Eye of the Serpent.

Which are you? Are you one who holds a stone or one who remains in the valley? :twisted:

This is the last post by the DM in this campaign, which now draws to its close. Each player may describe their character's choice and final intentions. Hope you all enjoyed! Thanks for playing! You're all the best! :D

Das Ende
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#482 Post by Sir Clarence »

The decision is an easy one for Andrin. He believes that him being summoned here has happened for a reason, and he wants to solve the secret of this hidden land with all its natural wonders. He clutches the gemstone and stands beside Stonjuz, determined to make it to the end.

OOC: Nice final posting. Who knows, perhaps this game will continue one day.... ;) Until then, Happy Trails to all of you. May your adventures be many.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#483 Post by onlyme »

Malone also has an easy decision. He has desperately wanted to return home the entire saga. He bids his new friends farewell and follows the direction to home.

I guess I couldn't really go against his personality, even though I would have liked to have stayed and adventured on...

Thanks to all, especially our DM for stepping up so well.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#484 Post by saalaria »

Swilbosh had thought of going back to his cosy island home but he left for a reason. He gives his gem to Fairfax, claps Stonjuz and Andrin on the shoulder and looks forward.

"We continue on...."
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#485 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor Sael, elf

The lure of adventure is strong in Thurinor, but the lure of magic more so. The elf considers the magical tome in his hands, and the sorcerer's whole library in the Bag of Holding. Such wonders and secrets are within!

"Best of luck my friends, may your steel stay strong!"

With stone in hand, Thurinor returns home.
Thanks Rags and everyone, this was a fun adventure!
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#486 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Osborn is torn. He's wanted to return home all along, but now that the choice is before him, he's not sure. Images of the capers he could pull off with his new gloves flit through his mind and bring a smile to his face. He starts to place the stone at his feet, then hesitates.

"Ah, screw it." he says. He clasps to he stone to his chest and stands by the others.
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Re: Action Thread #12: The Lower Valley

#487 Post by Majik »

As Swilbosh hands him his stone, Fairfax nods in gratitude and places it in his pocket.

"Thank you my new friend, I of course am home and as such remain honor bound to free my people before I might be free to explore what might lie out-side my valley."

Fairfax then saluts the departing heroes and re-enters the tower to escape the storm.

"Lets contine on our way to the eye... and end this evil."
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Everyday I'm, everyday I'm, everyday I'm hustlin
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