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Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:35 am
by velkymx
Can we take some time to refresh our spells before we hit the town?

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:54 am
by Dune
ooc I second that when can we choose our new spells for the day?

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 11:53 am
by GreyWolfVT
You could refresh them if you ever rested for more than a sit down meal break.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:17 pm
by Dune
ooc yeah I don't think we've rested enough to get our spells back yet... :shock:

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:22 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Yes the campsite was raided only after maybe 3-4 hours of rest then you battled and packed up camp and started off on the road. Alanis might have studied one spell but you hadn't used any yet. Dune was on guard duty so he didn't even get to look at a spellbook or maybe he was looking and that is why the orcs attacked.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:22 pm
by Talmor
My memory of the rules are a bit fuzzy, and my PHB is at home right now. Do they require 8 hours of rest before they can memorize new spells, or just the time to actually memorize (I believe it's 10 mins per spell level, is that right?)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:23 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I'm not sure but there has really been no rest since before spells were used. So they haven't even had the chance until now. That is why I am trying to find out what the players are doing staying in this spot for a rest or continuing on? I'm also not going 100% by the PHB if anyone has read the posted house rules that would be mildly obvious. ;)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:42 pm
by max_vale
I'm no spell caster or anything; but I'd think a day/night with constant moving and a couple of adrenaline spiking and then crashing incidents like fights (or perceived fights like with the 4 guys just now) would be enough to make even hardy adventurer types pretty tired. I vote for resting for a good 8 hours. Just my two copper pieces! :)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:51 pm
by Talmor
I vote to power through it, but I see the virtue of getting our strength back. I leave it to the casters--are the willing to continue at half-power, or do they need a break.

Of course, I'm biased by I (Talmor, not Eirik) have the hardest time sleeping well during the day, and would generally just power through the day and sack at early the next night.

This probably won't be an option, so I'm cool with camping out here.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:20 pm
by ybn1197
I say we rest here for a good eight hours. I only had 2 cure spells and I used both of them on Dune, and that didn't heal him completely.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:01 pm
by Dogma
I'm good either way.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:05 pm
by GreyWolfVT
The group compromises and rests for a few hours (3-4) the spellcasters may get 2 spells back or learn 2 new spells from their spellbooks. Clerics can refresh their spell list as well by 2 spells. After that you all realize it is lunch time and eat some rations while getting back on the road and heading onward to Tragidore. Your travel is quite uneventful until you are able to see Tragidore off in the distance roughly a mile in the distance. When Theodore notices something. Sending a PM to Theodore ;)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:12 pm
by saalaria
Seconded Dogma!

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:16 pm
by Talmor
GreyWolfVT wrote:Your travel is quite uneventful until you are able to see Tragidore off in the distance roughly a mile in the distance. When Theodore notices something. Sending a PM to Theodore ;)
Eirik says Ah, finally, Tragidore! I bet it'll be smooth sailing from here!


Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:17 pm
by PyroArrow
Theodore Mumfordian (Half Sylvanian Wood-Elf) Ranger lvl:5 HP 21/21 AC 5):

Theodore motions for the party to halt & signals to be quite, then points to the brush about 50 yards away where figures can be seen watching in the direction of Tragidore.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:26 pm
by Talmor
Eirik mumbles under his breath of course, then crouches down behind the nearest bush, waiting for Theodore to do his Ranger-thing.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:17 am
by GreyWolfVT
Rephrasing my wording to the mages you if you are just renewing spells you spend can get 2 of whatever ones you want back. If you are relearning all of your spells then you can have new spells minus one.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:38 am
by Dune
Dune takes a look at the others and halts, crouches and gets ready to prepare a spell.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:01 pm
by saalaria
Gandrel also takes cover behind whatever bushes etc are available and keeps an eye on the figures. Can his sharp elf eyes pick out any further details?

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:55 pm
by Dogma
Thifli drops to a knee behind a shrub and sets an arrow to bow. These new folks could be more adventurers coming to help the city but it's just as likely they could be the cause of the city woes. Until they know more, he will err on the side of caution.