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Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:42 pm
by Grognardsw
Raquinel holds off on casting any spells on the eye sphere as others investigate. Bjorn the dwarf cleric asks the eye to blink in answer to whether it is evil or good. It blinks twice, indicating it is good.

Shen the monk circles it while Flint the illusionist watches closely. The eye follows Shen as he circles the sphere. It seems disconnected from any face, given the fluidity of its movement within the sphere. It blinks every five to seven seconds. Bjorn and Shen feel no unusual sensations or communication from the eye, except the two winks. Idwellin the druid approaches and waves at the eye. It doesn't wink back.

Honilee the hobbit takes the stairs to the balcony level form a higher view. Andover, Poltux and Ianin watch silently from the doorway.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:25 pm
by GreyWolfVT
"Well it appears the eye is able to understand us, and in reply to my questions it blinked 2 times indicating it was of good nature...anyone want to trust it or see if it is a lie?" Bjorn will then take out a flask of holy water and splash the eye with it. "For dry irritated eyes use Holy Water, never leave home with out it." he chuckles out after splashing the eye.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:36 pm
by greyarea
Shen asks the eye, Since you can blink to show understanding, then I have a question for you. Are you trapped and require freeing? Blink twice for yes, once for no.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:42 pm
by tkrexx
Flint also has questions, not completely trusting the "good" indication, as few evil beings would answer honestly. Do you know of the Runestaff? Blink once for "yes," if you please. Does this library chamber hold the key for freeing you?

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:45 pm
by greyarea
Shen replies to Flint, You know, it's better to ask it to blink the same number of times for yes. Avoids confusion that way.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:47 pm
by tkrexx
Honnilee scours the room from above, hoping this new angle will allow her to see things she otherwise would not have noticed. She will of course keep watch on the eye, just to see if it is also keeping watch on her, and check the dust patterns on the balcony floor in efforts to determine how long it has been since anyone else tread here.
[1d6] = 1

[1d100] = 82

I am completely useless today.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:51 pm
by tkrexx
Shen replies to Flint, You know, it's better to ask it to blink the same number of times for yes. Avoids confusion that way.
Flint himself blinks. Yes, yes of course, as you say. Must be the lingering effects of that damnable wraith sucking pieces of my mind away. He shakes his head at his own cranial flatuation.
Brain Fart on my part!

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:54 pm
by Grognardsw

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Hmm that appears to be too many blinks

"Hmm the holy water appears to have made it blink more than you asked of it Shen."

Here is Bjorn's scene with the holy water:

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:49 am
by Innana
Raquinel the Sorceress:

Raquinel watches from behind the banister with her cape up over her head. She finally finishes putting the ingredients together for the flaming sphere spell, and is going over the whole dramatic scene of casting the spell upon the eye in her mind. "Ask the eye of the rune staff again to see if it knows anything. I don't trust the thing, but maybe we can get some information that can help us. If it even looks at you funny, I am prepared to blast it once you all make your way to the banister."
that pic is just freaky. Not to say everything else has not been freaky here.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:58 am
by GreyWolfVT
Bjorn "Ok eye do you know anything of the runestaff? Blink once for no and twice for yes otherwise it's a flame ball and a stick poke coming at you."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:20 am
by Innana
Raquinel the Sorceress:

"Admit it, you just want to poke the eyeball." Raquinel says much softer, just like I want to set it ablaze.". Poor eye. Never did have a chance the second we sawr it.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:33 am
by GreyWolfVT

"True enough but hey at least I'm using a dull object to poke it with. You on the other hand have a secret destructive side, mines just a child like curiosity." he chuckles out the last sentence.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:45 pm
by greyarea
Shen says, forcefully, I feel we should wait and not provoke it. I do not believe it can follow us from this room, so it is little use as a spy of Chaos. If it had the power to harm us, then I feel it would have already. If it is truthful, which I understand why we would doubt that, but if it is, then we risk much unprovoked damage to a being that could be an agent of Law.

So, let us wait a bit for the holy water to finish its work, then we ask the questions again: Is it trapped and require rescue? Does it know where the Runestaff is hid? Can it assist us in our Lawful quest? We then weigh the answers it provides and move on, not wasting spells or time.

If it is trapped and we can free it, then perhaps we should consider doing so. However, I feel that we should avoid any unprovoked attacks, with sticks, fire, or other. We were chosen as agents of Law: we must not act like those in the thrall of Chaos!

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT

"Shen with words of wisdom, I'll not provoke it, as it appears the holy water did not harm it, and it appears to answer me truthfully at least, so I will not do any thing further to it."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:25 pm
by Eulalios
Idwillen considers the caged and apparently bodiless eye. Tapping the heel of his spear on the ground, he approaches and halts at the cage, spear tucked behind his arm. "I am a servant of Balance," he says to the eye. "Please blink twice, if you understand that."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:28 pm
by greyarea
If the eye is recovered enough to answer Idwillen's query, Shen will repeat the ones previously asked. Is it trapped and require rescue? Does it know where the Runestaff is hid? Can it assist us in our Lawful quest?

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:54 pm
by Grognardsw
tkrexx wrote:Honnilee scours the room from above, hoping this new angle will allow her to see things she otherwise would not have noticed. She will of course keep watch on the eye, just to see if it is also keeping watch on her, and check the dust patterns on the balcony floor in efforts to determine how long it has been since anyone else tread here.
Honilee studies the room from the balcony level, gaining a new perspective on the eye. Her sharp hobbit vision follows a fly buzz in from a hole in the glass roof, dart around and then at the eye. Poof it disappears.

Bjorn, Shen, Flint and Idwellin try to engage the ocular enigma.

- Are you trapped? One blink (no.)
- Do you know of the Runestaff? It blinks once.
- Can you assist us in our Lawful quest? Two blinks (yes), followed by a pause and one blink.
- We are servants of the Balance. Do you understand that? Two blinks.
- Does this library chamber hold the key for freeing you? One blink.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:57 pm
by GreyWolfVT
"Alright well it appears the eye is of no aid to us or our mission shall me press on? Haste is of the most importance and we must find the staff before the agents of chaos get here." Bjorn curiosity sated decides it is time to move on and continue searching too much time has been wasted.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 4:03 pm
by greyarea
Shen, clearly frustrated. I'm not sure it could help us even if it wanted to. At least not in a timely fashion. Let us go, with the possibility of coming back if needed. Time is of essence in the quest.