In Gods We Trust

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Re: In Gods We Trust

#321 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Zirus – Lizard Man
Zirus enters the new chamber and takes a few seconds to absorb the scenery, tasting the air with slow flicks of his forked tongue. The floating ship gives him pause and wonder, but the appearance of the brutish Hobgoblin and his minions brings him back to the task at hand. His tongue flicks rapidly, tasting the scent of the Humans nearby. Something deep within stirs, an urge to set upon the Humans with an unholy appetite and devour their flesh. He resists.

Human Flesh Weakness DC: 20 + 1 (Avg Human level) - 15 (Amulet) + 2 Humans = 8
Zirus WIS-DC [3d6+2] = 12+2 = 14

Grabbing a nearby torch, Zirus produces his Flame Mirror of Shekinester and ams it at one of the charging Norkers "Burn them back to their rightful place, might goddess Shekinester!"
Initiative [1d10] = 7, Mirror Attack [3d6] = 12, Damage [1d4+2] = 4+2 = 6

A narrow stream of fire emanates from the mirror, and shoots across the room toward the charging Norker.

NPC Post: Tobias – Grimalkin (Zirus’ friend)
Tobias keeps his cat form and waits in a crouched spring-poised state, his body low, eyes super-dialated, his tail flat and streamlined. The first Norker that nears his position will feel the brunt of his cat-force.

Initiative [1d10] = 1, Pounce Bite [3d6] = 10, Dmg [1d6-1] = 5-1 = 4
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#322 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gavin Moorehouse – Human

Gavin, still covered in filth from the Temple chamber floor, and having lost ever ounce of faith or patience the Order of the Rose taught him many years ago, he raises both heavy maces and charges into the pack of Norkers, swinging a mace at one Norker then the next, with a mighty cry of hatred, "You will not desecrate this land with your filth!"

Initiative [1d10] = 10, Mace 1 [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, Damage [1d10+2] = 7+2 = 9
Initiative [1d10] = 6, Mace 2 [1d20+2] = 19+2 = 21, Damage [1d10+2] = 8+2 = 10
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#323 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post
Norker 1 (AC: 9, HD: 1+2)
Initiative [1d10] = 7, Club [1d20] = 19, DMG [1d4] = 3

Norker 2 (AC: 12, HD: 1+2)
Initiative [1d10] = 8, Club [1d20] = 19, DMG [1d4] = 3

Norker 3 (AC: 8 , HD: 1+2)
Initiative [1d10] = 7, Club [1d20+1] = 14+1 = 15, DMG [1d4] = 1

All three Norkers charge the party, centering their attack on Gavin, leaping and bounding, swinging their clubs with an unholy war cry, their teeth chattering the whole way.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#324 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post
Hobgoblin (AC: 16, HD: 1+2)

A wide smile crosses the Hobgoblin’s face as the party charges. Without a word he strolls toward the largest member, Kel, and raises his club, determined to pierce flesh and smash bone.

Initiative [1d10] = 8, Heavy Bone Mace [1d20+2] = 13+2 = 15, DMG [1d6+2] = 6+2 = 8
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#325 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post:
Pirate Bandit 8 – Human (AC: 11, HD: 1)
Initiative [1d10] = 4, Longspear [1d20] = 17, DMG [1d8] = 8

Pirate Bandit 9 – Human (AC: 9, HD: 1)
Initiative [1d10] = 1, Longspear [1d20-2] = 7-2 = 5, DMG [1d8-2] = 5-2 = 3

Pirate-Bandit 8 & 9 charge Rakjak and Zirus respectively with their longspears.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#326 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Clash of Arms
Calendar: 9:06 pm - July 10th, 9001
Location: Undercity Bottom Level – Ancient Dock

Pirate-Bandit 9 takes advantage of the charging Norkers and sprints at Zirus, intent on skewering the Lizardman. Zirus, crafty, sly, and slickery as always, easily evades the advances of the silly Human.

Tobias leaps and tackles Norker 3, pinning him to the ground and viciously gnawing at the creature. Lyaera attempts to fire at the charging enemy, but finds herself enamored by the magical floating ship and fires wide. Her arrow slams in to a nearby marble column and shatters.

Rakjak stands staring at the enemy, trying to decide which one he should put to his blade first. Milling over the spices in his head that would best fit the tough little Norkers, and how best to fillet the tenderest parts of the Hobgoblin, when Pirate-Bandit 8 sneak up and jabs him in the side with his longspear.

Gavin smashes into the remaining Norkers, mauling Norker 2 with his heavy mace. The little creature is no match for the heavy weapon and is flung into nearby column, crumples to the floor, bones smashed to bits, no life left in it. Zirus trains his mirror on Norker 1 and burns it with the light of Shekinester. The Norker howls in pain and rage as its club bashes into Gavin’s knee. Gavin doesn’t seem to notice as his mace smashes the little creature to the floor with a sickening thud and crack of bones. Norker 1 doesn’t move once Gavin has had his way with it.

The Hobgoblin and Kel meet mid-field, both with gleams of war in their eyes. The Hobgoblin takes the initiative, swinging his massive bone club into Kel’s shoulder. One of the spikes pierces the meat of Kel’s back, drawing first blood. Kel, a tough Woodsman, laughs in rage and returns the blow with a hefty swing of his forest axe. The axe slices cleanly through the Hobgoblins neck, nearly severing it clean off. It’s thick viscous blood oozes out as its body slumps to the floor.

Caiden, waiting for an opportune moment to fire, quickly releases both arrows, the first at Pirate-Bandit 8, the second at Norker 2. The first arrow easily finds its mark, slamming deep into Pirate-Bandit 8’s shoulder. The second arrow never finds its mark, as Tobias is on top of the only remaining Norker, gnawing at it with his fiendish kitten fangs.

As the dust settles from the clash of creatures, a single Norker and 2 Pirate-Bandits remain. Having nowhere to run, they amazingly show no sign of retreat or surrender. From the shadows appear two dark figures, lithe and agile, sprinting toward the line of battle. As they pass from darkness into light, it can be seen that they wear no armor, no leather, and carry no weapons of any kind. They are Humans like the Pirate-Bandits, but with a distinctly yellowish skin and somewhat shorter stature. They slow to a walk as they approach the line of battle. Their expressions are stern, as if they mean serious business. They survey the party sharply. One of them shouts to the other two Pirate-Bandits in a distinctly Asiatic accent, something most of the party have never heard before, “Take the Knight, we shall deal with the rest.” The two humans contort their bodies into strange poses, revealing honed, well trained muscles, while strange sounds emanate from their mouths, coming deep from within their chests. Scars cover their bodies, telling a tale of much hardship, yet extreme perseverance. With a cry they charge, focusing their initial attack on Kel.

Kel Init [1d10] = 10
Lyaera Init [1d10] = 3

  • Hobgoblin: Dead!
  • Pirate-Bandit 8: -3
  • Pirate-Bandit 9:
  • Norker 1: Dead!
  • Norker 2: -4
  • Norker 3: Dead!
The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant 1 (HP: 13/24) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll 1 (HP: 10/21 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf 1 (HP: 17/20) (AC: 12)
  • Caiden Cross – Human 2 (HP: 25/28) (AC: 13)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 15/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 106/109) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 29/32) (AC: 10)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 24/27) (AC: 19)
  • Thorgruk Gribtuk, Volnen, Crusk, Vhork – Grey Mountain Kobolds
    Grey Mountain Kobolds
  • Meznaskraak – Female Kobold (not Grey Mountain clan)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Other NPC Characters
  • Slave 1 – Gnome – Young Male
  • Slave 2 – Elf – Young Male
  • Slave 3 - Bartrane Falirus - Human – Noble
  • Slave 4 – Human – Middle-Aged Male
  • Slave 5 – Human – Young Female
  • Slave 6 – Elf – Young Female
9:06 pm
July 10th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:23
Temp: 78.1 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: SE 4.6 mph
Condition: Clear
Humidity: 81%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:40 pm/4:46 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 95% visible

Rate of Travel: Dungeonous!
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#327 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden can sense danger from the two humanoid figures that joined the battle as a hand-to-hand fighter himself, and is a bit unnerved that the remaining pirate isn't afraid despite seeing his group massacred in front of him. Caiden moves to his left to get a clearer shot of the yellowish creatures that seems to be lunging at Kel and the giant would block the line of aim to the two. He focuses on the one he deems to look stronger and fires too quick arrows aiming one at his calf to hinder his movement and the second to the neck for a finishing blow.

Initiative: [1d10] = 2 ,Attack:[1d20+3] = 13+3 = 16, Damage:[1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4

Initiative: [1d10] = 6 ,Attack:[1d20+3] = 14+3 = 17, Damage:[1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#328 Post by MonkeyWrench »


Rakjak will growl at the remaining bandit, as he listens to the bandit receive his new orders he waits the one moment it takes for the bandit's attention to shift and then pounces, moving past the long spear and attempting to get close and flank the bandit.

Rakjak Handaxe: Init: [1d10] = 9 To Hit: [1d20] = 3, Damage: [1d6] = 3

Rakjak, Gnoll Chef: HP (10/21)
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#329 Post by Dram »

Lyaera gets her wits back about her and fires at one the pirates charging at Kel.

L. Bow Stndrd Arrow[1d20+2] = 10+2 = 12, Sm to hit[1d4] = 2=,Med[1d6] = 4=, lg[1d8] = 4=
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#330 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kel battles on nearest enemy he swings his axe.
Forest Axe [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21 to hit [1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10 dmg
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#331 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post:
Pirate Bandit 8 – Human (AC: 11, HD: 1)
Initiative [1d10] = 2, Longspear [1d20] = 9, DMG [1d8] = 7

Pirate Bandit 9 – Human (AC: 9, HD: 1)
Initiative [1d10] = 6, Longspear [1d20-2] = 4-2 = 2, DMG [1d8-2] = 4-2 = 2

Hearing new orders from the two Asiatic warriors, the two remaining Pirate-Bandits (8 & 9) charge Gavin with their longspears.
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#332 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post
Norker 2 (AC: 12, HD: 1+2)
Norker 2 howls in rage at Tobias and attempts to give the kitty a taste of its own medicine, with a bite of his own.

Initiative [1d10] = 1, Bite [1d20] = 13, DMG [1d6] = 1
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#333 Post by Antman9 »

Creature Post:
Pirate Bandit 11 – Human 1 (AC: 10)
With swift action, Pirate-Bandit 11 circles Kel, like a ballerina twirling, dodging, and weaving, throwing fists and elbows in a flurry of movements.

String Attack: Initiative [1d10] = 9, DEX-DC [3d6+1] = 9+1 = 10, Damage = 3 hp/hit

Successful Hits Table
  • 3-8 = 1
    9-14 = 2
    15+ = 3
Pirate Bandit 10 – Human 1 (AC: 13)
Pirate-Bandit 10 waits for Pirate-Bandit 11 to engage with Kel, then moves in for a single attack, targeting Kel’s main torso with a lunging double-fisted love-tap.

Single Attack: Initiative [1d10] = 4, DEX-DC [3d6+5] = 9+5 = 14, Damage = [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2

Damage Multiplier
  • 3-9 = 1
    10-16 = 2
    17+ = 3
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#334 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gavin Moorehouse – Human

Meeting the charging Bandits with a growl, grinning madly behind his helm, Gavin swings both heavy Maces, one at each man.

Initiative [1d10] = 6, Mace 1 [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8, Damage [1d10+2] = 3+2 = 5
Initiative [1d10] = 4, Mace 2 [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4, Damage [1d10+2] = 9+2 = 11
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#335 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Zirus – Lizard Man
At the appearance of the 2 new Humans, Zirus must once again be tested by Shekinester

Human Flesh Weakness DC: 20 + 1 (Avg Human level) - 15 (Amulet) + 2 Humans = 8
Zirus WIS-DC [3d6+2] = 10+2 = 12

His will is strong this time, so he ignores them, other than the touch of wonder at their curious behavior, and focuses his attention on the two Humans attacking Gavin. Zirus drops the torch, stuffs his mirror in his belt, and charges the two Bandits with his Snake Sceptre. “Tasty Humans-s-s! Your flesh will be mine!

Initiative [1d10] = 7, Snake Sceptre [1d20] = 8, DMG [2d4] = 6

NPC Post: Tobias – Grimalkin (Zirus’ friend)
Tobias circles his prey, tail and back fluffed, fur rigid and filled with a fierce static, hissing and spitting, then lunges in for a taste of the Norker’s flesh.

Initiative [1d10] = 10, Pounce Bite [3d6] = 5, Dmg [1d6-1] = 2-1 = 1
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#336 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Clash of Arms
Calendar: 9:07 pm - July 10th, 9001
Location: Undercity Bottom Level – Ancient Dock

Seeing Tobias circling for another attack, Norker 2 decides it is best to thwart the kitty’s bite by biting first. The Norker lunges at Tobias, sinking his long fangs into the kitten’s hind quarter. Tobias lets out a started meow and screech of pain. Pirate-Bandit 8 takes a stab at Gavin, but can’t seem to find a chink in his armor anywhere. Caiden fires off an arrow at Prate Bandit 10, trying to maim him, to slow him down, to give Kel a chance to work his forest axe magic. The arrow sinks deep into the thigh of the Asiatic bandit.
Willpower WIS-DC [3d6+1] = 11+1 = 12
The Bandit seems unperturbed, flinching mildly, and continues with his focused attack on Kel. Kel, meanwhile steps up and takes a swing at the dancing Pirate-Bandit 11, unperturbed by his fancy footwork and woman-like dancing. The Human goes down without so much as screech, and moves no more.

Pirate-Bandit 10 seizes the opportunity and lunges into Kel’s chest with a powerful double-fisted strike.
Kel Winded CON-DC (12) [3d6] = 13
Kel takes the blow like a champion.

Gavin and Pirate-Bandit 9 go at each other, neither able to inflict a single scratch on their opponent. Lyaera fires an arrow at Bandit 10, but he’s quick on his feet; the arrow flies right past him. Caiden’s 2nd arrow follows close on the heel of Lyaera’s and finds it’s mark in the Bandit’s neck, right where it meets the shoulder. The Asiatic Warrior quickly plucks it free, along with Caiden's first arrow, zero's in on the Caiden's location, and charges, hoping to close the distance before the sharp-shooter can get another shot off. Rakjak attempts to flank his Bandit, but just can’t seem to find the right angle of attack. Zirus switches gears and charges the Bandits with his snake sceptre and a verbal threat, but also can’t seem to make contact. These bandits are quick on their feet; a bit slippery, in a slimy kind of way.

Kel Initiative [1d10] = 3
Lyaera Initiative [1d10] = 6

  • Hobgoblin: Dead!
  • Pirate-Bandit 8: -3
  • Pirate-Bandit 9:
  • Norker 1: Dead!
  • Norker 2: -4
  • Norker 3: Dead!
  • Pirate-Bandit 10: -6
  • Pirate-Bandit 11: Dead!
The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant 1 (HP: 11/24) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll 1 (HP: 10/21 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf 1 (HP: 17/20) (AC: 12)
  • Caiden Cross – Human 2 (HP: 25/28) (AC: 13)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 15/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 106/109) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 28/32) (AC: 10)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 24/27) (AC: 19)
  • Thorgruk Gribtuk, Volnen, Crusk, Vhork – Grey Mountain Kobolds
    Grey Mountain Kobolds
  • Meznaskraak – Female Kobold (not Grey Mountain clan)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Other NPC Characters
  • Slave 1 – Gnome – Young Male
  • Slave 2 – Elf – Young Male
  • Slave 3 - Bartrane Falirus - Human – Noble
  • Slave 4 – Human – Middle-Aged Male
  • Slave 5 – Human – Young Female
  • Slave 6 – Elf – Young Female
9:07 pm
July 10th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:23
Temp: 78.1 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: SE 4.6 mph
Condition: Clear
Humidity: 81%
Moon Rise/Set: 6:40 pm/4:46 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 95% visible

Rate of Travel: Dungeonous!
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#337 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Kel fights on laughing like a master of the arena a gladiator that truly enjoys himself in battle as he keeps attacking the next bandit near him Forest Axe [1d20+3] = 6+3 = 9 to hit [1d8+3] = 5+3 = 8 dmg
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#338 Post by Dram »

Lyaera takes another shot at the Bandit#10. She misses badly decides to shoulder her bow and pulls her S. Sword to help Kel fight his two foes.

L. Bow Stndrd Arrow[1d20+2] = 5+2 = 7, Sm to hit[1d4] = 1=,Med[1d6] = 4=, lg[1d8] = 4=
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#339 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Caiden shoulders his bow and runs towards bandit 10, "You took two arrows and still going, a grand worrier! I would be ashamed if I didn't use my fists", when Caiden is within attacking distance of the bandit, he will jump at him positioning his hands behind the bandit's head and pulling it towards his flying right knee.

Initiative: [1d10] = 2 ,DEX-DC roll: [3d6+4] = 13+4 = 17 ,Damage: [1d6] = 2 X3=6

Afterwards he adds, "...or knees"
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Re: In Gods We Trust

#340 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Zirus – Lizard Man
Zirus attacks one of the two Bandits currently confronting Gavin with his Snake Sceptre, swinging it with malice and hateful intent.

Initiative [1d10] = 6, Snake Sceptre [1d20] = 7, DMG [2d4] = 5

NPC Post: Tobias – Grimalkin (Zirus’ friend)
Tobias squares off once again with the Norker in a battle of wills and teeth.
Initiative [1d10] = 4, Pounce Bite [3d6] = 11, Dmg [1d6-1] = 6-1 = 5
Initiative [1d10] = 4, Claw [3d6] = 12, Dmg [1d4-1] = 1-1 = 0
Initiative [1d10] = 3, Claw [3d6] = 12, Dmg [1d4-1] = 2-1 = 1
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