WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#41 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Roger will move carefully through the jungle to place himself between the Japanese and their base...should any break off and flee, he doesn't want any getting away.

He's also a bit concerned that he's out of sight/contact with the main group...he'll make sure that there is at least one tree between him and them just in case someone decides to shoot at his shadow!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#42 Post by max_vale »

Allarion Island; Approx. 10:35 AM, 16 November; 1942

On a tiny island where the Indian Ocean met the Pacific; a vicious life and death, hand to hand fight between the Allies and the Axis Japanese was going on.....

Radioman Roker, after watching his Knife-Throwing attempt fail to hurt his foe was a bit stunned and was fumbling with his Garand as the Japanese solider leveled his Arisaka Rifle at him, but before the IJA trooper could pulled the trigger, 'Dutch' Van Horn buried his big 'Raider' Bowie knife into the man's chest and with a horrible gush of blood when Charlie yanked the weapon out, the solider fell to the ground spasming and soon lying still in a pile on the island's floor....

As the three new arrivals raced around the hill's edge to charge into battle, they were met by the short but furious form of Rifleman Gurung, who slashed the first IJA solider twice with his Khukri knife; dropping him to the ground in a bloody, lifeless heap. The second Japanese solider though, screamed in rage and stuck the Gurkha with his Arisaka-mounted bayonet; causing a painful, bloody wound on the Nepalese man's side*....

Doc Franklin swung his Carbine again at the somewhat dazed Nip soldier's head, but this time the Corpsman's aim was off and he missed everything. As the IJA trooper pulled back his bayonet-equipped rifle to attempt to spear Carl he was met by a vicious stab into his side by LT Marvin Acme and the soldier dropped to his knees with a scream of pain before crumbling to a shaking mass that eventually stopped moving....

Coastguardsman Elias Tucker called upon his Talent and with a shimmer, he vanished from sight and he stepped to one side as the three IJA troopers rushed around the hill side and into the fray. As the last one 'rounded the corner', the Iowan stabbed him from behind with his 'Commando' Knife, causing a cry of pain and a vicious spin around and attack that missed him by a mile as the wounded IJA trooper's eyes went wide as he saw nothing.....

Moving towards a tree to keep between himself and the rest of the vicious melee that was going on some 10-15 yards away, Roger Myers kept a close watch to see if anyone attempted to either flee away from or run towards the fight from either direction of the trail......he saw nothing.....

OOC: Okay, the situation is there are 2 foes still alive....one is fine and has just wounded Gurung (he's at -1D until treated); the other is wounded but still in the fight....he is currently facing off against an invisible Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#43 Post by Rex »


Gurung attacks with his Khukri.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#44 Post by ateno »

max_vale wrote: Sun Nov 07, 2021 4:13 pm Allarion Island; Approx. 10:35 AM, 16 November; 1942
Coastguardsman Elias Tucker called upon his Talent and with a shimmer, he vanished from sight and he stepped to one side as the three IJA troopers rushed around the hill side and into the fray. As the last one 'rounded the corner', the Iowan stabbed him from behind with his 'Commando' Knife, causing a cry of pain and a vicious spin around and attack that missed him by a mile as the wounded IJA trooper's eyes went wide as he saw nothing.....
In that moment. Elias slashed, aiming across the neck, taking advantage of the awkwardness the Japanese rifleman provides him, while looking for his invisible form.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#45 Post by Urson »

Dutch hesitates, turning a bit green as his man dies at his feet. He visibly collects himself, wipes the blood from his blade on the Nip's uniform, and turns to assess to situation.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#46 Post by BackworldTraveller »

No one coming, no one going. Roger keeps his eyes peeled in case of anything occurring. Someone may still run.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#47 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Acme pats Dutch on the back and races over to join Gurung. If he can't reach it in time, he'll throw his dagger at either remaining foe.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#48 Post by max_vale »

Allarion Island; Approx. 10:40-11:50 AM, 16 November; 1942

As the sun continued to climb into the Pacific sky, the knife-fight between the Allies and the Axis came to a swift and bloody end....

First, a wounded and panicked IJA Solider, unable to see who had cut him, heaved desperately with his Arisaka Rifle in an arc that met no-one; while slipping invisibly behind him, Coastguardsmen Tucker jammed his weapon into the base of the man's neck and in a welter of blood, he soon fell to the ground, quivering for a long few moments before falling still....

Next, Rifleman Gurung, ignoring his own wound, slashed out viciously with his Khaki Knife and caused his foe to stagger back away from him with a lot of blood leaking from his wound. The IJA solider gathered himself to launch a retaliatory strike, but before he could do so, a sudden spinning metallic object buried itself right into the center of his heart, causing him to stare at it for a long moment, before he spasmed a few times and then fell stiffly to the ground....

Marvin Acme had hurled his 'Commando' Knife with insane preciseness and drilled his opponent perfectly. Stepping over to the body, he removed the weapon, called for 'Doc' to have a look at Gurung and for the others to get the bodies off the trail. Franklin quickly utilized his Talent Power as the others followed the Lieutenant's orders and soon, SST 4 was moving again....

They followed the foothills up and up, soon finding the stream that bisected the small island and occasionally walking in its knee-deep depths. As they trudged higher and higher, after about 45 minutes, they could feel the ground leveling off and a hundred or so yards away, they saw a wide pool that clearly served as the source of the stream. The sun was almost at noon height now and the heat could be felt by all of the members of the team....

As they all took a long moment to splash some of the some-what cool water over their heads in an effort to cool down, Roker nudged Dutch and soon all of them followed over to the view they now had. They were looking down at the small, but deep-water bay on the Western side of the island and anchored off in the distance, was the unmistakable sign of a Merchantmen.....and with the German Naval Ensign flying on a pole at its stern, this MUST be the Tyr......

Down below them they could see the foothills tapered down to a soft beach with some scrub woods here and there and a series of 2 large and 2 small buildings along with 3 piers. One of the large buildings was narrow and rather elegantly made and it was close to the piers and currently had a couple of Japanese Officers in dress uniforms along with a quartet of troops wearing the 'Unit 781' armband serving as guards. A squad of about a dozen standard IJA troops patrolled the area and a couple were assigned outside a couple of the smaller buildings, which seemed to be barracks buildings. The last large building was right of the edge of the water and it was a Hangar/Machineshop for the Seaplanes that currently took up 2 of the 3 piers....

Two large 'Emily' Seaplanes were moored at the piers; apparently with most of the weapons removed to make them more comfortable as Transport planes....

About a dozen crew members for the two planes lounge around the hangar/machine shop building but soon their attention was taken up by a boat being lowered over the side of the German Cruiser. Looking out that way, the members of SST4 saw a small, but powerful looking Torpedo Boat being lowered over the side of the Tyr; no doubt bringing the SS contingent to the meeting....

From the front, it clearly had a cannon of some kind in a glass-enclosed cockpit on the top of the Bridge and a brief stern-view showed that it also had a pair of Torpedo Tube cleverly built into the stern for rear-ward firing.....

As the Ship moved towards the pier; Acme called over to Hal. Hal quickly took a look at the situation and seeing that the windows were open in the 'meeting' building near the last, unused pier where the high ranking Japanese Officers and Honor Guard was, he suggested moving to some scrub woods a few hundred yards away and using that position as an ideal place to 'overhear' the conversation....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#49 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The view is interesting - Where are the guards? Anyone watching the water? Anyone on the boats or in the aircraft?

Looking from within deep shadow, Roger will look for two routes - one to the water so the aircraft and motor boat can be accessed by swimming; the other away to the hills. The mission isn't over until we are away! And how many latrines do they have for this crowd? That should help the calculation of how many players there are were in this particular production.

The way back must be the first priority...any patrol back that way could find their trail (or block it) - particularly if the bodies are found. What route will give us all the best cover as we flee - and which will be the least obvious for any tracker trying to follow?

And then Roger realises he hasn't noticed anything the leaders have been saying and looks for orders.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#50 Post by Rex »


Gurung will position himself to watch their back.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#51 Post by Urson »

Dutch keeps low, creeping toward the building on his belly. He works on calming his mind, ready to call on his Talent when he's in place. When he gets as close as he can, he exerts his Will to raise his hearing to the limit.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#52 Post by ateno »

Unless told otherwise, Elias will tell his superiors he will take the Right flank, find a spot, well hidden and watch.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#53 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin agrees with Hal. "We need to get closer. Hal and Dutch, I'll leave it to you two to determine how close we need to be. Everyone else watch their backs. We need eyes on any wandering patrols, as well as knowing the layout of the area."

"Can anyone breathe underwater? I only see that cannon on the Torpedo boat that can hit planes. Anyone notice any traces of artillery, tracks and that kind of thing?"

Acme motions for questions or observations, then gets everyone moving to a spot that we can overhear.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#54 Post by max_vale »

Allarion Island; Approx. 11:50AM-12:30 PM, 16 November; 1942

The members of SST 4 all crouched down and either kept a close watch or attempted to use their Talent Powers to succeed in their mission....

Roger Myers keeps a close watch on everything and does his best to determine how many total people are here on the island and what their status is. He's able to determine that about 40-60 total people are here as the German boat pulls ups and the half-dozen or so crew quickly get the little Torpedo Boat tied up on the unused pier and 4 men get off and walk towards the Building where the two Japanese Officers and the honor guard of 4 Unit 781 Talents await. Three of the 4 Germans are wearing the uniform of the SS, including the unique Rune Pin that denotes them as 'Ubermenschen' (Supermen) or German Talents. One of the three is an Officer, a Colonel by the looks of it while the other two are NCOs. The NCOs are carrying MP 40 submachine guns while the officer just has a Lugar in a holster on his belt. The last man has the Rune Pin as well, but instead of a uniform, he is wearing a White Lab Coat.

Myers notes that the dozen strong Japanese Squad doing roaming patrols are paying almost NO attention to the hills behind them, but instead are mostly watching the Germans coming ashore and greeting their Officers (an IJA General and Major by the looks of it) and filing into the building for the talk, leaving the two German NCOs and the 4 Japanese Talent Honor Guards more or less staring each other down. In addition, there's another dozen or so plane crew largely gathered around similiarly watching their bosses meeting and occasionally doing maintenance on board the big 'Emily' Sea-planes. There is a path leading down out of the hills to the building areas and a quick route (though not a path) can be found through the scrub woods to the water's edge, if they needed to race down and get into the Ocean for some reason....though they'd be in complete sight of the crew on the Tyr anchored not far off shore....

Marvin Acme took a look around while feeling/hearing/smelling Hal and Dutch activate their Talent Powers.....he didn't notice any Artillery or Tracks or any land vehicles of any kind. Other than the Cannon on the German Torpedo Boat and the MGs on the Emily Seaplanes; there was nothing heavier than small arms on the island that he could see at all. Though he DID recall that the 'Merchantman' out there off the shore had some heavy, well-hidden Naval guns and there WERE a couple of smaller Floatplane Fighters with MGs and Cannons doing a patrol above the island....

Elias, Doc and Roker were all content to find a good spot to crouch down and do their best to just keep a close eye on things in case things went south in a hurry....

Gurung positioned himself to watch if anything was coming at them from behind....the sharp-eyed and alert Gurkha saw and heard nothing....

Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn activated his 'Telescopic Hearing' power and focused on the open window of the building the SS Colonel, Scientist and two High Ranking Japanese Officers went into. All four men were speaking in German, which he had a decent understanding of from his childhood and he could tell they were going through pleasantries and introductions. The Colonel was named Strauss; the Scientist was a Doctor Von Hefflin; the Japanese General was a Major General Hashikora and the Major was named Yamada. After beating around the bush for awhile, Doctor Von Hefflin said something was broken and the Japanese needed to address that right away (Van Horn's German isn't perfect and it's a long way away and he's starting to strain to keep the Talent Power going) and the Germans had a great gift for the Japanese....something Technical that Charlie didn't quite get. Sweat was breaking out all along his forehead and he was feeling like somebody who had been running for a long time; a lot of strain.....

*OOC: This is a Minor Power that's about at its limit, unless you want to make a Will Roll with some WP expenditure perhaps?

Next to Acme, Hal the Australian Talent had taken a deep breath and activated his Talent as the four men stepped into the building. Due to the nature of his Power, he understood the conversation perfectly. He relayed the information that Dutch had gleaned (i.e. the names, pleasantries), in addition knowing that Strauss and the 2 NCOs were survivors of battles agains the Russians on the Eastern Front and that Von Hefflin was a genius whose Talent Powers allowed him to make Technological leaps in machines he created. Hal said that Von Hefflin was telling the Japanese Officers that the Allies had broken most of their military codes and therefore had an advantage on them and that the Japanese should seriously change their codes to fix this problem. Hal could also tell from Hashikora's answer, that though polite and thanking the German, he didn't really believe him.

Hal started to show some strain from his Power usage as well, but he kept it up and continued. Von Hefflin had created some kind of 'Jet aircraft' that was extremely fast, rugged and well armed and that six Prototypes had been built and all successfully tested. Three of them on board the Tyr and would be handed over to the Japanese when the German ship sailed to Rabaul to offload them along with Technical documents in Japanese for Japanese engineers to utilize to build more. There were the ONLY such Technical papers that existed, Von Hefflin said, as he uncomfortably had to explain that for unknown reasons, the Fuhrer wasn't thrilled with the idea of changing any of the German Aircraft Production lines to produce this Jet and he wanted NO blue-prints in German until the planes had been combat-tested. Therefore, 3 of them were being sent to North Africa to be used against the British and newly arrived Americans (the news of Operation Torch, the Americans landing in North Africa on November 8th would be known to the PCs when they were in Australia) and the other 3 had been sent to be given to the Japanese.

Hal was clearly straining now, but he managed to tell Acme; "Sir...I think the meeting is gonna end soon..."

Marvin had heard rumors of 'Jet' planes....something like the rocket ships out of Buck Rogers serials.....but he never thought they'd be real. The fact that the Germans had some and might be giving them to the Japanese sent cold shivers down his spine....along with the fact that if the Japanese changed their codes; they could mean BIG trouble for the Allies. Something had to be done.....quick!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#55 Post by ateno »

When Elias watch's he will be focusing on the troops and their interaction and if there are any that seem very unhappy they are here, or unhappy with the other culture.

Otherwise he will continue to stay on guard.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#56 Post by BackworldTraveller »

The mission appears to be "going to hell in a handbasket". As an espionage mission the killing of the patrol should be raising alarm bells soon. And they aren't equipped for Sabotage yet that seems to be the logical outcome from the information overheard.

And what was a jet plane? Some form of ultra-black night-fighter? Anyway, nothing good. But the news that the Germans knew that Japanese codes had been broken - now that was really serious! How had they found out?

The immediate concern is covering the listening party so they can get away. That their talent usage hasn't tipped off the locals is fortunate - but that kind of luck tends not to last.

The tree-line and associated shrubs provide cover from observation, but nothing much from fire. A careful check on the ship might reveal watchers - but they would probably be more interested in Sky and Sea-approaches (he hopes). And the camp was still moving slowly. No-one running or guard turning out. A problem delayed is something not to worry about now.

He wonders what the plan is for when the proverbial cat escapes the proverbial bag. There are still many hours until the pick-up and sitting on the beach waiting won't do much but draw attention to the one place they really don't don't want to draw attention to. Still, who knows, it might all go well.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#57 Post by Monsieur Rose »

A few questions: As far as we know the documents are on the Tyr, along with the 3 prototypes? And they are planning to offload them at Rabaul (somewhere else)?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#58 Post by Urson »

Dutch scowls and lets his Talent lapse. He'd completely forgotten the language problems. He holds position, providing security for Hal.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#59 Post by Rex »


Gurung maintains his position, keeping watch.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Three: Axis Alliance at Allarion Island

#60 Post by max_vale »

OOC: In response to Rose's post:

A few questions: As far as we know the documents are on the Tyr, along with the 3 prototypes? And they are planning to offload them at Rabaul (somewhere else)?

Reply: The documents are WITH the German/Japanese 'head shed' talking right now.....the Prototypes are on the Tyr......and yes, they are planning to offload them at Rabaul....perhaps a week's sailing time to the East of the island your on right now.

Also; in response to somebody's post.....you have a FANTASTIC means of Sabotage with you right now.......his name is Marvin Acme......:)
Last edited by max_vale on Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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