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Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:55 am
by Rukellian
Pyro, when you are ready, go ahead and roll for that important teleport, the CITY SAVING roll that could help wrap up the hero story arc for this game session.

Raven's efforts on the battlefield outside of Rook Industries' Power Plant, his efforts have helped push the battle to an eventual close. The guards protecting the walls are starting to regain their foothold and recognize that Raven is not attacking them, but attacking their enemy instead. The mutant army numbers have taken a huge hit, but they don't seem quite ready to retreat yet, a couple of boss-like soldiers still out on the field coordinating attacks.

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:39 pm
by MonkeyWrench
As a whole that is how I'm playing Raven, Elsa was really his only friend and as such he has been withdrawn from the group, only speaking when he needs too and such. This act of supposed suicide was something completely irrational, his luck really won out though.

My question was mainly to probe and see if the poison had any lasting effects.

Raven stands still for just a moment, surveying the large groupings of dead and blown over mutants, a radius of death caused by him. He gives himself a nod before flaring his wings out and pointing his sword towards the next mutant boss, looking as imposing as he can; running a short distance before his wings give a mighty flap to accelerate him to his target.

Sword Attack Initiative: [1d100] = 11, To Hit: [1d100] = 76

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:20 pm
by PyroArrow
Steven Sanderson [Flicker]:

Ok, looks like i attempt a teleport of the containment unit:

Teleportation [30]: [1d100] = 82

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:33 am
by Rukellian
With the coordinates of the teleportation location successfully inputted, Flicker aims carefully at the large humming tank of liquid and crystal, and then fires his disc gun! Within seconds it latches on to the glass shell and makes a distinct clicking sound. Some of the scientists in hazmat suits notice this new activity and look up from their holographic datapads. They don't have too much time to react to what happens next as the shrunken down Flicker pulls the trigger on the disc gun, initiating the teleportation sequence. What happens next, even Steve could not anticipate.

The whole room starts to shake and distort as the central ichnorite chamber slowly phases in and out of view. The heat significantly drops in the room and a whole bunch of sirens sound off throughout the power plant. The core room that Flicker is in flashes a red alert as the guards and scientists scramble to computers and room entrances, some of them mashing buttons on wall phones. The shouts are frenzied, full of panic, anger, and fear, fear of the current unknown taking place. The distortions in the room intensify as objects in view, persons moving left and right, start to waver in image. This chaotic scene lasts for no more than a minute.

Everything then stops. The teleportation completes. The ichnorite chamber is completely removed from the installation, and then, there is silence. The facility shuts down within an instant, no back-ups kick on, nothing, just silence and darkness....


On the battlefields outside of the power plant, the effects of the installations shutdown are felt immediately. The automatic wall turrets stop firing, the tower lights shut off, and the hum of background energy all but ceases. The mutant army looks up at the towers of the reactor and just stare, dumbfounded if that is what you can call the expressions on their faces right now. After a moment of this sudden silence, one of the boss type super mutants types something into its gauntlet. The whole army, follows its lead as it starts to retreat from the area. Raven gets an attack of opportunity from this sudden retreat and is able to slice his targeted boss successfully.

Professor Perryton and the others look at each other with looks of genuine surprise, smiles slowly starting to form on their faces. It is clear what they are all thinking, and even if it wasn't, SCAMP picks up on it all rather quickly. "We've just saved the whole city from a fate worse than nuclear destruction! We really are heroes!" The groups celebration is interrupted by an abrupt call on the Professor's smartphone. He answers it promptly and shakes his head every now, saying the appropriate 'yes's and 'we will's. He hangs up and then looks towards the group.

"We've all been invited to the capital building of Atlas City."


Flicker is still in the powered down power plant and the guard activity is on high alert now, dangerously so. How will you proceed Pyro?

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:00 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Raven stands in the now empty battlefield, dead mutants littering the ground all around him. He calmly cleans his sword using his pants leg and places the sword back into it's sheath.

He watches the power plant's power down defenses as well as the retreating mutant for a few moments more before flapping his wings and flying up to meet back with the others, grabbing his coat back and donning it once more to hide his wings from view.

"I think we won."

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:05 pm
by PyroArrow
Steve Sanderson [Flicker]:

I guess Steven will try to go back the way he got here, teleporting into the vent & taking different route out:

Teleportation [30]: [1d100] = 32

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:13 pm
by Rukellian
PyroArrow wrote:Steve Sanderson [Flicker]:

I guess Steven will try to go back the way he got here, teleporting into the vent & taking different route out:

Teleportation [30]: [1d100] = 32
The teleportation disc, upon firing it onto the vent, makes a loud clinking sound in the dead silence of the room. Every guard and scientist in the room is now looking at the vent that Flicker just teleported into. Laser lights from various rifles flood the vent's underside and orders are shouted to get the fan system back up and running.

Re: A city of wonders... and dangers! (hero arc)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:43 am
by PyroArrow
Steve Sanderson [Flicker]:

Flicker uses his teleport gun to teleport quickly to the end of a shaft he has not been down through, prior:

Teleport [30]: [1d100] = 28