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Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:25 am
by doppelganger
The singed mutant rat is reconsidering the wisdom of engaging the minders in combat, and thinks again about taking rat form and burrowing under a rock. For the moment though, he fights. He takes another swing with his morningstar, while one head scans around for an escape option.

If it's close I'll burn luck, but I think I needed an 18? In that case no.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 7:00 am
by GrapeApe
After suffering the jolt from the creatures defensive electrical field, Podo switches to his spear.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 1:31 am
by Norjax
Gam’A Zone, Motter’s Realm 356D/81 (Early Evening)

Round 6

Denslow grapples the minder as it sweeps in for another attack! (1pt. dmg) The plasma being breaks free (Makes STR check, but loses its attack action) and a jolt of energy ripples across Denslow’s bark!

(Make a Reflex save vs. DC 10)

Minder #1 rushes at Podo but he dodges the advance! (Miss)

Kurot chucks a sizeable rock into the volume of the creature. It SNAPS! on impact. (2pt. dmg)

Minder #2 slips past Urlando as the rat-duce tumbles aside! (Miss)

Silvestri focuses another pyrokinetic burst against the energy denizen! (5pt. dmg)

Minder #5 charges into the group of Jan’ort, Anton & Sha’oul, but glides over the prone astroplantient with a harmless pass. (Miss)

Sha’oul generates another bolo and tangles it around the monstrous mass before it vaporizes with a BANG! (5pt. dmg)

Jan’ort mimics his comrade but the bolo skips off the minders surface. (Miss)

Saiph hopes his new angle of attack improves his chances, but is thwarted once again! (Miss)

Max tries to take advantage of the temporarily subdued minder. (Miss, even with a +4 to hit)

Urlando reconsiders morphing into his primal form as a defense against the energetic onslaught. His swing but cannot connect with his bludgeoning weapon. (Miss)

Podo switches to his spear but blunders his thrust! (Miss)

OOC: All the minders are damaged to lightly damaged.

OOC: Podo & Max’ penalty die ends. Use 1d20 next round.

OOC: Next update is Saturday night.


Action Details:


Hit Points [Luck Point Recovery - 360D]:

Denslow – 23/42 [11/16]
Silvestri – 47/60 [13/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Max – 28/28 [13/15]
Anton – 43/43 [6/11]
Saiph – 25/25 [4/11] Glowburned AGL 15
Podo – 34/63 [14/14]
Urlando – 34/75 [17/17]

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:01 am
by greyarea

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:04 am
by greyarea
Max lets fly with some old frontier gibberish


and attacks again.

Max Case initiative [1d20]=17

Nanoware lion’s helmet attack [1d16-1]=1-1=0 & bite [1d8-1]=6-1=5


Fumble [1d4]=4 Empty night!

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:15 am
by GrapeApe

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 2:24 pm
by shaidar

Movement and power range here are on the edge, so if he can't get close enough or the creature moves before him then he's use his sling, but on the assumption he can just get within range this round he'll close and use his molecular disruption power

Initiative: [1d20]=20 plus [1d3]=1

Molecular Disruption: [1d20+1]=1+1=2

Arghh, from a 20 to a 1! This could be fun: defects table roll:

Defect: [1d100]=30

Devolved, lets see how bad:
Devolved: [1d20+1]=12+1=13 = -2 agility

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 2:28 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri moves 'north' to get a better angle and uses his pyro powers once more:

Initiative: [1d20]=6

Pyrokinesis: [1d20+8]=10+8=18

Small Fireball: [1d10]=4

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:43 pm
by Anton_E_Gregor
Anton continues to try and assist Sha'oul and Jan'ort by redirecting any electrical attack with the whip.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 8:40 pm
by doppelganger
Urlando, his white fur blackened by electrical burns, calls upon his rat ancestor-spirits and swings again:

I'll burn a point of Luck if need to push that to an 18.

Reflex save roll for the minder's electrical defenses:

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 1:54 am
by Norjax
Gam’A Zone, Motter’s Realm 356D/81 (Early Evening)

Round 7

Saiph positions himself for a molecular disruption. He summons the power from unseen forces, but it turns inward & against the mutant! His body convulses and spurts out globs of light. Saiph collapses to the ground and is mildly stunned as his body morphs and changes. (Devolved through defect; -2 Agility. Will determine how that manifests.)

Denslow resists the charged defense of the minder (Makes Save) and tries to slice with his axe, but swings wide. (Miss)

Max is unable to master his interdimensional attack. He trips and smashes into the ground, disrupting the power’s manifestation. (“Breaks” weapon; cannot use for 10 minutes which is outside the probable duration of this battle)

Minder #1 charges into Podo with a loud CRACK! (DMG 10)

Minder #2 whirls around Urlando, tightening its radius until contact is made; SNAP! (DMG 11)

Minder #3 rounds back and bounces off Denslow with a sharp SMACK! (DMG 15)

Minder #5 sweeps across towards Jan’ort and ricochets off him without a discharge. (Miss)

Silvestri produces a small fireball and launches it into a minder! (4pt. to #5)

Urlando pummels the passing minder with the head of his morning star! (7pt. dmg to #2)

Sha’oul misses with a bolo release.

Jan’ort unleashes another organic bolo into the minder! (4pt. dmg to #5)

Podo tries but misses with a spear thrust.

Kurot misses with another natural missile.

Anton continues to support the defenses of the two nomads.

OOC: Denslow is critically wounded.

OOC: Three of the minders are severely damaged. #3 is damaged.

OOC: Next update is Tuesday night.

Action Details:


Hit Points [Luck Point Recovery - 360D]:

Denslow – 8/42 [11/16]
Silvestri – 47/60 [13/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Max – 28/28 [13/15]
Anton – 43/43 [6/11]
Saiph – 25/25 [4/11] Glowburned AGL 15
Podo – 24/63 [14/14]
Urlando – 23/75 [17/17]

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:16 am
by shaidar

Realising is plantient friend is seriously injured he rushes over towards him (well, 15 yrds in his direction anyway), and fires off his pyrokinetic powers at #3:

Initiative: [1d20]=20

Pyrokinesis: [1d20+8]=13+8=21
Phew! I'll spend 3 luck points to bring this up to a 24, for a 3d6 heat pulse, that's assuming the 20' radius isn't an issue with friendly fire. If it is then I'll stick with the original roll, and re-roll dmg
Fire pulse dmg: [3d6]=8

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:02 pm
by greyarea
Denslow goes full defensive.

Flailing mass. AC -6. 4 rounds. No other actions during those rounds

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:16 pm
by greyarea
Max feels he has no other choice. With a sharp rock, he pulls a great cat's claw from his pouch and rends his forearms, letting his blood spilling the ground, (burning 5 AGL and 5 STA) and INVOKES his Patron UKUR

glowborn [1d4]=2

Invoke Patron EDE [1d20+1]=4+1=5
:o :shock: SERIOUSLY, die roller?!? I burn 10 and you give me a 15 total!?! Arrgh!

He burns 13 LUCK to bring that to 28 total.

UKUR grants the shaman control over the planet’s crust, allowing the shaman to encase his enemies in a coating of solid rock, which erupts from the ground and entombs up to 4 humanoid-sized targets or 1 large opponent. The encased victims will quickly suffocate unless freed, which requires a DC 19 Strength check.

He encases 1, 2, 3 and 5 in stone, hopefully ending this battle.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:14 am
by Norjax
I just noticed that there is a misunderstanding of your Prehensile Tendril mutation. This is a Passive mutation that is fixed once a roll is made (at character creation or level advancement). The 8d8 damage listed on the character sheet is what is afflicted on every successful melee attack. This attack only used a 1d6 for damage.

Go ahead and roll another 7d6 for damage and I will retcon.

Never mind, combat resolution up tonight!

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:34 am
by GrapeApe

I will use 5 Luck to give 10 points to Max so he only needs to use 3 of his own.

If the rock encases the opponents, I'll hold and see if it can contain it. If the rock encasing has no effect or it immediately breaks out, I will attempt another stab.

This dice roller is the worst! I just realized I don't have a fumble die on my character sheet but I assume the fur cloak is a d8?

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 3:13 pm
by doppelganger
Urlando jumps back from the erupting rock.

If the rock encasing fail to contain the minder, he will attack again with his morningstar.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 1:39 am
by Norjax
Gam’A Zone, Motter’s Realm 356D/81 (Early Evening)

Round 8

Desperation permeates the arena!

Denslow enables his flailing mass as a defense against further harm.

Silvestri blasts a minder with a pulse of intense heat! (8pt. dmg to #3)

OOC: Burns 3 Luck.

Podo notices Max focusing on an interdimensional summons. He uses a quantum link and loosens latent fungal spores out of the dirt to saturate the air around the neuronaut!

OOC: Donates 5 Luck points to Max.

Max looks through the veils between dimensions and sees the dazzling, geometric image of UKUR!


The ground heaves and trembles, permeating the air with a deafening rumble! Plasticised rock erupts from the ground, rapidly enveloping each of the plasma creatures with a shell that solidifies and snuffs out their energy! (All failed their save)

OOC: Glowburned 5 AGL & 5 STA.
OOC: Burned 3 Luck.
OOC: Used 5 Luck from Podo.

Urlando jumps away from the ground burst and his panic subsides after realizing Max is invoking a patron power.

Saiph rolls over and watches the awesome display of neural energy.

Anton, Sha’oul and Jan’ort steady themselves as they take in the scene.

OOC: Next update is Friday night.

Action Details:


Hit Points [Luck Point Recovery - 360D]:

Denslow – 8/42 [11/16]
Silvestri – 47/60 [10/14]
Kurot – 50/50 [7/15]
Max – 28/28 [10/15] Glowburned AGL 7, STA 8
Anton – 43/43 [6/11]
Saiph – 25/25 [4/11] Glowburned AGL 15
Podo – 24/63 [9/14]
Urlando – 23/75 [17/17]

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:07 pm
by greyarea
Max looks around and, satisfied that the baddies are all taken care of, sits down in the dust and attempts to staunch the bleeding.

Thanks for the assist, he says to Podo. I figured we were goners if I couldn't get in touch with my patron.

Re: CHAPTER 12c: Across Motter's Realm

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:09 pm
by greyarea
Denslow's tentacles flail less slowly, his eyes soon recognizable behind the cloud of moving limbs. Satisfied that the threat is gone he looks down, scanning his trunk and the wounds left by these creatures.

He says, We need to get to some shelter so we can rest and heal. We may need to delay finding the special rocks until we can better defend ourselves.