Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#41 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich puts away his mace. Aye, he says. I'd rather this beast be our ally.I'll not attack man nor beast upon this land. But I will defend myself, and my companions, should such become necessary, he adds.
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The giant owl flies away with Emm/ The others land on beach

#42 Post by Argennian »

~ The incredulously unlikely scenario unfolding just off the beach of the would-be island sanctuary takes on a vivid aspect in Hazara's early evening light. The deep, orange rays soak into the scene as if reality itself had melted and turned to dream...

Emm's desperate pleas of a best case scenario immediately stifle Ziller's objections and the halfling commander considers her with a look that appears mixed with pride and fear, as well as hope. "Stand down. Now," he exalts authoritatively as he looks back up at the giant owl.
Billy and everyone else in the other boat lower their weapons immediately, as ordered. Their gazes are a mixture of hope and anxiety, belief and disbelief. Nerves are taunt and breaths are collectively held as everyone waits for the inevitable to happen.

The massive, avian hunter finally acquiesces to Emm's magically-inductive plans. It hovers down silently and opens it's huge, deadly talons, gracefully picking up the young druidess as if she were naught but a toy. A toy most delicate and important. With a few massive flaps of it's wings, the giant feather-horned predator lifts up and away with it's willing quarry and makes for the westernmost clifftop area high above the beach*.

~ As soon as Emm and the giant owl are out of range, Ziller snaps up his bow with a growl. "Move out!"
The oars are jumped to once again in both boats, and with plenty of restless energy and anxiety to burn, the two vessels quickly close on the landing zone. The druidess and her magically-induced winged shuttle reach the clifftop and disappear beyond the visible foliage. Weapons and senses are again hot and at the ready. Every bush, treetop and shadow is scrutinized with capable and suspicious eyes as the two landing craft approach their destination. The water here in the hidden lagoon is indeed deep enough to get the ship in during high tide. In fact the inlet and beach look so good to Gramps that he starts in with his gleeful seaman's jig, albeit hushed and forcibly more quiet. The path in through the reef and the soundings were apparently successful, and he gives Ziller a double thumbs up and almost melodic, repetitive nods in the affirmative.

You're moments away from landing in the center of a crescent moon-shaped beach, as it wraps around the eastern edge of the lagoon. The beach is about 200 feet wide (north to south) and near 60 feet deep (east to west) along it's length. The trees and brush surrounding it are fairly dense and look to become more generously so the further away one might go. The sandy terrain looks to pick up altitude slightly but it's hard to tell through the thick, leafy canopy.
Straight ahead beyond the sand is the base of the cliffs where the giant owl went with Emm. The higher, mountainous terrain of these islands run mostly east to west, and is somewhat contained within their centers like a spine. The western cliffs ascend nearly vertically from the beach from at least 150 feet all the way to 300 feet above. Going around the outer edges of these westernmost cliffs, both north and south, appear to be established game trails leading into the thicker flora.

The soft, golden sand softly grabs the hull of your longboat and you slow to a stop. The other longboat lands about fifty feet off your starboard (right) side. Ziller is already out the boat and barking orders. "Bogdan, Ulrich, Caelvanna. Check out that game trail on the left yonder," he details as he points northeast with his masterwork bow. "Head into the brush, say about a hundred feet or so, just to make sure we don't have an audience or any waiting surprises. You see anything, and I mean anything dangerous or out of the ordinary, signal immediately. If it's all clear and looks good, return to the beach and take up positions along that northern treeline."

He then turns back to assess the others in Longboat One, pointing southeast with his arrow at the other trail. "Mila, Yousef. Take Sorel and secure that right trail head the same."
The young half-orc woman and eastern human nod wordlessly and proceed to their task, signaling their counterpart from Longboat Two.

The halfling commander then slings his bow, returns his free arrow to the quiver and begins walking over to the other landing craft. He removes a wand from his belt line and begins pointing directives. "Arak, get back to the ship and start bringing her in straight away. It's going to be getting dark within the hour and the tide is looking like it's starting to go out now. Tell Billings to remain on Alert Condition One."
"Yessir," the easterner first officer responds, nodding his understanding as he begins directing the others to prepare to shove off.
"Billy. You and Sheba are with me." The retired master thief and his spunky canine join Ziller onshore as Longboat Two leaves the beach and begins heading back to carry out orders and begin the process of bringing the Seahawk in through the reef.

The trio all look up at the clifftops, obviously waiting to see if they can discern a sign from the landing party's brave druid, somewhere out of sight with the feathered hunter high above...


* Another PM going out to tkrexx shortly! :)

OOC: okay folks! Let's have some declared actions from Team One (Bog, Caelvanna & Ulrich) for their north trail inspection. No need for any initiative or other rolls for the reconnoiter at this point. Please detail which weapon(s) your character has In Hand.

Nuke: another PM will be going out for Lauranna regarding her training and picking of what new spells she might want to try for!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional clarifications!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 ; Griffo** 22/24 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Lauranna 9**/9 ; Thalion** 12/12 (**-conscious but incapacitated)
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow (1 arrow fired) ; Emm – scimitar/SC ; Griffo – none ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Lauranna – none ; Thalion – none (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Up on cliffs with giant owl: Emm ; (Still in Longboat One:) Bogdan , Caelvanna ; Ulrich ; Still on the ship: Lauranna** , Griffo** , Thalion** (**-wounded/conscious but incapacitated)
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#43 Post by Alethan »

Bog takes a moment to strap his new shield onto his left arm. Then, sword sheathed at his side, he picks up his three spears. He holds two of them loosely in his left hand, the other in his right.

When the others are ready, he heads up the trail indicated by Ziller.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#44 Post by SocraticLawyer »

With a quick prayer to Moradin, Ulrich follows Bogdan up the trail indicated by Ziller. He has his mace and shield at the ready.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#45 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, bow in hand and arrow ready, walks with a readied crouch as she follows Bog toward the designated area. She relaxes only long enough to bring her signal whistle to her lips before preparing herself for the unexpected.
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Bogdan, Caelvanna & Ulrich secure the north side...

#46 Post by Argennian »

~ Bogdan leads Ulrich and Caelvanna to the treeline at the northern end of the beach. The game trail there is clearly visible as it breaks from the lush vegetation and onto the beach. Small animal tracks can be seen in the golden sand coming and going from the beach but the path beyond soon disappears into the looming early evening shadows of the thick and foreboding flora after a mere twenty feet or so.

Without hesitation and his spear at the ready, the burly half-orc looks over his shoulder to confirm his mates are there and ready and then stalks wordlessly into the overgrown brush. The dwarven cleric mutters a prayer to Moradin and follows him in, while the Wild elf, her signal whistle already in her mouth and her trusty bow and a knocked arrow in her capable hands, brings up the rear. They quickly disappear from the worried sight of Ziller, Billy and Sheba as they enter the treeline.

~ The trio begin to make their way down the game trail for their perimeter reconnoiter. The path, although still visible in the fast-fading light, becomes more and more smothered on each side by the thick flora as they progress. It follows somewhat parallel along the base of the cliff (about 25-30 feet away on your right), and rises ever so slightly as it progresses into the island canopy. Hanging branches and leaves, both big and small, hang in the way across the trail but offer no other seemingly malevolent intention to forward progress. Bugs the size of small fruit scamper out of the way and those flying buzz about the heads of the newly-arrived island invaders.

After about 80 feet or so, the three wary scouts arrive at an intersection of sorts, in what appears to be a tiny clearing. The more-open than usual area is only about ten feet in diameter but reveals a clear opening to the early evening sky above. The main path continues ahead to the northeast along the base of the cliff as previous, but is intersected by another game trail. The new path runs westward towards the beach to the left and towards the base of the cliff and some thick bushes to the right. In the distance ahead, a bird or perhaps some other island denizen calls out and is answered by another further eastward.




HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/ 2 backup spears in left hand ; Caelvanna – short bow/arrow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#47 Post by Alethan »

So, to summarize in Zork terms...

You are standing on a trail that leads NE and SW.

To the NE is a clearing. Trails lead out from the clearing going NE, SE, SW, and W.

The NE trail continues into the forest.
The SE trail heads towards the base of the cliffs and some heavy bushes.
The SW trail heads back towards the beach where we came from.
The W trail also heads towards the beach, but further north from our landing spot.

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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#48 Post by Argennian »

OOC: correct! :)
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#49 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Thanks!

Bog settles low to the ground to reduce his profile while they discuss their next action.

He whispers, "Continuing northeast takes us further away from the camp. I suggest we scout southeast and west, first. This path," he continues, pointing to the southeast one, heading towards the heavy bushes, "shouldn't go far, or will start leading up the cliffs, which we don't have to do. Either way, we'd find out soon enough. Then we can see what lies west?"

He waits to see what the other two think.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#50 Post by tkrexx »

PM sent.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#51 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Alethan wrote:OOC: Thanks!

Bog settles low to the ground to reduce his profile while they discuss their next action.

He whispers, "Continuing northeast takes us further away from the camp. I suggest we scout southeast and west, first. This path," he continues, pointing to the southeast one, heading towards the heavy bushes, "shouldn't go far, or will start leading up the cliffs, which we don't have to do. Either way, we'd find out soon enough. Then we can see what lies west?"

He waits to see what the other two think.
Agreed, saysUlrich
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#52 Post by Alethan »

Bog looks at the elf...
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#53 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:Bog looks at the elf...
Sorry for the delay!
With a quick nod, Calevanna indicates her approval and readiness.
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#54 Post by Alethan »

Then Bog steps into the clearing and heads on the path towards the cliffs (southeast).
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#55 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich follows.
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The trio take the right trail towards the cliffs...

#56 Post by Argennian »

~ Once the trio is agreed on their plan, Bogdan leads them into the tiny clearing and then turns right, heading southeast towards the thick bushes at the base of the cliffs a mere 30-something feet away. The trail is slightly more overgrown here and seems to lead straight into the underbrush. Even as you approach, it is impossible to see past the dense flora in the fading light....


*** Need a d6 roll from Alethan for Bog! ***

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/ 2 backup spears in left hand ; Caelvanna – short bow/arrow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#57 Post by Alethan »

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Encounter #4: Bogdan surprises a giant snake!

#58 Post by Argennian »

~ When Bogdan closes to within ten feet of the dense brush and begins to assess the thick flora for a peephole or place to push through, something catches his eye. Straight ahead at eye level, hanging amongst the upper branches of the bushes right above where the trail heads through them, is a massive snake! Although it's arranged in a back and forth manner, it must be near ten feet long and doesn't look like it's ever missed a meal. It's silver-green scales and large black spots all along it's length help the ambush predator blend in frighteningly well.

The giant snake does not appear to have seen or sensed the young half-orc's calculated approach...


Surprise Round
Bog: 5
Boa: 2


OOC: The d6 was for a surprise roll and Al crushes it! Bogdan has actually surprised the snake and has 2 "surprise" segments with which to act. As per OSRIC(pg120) that pretty much equates to 2 rounds worth of action for him, and in turn the party.

Point of Order: Since Bog was up front, only he will have seen the snake at this point. Therefore, he will have to either announce or indicate this to Ulrich and Caelvanna behind him. So that being the case:

*** Need a Declared Action for Bogdan for the first "surprise" segment! ***

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/ 2 backup spears in left hand ; Caelvanna – short bow/arrow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna
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Re: Action Thread 4: The Sprice Trident Isles!

#59 Post by Alethan »

Bog says, "Snake!" In a hushed voice as he thrusts his spear upwards at it in a reflexive action.

To Hit, Spear (melee) [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13 (hits AC 5)

Damage, Spear (S/M) [1d6+5] = 2+5 = 7
Damage, Spear (L) [1d8+5] = 8+5 = 13 (in case it qualifies as a large-sized creature...)

He thrusts again before the snake can react...

To Hit, Spear (melee) [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4

OOC: this guy has the worst dice luck...
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Enncounter with the boa: SS1 & 2

#60 Post by Argennian »

~ Bogdan announces the large snake's existence to his companions behind him as he strikes out with his trusty spear. The blow barely catches the snake but ends up inflicting a deep, cutting wound. Not waiting for any input or questions from behind, the half-orc stabs out again at the fat serpent, but this time his strike is too rushed and misses the mark.


*** Need Declared Actions for Ulrich and Caelvanna for Surprise Segments 1 & 2 ***

Boa: taken 13 points damage

OOC: Remember that during surprise, each surprise segment acts as an actual full round of action. Bog did call out the snake's presence before he attacked in SS1. Despite the thick vegetation, Ulrich is close enough behind Bog to be able to move up and make an attack in surprise segment 1, but Caelvanna will only be able to move up into position for a melee attack during SS1. Both the dwarf and Wild elf can make regular attacks in surprise segment 2.

Note: Bogdan is now considered engaged with the snake and so anyone attempting to fire a ranged weapon at it will chance hitting Bog. The snake is a large creature, so please account for that when making attack/damage rolls!

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Ulrich 16/16
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/ 2 backup spears in left hand ; Caelvanna – short bow/arrow (1 arrow fired) ; Ulrich – mace/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Bogdan , Ulrich , Calevanna

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