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Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:13 am
by Bhart
Stirling wrote:McCloud will begin by expressing concern for the two we left behind...just staring into space and all out of it. Having checked them would McCloud have determined that they were under some effect, illusion, compulsion or just temporarily OOC and away from the game?

"Perhaps the effect of this place has begun to get to them and they need a pace to rest..." pointing at the pews, "this chapel could be a safe little haven if we can make the place secure?" says McCloud trying to sound convincing that some evil inspired chapel is going to promote sweet dreams.

"Best for us all to be in one place and not split up, I'll bring them here." So McCloud will dump his pack on the last pew bench (claiming it for his bed..) and go play shepherd to any lost sheep.
Mc Cloud the kindly shepherd retrieves his flock. They follow you with out question. Once in the chapel they stare off into space and begin drooling again.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:19 am
by Bhart
Alethan wrote:
Stirling wrote:McCloud will usher the 'dazed duo' along from their positions into the hallway.

"Hey Urdak, I've found a couple of willing guards to stand watch over us", pointing to Tic and Raz, "I say we go into this tunnel of love and find the gold, unicorns and lovely rotund bearded dwarf maidens that yonder treasure hall beckons..?".

(McClouds preference would be to bring them into the chapel area but don't want to just herd them around if we can press on safely(?) with or without them).

Then with the last splutterings of his torch, McCloud will squeeze his way through the crawlspace and back to the chapel.
I believe the DM's whole point behind leaving them behind is that the players haven't actively participated in the game for some time, so they are effectively out of the game. Sparkles, for example, hasn't logged onto the Unseen Servant since April 27th.

I don't think he means for us to try and continue to drag them along...

Well, I won't be bothered to, in any case.
Bingo. If you wish to drag them along I don't mind. You can always give them simple commands like a trained dog...or a canary.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:28 am
by Bhart
saalaria wrote:Are you roping in any fresh meat for the grinder from the waiting list yet DM?
Not yet. Since you are so far into the dungeon and can't easily return to pick up the replacements I was going to wait until at least 3 were dead so the new guys could start at the entrance together. If Tix and Razluki have an accident that would be 3, but I won't just kill them. They should have a chance to return. If the character is in the wrong place at the wrong time before they do, then so be it. Of course if too much time passes I'll be forced to kill them so new players can begin.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:41 am
by Bhart
Mondego wrote:Quinn slowly makes his way into the room following the tile path. Before each step he tests the area in front of him using the butt of his spear. When he reaches the glowing alter he will visually inspect it, looking for any evidence that it is trapped.
You see no obvious signs of a trap. A more thorough check would require you to touch the altar. The only suspicious thing to be found is the fact that the translucent altar glows with a soft blue inner light.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:45 pm
by Stirling
McCloud will concur with the sentiments expressed by the other party members,

"seems our lost sheep have come under some delusion of sorts. Maybe this place is just too much for them. We have done our bit by guiding them to this haven, I say we rest them here and pray we too don't fall to such despair".

"Hmm a chapel eh, well every place of worship I ever went too surely had some offering plate somewhere..!", McCloud will check the backs of the pews for hidden caches', scrolls, books of interest. He'll start with the pews on the east side and work his way down to the communion rail first.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:26 pm
by saalaria
Or they could come in very useful as trap triggers - I say keep them with us! Skarlos would have wrestle with his conscience over it tho!

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:32 am
by Mondego
Quinn will check the area behind the alter, first testing the floor for any pit traps. Next he will inspect the two urns.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:50 am
by tkrexx
Urdak finally gets Tixs and Razluki shoved thru the small tunnel. He hoists them upright and dusts them off ineffectively. As he takes in the Chapel he grunts in appreciation that this room has pictures instead of words. He then will busy himself checking for irregularities in the stonework about the chamber.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:54 am
by Bhart
Stirling wrote:McCloud will concur with the sentiments expressed by the other party members,

"seems our lost sheep have come under some delusion of sorts. Maybe this place is just too much for them. We have done our bit by guiding them to this haven, I say we rest them here and pray we too don't fall to such despair".

"Hmm a chapel eh, well every place of worship I ever went too surely had some offering plate somewhere..!", McCloud will check the backs of the pews for hidden caches', scrolls, books of interest. He'll start with the pews on the east side and work his way down to the communion rail first.
The only thing you notice is that each of the pews has a hinged seat. The base of each pew is one large box, big enough to serve as a coffin.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:05 am
by Bhart
tkrexx wrote:Urdak finally gets Tixs and Razluki shoved thru the small tunnel. He hoists them upright and dusts them off ineffectively. As he takes in the Chapel he grunts in appreciation that this room has pictures instead of words. He then will busy himself checking for irregularities in the stonework about the chamber.
The stone work is pretty standard and the only point of interest that Urdak finds is on the south east corner. There is a 2' wide, 4' high stone block in the east wall. A narrow slot has been cut into it and a circle engraved above it.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:06 am
by Bhart
Mondego wrote:Quinn will check the area behind the alter, first testing the floor for any pit traps. Next he will inspect the two urns.
Quinn finds nothing behind the altar. The urns are identical, made of white ceramic and stoppered with a wooden plug. A band of brass seals the seam between the plug and the urn.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:22 am
by tkrexx
Hnf, the Dwarf's gravelly voice is heard grunting again. Halfn-Elfn Cloud, ya read, yeh? What zis read? He indicates the stone block nealy as tall as himself with the slot cut in.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:03 am
by saalaria
Skarlos grips his holy symbol, fully expecting undead to appear from somewhere very soon

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:06 pm
by Stirling
McCloud will check the wall, stonework and signs by Urdak.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:02 pm
by Alethan
Skiiratch makes sure his wand is ready, though he's not sure he wants to use it in such a confined space...

He stays towards the back of the room, eyeing the wooden pews carefully for movement.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:02 am
by saalaria
Skarlos casts Detect Traps and the walks around the whole room, not touching anything, just looking at everything to discern what features are traps.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:13 am
by Bhart
Hey guys,
Sorry that my posting has slowed. I've been presented with an opportunity to pick up new clients and advance my illustration career. It's an opportunity I just can't pass up. Unfortunately it is taking up all of my time outside of my day job. I've been trying to keep the games moving, but I'm failing.

I really enjoy playing on US and I do not want to abandon my games. So, for the next 2-3 weeks I think I will only be able to post 1-2 times per week max. IF this snail's pace is too slow and you want to leave the game, I understand. My hope is that most of you will be willing to ride it out until I can return to a more frequent posting schedule.

I would also be willing to turn the game over to anyone willing to take the GM seat. I can always start new ones when this project is over!

Thanks for your patience.


Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:38 am
by tkrexx
I can ride it out. This has been a remarkably fast-paced game thus far, no way could that last. Your handling and your game maps are top-notch and worth the wait.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:46 am
by Mondego
Bhart wrote:The stone work is pretty standard and the only point of interest that Urdak finds is on the south east corner. There is a 2' wide, 4' high stone block in the east wall. A narrow slot has been cut into it and a circle engraved above it.
Wary of opeing the urns, Quinn joins Urdak in investigating the abnormal section of wall.

OOC: How big is the circle? From the poem: THE WISE WILL NOT NEED SACRIFICE AUGHT BUT A LOOP OF MAGICAL METAL. If the size is right, my guess would be a magic ring. Unfortunately, Quinn doesn't have a magic ring. Can we loot one of our catatonic companions?

OOC2: No problem with a slower pace for a while. I am actually on vacation starting the end of this week so my ability to post will also be reduced.

Re: Finally Inside the Tomb

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:09 pm
by Stirling
"a magic key-ring", muses McCloud, "perhaps there'll be one in the offering plate when I find it?". McCloud will resume his search of the pew-coffins with some renewed fervour. After which, pending what he finds McCloud will take a look at the body on the floor,carefully searching through his rags and fingers for any hidden rings, keys left behind.