Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 2021

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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#41 Post by Marullus »

You enter the cave, confident in your retinue. It is a rather large cavern, you see 10 goblins within, rather indifferent or uninterested in your presence. Looking them over, you select the large, strong leader who is coming to address the elf who entered with ogres and their goblin-kin. You whisper your spell to charm him and see its effect on his face.

You make your demands and, as expected, the goblins scoff and refuse to comply. You declare them all to be dwarven shapeshifters and order Helga and Helvetta to wade into them with their massive clubs in-hand.

You see a bolt of dark, shadow-like magical energy stream from the back of the chamber and impact Helga, rocking her back on her feet. A moment later, you feel pure darkness envelop your own vision, rendering you blind. You hear the scream of battle cries as the goblins rush Helga and Helvetta and the two ogres roar - a sign that blows have struck home. Your goblin retinue, commanded to attack if things go wrong, turn and flee the cave, slowing only to urge you with them, pulling at your sleeves.

Even that is moot a moment later. You feel the sizzle of magical energy impacting your flesh. It burns from the inside out, a spiritual kind of sizzling, and you black out, unconscious.

You awaken many days later back in Tog's Cave. You are too weak to move, but see that Guhnk, Gurzlak and Guhrt did manage to flee with you. They take credit for dragging your prostrate form over the rocks and earth to get you to safety. They say they saw both ogres suffer mighty blows... they didn't stand a chance. You drift back to sleep, still too weak to move.

They tell you, however, that Guhnk went into a rage and tried to kill you in your sleep. Gurzlak and Tog saved you. Guhnk was driven from the cave and Runt followed, both disappearing into the night several days ago.

It is about noon the next day when you wake again. You feel mildly better, enough to move around the cave, but still drained by the magical blow.

Date: 16 May 2021
Time: noon

Your sheet updated. Currently you are restored to 2 hp.
Four goblins remaining ate for seven days, take another 28 servings from the fish barrel.
Your sheet doesn't show that you kept the horse fodder. You did when I told you to, right? If so, subtract 9 days of it.

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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#42 Post by Marullus »

Let me know your action now that you've woken. I'm going to pause a little just to make sure the other expeditions don't come down this way and cross your timeline (if they do, they'll likely find you while asleep).

Let's assume they don't. What are Carchannoi's priorities once awoken?

You still have Smurk, Tog, Guhrt, and Gurzlak with you.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#43 Post by sirravd »

I sit on the stone floor of the cave, rubbing my hands together, and meditating glumly on my failures of late. The worst of these failures is the betrayal of Guhnk –– my first slave, and, I now realize, my friend. Well, I will find him eventually, when I have become King, and flay him before an assembly.

But now, I have other priorities. I realize: I have been going about this whole business the wrong way! Before I begin to forge an army, I should improve my own prowess in combat and magic; that way only will I gain respect from my subjects. And the only way to improve my own skill is to adventure. Perhaps I should find a dungeon or two, somewhere in the vicinity...if I take my charmed servants with me, I can plunder it before any of the settlers arrive!

"Tog", I say, "this enchanted door, the one that kills those who touch it; has the enchantment always been there? Has anyone touched it and survived? Have you heard any tales of what lies beyond it?"
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#44 Post by Marullus »

The answer to the first question also answers the rest. Tog says the door has indeed always been there, and so none have been past it. One dead goblin is enough; she's not heard of others trying their luck where magic is concerned. It is just a door, and probably is closed for a reason.

The decoration on the door is functional, not ornamental - warding runes of an ancient style, a Read Magic spell might avail you more information. You can already surmise, though, that a door so enchanted with wards likely also will bear a magical seal, and those require magic you do not have (Knock spell, Dispel magic) to open. Let me know if you try to determine more with your spells.

If the door cannot be opened, do you remain here or move on to somewhere else?

Date: 16 May 2021
Time: 12:15pm

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#45 Post by sirravd »

I spend some time studying Read Magic, implanting it into my memory. Then I cast it on the door.

If the door cannot be opened, I ask Tog: "Do you know of any treasure-laden dungeons around? Or any group of rival humanoids whose stronghold we might plunder?"

If her answer is affirmative, I spend the night healing and preparing three Charm Persons, then move toward the dungeon/stronghold that she thinks will be easiest to plunder, with my entire goblin retinue.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#46 Post by Marullus »

You cast Read Magic, the runes and carvings that cover the door and the surrounding wall swirl and decode before your eyes, revealing to you their intent and their nature. The original caster had a strange idiom, focused on shadow, negative-material energies, and symmetric symbology. You've never seen something quite done this way before. The original caster enchanted the door with an Arcane Lock to prevent entry by any but herself. This magic was woven almost 3,000 years ago, and was broken, perhaps unintentionally, about 800 years ago when the stone cracked and shifted. On top of this is layered another set of enchantments. A caster with an idiom of Fire, Invocation, and Shadow cast two spells upon the portal, both about 1,800 years ago. The first was an inverted lock to hold things in, not out. The second was a fire-trap to incinerate anyone who approached from the outside. You realize both of these have been expended. This door, though frightening to the non-initiated, is merely stuck.

Tog answers you as well. She reminds you of the dwarven tower where the goblin warlord watches over the pass, but does not agree that would be "easy." She also says there are caverns of Trogs deeper beneath a cave that is nearer the Goblin King. There's also some hill giants, not far on the other side. Goblin King would be happy if you got rid of them.

Date: 16 May 2021
Time: 1:00pm

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#47 Post by sirravd »

The door's enchantments might be expended, but clearly it guards something exceedingly dangerous –– or did –– and anyway, it is locked. That being said, if this door's enchantment were expended so quickly, what about the other door, the one that zapped me? Perhaps the goblins that live in the hole are no longer protected by the enchantment of the door...Well, we can worry about that later.

"Then to the hill giants we shall go!" I say, and leave early next morning with my retinue, following Tog's directions. I do not take Gwegwin. Our marching order: Guhrt, Tog, Smurk and me, and Gurzlak taking the rear.

I've recalculated my total encumbrance. It is quite considerable: over 60 lb. for me.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#48 Post by Marullus »

INT check [1d20] = 9
With your knowledge of magic, you realize you weren't near a door where you were injured, and it was more likely there was a spellcaster among the goblins you attacked.

This door is not mechanically locked - it relied on magic. It is stuck, being made of massive stone. That is a STR check to open.

Tog agrees on the hill giants, but they are on the far side of the goblin king's hall - at least 20 miles. The goblins can't go that far under cover of night and recommend stopping at the king's hall or the sleep hole which leads to the trogs, both of which are halfway there, and thus travel to the giants in 2 or 3 nights.

The warband at the tower is mighty, but south and not on the way to the giants. Tog says you'd have to join with them and not try to be their boss. But, it would help you defend from the hidden dwarves.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#49 Post by sirravd »

I shrug. "Let us head to the tower, then. I shall take the subtle approach for now." I un-hobble Gwegwin, deciding to take him with me after all, and am off!
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#50 Post by Marullus »

Do you bring any of the food/items with you from the cave?

Also, as an OOC note for your private expeditions - I will award experience when you return to civilization/town, because it takes into account the treasure you successfully bring back with you. So, plan trips back to the town periodically as you go, even when alone.

You pack up your four companions, their gear and yours, and set off with Gwegwin to the south-southwest, Tog leading the way to the dwarven tower. The goblins are not that pleased about a daytime hike, but the skies are completely overcast with dark rain clouds, a constant drizzle falling on your band of travelers... at least there is no harm to them from the sun and their grumbling turns from daytime activity to complaints of wet undergarments.

You slow Gwegwin's pace to match the stubby little goblin legs, and find yourself approaching the tower as sunset colors reds and oranges into the cloud-cover above.

It is about 8:00, the tower visible about a mile ahead, when you see four riders approaching you. Four leather-clad goblins riding massive wargs, wolf-like beasts with a greater size and malign intelligence. Both groups see each other and the riders shift their course to intercept you.

Your goblin companions shout out greetings and converse briefly with the warg riders. Tog explains, "These are Guhra's Warg Scouts, warriors and beast-handlers both. We tell them of you and your greatness as a sorcerer. They will lead us to Guhra." The warg riders seem genuinely excited to meet a real human sorcerer, and are overtly Friendly to you. They greet you and bring their wargs to sniff you and get your scent.

Since their disposition is naturally Friendly, you can interact with or recruit them without a Charm spell. A Charm spell will have additional potency, of course.

Date: 16 May 2021
Time: 8:00pm
Temp: 54 F, wind 17-23 WSW
Light: Overcast daylight (100% cloud cover)
Condition: Carchannoi (lightly wounded)
Distance: ~8 miles today

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#51 Post by sirravd »

Only my own (considerable) rations. Incidentally, should I have subtracted rations, or gp, for my stint in town? I don't believe I did so.

"My companions and I are delighted to meet you fine gentleman!" I say. "Please, take us to Guhra. I shall introduce myself to him and his retinue. We are famished, and would love to sample his bountiful larder. And I must prepare my sorceries over the night. Now, my band of goblins and I want to slaughter some dwarves, and I can admit one more mighty warrior into my warband." I pick out the biggest-looking of the warg riders, or, if there are no huge differences in size, the one whom I judge the leader. "You, perhaps?"
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#52 Post by Marullus »

In making a Retainer pitch, include your offer of payment - flat rate of 6gp/month for a wolf-mounted goblin (p. 47) or a half-share of treasure (p. 46) are standard. Then make a 2d6 roll, rerolling a result of 7-9. Above that fails and below that accepts. Your charmed guys believe what you say, so you could've promised them anything, but it should be noted that even they expect to benefit from serving you.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#53 Post by sirravd »

"Six gold pieces a month for you, O great Warg-rider!"

[2d6] = 4
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#54 Post by Marullus »

"Dwarves? I like to kill dwarves," says the fierce-looking with rider. "We just tell Guhra."

You proceed on, with wolf rider escort towards the tower. It is clearly of dwarves construction - solidly built and without decay, though the patina of stones and lichen shoes that at least a dozen, maybe two, centuries have passed since it's construction. You are led in with some fanfare by your followers and curiosity in the eyes you pass - at least two dozen goblins, jist that you saw living and working on the lower floors. You arrive at the top floor, which is draped with purple southern linens, draped like wall-hangings. Guhra is a fierce, intelligent-looking female goblin with a feathered headdress. She eyes you with visible contempt. She clearly does not like the idea of some interloper being brought to her thus. "Who are you, elf, that comes before me?"

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#55 Post by sirravd »

"I am a humble sorcerer, come to offer my aid and my service to your noble people. I have proven my loyalty to your people, and thereby gained their friendship, as you can see. Elves and goblins are not always in agreement, but we share the common racial enemy of the dwarves, and I wish to help your people exterminate the hidden dwarves nearby. May we eat at your table tonight, my lady? We are quite famished."
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#56 Post by Marullus »

Roll a [5d6] CHA check.
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#58 Post by Marullus »

She smiles a wide, toothy, goblin smile which is not at all Friendly. "Of course. I make sure all my prisoners are fed." The goblin guard steps forward from the walls, outnumbering your group two to one.

Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#59 Post by sirravd »

I merely say, in as flat a voice as I can muster: "My lady, if you doubt that I loathe dwarves and wish their blood, simply bring my longbow to one of your court mages. You will see that it is enchanted to kill dwarves. We share an enemy. If I speak falsely of my bow, kill me where I stand."
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Re: Expedition - Carchannoi/Return to the Ogres - 08 May 202

#60 Post by Marullus »

They are moving to physically apprehend you. Do you submit or take other action?

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