Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#41 Post by ginnymack »

Bluetongue wrote:Harker
"That leaves Mal and I. We can sort and load supplies. I am glad to see you have come well supplied with an ample chest." the innuendo is implied

“And if you have knowledge of rope and knots, I’ll be glad of that,” Mal replies, holding back a knowing grin.

Bluetongue wrote:Harker"Before that though, I was thinking this mercenary leaderOsen might not appreciate his evening disturbed for business. On the other hand, after several beers relaxing the stress of the day, he might be more open to being approached in a friendly way and offer more favourable help to a pretty face. I would hesitate to say all wizards charm the gullible and simple for their own ends but if you have a gift for enhancing our endeavours, that would be a boon to use. Let us make our introduction to him." [/i]

“You do know that I’m a mage, not a seductress.” This Mal said as a statement rather than a question. “Speak of the devil, here he comes. Let’s see what he has to say.”[/i][/quote]

sirravd wrote:Overhearing the conversation, Osen makes his way over, accompanied by two torch-bearing men. "Good fellows," he says in what you presume is a Helixer's (dismal) best imitation of the upper-class speech of nobleman adventurers, "fain would I aid thee in thy quest for the precious jewels of yon maze. In my youth I was an adventurer even as art thou, but alack and alas, I was rendered forever lame by an arrow to the knee. But many of my apprentices, among them the two men you see behind me, are of valorous character and stout thews, and would be fine hirelings in your quest! One thing more do I ask of thee if thou shouldst hire my men, and that is to tithe a twentieth part of thine earnings to the coffers of our noble"––he drops to a whisper––"Lord Krothos."

Mal had leaned back, smiling and attentative as Osen spoke. She nodded when needed yet when he came to the part of tithing a twentieth part of their earning, she was drinking her ale when she suddenly splurted out a mouthful.

“Oh my...(cough)...Forgive me...(cough, cough)...went down the wrong pipe, the ale did.” Mal gave Harker a WTF look when coughing.

“Did you say a ‘twentieth?’”
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#42 Post by Hadarai »

Brother Blaive

The Cleric nods at Harker's words, Yes that would be best I think, fate willing we won't need the Chapel's services for anything desperate it would be good to prepare just incase. Come Endor let's pay our respect's.

With that Blaive gathers his belongings and heads toward the chapel, staff in hand alongside Endor. He offers a quick lesson to the Half-Orc on the various procedures and terminology that goes into charitable donations to the church along the way.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#43 Post by sirravd »

Stirling wrote:Vann Hector acknowledges the request and leave his pack and bow by the table, expecting Harker then to sort out common rooms and prepping the mule load.

The smithy too might be working until the evening hours so Vann follows the directions and noise of hammer upon anvil.

"Hello. We would like to purchase a new broadsword please and perhaps you can grind an extra sharp edge upon these trusty but rusty blades." He passes his longsword and axe to the smithy apprentices.

While they toil he engages in small talk. "I am investigating the Barrows in the morning. Perhaps you know of good entrances to the crypts below or areas to avoid. I appreciate the dwarven skills of masonry may help me spot a potential weak spot to avoid trouble."
Karg the dwarf, the only smith currently in the room, takes the blades and sharpens them. "Don't know anything about the maze," he says gruffly. "We dwarves try to stay away from that kind of danger."

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#44 Post by sirravd »

Hadarai wrote:Brother Blaive

The Cleric nods at Harker's words, Yes that would be best I think, fate willing we won't need the Chapel's services for anything desperate it would be good to prepare just incase. Come Endor let's pay our respect's.

With that Blaive gathers his belongings and heads toward the chapel, staff in hand alongside Endor. He offers a quick lesson to the Half-Orc on the various procedures and terminology that goes into charitable donations to the church along the way.
The church is presently staffed by old, white-bearded Brother Othar, who is busy copying down an ancient scroll, and his young acolyte Gamdar, who watches over his shoulder, apparently uncertain how to copy down scrolls himself. "Hello," says Othar without looking up from his work. "Adventurers, is it? I can tell from the tread of your feet. Would you like to pay your last respects to the gods before the maze claims you?"

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#45 Post by sirravd »

ginnymack wrote:“Did you say a ‘twentieth?’”
"Precisely that."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#46 Post by Lance »

sirravd wrote:"Adventurers, is it? I can tell from the tread of your feet. Would you like to pay your last respects to the gods before the maze claims you?"
"Oh, I like him." Endor mumbles, before speaking up. "We were hoping you'd have some more... practical help to give us? Blessings, wards or maybe just some information. You might know what holy items were found or expected to be down in the maze. For the right... um... tithe, of course."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#47 Post by Bluetongue »


"Of course tributes and taxes are neccessary Kingdom values. Is there an assessors office that values the trinkets and relics discovered? Yes, these guards look grand fellows strong of arm and character. I need an experienced fellow to guide us through the Moor fens and guard our camp should we delve into any tombs. What terms can you offer us?"
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#48 Post by Hadarai »

Brother Blaive

Blaive offered Brother Othar a short bow of respect as the Cleric greeted them. "Yes Brother, I was hoping that there was a small shrine to Elei where I could worship before our expedition.
As my companion had said we were hoping that you could bless us as well, with knowledge of the Barrowmaze or some sort of boon perhaps. We're also looking for a guide if you know of someone, we hope our offering will be helpful to the church and it's congregation.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#49 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

I presume Jacor came with me?

Listens to Karg as he works. The disinterest of dwarves in 'human affairs' is well known. So he tries another tack to see if he can catch the dwarves interest, "You haven't ventured there? Understandable for the tunnels are dark and full of terror. I heard this rumour in the tavern that the Zargon cult is active in the maze and the are incubating stolen roc eggs in the new shrine for their evil purpose. The Wrydwood and Moon Peaks suffer under the ravages of the great eagles, anguished to see their nests raided. Finding a hatchling might be of value to ... your chieftains, your community. If I knew the Barrows better, I would gladly help my dwarven cousins."

Vann Hector asks about the mentioned supplies also, picks, hammers.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#50 Post by sirravd »

Bluetongue wrote:Harker

"Of course tributes and taxes are neccessary Kingdom values. Is there an assessors office that values the trinkets and relics discovered? Yes, these guards look grand fellows strong of arm and character. I need an experienced fellow to guide us through the Moor fens and guard our camp should we delve into any tombs. What terms can you offer us?"
"Our local appraiser is Gir Huwen, at the Rosy Quartz. I can offer you torch-bearers at a cost of a gold piece a week, and full bodyguards or trained thieves at a cost of one-half shares of whatever treasure you may retrieve. One of my men is a magician of some skill; he will demand a full share of treasure."

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#51 Post by sirravd »

Hadarai wrote:Brother Blaive

Blaive offered Brother Othar a short bow of respect as the Cleric greeted them. "Yes Brother, I was hoping that there was a small shrine to Elei where I could worship before our expedition.
As my companion had said we were hoping that you could bless us as well, with knowledge of the Barrowmaze or some sort of boon perhaps. We're also looking for a guide if you know of someone, we hope our offering will be helpful to the church and it's congregation.
"You are not the first adventurer to have come through here, my son. Others have spoken to me about the maze; from their conversation I glean that the moor is far too dangerous to camp overnight, and many of the barrows do not lead to the maze proper. I have heard tell of shambling skeletons, and rotted undead with worms in their wounds. I have also heard the rumor bandied about––though not from adventurers––that a twisted, mutated people live in the maze. As for a guide, I recommend Hendon the miller, or perhaps one of the thieves of Osen's mercenary guild.

"There is no shrine to Elei here, alas, but this building is sacred to all gods. You may pray to her if you wish; I shall also pray for your safety. I hope the gods will hear my prayer and grant you blessings."

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#52 Post by sirravd »

Stirling wrote:Vann Hector

Listens to Karg as he works. The disinterest of dwarves in 'human affairs' is well known. So he tries another tack to see if he can catch the dwarves interest, "You haven't ventured there? Understandable for the tunnels are dark and full of terror. I heard this rumour in the tavern that the Zargon cult is active in the maze and the are incubating stolen roc eggs in the new shrine for their evil purpose. The Wrydwood and Moon Peaks suffer under the ravages of the great eagles, anguished to see their nests raided. Finding a hatchling might be of value to ... your chieftains, your community. If I knew the Barrows better, I would gladly help my dwarven cousins."
"An elf with an interest in the affairs of my people," says Karg to himself. "Now I've seen it all." Turning to Vann Hector again, he says: "I had not heard Karnak or the Hammerhands had been attacked by rocs; and I last met with a Hammerhand friend two months ago. Where did you hear of this?

"I am not an ungrateful fellow; I accept help from wherever it comes. You may find picks and the like at Cirwyr Turgen's. As for the masonry of the maze: you have alluded to the bricked-up tombs, and you will indeed need sledgehammers to break them down. Beware, also, of partially collapsed rooms. I have heard the maze is rife with these, and while you are in them they may collapse further."
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#53 Post by Bree-yark »


I say we head to Turgen's and get some picks. Then head back to the Inn and meet up with the rest to see what they have learned.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#54 Post by Lance »

"I say we've learned all we can, let's head back, once you've said your words."Endor tells Blaive. He will wait until he's done praying, not at all interested in religion.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#55 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

"Rumours. One adventurer tells another. I was hoping to find something more rock solid though not as a stone falling on my head. I will take your advice regarding the security of the maze tunnels." He pays Karg for the sharpening of the blades.

With business done we should get the supplies and return to the tavern. I think the cost of a broadsword (for Jacor) and two sledgehammers, another pick and a dozen extra flasks of lantern oil get deducted from the team purse. He asks Turgen about horse feed and Harker's dog sled. A fishing rod was mentioned also.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#56 Post by sirravd »

Karg offers to sell broadswords for 10 gp (it has the same statistics as a longsword) and two sledgehammers for 1 gp apiece (each is 10 lb.). Turgen offers picks and feed for the prices in the rulebook, plus 1 gp for a dogsled and 7 cp for a fishing rod.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#57 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Purchases the broadsword for Jacor, miner's pick, hammers, 10 x flasks of lantern oil, two days feed, dog sled, fishing rod (Blaive?) and four vellum or skin parchments for map making. Total cost round up is 18gp.

Loaded he returns to tavern with Jacor and hands over the team supplies to Mal and Harker.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#58 Post by sirravd »

I should note that a dog sled will make some noise in the dungeon and generate wandering monster checks, though I'll assume Tyson himself is a stout-hearted creature and won't bark.
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Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#59 Post by Bluetongue »


Rubs his goatee, considering the 'T&C's' of business with Osen. Despite a reputation the terms seem good, especially considering the novice status we have and inexperience of the Barrowmaze.

"I think our first foray into the tombs may last no more than a couple of days. A half days' trek either way, perhaps another half day digging and scouting. If we are lucky, a exploring. If your torch bearer agrees to show us the way and do no more than guard the camp, that should suffice. A gold piece for his endeavours would be double pay.

I think we have strength of arms between us though a skilled locksmith and trap-smith might be of value. Endor little has willing but little experience.

So 5% of our trove on value gets added as tax to the coffers of our Lord and your man takes a half share. I think we can agree to that. Send them here at dawn, we leave with the sunrise."

He gives a firm handshake to the mercenary leader and with a look at the rowdy Northmen and other tavern patrons, decides to call it a night.

He takes a room from Berdern the innkeeper.

Re: Chapter I: So, you all meet up in a tavern

#60 Post by sirravd »

Berdnern informs him that a room is a gold piece per day. (One room can hold four occupants.)
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